Afrikaans: Gedenkplaket vir Guglielmo Martinaglia (1860–1929) in die Sterkfonteingrotte.
Guglielmo Martinaglia (1860–1929)Gebore in Piedmont, Italië en oorlede in Suid-Afrika.Hierdie plaket is aangebring deur die Universiteit van die Witwatersrand Johannesburg, een honderd jaar na hy die ondergrondse grotte te Sterkfontein ontdek het. Volgend op sy oopmaak van hierdie grotte is fossielbene hierin ontdek deur 'n groep Maristebroers van Johannesburg in 1897 of 1898.Onthul deur die Vise-Kanselier26 Oktober 1996
English: Memorial to Guglielmo Martinaglia (1860–1929) in the Sterkfontein caves.
Guglielmo Martinaglia (1860–1929)Born in Piedmont, Italy and died in South Africa.This plaque has been erected by the University of the Witwatersrand Johannesburg, one hundred years after he discovered the underground caves of Sterkfontein. Following his opening of these caves, fossil bones were collected herein by a group of Marist brothers of Johannesburg in 1897 or 1898.Unveiled by the Vice-Chancellor26 October 1996
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