English: Mingle Media TV was invited to come out and cover the Red Carpet for the World Premiere of IRIS – A Journey Into The World of Cinema, by Cirque du Soleil at the Kodak Theatre.
A poetic phantasmagoria inspired by the world of cinema, IRIS presents an imaginary journey through the evolution of cinema – from the foundations of the art form to the bustle of the soundstage – through optical effects and film genres. IRIS transposes into a language of dance and acrobatics all of cinema’s splendor, inventiveness and, above all, its sense of wonder.
When the two young heroes – Buster and Scarlett – find themselves plunged into the joyful chaos of a film set, their escapades transport the spectator into a kaleidoscope of movement, moods and images supported by an orchestral score.
IRIS conjures up a place between motion and picture, light and sound that shifts constantly between reality and make-believe, to explore the limitless possibilities of cinema. By combining dance, acrobatics, live video, film footage and interactive projections, the show illustrates both the mechanics of cinema and its extraordinary power to deceive the eye.
About IRIS: Cirque du Soleil will present IRIS, a new major, resident production created exclusively for the Kodak Theatre at the Hollywood & Highland Center, home of the Academy Awards®. Proudly presented by Sun Life Financial, Tickets are available at cirquedusoleil.com or by calling 1-877-943-IRIS or online at www.cirquedusoleil/iris.
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