Text Appearing Before Image: ls. The ceilings are separated into panels by wide ornamentalmoldings, and the panels are decorated with narrow moldingsand rosettes. The bases of the walls are buff Norman brick.Above this is glass tile or glazed tile, and above the tile is afaience or tcrra-cotta cornice. Ceramic mosaic is used fordecorative panels, friezes, pilasters and name tablets. A differ-ent decorative treatment is used at each station, including adistinctive color scheme. At some stations the number of theintersecting street or initial letter of the street name is shownon conspicuous plaques, at other sta-^ tions the number or letter is in the * panel. At some stations artistic em- blems have been used in the schemeof decoration, as at Astor Place, thebeaver; at Columbus Circle, the greatnavigators Caravel; at 116th Street,the seal of the near-by Columbia Uni-versity. The walls above the corniceand the ceilings are finished in whiteKeene cement. The ticket booths are of oak,with bronze window grills and fit- Text Appearing After Image: lLAN OF BROOKLYN BRIDGE STATION AND CITY HALL LOOP the viaduct, but the ticket booths and toilet rooms are on thesurface. The viaduct at this point is about 68 ft. above thesurface, and escalators are provided. At many of the stationsentrances have been arranged from the adjacent buildings, inaddition to the entrances originally planned from the street. The entrances to the underground stations are enclosed atthe street by kiosks of cast iron and wire glass, as shownin the view on page 464, and vary in number from two to eightat a station. The stairways are of concrete, reinforced bytwisted steel rods. At 168th Street, at 181st Street, and at MottAvenue, where the platforms are from 90 ft. to 100 ft. belowthe surface, elevators are provided. At twenty of the underground stations it has been possibleto use vault lights to such an extent that very little artificiallight is needed. Such artificial light as is required is suppliedby incandescent lamps sunk in the ceilings. Provision hasbe
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