Text Appearing Before Image: Ghemr (Father of the Devil), chief of the HamadaB^edouins. The concentration of the troops took place at Hantub,near Woad Medineh. The march was forced and fatiguing, be-cause it was necessary, not only to proceed quickly, but also tosettle detachments in provisional fortifications. The zeal of thesoldiers was increased by offensive songs about the Ethiopian king.As soon as Moussa Pasha arrived at Om Derissa (on the road toGondar, in the Abu Ghemr country) he fortified himself on theriver Dender, and sent an ambassador to the King of Abyssinia;the Christian king did not answer, and then the expeditionaryarmy proceeded as far as Gellabat, whence other messages weresent; meanwhile the general, seeing the obstinate silence of theKassa, was taking measures for the invasion of the enemys terri-tory, when the news arrived of the death of Said Pasha and theadvent to the throne of Viceroy Ismail, in the year 1863 (1281,Hegira). A retreat was immediately decided upon ; it was full of long and Text Appearing After Image: MOUSSA PASHA. 17 fatiguing inarches; deficiency of food and water; deaths of sol-diers and camels ; there were no rivulets, not even a marsh ; andthe dead camels were disembowelled, so as to appease the thirst ofthe soldiers to some extent by the juices of the stomach. Three hours after midnight they reached the small river El-Ilahad; in seven days, El-Sufi Mekerebba; then a rest of threedays was granted, during which 101 gunshots were fired at thefive periods of the day—viz., Saljoh, Dohr, Assr, MagJirch, andUslia ; which mean daybreak, noon, afternoon, dusk, and evening. From El-Sufi he sent a detachment of soldiers to scour thecountry of Omar (son of King Nemr, the murderer of IsmailPasha) ; the land was devastated, but Omar saved himself byflight, and the booty was, as usual, divided amongst the troops. The small-pox having invaded the expeditionary army, MoussaPasha ordered the battalions to return to the places which theyhad respectively occupied before the war: he himself sta
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