English: Figure 1 A–J. FE-SEM images of HcDNAV particles and virus-infected Heterocapsa circularisquama cells. (K) A lysed entire cell of H. circularisquama at 5 dpi; the cell shape is apparently different from (C). Note that both cytoplasmic organelles (o) and viroplasm (v) are visible. (L) Higher magnification of the white-lined square area in (K), showing virus particles in the viroplasm. Note that many virus particles do not completely form icosahedral shapes (i.e., deformed shape), but are equipped with the protrusion at candidates for the vertex, and that fibrous materials (arrowheads) are also present. (M) Higher magnification of the black-and-white dashed lined square area in (K), showing close-up of immature virus particles in the viroplasm. Abbreviations, m: mucilage excreted from the host cell, o: cytoplasmic organelles, s: body scales of the host cell, characterizing H. circularisquama, v: viroplasm.
Yoshihito Takano, Yuji Tomaru, Keizo Nagasaki / Viruses 2018. doi:10.3390/v10100554. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License
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