'''svg datei mit der funktionalitaet von xfig'''
import os, sys, textwrap, unicodedata
from math import atan2, copysign, cos, pi, sin, sqrt
from py2or3 import UserDict
from matfunc2 import Vec, cumtest # Vec fuer Bezier, Oval,RechterWinkel, Winkel
svgids = [] # benutzte oids
floatfmt = '%1.4f'
def wrap( txt ):
return textwrap.fill(
txt, width=78,
subsequent_indent=' ', break_long_words=False,
# defaults:
expand_tabs=True, replace_whitespace=True,
drop_whitespace=True, initial_indent='',
).strip() + '\n'
def char( name ):
'''namen gibt gnome-characters: thin space, hair space, middle dot
https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unicodeblock_Mathematische_Operatoren etc
oft = { "'": u'\u02bc', # Modifier Letter Apostrophe
'"': u'\u02ee', # Modifier Letter Double Apostrophe
' ': u'\u200a', # Hair Space
'spherical angle': '\u2222', 'arc': '\u2312',
'angle': '\u2220', 'right angle': '\u299c',
'rectangle': '\u25ad', 'circle': '\u2b58', 'square': '\u25a1',
'sun': '\u2609', 'ellipse': '\u2b2d', 'corner': '\u23a1',
'line': '\u23bb', 'zigzag': '\u299a', 'spiral': '\u1aa4',
'pentagon': '\u2b20', 'oval': '\u1b75', 'bezier': '\u0cee',
'marker': '\u2197', # north east arrow
'text': '\u2026', # ...
'parallel': '\u2225', 'approx': '\u2248', 'equiv': '\u2263',
'cdot': unicodedata.lookup( 'Black Slightly Small Circle' ),
'top': '\u142a', 'infty': '\u221e',
'C': '\u2102', 'N': '\u2115', 'Q': '\u211a', 'R': '\u211d',
'Z': '\u2124', 'defs': '\u225d'
if name.lower() in oft:
ans = oft[ name.lower() ]
nok = 1
ans = unicodedata.lookup( name )
nok = 0
if nok:
ans = unicodedata.lookup( 'greek small letter %s'%name )
return ans
class SvgCodes:
"analog xfig-Codes, siehe auch https://www.farb-tabelle.de"
SIGN='' # erstes zeichen in id
LOOP=[ 0, 1, 12, 33, 4, 21, 27, 2, 11, 32, 24, 15, 1, 31, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,
10, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 22, 23, 25, 26, 28, 29, 30 ]
'GREEN':2, 'GREEN2':12,'GREEN3':13,'GREEN4':14,
'CYAN':3, 'CYAN2':15,'CYAN3':16,'CYAN4':17,
'RED':4, 'RED2':18,'RED3':19,'RED4':20,
'YELLOW':6, 'GOLD':31, 'LILA': 32, 'ORANGE': 33, 'GELBORANGE': 34,
'BEIGE': 35, 'PURPLE': 36 }
PEN={ 0: "black", # black
1: "blue", # blue
2: "green", # green
3: "cyan", # cyan
4: "red", # red
5: "magenta", # magenta
6: "yellow", # yellow
7: "white", # white
8: "cornflowerblue", # blue2 cornflowerblue
9: "#0000d0", # blue3
10: "#0000b0", # blue4
11: "lightblue", # ltblue
12: "#8fff0e", # green2 gelbgruen
13: "#00d000", # green3
14: "#00b800", # green4
15: "#00d0d0", # cyan2
16: "#00b0b0", # cyan3
17: "#009090", # cyan4
18: "#ff4500", # red2 orangerot
19: "#d00000", # red3
20: "#b00000", # red4
21: "#d000d0", # magenta2
22: "#b000b0", # magenta3
23: "#900090", # magenta4
24: "brown", # brown
25: "#a04000", # brown2
26: "#803000", # brown3
27: "pink", # pink
28: "#ffc0c0", # pink2
29: "#ffa0a0", # pink3
30: "#ff8080", # pink4
31: "gold", # gold
32: "#a020f0", # lila
33: "orange", # orange
34: "#ffb90f", # gelborange darkgoldenrod1
35: "#ceb673", # beige
36: "purple", # violett
DASH={ 0: "", 1: "40 40", 2: "10 30", 3: "30 15 10 15" }
# Text
FONT={ 'Default font': -1, 'Times Roman': 0, 'Times Italic': 1,
'Times Bold': 2, 'Times Bold Italic': 3, 'AvantGarde Book': 4,
'AvantGarde Book Oblique': 5, 'AvantGarde Demi': 6,
'AvantGarde Demi Oblique': 7, 'Bookman Light': 8,
'Bookman Light Italic': 9, 'Bookman Demi': 10,
'Bookman Demi Italic': 11, 'Courier': 12, 'Courier Oblique': 13,
'Courier Bold': 14, 'Courier Bold Oblique': 15,
'Helvetica': 16, 'Helvetica Oblique': 17, 'Helvetica Bold': 18,
'Helvetica Bold Oblique': 19, 'Helvetica Narrow': 20,
'Helvetica Narrow Oblique': 21, 'Helvetica Narrow Bold':22,
'Helvetica Narrow Bold Oblique': 23,
'New Century Schoolbook Roman': 24,
'New Century Schoolbook Italic': 25,
'New Century Schoolbook Bold': 26,
'New Century Schoolbook Bold Italic': 27,
'Palatino Roman': 28, 'Palatino Italic':29, 'Palatino Bold': 30,
'Palatino Bold Italic': 31, 'Symbol': 32,
'Zapf Chancery Medium Italic': 33, 'Zapf Dingbats': 34 }
def getColor( self, code ):
'gibt die farbe code, wenn es sie gibt'
lt = str( code ).upper()
if lt == 'NONE':
ans = 'none'
elif lt in self.COLOR:
ans = self.PEN[ self.COLOR[ lt ] ]
elif code in self.PEN:
ans = self.PEN[ code ]
elif ( lt[ 0 ] == '#'
and len( lt ) == 7
and all( [ s in '0123456789ABCDEF' for s in lt[ 1: ] ] ) ):
ans = code
raise ValueError( 'Farbe "%s" nicht erkannt'%code )
return ans
def getLineStyle( self, code ):
'versucht linestyle code zu erkennen'
lt = str( code ).upper()
if lt == 'SOLID':
ans = None
elif lt in self.LINESTYLE.keys():
ans = self.DASH[ self.LINESTYLE[ lt ] ]
elif code in self.DASH.keys():
ans = self.DASH[ code ]
ans = '%s'%( ' '.join( map( str, code ) ) )
return ans
def getSplineType( self, code ):
"Art des splines"
st = str( code ).upper()
ans = None
if st in self.SPLINE.keys():
ans = self.SPLINE[ st ]
st = int( st )
if st in self.SPLINE.values():
ans = st
if ans == None:
raise ValueError( 'SubType "%s" not in %s'%( code,
self.SPLINE ) )
return ans
def getOrientation( self, code ):
orientation = code.capitalize()
if not orientation in self.ORIENTATION:
raise ValueError( 'Orientation "%s" not in %s'%(
orientation, self.ORIENTATION ) )
return orientation
def getJustification( self, code ):
just = code.capitalize()
if just in self.JUSTIFICATION:
elif just == 'Flush left':
just = 'Flush Left'
raise ValueError( 'Justifikation "%s" not in %s'%(
just, self.JUSTIFICATION ) )
return just
def name( self ):
return ( str( self.__class__ )
.replace( '__main__.', '' )
.replace( '<class', '' )
.replace( '>', '' )
.replace( "'", '' )
def __lt__( a, b ):
return False
class SvgObjekt( SvgCodes, UserDict ):
'Objekt mit typ und evtl id'
def __init__( self, typ='', oid='' ):
global svgids
UserDict.__init__( self, { 'typ': typ } )
if not oid:
oid = self.name()
nr = 0
ori = oid = self.noApostroph( oid )
while oid in svgids:
nr += 1
oid = '%s-%d'%( ori, nr )
svgids.append( oid )
self[ 'oid' ] = oid
def noApostroph( self, txt ):
'ersetzt " durch alternative'
return ( txt.replace( "''", char( '"' ) )
.replace( '"', char( '"' ) )
.replace( "'", char( "'" ) ) )
def svgCode( self ):
'gibt style'
typ = self[ 'typ' ]
#print( 'SvgObjekt.svgCode %s %s'%( self.name(), self[ 'id' ] ) )
if typ == 'linearGradient':
txt = '\n<%s '%typ
txt = '\n<%s '%typ.lower()
return txt + 'id="%s"\n'%self[ 'oid' ]
class Kommentar( SvgObjekt ):
'ein Kommentar'
def __init__( self, text='' ):
SvgObjekt.__init__( self, typ='Kommentar', oid='Kommentar' )
self.text = text
def svgCode( self ):
return wrap( '<!-- %s -->\n'%self.text )
class Primitive( SvgObjekt ):
'''Graphisches objekt mit typ, id, x0, opacity und
transformationen translate, rotate, scale
def __init__( self, typ='', oid='', x0='',
opacity='', fillopacity='', strokeopacity='',
matrix='', translate='', rotate='', scale='' ):
SvgObjekt.__init__( self, typ, oid )
self[ 'x0' ] = x0
if not opacity in ( '', 1 ):
self[ 'opacity' ] = opacity
if not fillopacity in ( '', 1 ):
self[ 'fill-opacity' ] = fillopacity
if not strokeopacity in ( '', 1 ):
self[ 'stroke-opacity' ] = strokeopacity
if matrix in ( '', [], () ):
if not translate in ( '', ):
self[ 'translate' ] = tuple( translate )
if rotate != '':
self[ 'rotate' ] = rotate
if scale != '':
self[ 'scale' ] = tuple( scale )
self[ 'matrix' ] = tuple( matrix )
def svgCode( self ):
'gibt style'
txt = SvgObjekt.svgCode( self )
for key in ( 'opacity', 'fill-opacity', 'stroke-opacity' ):
if key in self:
txt += '%s="%s" '%( key, self[ key ] )
transform = ''
if 'matrix' in self:
transform += 'matrix(%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)'%(
6*( floatfmt, ) )%tuple( self[ 'matrix' ] )
if 'translate' in self:
transform += 'translate%s '%str( self[ 'translate' ] )
if 'rotate' in self:
x0 = self[ 'x0' ]
if x0 == '':
transform +='rotate(%s) '%self[ 'rotate' ]
( x,y ) = x0
transform +='rotate(%s, %s, %s) '%( self[ 'rotate' ],
x, y )
if 'scale' in self:
transform += 'scale%s '%str( self[ 'scale' ] )
if transform:
txt += 'transform="%s" '%transform.strip()
return wrap( txt )
class Geometry( Primitive ):
'Geometrisches objekt mit Eigenschaften einer Linie'
def __init__( self, # Primitive
typ='', oid='', x0='',
opacity='', fillopacity='', strokeopacity='',
matrix='', translate='', rotate='', scale='',
# Geometry
url='', fill='',
stroke='', strokewidth='', dasharray='', linejoin='',
markerstart='', markermid='', markerend='' ):
Primitive.__init__( self, typ=typ, oid=oid, x0=x0,
opacity=opacity, fillopacity=fillopacity,
strokeopacity=strokeopacity, matrix=matrix,
translate=translate, rotate=rotate, scale=scale )
if stroke != '':
self[ 'stroke' ] = stroke
if strokewidth != '':
self[ 'stroke-width' ] = strokewidth
if url != '':
self[ 'url' ] = url
if fill != '':
self[ 'fill' ] = fill
if not linejoin in 'miter':
self[ 'stroke-linejoin' ] = linejoin # miter-clip round bevel arcs
if dasharray != '':
self[ 'stroke-dasharray' ] = dasharray
if markerstart != '':
self[ 'marker-start' ] = markerstart
if markermid != '':
self[ 'marker-mid' ] = markermid
if markerend != '':
self[ 'marker-end' ] = markerend
def svgCode( self ):
'gibt style'
txt = Primitive.svgCode( self )
if 'stroke' in self:
txt += 'stroke="%s" '%self.getColor( self[ 'stroke' ] )
if 'url' in self:
txt += 'fill="url(#%s)" '%self[ 'url' ]
elif 'fill' in self:
txt += 'fill="%s" '%self.getColor( self[ 'fill' ] )
if 'stroke-width' in self:
txt += 'stroke-width="%s" '%self[ 'stroke-width' ]
if 'stroke-dasharray' in self:
lt = self.getLineStyle( self[ 'stroke-dasharray' ] )
if lt:
txt += 'stroke-dasharray="%s" '%lt
if 'stroke-linejoin' in self:
txt += 'stroke-linejoin="%s" '%self[ 'stroke-linejoin' ]
for pos in ( 'start', 'mid', 'end' ):
key = 'marker-%s'%pos
if key in self:
txt += 'marker-%s="url(#%s)" '%( pos, self[ key ] )
return wrap( txt )
class Container( SvgObjekt ):
def __init__( self, typ='', oid='' ):
SvgObjekt.__init__( self, typ, oid )
self.objs = []
def addObj( self, obj ):
'fuegt svgobjekt obj hinzu'
#print '%s.addObj %s'%( self[ 'typ' ], obj[ 'typ' ] )
self.objs.append( obj )
def preObj( self, obj ):
'fuegt svgobjekt obj am Anfang hinzu'
self.objs.insert( 1, obj )
def addObjs( self, tup ):
'fuegt svgobjekte aus tup hinzu'
self.objs.extend( tup )
def svgCodeOhneWrap( self ):
'gibt den svg code der objekte in diesem container'
txt = ''
for obj in self.objs:
txt += obj.svgCode()
return txt + '\n'
def svgCode( self ):
'gibt den svg code der objekte in diesem container'
txt = ''
vb = self[ 'viewBox' ] # von Svg
for obj in self.objs:
if isinstance( obj, Container ):
obj[ 'viewBox' ] = vb
txt += obj.svgCode()
elif not isinstance( obj, Geometry ):
txt += obj.svgCode() # kein wrap Image, LinearGradient, Stop
if isinstance( obj, Line ):
obj[ 'viewBox' ] = vb
txt += wrap( obj.svgCode() )
return txt
class Defs( Container ):
'wrapper, fuer objekte, die mit use dargestellt werden'
SIGN=char( 'defs' )
def __init__( self, oid='' ):
Container.__init__( self, typ='Defs', oid=Defs.SIGN+oid )
def svgCode( self ):
'gibt den svg code der objekte in diesem container'
return ( '\n' + SvgObjekt.svgCode( self ).strip() + '>\n'
+ Container.svgCode( self ) + '</defs>\n' )
class Group( Container, Geometry ):
'<g>...</g> objekt'
def __init__( self, # Primitive
opacity='', fillopacity='', strokeopacity='',
matrix='', translate=(0,0), x0='', rotate='', scale='',
# Geometry
fill='', url='',
stroke='', strokewidth='', dasharray='', linejoin='',
markerstart='', markermid='', markerend='',
# Group
**param ):
#print 'Group param', param
Container.__init__( self, typ='G', oid='{%s}'%oid )
c = dict( self )
self, typ='G', x0=x0,
opacity=opacity, fillopacity=fillopacity,
strokeopacity=strokeopacity, matrix=matrix,
translate=translate, rotate=rotate, scale=scale,
fill=fill, url=url,
stroke=stroke, strokewidth=strokewidth,
dasharray=dasharray, linejoin=linejoin,
markerstart=markerstart, markermid=markermid, markerend=markerend )
self.update( c )
def svgCode( self ):
'gibt des svg code dieser group'
txt = '\n' + Geometry.svgCode( self ).strip() + '>\n'
txt += Container.svgCode( self )
txt += '</g><!-- %s -->\n'%self[ 'oid' ]
return txt
class Bezier( Geometry ):
'offene bezier kurve, geschlossene kurve siehe Oval'
SIGN=char( 'bezier' )
def __init__( self, # Primitive
opacity='', fillopacity='', strokeopacity='',
matrix='', translate='', rotate='', scale='',
# Geometry
fill='', url='',
stroke='', strokewidth='', dasharray='', linejoin='',
markerstart='', markermid='', markerend='',
# Bezier
points=[] ):
self, typ='Path', oid='%s%s'%( Bezier.SIGN, oid ),
x0=points[ 0 ], opacity=opacity, fillopacity=fillopacity,
strokeopacity=strokeopacity, matrix=matrix,
translate=translate, rotate=rotate, scale=scale,
fill=fill, url=url,
stroke=stroke, strokewidth=strokewidth,
dasharray=dasharray, linejoin=linejoin,
markerstart=markerstart, markermid=markermid, markerend=markerend )
self.update( { 'points': points } )
def getPath( self ):
'stores the oval as path'
global cps
pts = list( map( Vec, self[ 'points' ] ) )
while len( pts ) > 2 and pts[ -2 ].dist( pts[ -1 ] ) < 1.e-6:
while len( pts ) > 2 and pts[ 0 ].dist( pts[ 1 ] ) < 1.e-6:
pts.pop( 0 )
if len( pts ) > 2:
tan = self.tangents( pts )
cps = self.controlPoints( pts, tan )
fmt = 'M %s %s '%tuple( 2*[ floatfmt ] )
path = fmt%tuple( pts[ 0 ] )
fmt = 'Q %s %s %s %s '%tuple( 4*[ floatfmt ] )
for j in range( 1, len( pts ) ):
p = pts[ j ]
cp = cps[ j ]
path += fmt%( cp[ 0 ], cp[ 1 ], p[ 0 ], p[ 1 ] )
fmt = 'M %s %s L %s %s '%tuple( 4*[ floatfmt ] )
path = fmt%( pts[ 0 ][ 0 ], pts[ 0 ][ 1 ],
pts[ 1 ][ 0 ], pts[ 1 ][ 1 ] )
self[ 'd' ] = path
def tangents( self, pts ):
'''gives tangents to the oval in the points
p = x0 + t*x1 + t**2*x2, p,t = x1 + 2*t*x2
anfang und ende: tangente verlaengern und mittigen punkt zum endpunkt
g = p1-p0, n = rot(g),
0.5*(r + s) + b*n = s + c*T1, ges: b,c |.T1 |.rot(T1)=R1
gl1: 0.5*(r + s).T1 + b*n.T1 = s.T1 + c*T1.T1
gl2: 0.5*(r + s).R1 + b*n.R1 = s.R1
cum = [ 0,0 ]
( p0,p1 ) = ( r,s ) = pts[ :2 ]
# tangents
tan = []
for p2 in pts[ 2: ]:
tan.append( p2 - p0 )
p0 = p1
p1 = p2
# tangente am anfang:
T1 = tan[ 0 ]
R1 = Vec( ( -T1[ 1 ], T1[ 0 ] ) )
g = s - r
n = Vec( ( -g[ 1 ], g[ 0 ] ) )
gg = nn = g.dot( g )
m = 0.5*( r + s )
( ( nT1, T1T1, o, gT1 ), ( nR1, R1R1, o, gR1 ) ) = [
[ u.dot( v ) for u in ( n,T1,R1,g ) ] for v in ( T1,R1 ) ]
b = 0.5*gR1/nR1
c = 0.5*( nT1*gR1 - nR1*gT1 )/( T1T1*nR1 )
#cumtest( cum, 'tangents gl1', m + b*n, s + c*T1 )
tan.insert( 0, s + c*T1 - r )
# tangente am ende
T1 = tan[ -1 ]
R1 = Vec( ( -T1[ 1 ], T1[ 0 ] ) )
g = p1 - p0
n = Vec( ( -g[ 1 ], g[ 0 ] ) )
m = 0.5*( p1 + p0 )
tup = ( n,g,T1 )
( ( nT1, gT1, T1T1 ), ( nR1, gR1, T1R1 ) ) = [
[ v.dot( u ) for v in tup ] for u in ( T1,R1 ) ]
if nR1 == 0: # m = p0 + c*T1 -> c = 0.5*gT1/T1T1
b = 0
c = 0.5*gT1/T1T1
b = -0.5*gR1/nR1
c = 0.5*( nR1*gT1 - nT1*gR1 )/( T1T1*nR1 )
tan.append( p0 + c*T1 - p1 )
return tan
def controlPoints( self, pts, tan ):
'''gives the controlpoints for bezier-curves
pj: points, tj: tangents, tjr: rot(tj)
p0 + a*t0 = p1 + b*t1
-> a = ( p1 - p0 ).t1r/t0.t1r, b = ( p0 - p1 ).t0r/t1.t0r
def rot( v ):
'gives the vector perpendicular to v'
return Vec( [ -v[ 1 ], v[ 0 ] ] )
cps = []
( p0, t0 ) = ( pts[ -1 ], tan[ -1 ] )
for j in range( len( pts ) ):
( p1, t1 ) = ( pts[ j ], tan[ j ] )
t1r = rot( t1 )
skp = t0.dot( t1r )
if skp != 0:
a = t1r.dot( p1 - p0 )/skp
a = 0.5
p = p0 + a*t0
cps.append( p )
( p0, t0 ) = ( p1, t1 )
return cps
def svgCode( self ):
'gibt den svg code dieses ovals'
txt = Geometry.svgCode( self )
txt += 'd="%s" />\n'%self.pop( 'd' )
return txt
class Datei:
'fuegt text aus datei ein'
def __init__( self, name='', svg=None ):
self.name = name
fid = open( name, 'r' )
self.txt = fid.read()
vb = self.getViewBox()
if svg and len( vb ) == 4:
self.merge( vb, svg )
def trim( self, txt ):
'cuts off <svg> definitions'
j0 = txt.find( '<svg ' )
if j0 > -1:
txt = txt[ txt.find( '>', j0 )+1: ]
j0 = txt.find( '</svg>' )
if j0 > -1:
txt = txt[ :j0 ]
return txt
def getViewBox( self ):
j1 = j2 = -1
j0 = self.txt.find( 'viewBox' )
ans = []
if j0 > -1:
j1 = self.txt.find( '"', j0 ) + 1
j2 = self.txt.find( '"', j1 )
ans = [ float( s ) for s in self.txt[ j1:j2 ].split() ]
print( 'getViewBox', j0,j1,j2 )
return ans
def merge( self, vb, svg ):
( x1,y1,b1,h1 ) = vb
( x0,y0,b0,h0 ) = svg[ 'viewBox' ]
if x1 < x0:
b0 += x0 - x1
x0 = x1
if x1 + b1 > x0 + b0:
b0 = x1 + b1 - x0
if y1 < y0:
h0 += y0 - y1
y0 = y1
if y1 + h1 > y0 + h0:
h0 = y1 + h1 - y0
svg[ 'viewBox' ] = viewBox = ( x0,y0,b0,h0 )
svg.param = ( b0, h0, viewBox, svg.param[ 3 ] )
for j in range( len( svg.objs ) ):
obj = svg.objs[ j ]
if isinstance( obj, Rect ) and obj[ 'oid' ].endswith( 'bg' ):
svg.objs[ j ] = Rect(
x=viewBox[ 0 ], y=viewBox[ 1 ], width=viewBox[ 2 ],
height=viewBox[ 3 ], stroke='white', fill='white' )
def svgCode( self ):
'gibt den svg code in dieser datei'
txt = Kommentar( 'begin %s'%self.name ).svgCode()
txt += self.trim( self.txt ).strip() + '\n'
txt += Kommentar( 'end %s'%self.name ).svgCode()
return txt
class Circle( Geometry ):
SIGN=char( 'sun' )
def __init__( self, # Primitive
opacity='', fillopacity='', strokeopacity='',
matrix='', translate='', rotate='', scale='',
# Geometry
fill='', url='',
stroke='', strokewidth='', dasharray='', linejoin='',
# Circle
cx='', cy='', r='' ):
self, typ='Circle', oid='%s%s'%( Circle.SIGN, oid ),
x0=(cx,cy), opacity=opacity, fillopacity=fillopacity,
strokeopacity=strokeopacity, matrix=matrix,
translate=translate, rotate=rotate, scale=scale,
fill=fill, url=url,
stroke=stroke, strokewidth=strokewidth,
dasharray=dasharray, linejoin=linejoin )
self.update( { 'cx': cx, 'cy': cy, 'r': r } )
def svgCode( self ):
'gibt des svg code dieses circle'
fmt = 'cx="%s" cy="%s" r="%s" />\n'%tuple( 3*[ floatfmt ] )
txt = Geometry.svgCode( self )
( cx, cy, r ) = [ self[ key ] for key in ( 'cx', 'cy', 'r' ) ]
txt += fmt%( cx,cy,r )
return txt
class Ellipse( Geometry ):
SIGN=char( 'ellipse' )
def __init__( self, # Primitive
opacity='', fillopacity='', strokeopacity='',
matrix='', translate='', rotate='', scale='',
# Geometry
fill='', url='',
stroke='', strokewidth='', dasharray='', linejoin='',
# Ellipse
cx='', cy='', rx='', ry='' ):
self, typ='Ellipse', oid=Ellipse.SIGN+oid,
x0=(cx,cy), opacity=opacity, fillopacity=fillopacity,
strokeopacity=strokeopacity, matrix=matrix,
translate=translate, rotate=rotate, scale=scale,
fill=fill, url=url,
stroke=stroke, strokewidth=strokewidth,
dasharray=dasharray, linejoin=linejoin )
self.update( { 'cx': cx, 'cy': cy, 'rx': rx, 'ry': ry } )
def svgCode( self ):
'gibt des svg code dieses ellipse'
fmt = 'cx="%s" cy="%s" rx="%s" ry="%s" />\n'%tuple( 4*[ floatfmt ] )
txt = Geometry.svgCode( self )
txt += fmt%( self[ 'cx' ], self[ 'cy' ], self[ 'rx' ], self[ 'ry' ] )
return txt
class Image( Primitive ):
def __init__( self, # Primitive
oid='', opacity='',
matrix='', translate='', rotate='', scale='',
# Image
name='', x='', y='', width='', height='',
self, typ='Image', oid=oid, x0=(x,y),
opacity=opacity, matrix=matrix,
translate=translate, rotate=rotate, scale=scale )
self.update( { 'name': name, 'x': x, 'y': y, 'width': width,
'height': height,
'preserveAspectRatio': preserveAspectRatio } )
def svgCode( self ):
'gibt den svg code dieses image'
[ oid, path, x, y, width, height, aspect ] = [ self[ key ] for key in (
'oid', 'name', 'x', 'y', 'width', 'height', 'preserveAspectRatio')]
txt = wrap( Primitive.svgCode( self )
+ 'x="%s" y="%s" width="%s" height="%s"'%(
x,y,width,height ) )
( rumpf, ext ) = os.path.splitext( path )
ext = ext.replace( '.', '' )
pip = os.popen( '{ base64 %s; } 2>&1'%path )
img = pip.read().replace( ' ', '' ).replace( '\n', '' )
sts = pip.close()
txt += textwrap.fill( 'xlink:href="data:image/%s;base64,%s"'%(
ext, img ), width=78, initial_indent=' ',
subsequent_indent=' ' ) + '/>\n'
txt += Kommentar( 'Ende <image> "%s"'%oid ).svgCode()
return txt
class Line( Geometry ):
'offener linienzug'
SIGN=char( 'line' )
def __init__( self, # Primitive
opacity='', fillopacity='', strokeopacity='',
matrix='', translate='', rotate='', scale='',
# Geometry
fill='', url='',
stroke='', strokewidth='', dasharray='', linejoin='',
markerstart='', markermid='', markerend='',
# Line
x1='', y1='', x2='', y2='', extend=0 ): # maximieren
self, typ='Line', oid=Line.SIGN+oid,
x0=( x1, y1 ), opacity=opacity, fillopacity=fillopacity,
strokeopacity=strokeopacity, matrix=matrix,
translate=translate, rotate=rotate, scale=scale,
fill=fill, url=url,
stroke=stroke, strokewidth=strokewidth,
dasharray=dasharray, linejoin=linejoin,
markerstart=markerstart, markermid=markermid, markerend=markerend )
self.update( { 'x1': x1, 'y1': y1, 'x2': x2, 'y2': y2,
'extend': extend } )
def svgCode( self ):
'gibt den svg code dieser polyline'
if self[ 'extend' ]: # erweitern zum umkreis der viewBox<-Svg.write
from matfunc2d import Gerade, Kreis, Punkt
( x1, y1, x2, y2, vb ) = [ self[ key ] for key in
( 'x1', 'y1', 'x2', 'y2', 'viewBox' ) ]
( x0, y0, w, h ) = vb
k = Kreis( Punkt( x0 + 0.5*w, y0 + 0.5*h ),
0.5*sqrt( w**2 + h**2 ) )
tup = k.schnittPunkteGerade( Gerade( Punkt( x1,y1 ),
Punkt( x2,y2)))
if len( tup ) == 2:
( x1,y1 ) = tup[ 0 ].p2t()
( x2,y2 ) = tup[ 1 ].p2t()
self.update( dict( zip( ( 'x1', 'y1', 'x2', 'y2' ),
( x1, y1, x2, y2 ) ) ) )
txt = Geometry.svgCode( self )
fmt = '%%s="%s" '%floatfmt
for key in ( 'x1', 'y1', 'x2', 'y2' ):
txt += fmt%( key, self[ key ] )
return txt + '/>\n'
class LinearGradient( Primitive ):
UNITS=( 'objectBoundingBox', 'userSpaceOnUse' )
def __init__( self, # Primitive
# LinearGradient
x1='', y1='', x2='', y2='', stops=[],
gradientUnits='', gradientTransform=''
Primitive.__init__( self, typ='linearGradient', oid=oid )
self.update( { 'gradientUnits': gradientUnits,
'gradientTransform': gradientTransform,
'x1': x1, 'y1': y1, 'x2': x2, 'y2': y2, 'stops': stops
def svgCode( self ):
'gibt des svg code dieses gradient'
[ x1, y1, x2, y2, stops, gu, gt ] = [
self[ key ] for key in ( 'x1', 'y1', 'x2', 'y2', 'stops',
'gradientUnits', 'gradientTransform' ) ]
txt = Primitive.svgCode( self )
if gu:
txt += 'gradientUnits="%s"\n'%gu
if gt:
txt += 'gradientTransform="%s"\n'%gt
txt = wrap( txt
+ 'x1="%s" y1="%s" x2="%s" y2="%s">\n'%( x1, y1, x2, y2 ) )
for stop in stops:
txt += stop.svgCode()
return txt + '</linearGradient>\n'
class Marker( Container, UserDict ):
SIGN=char( 'marker' )
def __init__( self, # Marker
oid='', orient='auto', refX='', refY='',
markerWidth='', markerHeight='', viewBox=[] ):
Container.__init__( self, oid=oid )
UserDict.__init__( self, {
'typ': 'Marker', 'oid': Marker.SIGN+self.noApostroph( oid ), 'orient': orient,
'refX': refX, 'refY': refY, 'viewBox': viewBox,
'markerWidth': markerWidth, 'markerHeight': markerHeight } )
def svgCode( self ):
'gibt den svg code dieses markers'
( x, y, w, h ) = self[ 'viewBox' ]
txt = '<marker id="%s" viewBox="%1.0f %1.0f %1.0f %1.0f"\n'%(
self[ 'oid' ], x, y, w, h )
for key in ( 'orient', 'refX', 'refY', 'markerWidth', 'markerHeight' ):
txt += '%s="%s" '%( key, self[ key ] )
txt = wrap( txt + '>' )
txt += Container.svgCode( self )
return txt + '</marker>\n'
class Oval( Bezier ):
'geschlossene bezier kurve'
SIGN=char( 'oval' )
def __init__( self, # Primitive
opacity='', fillopacity='', strokeopacity='',
matrix='', translate='', rotate='', scale='',
# Geometry
fill='', url='',
stroke='', strokewidth='', dasharray='', linejoin='',
markerstart='', markermid='', markerend='',
# Bezier
points=[] ):
self, oid=Oval.SIGN+oid,
opacity=opacity, fillopacity=fillopacity,
strokeopacity=strokeopacity, matrix=matrix,
translate=translate, rotate=rotate, scale=scale,
fill=fill, url=url,
stroke=stroke, strokewidth=strokewidth,
dasharray=dasharray, linejoin=linejoin,
markerstart=markerstart, markermid=markermid, markerend=markerend,
points=points )
def getPath( self ):
'stores the oval as path'
pts = list( map( Vec, self.pop( 'points' ) ) )
tan = self.tangents( pts )
cps = self.controlPoints( pts, tan )
fmt = 'M %s %s '%tuple( 2*[ floatfmt ] )
path = fmt%tuple( pts[ -1 ] )
fmt = 'Q %s %s %s %s '%tuple( 4*[ floatfmt ] )
for j in range( len( pts ) ):
p = pts[ j ]
cp = cps[ j ]
path += fmt%( cp[ 0 ], cp[ 1 ], p[ 0 ], p[ 1 ] )
self[ 'd' ] = path + 'z'
def tangents( self, pts ):
'gives tangents to the oval in the points'
( p0, p1 ) = pts[ -2: ]
# tangents
tan = []
for p2 in pts:
tan.append( p2 - p0 )
p0 = p1
p1 = p2
tan.append( tan.pop( 0 ) )
return tan
def controlPoints( self, pts, tan ):
'''gives the controlpoints for bezier-curves
pj: points, tj: tangents, tjr: rot(tj)
p0 + a*t0 = p1 + b*t1
-> a = ( p1 - p0 ).t1r/t0.t1r, b = ( p0 - p1 ).t0r/t1.t0r
def rot( v ):
'gives the vector perpendicular to v'
return Vec( [ -v[ 1 ], v[ 0 ] ] )
cps = []
( p0, t0 ) = ( pts[ -1 ], tan[ -1 ] )
for j in range( len( pts ) ):
( p1, t1 ) = ( pts[ j ], tan[ j ] )
t1r = rot( t1 )
skp = t0.dot( t1r )
if skp != 0:
a = t1r.dot( p1 - p0 )/skp
a = 0.5
p = p0 + a*t0
cps.append( p )
( p0, t0 ) = ( p1, t1 )
return cps
def svgCode( self ):
'gibt den svg code dieses ovals'
txt = Geometry.svgCode( self )
txt += 'd="%s" />\n'%self.pop( 'd' )
return txt
class Point( Circle ):
def __init__( self,
opacity='', fillopacity='', strokeopacity='',
matrix='', translate='', rotate='', scale='',
# Geometry
fill='', url='',
stroke='', strokewidth='', dasharray='', linejoin='',
# Circle
cx='', cy='', r='' ):
self, opacity=opacity, fillopacity=fillopacity,
strokeopacity=strokeopacity, matrix=matrix,
translate=translate, rotate=rotate, scale=scale,
fill=fill, url=url,
stroke=stroke, strokewidth=strokewidth,
dasharray=dasharray, linejoin=linejoin,
cx=cx, cy=cy, r=r )
self[ 'oid' ] = '.'+self.noApostroph( oid )
class Polygon( Geometry ):
'geschlossener linienzug'
SIGN=char( 'pentagon' )
def __init__( self, # Primitive
opacity='', fillopacity='', strokeopacity='',
matrix='', translate='', rotate='', scale='',
# Geometry
fill='', url='',
stroke='', strokewidth='', dasharray='', linejoin='',
markerstart='', markermid='', markerend='',
# Polygon
points=[] ):
self, typ='Polygon', oid=Polygon.SIGN+oid,
x0=points[ 0 ], opacity=opacity, fillopacity=fillopacity,
strokeopacity=strokeopacity, matrix=matrix,
translate=translate, rotate=rotate, scale=scale,
fill=fill, url=url,
stroke=stroke, strokewidth=strokewidth,
dasharray=dasharray, linejoin=linejoin,
markerstart=markerstart, markermid=markermid, markerend=markerend )
self.update( { 'points': points } )
def svgCode( self ):
'gibt den svg code dieses polygons'
txt = Geometry.svgCode( self ) + 'points="'
fmt = '%s,%s '%tuple( 2*[ floatfmt ] )
for ( x,y ) in self[ 'points' ]:
txt += fmt%( x,y )
return txt + '"/>\n'
class Polyline( Geometry ):
'offener linienzug'
SIGN=char( 'corner' )
def __init__( self, # Primitive
opacity='', fillopacity='', strokeopacity='',
matrix='', translate='', rotate='', scale='',
# Geometry
fill='', url='',
stroke='', strokewidth='', dasharray='', linejoin='',
markerstart='', markermid='', markerend='',
# Polyline
points=[] ):
self, typ='Polyline', oid=Polyline.SIGN+oid,
x0=points[ 0 ], opacity=opacity, fillopacity=fillopacity,
strokeopacity=strokeopacity, matrix=matrix,
translate=translate, rotate=rotate, scale=scale,
fill=fill, url=url,
stroke=stroke, strokewidth=strokewidth,
dasharray=dasharray, linejoin=linejoin,
markerstart=markerstart, markermid=markermid, markerend=markerend )
self.update( { 'points': points } )
def svgCode( self ):
'gibt den svg code dieser polyline'
txt = Geometry.svgCode( self ) + 'points="'
fmt = '%s,%s '%tuple( 2*[ floatfmt ] )
for ( x,y ) in self[ 'points' ]:
txt += fmt%( x,y )
return txt + '"/>\n'
class RechterWinkel( Polyline ):
'zeichnet rechtenwinkel bei p0 mit schenkeln nach p1 und p2'
SIGN=char( 'right angle' )
def __init__( self,
opacity='', fillopacity='', strokeopacity='',
matrix='', translate='', rotate='', scale='',
# Geometry
fill='', url='',
stroke='', strokewidth='', dasharray='', linejoin='',
markerstart='', markermid='', markerend='',
# laenge r, drei punkte auf schenkeln durch p0
r=0, points=[] ):
( p0, p1, p2 ) = points
( v0, v1, v2 ) = map( Vec, ( p0, p1, p2 ) )
a = v0 + ( v1 - v0 ).normalize()*r
b = v0 + ( v2 - v0 ).normalize()*r
c = a + ( v2 - v0 ).normalize()*r
Polyline.__init__( self, opacity=opacity,
fillopacity=fillopacity, strokeopacity=strokeopacity,
matrix=matrix, translate=translate, rotate=rotate, scale=scale,
fill=fill, url=url, stroke=stroke, strokewidth=strokewidth,
dasharray=dasharray, linejoin=linejoin,
markerstart=markerstart, markermid=markermid, markerend=markerend,
points=[ ( a[0], a[1] ), ( c[0], c[1] ), ( b[0], b[1] ) ] )
self[ 'oid' ] = RechterWinkel.SIGN+self.noApostroph( oid )
class Rect( Geometry ):
SIGN=char( 'square' )
def __init__( self, # Primitive
opacity='', fillopacity='', strokeopacity='',
matrix='', translate='', rotate='', scale='',
# Geometry
fill='', url='',
stroke='', strokewidth='', dasharray='', linejoin='',
# Rect
x='', y='', width='', height='', rx='', ry=''
self, typ='Rect', oid=Rect.SIGN+oid,
x0=(x,y), opacity=opacity, fillopacity=fillopacity,
strokeopacity=strokeopacity, matrix=matrix,
translate=translate, rotate=rotate, scale=scale,
fill=fill, url=url,
stroke=stroke, strokewidth=strokewidth,
dasharray=dasharray, linejoin=linejoin )
self.update( { 'x': x, 'y': y, 'width': width, 'height': height } )
if rx:
self[ 'rx' ] = rx
if ry:
self[ 'ry' ] = ry
def svgCode( self ):
'gibt des svg code dieses rect'
txt = Geometry.svgCode( self )
fmt = 'x="%s" y="%s" width="%s" height="%s" '%tuple( 4*[ floatfmt ] )
txt += fmt%tuple(
[ self[ key ] for key in ( 'x', 'y', 'width', 'height' ) ] )
if 'rx' in self:
txt += ( 'rx="%s" '%floatfmt )%self[ 'rx' ]
if 'ry' in self:
txt += ( 'ry="%s" '%floatfmt )%self[ 'ry' ]
return txt + '/>\n'
class Path( Geometry ):
SIGN=char( 'zigzag' )
def __init__( self, # Primitive
opacity='', fillopacity='', strokeopacity='',
matrix='', translate='', rotate='', scale='',
# Geometry
fill='', url='',
stroke='', strokewidth='', dasharray='', linejoin='',
markerstart='', markermid='', markerend='',
# Path
d='' ):
x0 = ( 0,0 )
try: # d="M x y ..."
x0 = list( map( float,
d.lower().replace( 'm', '' ).split()[ :2 ] ) )
if len( x0 ) != 2:
raise ValueError( 'Startpunkt des Pfades "%s"'%d
+ 'nicht erkannt.' )
if d != '':
print( 'Startpunkt des Pfades "%s" nicht erkannt.'%d )
#print 'Path x0=', x0
self, typ='Path', oid=Path.SIGN+oid, x0=x0,
opacity=opacity, fillopacity=fillopacity,
strokeopacity=strokeopacity, matrix=matrix,
translate=translate, rotate=rotate, scale=scale,
fill=fill, url=url,
stroke=stroke, strokewidth=strokewidth,
dasharray=dasharray, linejoin=linejoin,
markerstart=markerstart, markermid=markermid, markerend=markerend )
self.update( { 'd': d } )
def svgCode( self ):
'gibt style'
txt = Geometry.svgCode( self )
txt += 'd="%s"/>\n'%self[ 'd' ]
return txt
class Bogen( Path ):
SIGN=char( 'arc' )
def __init__( self, # Primitive
opacity='', fillopacity='', strokeopacity='',
matrix='', translate='', rotate='', scale='',
# Geometry
fill='', url='',
stroke='', strokewidth='', dasharray='', linejoin='',
markerstart='', markermid='', markerend='',
# Bogen
x0='', r='', x1='', frot=0, flarge=0, fsweep=0 ):
'''x0: startpunkt des bogens=tuple, x1: endpunkt=tuple, r: Radius'''
d = 'M %1.0f %1.0f '%( x0[ 0 ], x0[ 1 ] )
self, opacity=opacity, fillopacity=fillopacity,
strokeopacity=strokeopacity, matrix=matrix,
translate=translate, rotate=rotate, scale=scale,
fill=fill, url=url,
stroke=stroke, strokewidth=strokewidth,
dasharray=dasharray, linejoin=linejoin,
markerstart=markerstart, markermid=markermid, markerend=markerend )
self.update( {'d': self.getBogen( d, r, x1, frot, flarge, fsweep ),
'oid': Bogen.SIGN+self.noApostroph( oid ) } )
def getBogen( self, d, r, x1, frot, flarge, fsweep ):
'''M x0 y0 A rx ry x-axis-rotation large-arc-flag sweep-flag x1 y1
fmt = 'A %s %s %%d %%d %%d %s %s />\n'%tuple( 4*[ floatfmt ] )
return d + fmt%( r, r, frot, flarge, fsweep, x1[ 0 ], x1[ 1 ] )
def svgCode( self ):
'gibt style'
txt = Geometry.svgCode( self )
txt += 'd="%s"/>\n'%self[ 'd' ]
return txt
class Stop( Primitive ):
def __init__( self, # Primitive
# Stop
offset='', color='', opacity=1
Primitive.__init__( self, typ='Stop' )
self.update( { 'offset': offset, 'color': color, 'opacity': opacity } )
def svgCode( self ):
'gibt des svg code dieses gradient'
txt = Primitive.svgCode( self )
[ offset, color, opacity ] = [
self[ key ] for key in [ 'offset', 'color', 'opacity' ] ]
txt += 'offset="%s" stop-color="%s" stop-opacity="%s" />\n'%(
offset, self.getColor( color ), opacity )
return wrap( txt )
class Text( Geometry ):
falls matrix=(1,0,0,-1,0,h) in svg angegeben, hier (1,0,0,-1,0,2*y) setzen
font-family in Times, Helvetica, Symbol
font-weight in normal, bold
font-style in normal, italic
stroke: umrandung
fill: textfarbe
Beispiel: font="helvetica-bold-italic"
text-anchor in start, middle, end
SIGN=char( 'text' )
def __init__( self, # Primitive
opacity='', fillopacity='', strokeopacity='',
matrix='', translate='', rotate='', scale='',
# Geometry
fill='', url='',
stroke='', strokewidth='', dasharray='', linejoin='',
# Text
anchor='middle', # start, middle, end
family='helvetica', # times, helvetica, symbol
weight='', # normal, bold
style='', # normal, italic
x='', y='', size=12, label='' ):
self, typ='Text', oid=Text.SIGN+oid, x0=( x,y ),
opacity=opacity, fillopacity=fillopacity,
strokeopacity=strokeopacity, matrix=matrix,
translate=translate, rotate=rotate, scale=scale,
fill=fill, url=url,
stroke=stroke, strokewidth=strokewidth,
dasharray=dasharray, linejoin=linejoin )
self.update( { 'x': x, 'y': y, 'size': size, 'label': label,
'family': family, 'style': style, 'weight': weight,
'anchor': anchor } )
def svgCode( self ):
'gibt des svg code dieses text'
txt = Geometry.svgCode( self )
f = floatfmt
( x, y, label, size, anchor, family, style, weight ) = [
self[ key ] for key in
( 'x','y','label','size','anchor','family','style','weight' ) ]
txt += ( 'x="%s" y="%s" text-anchor="%%s" '%( f,f ) )%( x, y, anchor )
txt += ( 'font-size="%s" font-family="%%s" '%f )%( size, family )
if style == 'italic':
txt += 'font-style="italic" '
if weight == 'bold':
txt += 'font-weight="bold" '
if ' ' in label:
txt += 'xml:space="preserve" '
txt += '>%s</text>\n'%label
return txt
class TextFeld( Group ):
'eine gruppe aus rect und text'
def __init__( self, # Primitive
opacity='', fillopacity='', strokeopacity='',
matrix='', translate=(0,0), rotate='', scale='',
# Geometry
fill='', url='',
stroke='', strokewidth='', dasharray='', linejoin='',
# Text
anchor='middle', # start, middle, end
family='helvetica', # times, helvetica, symbol
weight='', # normal, bold
style='', # normal, italic
x='', y='', size=12, label='',
# Rect
rx='', ry='' ):
Group.__init__( self, oid=oid, x0=( x,y ), matrix=matrix,
translate=translate, rotate=rotate, scale=scale )
( dx,dy,w,h ) = self.getRect( label, size, anchor )
if opacity != '':
opacity=float( opacity )
opacity = 0.5
self.addObjs( ( Rect( oid=oid, opacity=opacity,
url=url, fill='white', rx=rx, ry=ry,
x=x+dx, y=y-0.8*size+dy, width=w, height=h ),
Text( oid=oid, strokeopacity=strokeopacity,
fillopacity=fillopacity, strokewidth=strokewidth,
fill=fill, stroke=stroke, dasharray=dasharray,
linejoin=linejoin, x=x, y=y, size=size,
label=label, family=family, style=style,
weight=weight, anchor=anchor ) ) )
def getRect( self, txt, size, anchor ):
dx = -0.33*size
dy = 0.05*size
if anchor == 'start':
dx = 0
elif anchor == 'end':
dx = -0.6*size
n = len( txt )
m = sum( [ s in "'\",.:!" for s in txt ] )
l = ( n - 0.5*m )*0.65*size
fp = any( [ s in 'gjpqy' for s in txt ] ) # unten
fh = any( [ s.isupper() or s in 'bdfhklt' for s in txt ] ) # oben
if fp and fh: # feld voll ausgenutzt
height = size
height = 0.8*size
if fp:
dy += 0.2*size
return ( dx, dy, l, height )
class Use( Geometry ):
'<use ... > fuer mehrfache verwendung von objekten insbes. groups'
def __init__( self, # Primitive
typ='', oid='',
opacity='', fillopacity='', strokeopacity='',
matrix='', translate='', rotate='', scale='',
# Geometry
fill='', url='',
stroke='', strokewidth='', dasharray='', linejoin='',
markerstart='', markermid='', markerend='',
# Use
x='', y='', href='' ):
self, typ='Use', oid=oid, x0=( x,y ),
opacity=opacity, fillopacity=fillopacity,
strokeopacity=strokeopacity, matrix=matrix,
translate=translate, rotate=rotate, scale=scale,
fill=fill, url=url,
stroke=stroke, strokewidth=strokewidth,
dasharray=dasharray, linejoin=linejoin,
markerstart=markerstart, markermid=markermid, markerend=markerend )
self.update( { 'href': href, 'x': x, 'y': y } )
def svgCode( self ):
'gibt des svg code dieses use'
txt = Geometry.svgCode( self )
f = floatfmt
txt += 'xlink:href="#%s" '%self[ 'href' ]
txt += ( 'x="%s" y="%s" '%( f,f ) )%( self[ 'x' ], self[ 'y' ] )
return txt + '/>\n'
class Winkel( Group ):
'zeichnet winkel mit kreisbogen bei p0 mit schenkeln nach p1 und p2'
def __init__( self, oid='',
opacity='', fillopacity='', strokeopacity='',
matrix='', translate='', rotate='', scale='',
# Geometry
fill='', url='',
stroke='', strokewidth='', dasharray='', linejoin='',
markerstart='', markermid='', markerend='',
# laenge r, drei punkte auf schenkeln durch p0
points=[], r=0, text=None, dx=(0,0) ):
'''line: None oder Polyline, points werden gesetzt
fill: "" oder "#abcdef",
txt: None oder Text, x und y werden gesetzt
dx: abstand von txt von points[ 0 ]'''
Group.__init__( self, oid=oid,
matrix=matrix, translate=translate, rotate=rotate,
scale=scale, x0=points[ 1 ] )
( v0, kontur ) = self.pfad( r, points )
if fill:
self.addObj( Polygon(
oid=oid, fillopacity=fillopacity,
# Geometry
fill=fill, url=url, strokewidth=0,
# Polygon
points=[ v0 ] + kontur ) )
self.addObj( Polyline(
oid=oid, opacity=opacity,
# Geometry
stroke=stroke, strokewidth=strokewidth,
dasharray=dasharray, linejoin=linejoin,
markerstart=markerstart, markermid=markermid, markerend=markerend,
# Polyline
points=kontur ) )
if isinstance( text, Text ):
v = sum( kontur, v0 )
s = Vec( [ x/float( len( kontur ) + 1 ) for x in v ] )
text.update( { 'x': s[ 0 ] + dx[ 0 ], 'y': s[ 1 ] + dx[ 1 ],
'oid': Text.SIGN+self.noApostroph( oid ) } )
self.addObj( text )
def pfad( self, r, points ):
'gibt den ort und den bogen des winkels'
( p0, p1, p2 ) = points
( v0, v1, v2 ) = map( Vec, ( p0, p1, p2 ) )
a = ( v1 - v0 ).normalize()*r # |a|=r
b = ( v2 - v0 ).normalize()*r # |b|=r
# b=x*a+y*n |.a |.n
x = a.dot( b )/r**2
n = ( b - a*x ).normalize()*r # |n|=r
y = b.dot( n )/r**2
# b=a*cos(x)+n*sin(x)
u = 0.
v = atan2( b[ 1 ], b[ 0 ] ) - atan2( a[ 1 ], a[ 0 ] ) # endwinkel
if v < 0:
v += pi + pi
l = max( 1, int( ( v - u )/( 0.02*pi ) ) )
w = ( v - u )/l
ans = ( v0, [ v0 + a*cos( j*w ) + n*sin( j*w ) for j in range( l+1 ) ])
if 0:
print( 'pfad1=0?', a.dot( n ) )
print( 'pfad2=(0,0)?', a*x + n*y - b )
print( 'pfada=(0,0)?', ans[ 1 ][ 0 ] - v0 - a )
print( 'pfadb=(0,0)?', ans[ 1 ][ -1 ] - v0 - b )
return ans
class WinkelBogen( Group ):
'zeichnet winkel mit kreisbogen als path von p1 nach p2'
def __init__( self, oid='',
opacity='', fillopacity='', strokeopacity='',
matrix='', translate='', rotate='', scale='',
# Geometry
fill='', url='',
stroke='', strokewidth='', dasharray='', linejoin='',
markerstart='', markermid='', markerend='',
# Bogen
points=[], r=0, frot=0, flarge=0, fsweep=0,
# Text
text=None, dx=(0,0) ):
'Group aus Bogen und Text'
( x0,x1 ) = self.schenkel( points,r )
Group.__init__( self, oid=oid, x0=x0,
matrix=matrix, translate=translate, rotate=rotate,
scale=scale, opacity=opacity )
self.addObj( Bogen( oid=oid,fillopacity=fillopacity,
strokeopacity=strokeopacity,fill=fill, url=url,
stroke=stroke, strokewidth=strokewidth,
dasharray=dasharray, linejoin=linejoin,
markerstart=markerstart, markermid=markermid,
markerend=markerend, x0=x0, r=r, x1=x1,
frot=frot, flarge=flarge, fsweep=fsweep ) )
if isinstance( text, Text ):
text.update( { 'x': x0[ 0 ] + dx[ 0 ], 'y': x0[ 1 ] + dx[ 1 ],
'oid': Text.SIGN+self.noApostroph( oid ) } )
self.addObj( text )
def schenkel( self, points,r ):
'gibt die endpunkte des bogens des winkels'
( p0, p1, p2 ) = points
( v0, v1, v2 ) = map( Vec, ( p0, p1, p2 ) )
a = ( v1 - v0 ).normalize()*r # |a|=r
b = ( v2 - v0 ).normalize()*r # |b|=r
return ( v0+a,v0+b )
class Svg( Group ):
"""schreibt svg"""
def __init__( self, width=400, height=400, viewBox=[-200,-200,400,400],
rand=0, fmt='%1.0f' ):
global floatfmt
floatfmt = fmt
Group.__init__( self, typ='Svg', oid='all', fill='none' )
self.addObj( Rect(
x=viewBox[ 0 ], y=viewBox[ 1 ], width=viewBox[ 2 ],
height=viewBox[ 3 ], stroke='white', fill='white' ) )
self[ 'viewBox' ] = viewBox
self.param = ( width, height, viewBox, rand )
def header( self ):
f = floatfmt
( wt, ht, ( x, y, w, h ) ) = self.param[ :3 ]
( width, height, x, y, w, h ) = [ f%r for r in ( wt, ht, x, y, w, h ) ]
return '''<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"
width="%spx" height="%spx"
viewBox="%s %s %s %s">\n'''%(
width, height, x, y, w, h )
def rand( self ):
'fuegt rand der breite b hinzu'
( ( x, y, w, h ), b ) = self.param[ 2: ]
g = Group( oid='border', fill='white' )
g.addObjs( (
Rect( oid='left', x=x-b, y=y, width=2*b, height=h ),
Rect( oid='right', x=x+w-b, y=y, width=2*b, height=h ),
Rect( oid='upper', x=x, y=y-b, width=w, height=2*b ),
Rect( oid='lower', x=x, y=y+h-b, width=w, height=2*b )
) )
return g
def pre( self ):
( defs, geom ) = ( Defs( oid='preliminaries' ),[] )
ok = 0
for obj in self.objs:
if isinstance( obj, Line ) or isinstance( obj, Container ):
obj[ 'viewBox' ] = self.param[ 2 ]
if isinstance( obj, Defs ):
ok = 1
defs.addObjs( obj.objs )
geom.append( obj )
if ok:
self.objs = [ defs ] + geom
self.objs = geom
if self.param[ -1 ] > 0:
self.objs.append( self.rand() )
def write( self, name ):
'schreibt svg-datei'
txt = self.header()
txt += Group.svgCode( self )
txt += '\n</svg>\n'
fid = open( name, 'w' )
fid.write( txt )
print( '%s geschrieben'%fid.name )
class SvgFlip( Svg ):
"""schreibt svg yflip=ymax+ymin im Anschauungsraum
masseinheiten: pt=1.5*px, mm=3.78*px
matrix( a,b,c,d,e,f ) Bild Anschauungsraum
x' = a*x + c*y + e x0 x0+B
y' = b*x + d*y + f y0+----------+ y0+H+----------+
viewBox=[x0,y0,B,H] | (x,y) | | (x',y') |
(x',y')(x0,y0+H) = (0,0) | | | |
(x',y')(x0+B,y0+H) = (B,H) y0+H+----------+ y0+----------+
x0 x0+B
def __init__( self, width=400, height=400, viewBox=[-200,-200,400,400],
fmt='%1.0f', matrix=[], yflip=0 ):
Svg.__init__( self, width, height, viewBox, fmt )
self[ 'matrix' ] = self.matrix = ( 1, 0, 0, -1, 0, yflip )
def bench():
svg = Svg( width=400, height=400, viewBox=[-200,-200,400,400] )
g = Group( oid='leuchtturm', translate=(-9,-18), scale=(0.02, 0.02 ) )
g.addObjs( [
Polygon( oid='boden',
points=( (675,675), (450,900), (1350,900), (1125,675) ),
fill="#a14000", stroke="black", strokewidth=8 ),
Rect( oid='oben',
x=675, y=0, width=450, height=225, fill="white",
stroke="black", strokewidth=8 ),
Rect( oid='mitte',
x=675, y=225, width=450, height=225,
stroke="black", strokewidth=8 ),
Rect( oid='unten',
x=675, y=450, width=450, height=225, fill="white",
stroke="black", strokewidth=8 ),
Polygon( oid='absatz',
points=( (675,0), (1125,0), (1035,-90), (765,-90) ),
fill="black", stroke="black", strokewidth=8 ),
Rect( oid='lampe',
x=765, y=-315, width=270, height=225, fill="yellow",
stroke="black", strokewidth=8 ),
Polygon( oid='dach',
points=( (765,-315), (1035,-315), (900,-450) ),
fill="black", stroke="black", strokewidth=8 )
] )
d = Defs()
d.addObj( g )
svg.addObj( d )
svg.addObj( Use( x=0, y=-170, href='leuchtturm', fill='red' ) )
svg.addObj( Use( x=20, y=-170, href='leuchtturm', fill='blue' ) )
svg.addObj( Use( x=40, y=-170, href='leuchtturm', fill='green2' ) )
svg.addObj( Polyline( stroke='black', points=( ( -200,0 ), ( 200,0 ) ) ) )
svg.addObj( Polyline( stroke='black',
points=( ( -200,-170 ), ( 200,-170 ) ) ) )
svg.addObj( Polyline( stroke='black', points=( ( 0,-200 ), ( 0,200 ) ) ) )
svg.addObj( Polyline( stroke='black', points=( ( 20,-200 ), ( 20,200 ) ) ))
a = Stop( offset=0, color='#red', opacity=1 )
b = Stop( offset=100, color='blue', opacity=1 )
svg.addObj( LinearGradient( # Primitive
# LinearGradient
x1=0, y1=0, x2=0, y2=100, stops=( a,b ) ) )
svg.addObj( Path( stroke='black',
d='M 4 0 L 0 5 L 16 0 L 0 -5 z',
scale=(10,10) ) )
m = Marker( oid='pfeil',
refX=16, refY=0, markerWidth=20, markerHeight=20,
orient='auto', viewBox=[ 0.0, -5.0, 16.0, 10.0 ] )
m.addObj( Path( stroke='black', d='M 4 0 L 0 5 L 16 0 L 0 -5 L 4 0 Z',
url='wasser', strokewidth=1 ) )
svg.addObj( m )
svg.addObj( Rect( # Primitive
# Geometry
url='wasser', stroke='black', strokewidth=8, dasharray=(8,16),
# Rect
x=-75, y=70, width=150, height=100 ) )
svg.addObj( Rect( # Primitive
translate=(-50,0), rotate=40, scale=(0.5,1),
# Geometry
fill='blue', stroke='black', strokewidth=8, dasharray=(8,16),
# Rect
x=0, y=0, width=150, height=100 ) )
svg.addObj( Circle( # Primitive
fillopacity=0.7, rotate=-40, scale=(0.5,1),
# Geometry
fill='yellow', stroke='black', strokewidth=8, dasharray=(8,16),
# Circle
cx=0, cy=0, r=150 ) )
svg.addObj( Ellipse( # Primitive
oid='name', fillopacity=0.7, rotate=40,
# Geometry
fill='gold', stroke='black', strokewidth=8, dasharray=(8,16),
# Ellipse
cx=0, cy=0, rx=150, ry=75 ) )
svg.addObj( Polygon( points=[ ( 0,0 ), ( 30, 30 ), ( 60, 0 ) ],
translate=(-100,-110), stroke='green2' ) )
svg.addObj( Polyline( points=[ ( 0,0 ), ( 30, 30 ), ( 60, 0 ) ],
translate=(100,-100), stroke='red',
markerend='pfeil' ) )
svg.addObj( Oval( points=[ ( 0,0 ), ( 30, 30 ), ( 60, 0 ) ],
translate=(0,-100), stroke='blue',
markerend='pfeil' ) )
t = Text( oid='hallo', x=0, y=0, label='Hallo', size=50, url='wasser' )
svg.addObj( t )
g = Group( translate=(0,-100) )
g.addObj( t )
svg.addObj( g )
svg.addObj( Use( oid='usit', x=0, y=-300, href='hallo' ) )
svg.addObj( Image( oid='bulb_on.png',
x=0, y=-100, width=100, height=100,
rotate=10, opacity=0.5 ) )
svg.addObj( Winkel( oid='winkel', fillopacity=0.3,
stroke="green", strokewidth=4, fill="#00d000",
r=100, points=[ (0,0), (5,0), (0,5) ],
text=Text( oid='name', fill='black', size=50, label='a'
) ) )
svg.write( 'tmp.svg' )
if __name__ == '__main__':