Text Appearing Before Image: t you promised. The Qvieen was terrified, and offered the little Man all thewealth of the kingdom if he would let her keep the child. Butthe Mannikin said, No ; I would rather have some livingthing than all the treasures of the world. Then the Queenbegaii to moan and weep to such an extent that the little Manfelt sorry for her. I will give you three days, said he, andif within that time you discover my name you shall keep thechild. Then during the night the Queen called to mind all thenames that she had ever heard, and sent a messenger all overthe country to inquire far and wide what other names therewere. When the little Man came on the next day, she beganwith Caspar, Melchoir, Balzer, and mentioned all the nameswhich she knew, one after the other ; but at every one thelittle Man said : ^^ ; thats not my name. The second day she had inquiries made all round theneighbourhood for the names of people living there, andsuggested to the little Man all the most vmusual and strangenames, 135 Text Appearing After Image: Kouiul tlie lire an indescribably ridiculous little man was leaping, liojiiung:ou one leg, and singing. RUIMPELSTILTSKIN Perhaps your name is Cowribs, Spindleshanks, orSpiderlegs ? But he answered every time, No ; thats not my name.On the third day the messenger came back and said : Ihavent been able to find any new names, but as I came roundthe corner of a wood on a lofty mountain, where the Fox saysgood-night to the Hare, I saw a little house, and in front of thehouse a fire was burning ; and around the fire an indescribablyridiculous little man was leaping, hopping on one leg, andsinging : To-day I bake ; to-morrow I brew my beer;The next day I will bring the Queens child here.Ah ! lucky tis that not a soul doth knowThat Runipelstiltskin is my name, ho ! ho I Then you can imagine how delighted the Queen was whenshe heard the name, and when presently afterwards the littleMan came in and asked, Now, your Majesty, what is myname ? at first she asked : Is your name Tom ? No. Is It Dick
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Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.
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