Text Appearing Before Image: Because Veto says Wto Off ending c ilp - Ill nil B«ill!»l* C «!■null % l lilur leteogr mil Veto says no wflMfeAAOMwi wovm, cmimeb/ Soft as a caress . . /exciting . . . new—Veto is Colgateswonderful cosmetic deodorant. Always creamy, alwayssmooth, Veto is lovely to use, keeps you lovely all day! Veto stopsunderarm odor instantly . . . checks perspirationeffectively. And Veto lasts and lasts—from bath to bath! With Vetoyou feel confident . . . sure of exquisite daintiness. Text Appearing After Image: Veto says no- Zfr/fuVimMia JA So effective . . . yet so gentle—Colgates lovely,new cosmetic deodorant, Veto, is harmless to any normal skin.Harmless,too, even to your filmiest, your most fragile fabrics.For Veto alone contains Duratex, Colgates exclusive ingredientto make Veto safer. No other deodorant can be like Veto!So trust always to Veto—if you value your charm! TRUST ALWAYS TO VETO IF YOU VALUE YOUR CHARM! LADIES HOME JOURNAL 111 (Continued from Page 109)jaining. Our universities (or institutes ofchnology) have the responsibility of pro-rding education for the men and womenho have the capacity for this type of intel-I ctual work. It is essential for the future ofie nation that those who enter these in-itutions of advanced education should beie most promising who can be found. Pro-ssional education is expensive, Whetherie funds come from private philanthropy,ie individual students or the taxpayer, welould see that they are well spent. Thisleans not only effective teaching, bu
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