Text Appearing Before Image: B UP HO RBI A GE^. 189 VI. DICHAPETALUM SEEIES. Dichapetalum (Chailletia) toxicariwn. Dichapetalum'^ (figs. 221-225), long designated under tlie name of Chailletia, and of which, a distinct family has been made, because the flowers are often hermaphrodite, must be considered as the ^highest in organisation of the Eu- phorhiacece with biovulate oyary cells. They are sometimes polygamous. In those flowers which combine both sexes a receptacle is seen (frequently convex), bearing a double perianth, an isostemonous androceum and a superior gynseceum. The calyx is formed of five unequal sepals, free or united below, quinouncially im- bricated, larger and more mem- branous, as they are more iaterior in prsefloration, and the corolla, of five alternate petals, more or less deeply divided above into two spoon- or hood-shaped lobes, slightly imbri- cated or induplicate in the bud. The androceum is formed of five sta- mens, alternate with the petals, and with a like number of hypogynous glands, free or united, usually bifid. Each stamen is composed of an hypo- gynous filament and an anther, the two introrse cells of which, dehis- cing longitudinally, are applied on the internal surface of a thick, glandular, coloured connective. The gynseceum is composed of an ovary with two or three cells, surmounted by a style divided Text Appearing After Image: Fis. 221. Floriferous branch. 1 Dup.-Th. Nov. Gen. et Spec. 78 (1806).— H. Bn. in Adamonia, xi. 102, t. 9, fig. 7-9.— teueoaia Dup.-Th. cip. eit. 79.—SymphylUmthm Vahi, in Naturist. Selsh. -vi. 86 (1810).— Chailletia DC. in Ann. Mm. xvii. (1811), 153, t. 1, fig. 1 ; Frodr. ii. 57.—Tubp. in Diet. Sc. Nat. Atl. t. 247.—Endl. Q-m. n. 5758.—B. H. Gtn. 341, n. 1.—H. Bn. in Fayer Fam. Nat. 307.—Moaeurra EoxB. Fk Ind. ii. 69.—H. Bn. M. Gen. Fuphorbiac. 587.—M. Arg. in DC. Prodr. XV. p. ii. 227.—f Quilesia Blanco, Fl. de Filipp. 176.—Mutates Boland. MSS (ex. R. Bn. Congo, 442).— Walhenbergia E. Br. in Wall. Cat. n. 4332 (nee Bl. nee Sohuad. nee Schum.).— Flappertia Beichb. Consp. u. 3824 (ex Endl.).
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