Text Appearing Before Image: udes. Its inspiring scenery embraces alake of intensely cold pure water, and of great depth and elevationabove the sea-level, groves of aromatic pines of colossal size, savagegorges, sublime mountain heights, overcrowned by cloud-excelling Fuji,foaming cataracts, and boiling springs of intermittent and rhythmicflow, surrounded by infernal vistas of melted sulphur enveloped inclouds of poisonous steam, or incrusted with myriad glistening crys-tals of the same mineral. Over these mountains there is a narrowpass, which is the key of the Kuanto. Near the pass, above the vil- or dead. Masagos father, on his way home from Kioto, not knowing of the be-trothal of the 3oung eonplc, promised Masago to Kanetaka, aTaira officer. Oneoming home, he would not break ?iu word, and so married her to Kanetaka.But early on the wedding night Masago eloped with Yoritomo, who was at hand.Kanetaka searched in vain for the pair. Tokimasa outwardly professed to bevery angry with Yoritomo, but really loved him. Text Appearing After Image: TOBITOJIO AXJ) THE MTNAMOTO FAMILY. 131 lage of Yumoto, is Islii Bashi Yama (Stone-bridge Mountain), andhere Yoritomos second battle was fought, and his first defeat experi-enced. Every time his bowstring twanged an enemy fell, but final-ly he was obliged to flee. He barely escaped with his life, and fort-unately eluded pursuit, secreting himself in a hollow log, having firstsent his father-in-law to call out all his retainers and meet again. Heafterward hid in the priests wardrobe, in one of the rooms of a tem-ple. Finally, reaching the sea-shore, he took ship and sailed acrossthe bay to Awa. At this time the sea and land were covered withhis enemies. Fortune favored the brave. Yoritomo, defeated, butnot discouraged, while on the water met a company of soldiers, allequipped, belonging to the Miura clan, who became his friends, andoffered to assist him. Landing in Awa, he sent out letters to all theMinamoto adherents to bring soldiers and join him. He met withencouraging and substanti
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