Die Lees Knowles Lectures sind eine öffentliche Vorlesungsreihe für Militärgeschichte am Trinity College der University of Cambridge.
BearbeitenSie wurde 1912 zur Förderung der Militärwissenschaften gegründet und richtet sich in erster Linie an Militär-, Politik- und Sozialhistoriker, aber auch an eine breitere Öffentlichkeit. Gründer war der britische Militärhistoriker Lees Knowles. Es waren bedeutende britische Persönlichkeiten in Cambridge zu Gast, anfangs vor allem Offizier, heute überwiegend Marine- und Militärhistoriker. Zu Beginn des 20. Jahrhunderts unregelmäßig, finden seit den 1970er Jahren die Lesungen zweijährlich statt. Erster Lecturer war Sir Julian Corbett (1915).
Bearbeiten- 1915: Sir Julian Corbett: The Great War after Trafalgar
- 1922: Colonel Maxwell Earle: The principal strategical problems affecting the British Empire
- 1923: Colonel Maxwell Earle: The principles of war
- 1924: Colonel M.A. Wingfield: The eight principles of war as exemplified in the Palestine campaign, 1915–1918
- 1924: Lieutenant Colonel F.P. Nosworthy: Russia before, during and after the Great War
- 1925: Major General Sir Frederick Maurice: Statesmen and soldiers in the American civil war
- 1927: Major General Sir Wilkinson Bird: Some early crises of the war, and the events leading up to them: Western Front 1914
- 1928: Major General Sir George Aston: Problems of empire defence
- 1929: A.R. Hinks: Frontiers and boundary delimitations
- 1930: William Woodthorpe Tarn: Hellenistic military developments
- 1931: Admiral Sir Herbert Richmond: Capture at sea in war
- 1932: Captain Basil Liddell Hart: The movement of military thought from the eighteenth to the twentieth century, and its influence on European history
- 1933: John Buchan, 1. Baron Tweedsmuir: Oliver Cromwell as a soldier
- 1934: Air Commodore Lionel Charlton: Military aeronautics applied to modern warfare
- 1936: C.R.M.F. Cruttwell: The role of British strategy in the Great War
- 1937: General Sir Edmund Ironside, 1. Baron Ironside: British military history from 1899 to the present
- 1939: General Sir Archibald Wavell, 1. Earl Wavell: Generalship
- 1940: General Sir Frederick Maurice: Public opinion in war
- 1941: Captain Cyril Falls: The nature of modern warfare
- 1942: Major General Sir George Lindsay: War on the civil and military fronts
- 1946: Colonel A.H. Burne: Military strategy as exemplified in World War II
- 1947: Air Marshal Arthur Tedder, 1. Baron Tedder: Air power in modern warfare
- 1948: Admiral Sir William James: The influence of sea power upon the history of the British people
- 1949: Sir Ronald Weeks: Organisation and equipment for war
- 1950: Sir Henry Tizard: The influence of war on science
- 1951: General Sir William Platt: The campaign against Italian East Africa, 1940–1 / Captain G.H. Roberts: The battles of the Atlantic
- 1952: Air Chief Marshal Sir Roderic Hill: Some human factors in war
- 1953: Sir Fitzroy Maclean: Irregular warfare
- 1954: General Sir Brian Horrocks: Are we training for the last war?
- 1956: Patrick Maynard Stuart Blackett: Atomic weapons, 1945–1955
- 1957: John Ehrman: Cabinet government and war, 1890–1940
- 1958: Field Marshal John Harding, 1. Baron Harding of Petherton: Mediterranean strategy in the 2nd World War / Sir Leslie Rowan: Arms and economics: the changing challenge
- 1960: Captain Stephen Roskill: Maritime strategy in the twentieth century
- 1961: Field Marshal William Slim, 1. Viscount Slim: The military mind and the spirit of an army
- 1962: Lieutenant General Sir John Winthrop Hackett Junior: The profession of arms
- 1963: Noble Frankland: The strategic air offensive
- 1965: Sir Solly Zuckerman: Science and military affairs
- 1966: Michael Howard: Conduct of British strategy in the 2nd World War
- 1968: Reginald Victor Jones: Command
- 1969: Alastair Buchan: The changing functions of military force in international politics
- 1970: Geoffrey Best: Conscience and the conduct of war, from the French Revolution through the Franco-Prussian war
- 1971: Harry Hinsley: War and the development of the international system
- 1972: John Erickson: Soviet soldiers and Soviet society
- 1973: Piers Mackesy: Problems of an amphibious power 1795–1808
- 1974: Donald Cameron Watt: European armed forces and the approach of the 2nd World War 1933–39 / Hermann Bondi: Science and defence
- 1975: R.L. Clutterbuck: Guerilla warfare and political violence
- 1977: Christopher Thorne: Anglo-American relations and war against Japan 1941–45
- 1979: Field Marshal Michael Carver, Baron Carver: Apostles of mobility
- 1981: Laurence Martin: Evolution of nuclear strategic doctrine since 1945
- 1983: Alistair Horne: The French army and politics 1870–1970
- 1985: Geoffrey Parker: European warfare 1520–1660
- 1986: John Keegan: Some fallacies of military history
- 1989: Alan K. Bowman: Vindolanda and the Roman Army: New documents from the northern frontier
- 1990: Maurice Keen: English military experience, c.1340 – c.1450
- 1992: William Hardy McNeill: Dance, drill and bonding in human affairs
- 1995: Hew Strachan: The politics of the British Army 1815–1914
- 1996: Field Marshal Sir Peter Inge, Baron Inge: Military force in a changing world
- 1998: Keith Jeffery: ‘For the freedom of small nations’: Ireland and the Great War
- 2000: Brian Bond: Britain and the First World War: The challenge to historians
- 2002: Antony Beevor: The experience of war
- 2004: David Parrott: War, Armies, and Politics in Early Modern Europe: The Military Devolution, 1560–1660
- 2006: Ben Shephard: What Makes a Soldier? And What Does Not?
- 2008: Peter Paret: 1806: The Cognitive Challenge of War
- 2010: Andrew Roberts: The creation of Anglo-American grand strategy 1941–45 / Nicholas Rodger: The British Navy in the Second World War / Richard Overy: Air Power in the Second World War: A War Winner? / Max Hastings: The British Army in the Second World War
- 2012: Amir Weiner: Total War: The Soviet Union and the Eastern Front in a Comparative Framework
- 2014: Ahmed Rashid / Sir Sherard Cowper-Coles / Rory Stewart / Anatol Lieven: 'Games Great and Small: Afghanistan in the Modern World'
- 2016: James Howard-Johnston: The Byzantine Art of War
Siehe auch
Bearbeiten- Brian Bond: The Unquiet Western Front. Britain's Role in Literature and History. Cambridge University Press, New York 2004, ISBN 0-521-80995-9, S. 105 ff.