Connect with Nature!
(Deutsch: Vernetze dich mit der Natur!)
Biodiversitätsdatenbank, Citizen Science, Online-Community
Sprachen >30 Sprachen (in 2018) ständige Ergänzung über Wikipedia:Enzyklopädie/ [1]
Betreiber California Academy of Sciences, National Geographic Society [2]
Redaktion Nate Agrin, Jessica Kline, Ken-ichi Ueda (Studienabschlussprojekt an der University of California, Berkeley School of Information) [2]
Artikel >3000000 Beobachtungsdaten von >90000 Arten (in 2017) [3]
Benutzer >750000 (in 2018) [2]
Registrierung für Beitragende erforderlich, Datenabruf auch ohne Registrierung
Online 2008 [2]

iNaturalist ist ein Citizen Science Projekt und ein soziales online-Netzwerk aus Naturliebhabern, naturgeschichtlich interessierten Laien und Biologen, das auf dem Konzept der Erfassung und gemeinsamen Nutzung weltweiter Biodiversitäts-Beobachtungsdaten basiert. [4] iNaturalist kann über eine Website [5] oder über mobile Apps [6] [7] genutzt werden. Mit iNaturalist aufgenommene Beobachtungen liefern wertvolle, offene Daten für wissenschaftliche Forschung, Naturschutzorganisationen oder die allgemeine Öffentlichkeit. [8] [9] [10] Das Projekt wird als Standard für naturgeschichtliche Anwendungssoftware auf Mobilgeräten angesehen. [11]


Bearbeiten begann 2008 als Master Abschlussprojekt von Nate Agrin, Jessica Kline und Ken-ichi Ueda an der University of Califonia Berkeley School of Information. [2] Nate Agrin und Ken-ichi Ueda setzten die Arbeit mit dem Webentwickler Sean McGregor fort. Im Jahr 2011 begann Ueda Zusammenarbeit mit Scott Loarie, einem Forscher an der Stanford University und Dozent an der University of Califonia Berkeley. Ueda und Loarie sind die derzeitigen Co-Direktoren von [2] Die Organisation fusionierte am 24. April 2014 mit der California Academy of Sciences. [2] [12] Im Jahr 2014 feierte iNaturist seine einmillionste Beobachtung. [12] Seit 2017 ist iNaturalist ein gemeinsames Projekt der California Academy of Sciences und der National Geographic Society. [2]



The iNaturalist platform is based on crowdsourcing of data. An iNaturalist observation records an encounter with an individual organism at a particular time and place.[13] In addition to recording actual audio and photos of the organism, an iNaturalist observation may also record evidence of an organism, such as animal tracks, nests, and scat, but the scope of iNaturalist excludes natural but inert subjects such as geologic or hydrologic features. Users typically upload photos as evidence of their findings, though audio recordings are also accepted and such evidence is not a strict requirement. Users may share observation locations publicly, "obscure" them to display a less precise location, or make the locations private.

On iNaturalist, other users add identifications to each other’s observations in order to confirm or improve the "community identification." Observations are classified as "casual," "needs ID" (needs identification), or "research grade" based on the quality of the data provided and the community identification process. "Research grade" observations are incorporated into other online databases such as The Global Biodiversity Information Facility.[9] Users have the option to license their observations, photos, and audio recordings in several ways, including for the public domain, Creative Commons, or with all rights reserved.

Using the iNaturalist app in a field

Automated species identification


In addition to observations being identified by others in the community, iNaturalist includes an automated species identification tool called "Computer Vision."[14] Images can be identified via an artificial intelligence model which has been trained on the large database of the "research grade" observations on iNaturalist. A broader taxon such as a genus or family is typically provided if the model cannot decide what the species is. If the image has poor lighting, is blurry, or contains multiple subjects, it can be difficult for the model to determine the species and it may decide incorrectly. Multiple species suggestions are typically provided, with the one the software believes the image is most likely of at the top of the list.



Vorlage:As of, iNaturalist users contributed over 13,600,000 observations of plants, animals, and other organisms worldwide.[15] Users have created and contributed to over 21,000 different projects spanning hundreds of themes. Project examples include taxa- and location-specific bioblitzes, roadkill observations, fishing catches, animal tracks, documenting the spread of invasive species, and discovering new species.[16]

iNaturalist is the preferred application for crowd-sourced biodiversity data in Mexico.[17] In 2011, iNaturalist was used as a platform to power concurrent Global Amphibian and Global Reptile BioBlitzes, in which observations were used to help monitor the occurrence and distribution of the world's reptiles and amphibian species.[18] The US National Park Service partnered with iNaturalist to record observations from the 2016 National Parks BioBlitz. That project exceeded 100,000 observations in August 2016.[19] In 2017, the United Nations Environment Programme teamed up with iNaturalist to celebrate World Environment Day.[20]

The City Nature Challenge

In 2016, Lila Higgins from the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County and Alison Young from the California Academy of Sciences co-founded the City Nature Challenge. In the first City Nature Challenge, naturalists in Los Angeles and the San Francisco Bay Area documented over 20,000 observations with the iNaturalist platform.[21] In 2017, the challenge expanded to 16 cities[22] across the United States and collected over 125,000 observations of wildlife in 5 days. In 2018, the challenge expanded to a global audience, with 68 cities participating from 19 countries, with some cities using community science platforms other than iNaturalist to participate.[23] In 4 days, over 17,000 people cataloged over 440,000 nature observations in urban regions around the world.[24]

Seek for kids/families

In spring of 2018, iNaturalist introduced Seek by iNaturalist for iOS mobile devices[25] to help children and families learn about nearby nature, try to match a target species, and earn badges for observations.[26] Billed as "kid-safe" and "family-friendly," no registration is required and it collects no user data, meaning observations are not submitted to the iNaturalist database. An Android version is being considered.

See also






Vorlage:Wikidata property

[[Category:Biology websites]] [[Category:Citizen science]] [[Category:Internet properties established in 2008]] [[Category:Biodiversity databases]] [[Category:Mobile applications]] [[Category:Wild animals identification]]

  1. Help us Translate. 19. Oktober 2017, abgerufen am 16. September 2018.
  2. a b c d e f g h About. 11. Juni 2018, abgerufen am 16. September 2018.
  3. Year In Review 2017. Abgerufen am 16. September 2018.
  4. San Francisco’s Parks Scoured in Wildlife Inventory. 7. Mai 2014, abgerufen am 16. September 2018.
  5. Abgerufen am 16. September 2018.
  6. iNaturalist application (iTunes Store). 25. Juni 2013, abgerufen am 16. September 2018.
  7. iNaturalist application (Google Play). 4. Juni 2013, abgerufen am 16. September 2018.
  8. Encyclopedia of Life and iNaturalist work together to support citizen science. 18. Juni 2012, abgerufen am 16. September 2018.
  9. a b Bowser, A., Wiggins, A., Shanley, L., Preece, J., & Henderson, S.: Sharing data while protecting privacy in citizen science. In: Interactions. 21. Jahrgang, Nr. 1, 2014, S. 70–73, doi:10.1145/2540032 ( [PDF]).
  10. Pimm, S. L. et al.: The biodiversity of species and their rates of extinction, distribution, and protection. In: Science. 344. Jahrgang, 30. Mai 2014, S. 1246752, doi:10.1126/science.1246752, PMID 24876501 ( [abgerufen am 31. Januar 2015]).
  11. G. R. Goldsmith: The field guide, rebooted. In: Science. 349. Jahrgang, Nr. 6248, 6. August 2015, S. 594–594, doi:10.1126/science.aac7810.
  12. a b Jeremy Hance: Citizen scientist site hits one million observations of life on Earth. In: Mongabay. 10. November 2014, abgerufen am 16. September 2018.
  13. Getting Started. In: Abgerufen am 12. Juni 2018 (englisch).
  14. iNaturalist Computer Vision Explorations. In: 27. Juli 2017, abgerufen am 12. August 2017.
  15. Stats. 27. Juli 2018, abgerufen am 27. Juli 2018.
  16. Projects. 28. Januar 2017, abgerufen am 28. Januar 2017.
  17. S. L. Pimm, C. N. Jenkins, R. Abell, T. M. Brooks, J. L. Gittleman, L. N. Joppa, P. H. Raven, C. M. Roberts, J. O. Sexton: The biodiversity of species and their rates of extinction, distribution, and protection. In: Science. 344. Jahrgang, Nr. 6187, 2014, S. 1246752–1246752, doi:10.1126/science.1246752, PMID 24876501 ( [PDF]).
  18. Debra Levi Holtz: Reptile, amphibian BioBlitzes tap social media In: San Francisco Chronicle, October 10, 2011 
  19. Carrie Seltzer: Citizen scientists give NPS 100,000+ biodiversity records for 100th birthday. In: National Geographic Society (blogs). 25. August 2016, abgerufen am 17. September 2016.
  20. App brings marvels of tech and nature together to keep the world connected. In:
  21. City Nature Challenge 2016 iNaturalist Project. 2018, abgerufen am 8. Mai 2018.
  22. City Nature Challenge 2017 iNaturalist Project. 2018, abgerufen am 8. Mai 2018.
  23. 2018, abgerufen am 8. Mai 2018.
  24. Lila Higgins: City Nature Challenge 2018: A Win For Urban Nature Around the World. In: Natural History Museum, Los Angeles County. 4. Mai 2018;.
  25. Seek by iNaturalist on the App Store. In: App Store. Abgerufen am 13. Mai 2018.
  26. Seek App - In: Abgerufen am 13. Mai 2018 (englisch).