Text Appearing Before Image: Here are soldiers, so I judge. They are dressed in every style ofhybrid costume. One, in a broadcloth suit, finishes with bare headand clogs on the feet. Another has a foreign cap, but a Japanese suit.This man has on a pair of cowhide boots, against which his kilt flapsungracefully, reminding one of an American tycoon going to the wellto draw water. This one has a zouave jacket and native kilt. Thesoldiers look as if they had just sacked New York, and begun onChatham Street. The braves have a brace of stabbing tools stuck intheir belt. They are the two-sworded men, and insolent, swaggeringbullies many of them are. As they pass the foreigner, they give himblack scowls for a welcome. They are chiefly the retainers of the dai-mios of Tosa, Satsuma, Choshiu, and Hizen, and are pride-swollen withvictory over the rebels at Wakamatsu and Hakodate. It is ticklish towalk among so many armed fellows who seem to be spoiling for for-eign blood. Japanese swords are quickly drawn, and are sharp. No Text Appearing After Image: IN TOKIO, TEE EASTERN CAPITAL. 369 true man is really afraid when his enemy attacks in front; but to becut down by a coward from behind! The thought makes my marrowcurdle. With these foolish thoughts, I pass along for about a mileunscathed, for I have not yet learned the Japanese, and have read Al-cock. I arrive at the place renowned in all Japan. The Romans hadtheir golden mile-stone, whence all distances throughout the empirewere measured. Here, in the heart of Tokio, is Nihon Bashi (Bridgeof Japan), whence, so it is said, all the great roads of the empire aremeasured. I had heard of it in America. All rural Japanese knowof it. All expect, wdthout warrant, to see a splendid bridge, and allare disappointed. It is a hump-backed wooden structure, a crazy massof old fire-wood. It is lined on either side with loathsome beggars,asleep, gambling, playing, or begging. Mendicant priests in rags chantdoleful prayers, pound stiff drums shaped like battledores. The vend-ers of all kinds of tras
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Nihon Bashi in Tōkiō. The Kosatsu. The Castle and Mount Fuji in the Distance. (From a drawing by Nankoku Ōzawa.)