Text Appearing Before Image: sees : LEHN <fc FINK, NEW YORK. ^iuuuumuimuiuuuiumuiuiuituiuuuuiui; Horace Tracy Hanks, M.D., Memoer of the Co. Med. Soc.,N. Y. State Med. Soc, N. Y. Academy of Medicine, N. Y. Obstet-rical Society, etc.. Surgeon Womans Hospital. I want to call attention to j^ysol, which I believe in a one-per-cent. solution is a much better antiseptic to handle thancarbolic acid or mercuric bi-chloride. It is something likecreolin. It mixes with water. A one per cent, solution is amplysufficient to cleanse the hands, and a one-halt per cent, solu-tion is strong enough for vaginal injection. It is soothing tothe hands, when not too strong, and costs less than carbolicacid. I have used it for some months, and have used it to theexclusion of other germicides in seven laparotomies duringthe last four weeks; in each case my patients have done well.—Transactions of the New York Obstetrical Society, StatedMeeting, Feb. i6, 1892.—iV. Y. Journ. Cyn. & Obstetrics, An IdealDisinfectantand Antiseptic. Text Appearing After Image: IV THE MEDICAL AND SURGICAL REPORTER. Tbis is pot ZiT) Apology, Washington, D. C„ July 28th, 1893. I had stopped the further issue of my circular letter of May 15th, as Messrs. Parke, Davis & Co. hadinformed me that they would cease the sale of their so-called Cerebrin under my name. But as they haveseen fit to publish in the medical journals, as an advertisement, under the heading of An apology, a tirade ofabuse, almost every line of which expresses a falsehood, additional notice of these people seems to be requisite.jjlli^o/fl III this screed they give it as their opinion that my opinions are of no value. This is a point that I maywell be excused from discussing; but as the second-named member of the firm in question, and the one who Iunderstand is mainly responsible for the policy of his concern, is the publisher of two books of mine, SpinalIrritation and Sexual Impotence, both of which he has lauded to the profession in what I must confess tobe rather fulsome language, he is
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