Diskussion:Tommy Farr
Telegraph-Journal (New Brunswick, Canada) - 22nd July 1937
'I got me first licking when I was the bully of a travelling carnival, taking on all comers, fighting three times a night and six nights a week. One night there comes a chap dressed up fit to kiII - morning coat, silk topper, gold-headed cane, gloves and monocle. He moved up to the platform and said: 'I fawncy you,' which means he challenged me. Everybody hooted as he folded his clothes in a pile as neat as you ever could see. But the bloke whipped me so I couldn't see. I learned his name was Hopkins Davis, Esquire, but I never saw him again, thank heaven.'
- Tommy Farr
Is there any further proof to this. Any idea whether Hopkins Davis might be known somewhere for boxing --Leander Sukov (Diskussion) 23:34, 1. Dez. 2024 (CET)