What is this?


This list is automatically generated from Wikidata entries that I care about and help to embed in the right context on various levels (geographically, politically, communications, transport, historically, etc). This is NOT intended to become an article in this Wikipedia edition, but it might help to find redundancies, missing articles, inconsistencies or the like. Editing this list (other than the query) is pointless, as ListeriaBot will overwrite changes with current data from Wikidata. So please head over to Wikidata (item column) if you find something here that you can help to translate, link, correct or complement and everyone will benefit from that.

I do think that lists of foreign elements in local language might be better maintained via such a mechanism, so if you want to supplement or replace outdated lists on this topic, a Wikidata list like this might be an option or a good copy and paste source for you. But as I'm not aware of all local policies, I would be happy to support native users of this Wikipedia edition.

This list might exist in some these other Wikipedia editions on my user space.

  German • Low German • English • French • Dutch • Catalan • Spanish • Estonian

You might find similar lists in my local user space.

I hope this doesn't violate any of the local policies in this Wikipedia Edition. If you have a suggestion how I can improve this, please don't hesitate to drop me a line.

Aeroid (talk) 12:03, 26 November 2015 (UTC)

Wikidata List


Diese Liste wird periodisch von Wikidata aus durch diesen Bot automatisch generiert. Manuelle Bearbeitungen werden beim nächsten Update gelöscht!

label description ist ein(e) Bild Logo Veröffentlichungsdatum Datum der Einstellung, Beendigung, Auflassung Hersteller CPU Betriebssystem Speicherkapazität Commons-Kategorie item
Amiga 1000 Personal Computer der Amiga-Reihe Computertyp
1985 1987 Commodore International Motorola 68000 AmigaOS 256 Amiga 1000 Q471089
Amiga 500 Heimcomputer Computertyp
1987 1991 Commodore International Motorola 68000 AmigaOS Amiga 500 Q384656
Amiga 2000 Heimcomputer Computertyp
1987 1991 Commodore International Motorola 68000 AmigaOS Amiga 2000 Q471102
Amiga 2500 Computertyp 1989 1990 Commodore International Motorola 68000er-Familie
Motorola 68030
Motorola 68020
UNIX System V
Amiga 2500UX Computertyp 1989 1990 Commodore International Motorola 68030 AMIX Q3614289
Amiga 3000UX Computertyp
1990 1992 Commodore International Motorola 68030 AmigaOS
Amiga 3000 Heimcomputerserie von Commodore ab 1990 bis 1992 Computertyp
1990 1992 Commodore International Motorola 68030 AmigaOS 2 Amiga 3000 Q471127
Amiga 1500 Computertyp 1990 1991 Commodore International Motorola 68000 AmigaOS Q2734779
Amiga 3000T Computertyp
1991 1992 Commodore International Motorola 68030
Motorola 68040
Amiga 500 Plus Computertyp
1991 1992 Commodore International Motorola 68000 AmigaOS Amiga 500 Plus Q512646
CDTV Spielkonsole von Commodore Computertyp
home video game console model
1991-03 1993 Commodore International Motorola 68000 AmigaOS Commodore CDTV Q955368
Amiga 4000 Computertyp 1992 1994 Commodore International Motorola 68EC030
Motorola 68LC040
Motorola 68040
AmigaOS Amiga 4000 Q471144
Amiga 600 Heimcomputer Computertyp
1992 1993 Commodore International Motorola 68000 AmigaOS Amiga 600 Q471158
Amiga 1200 Heimcomputer Computertyp
1992-10 1996-07 Commodore International Motorola 68EC020 AmigaOS Amiga 1200 Q471094
Amiga 4000T Computertyp
1994 1997 Commodore International Motorola 68040 AmigaOS Amiga 4000T Q1972657
Amiga Walker Computertyp Escom Motorola 68030 Q4746205
Ende der automatisch generierten Liste.