#error_reporting( E_ALL );
skyhack by user:kolossos@wikipedia Released under GPL
based on geohack (c) by
Magnus Manske (2006)
Released under GPL
geo_param.php is (c) 2005, Egil Kvaleberg <>, also GPL
#include "../common.php" ;
#ini_set('user_agent','MSIE 4\.0b2;'); # Fake user agent
ini_set('user_agent','skyhack'); # Fake user agent
#include "geo_param.php" ;
#include "mapsources.php" ;
if ($object=="") {$object=$name; }
$name_url=str_replace(" ","",$name);
$ra=addslashes($_GET[ra]); #Rektaszension hh mm ss
$de=addslashes($_GET[de]); #Deklination +/-ddd mm ss
$lon=15*$ra - 180;
$size=addslashes($_GET[size]); #App-dim in degrees (beta)
if ( $size==''){$size=0.01;}
$range = 6378000 *(1.1917536 * sin($beta) - cos($beta) + 1);
if ($size_minute < 10)
{ $radius = 12;}
else {
if ($size_minute > 50){$radius = 60;} else {$radius= 1.2 * $size_minute;}
function fix_language_code ( $lang , $default = "en" ) {
$lang = trim ( strtolower ( $lang ) ) ;
if ( preg_match ( "/^([\-a-z]+)/" , $lang , $l ) ) {
$lang = $l[0] ;
} else $lang = $default ; // Fallback
return $lang ;
function get_request ( $key , $default = "" ) {
global $prefilled_requests ;
if ( isset ( $prefilled_requests[$key] ) ) return $prefilled_requests[$key] ;
if ( isset ( $_REQUEST[$key] ) ) return str_replace ( "\'" , "'" , $_REQUEST[$key] ) ;
return $default ;
set_time_limit ( 20 ) ; # 20 sec should be enough for everyone!
$lang = fix_language_code ( get_request ( 'language' , 'en' ) , '' ) ;
if ( $lang == '' ) {
print "No language given!" ;
exit ;
$test = isset ( $_REQUEST['test'] ) ;
# Read template
$pagename = "Template:SkyhackTool" ;
#$pagename = "User:Magnus_Manske/skyhack" ;
#$pagename = get_request ( "altpage" , "Template:GeoTemplate" ) ;
$page = @file_get_contents ( "$pagename?action=render" ) ;
if ( false === $page || '' == $page ) {
print "Failed to open template. Please try again in a moment." ;
exit ;
$page = str_replace ( ' href="/w' , " href=\"http://{$lang}" , $page ) ;
# Separate content
#$page = array_pop ( explode ( '<!-- start skyhack -->' , $page , 2 ) ) ;
#$page = array_shift ( explode ( '<!-- end skyhack -->' , $page , 2 ) ) ;
# Remove edit links
do {
$op = $page ;
$p = explode ( '<span class="editsection"' , $page , 2 ) ;
if ( count ( $p ) == 1 ) continue ;
$page = array_shift ( $p ) ;
$p = explode ( '</span>' , array_pop ( $p ) , 2 ) ;
$page .= array_pop ( $p ) ;
} while ( $op != $page ) ;
# Replace text
#$md = new map_sources ( $theparams , "Some title" ) ;
for ( $a = 1 ; $a <= 5 ; $a++ ) {
$k = 'viz' . $a ;
$k2 = '{' . $k . '}' ;
$k3 = '{' . $k . 'text}' ;
if ( isset ( $_REQUEST[$k] ) ) {
$page = str_replace ( $k2 , urlencode ( $_REQUEST[$k] ) , $page ) ;
$page = str_replace ( $k3 , $_REQUEST[$k] , $page ) ;
} else {
$p = explode ( $k2 , $page , 2 ) ;
if ( count ( $p ) != 2 ) continue ;
$p1 = explode ( '<li>' , $p[0] ) ;
$p2 = explode ( '</li>' , $p[1]) ;
array_pop ( $p1 ) ;
array_shift ( $p2 ) ;
$page = implode ( '<li>' , $p1 ) ;
$page .= implode ( '</li>' , $p2 ) ;
$page = str_replace ( $k2 , urlencode ( $_REQUEST[$k] ) , $page ) ;
$page = str_replace ( '{ra}' ,$ra, $page ) ;
$page = str_replace ( '{de}' ,$de, $page ) ;
$page = str_replace ( '{latdegdec}' ,$lat, $page ) ;
$page = str_replace ( '{londegdec}' ,$lon, $page ) ;
$page = str_replace ( '{name}' ,$name, $page ) ;
$page = str_replace ( '{name_url}' ,$name_url, $page ) ;
$page = str_replace ( '{title}' ,$name, $page ) ;
$page = str_replace ( '{object}' ,$object, $page ) ;
$page = str_replace ( '{size}' ,$size, $page ) ;
$page = str_replace ( '{size_minute}' ,$size_minute, $page ) ;
$page = str_replace ( '{z}' ,$z, $page ) ;
$page = str_replace ( '{range}' ,$range, $page ) ;
$page = str_replace ( '{radius}' ,$radius, $page ) ;
# Output
print "<html><head><title>Mapsources for the sky</title>" ;
print "<meta http-equiv='content-type' content='text/html; charset=utf-8'>" ;
print '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen" href="./main.css" >' ;
print $stylesheets ;
print '</head><body style="margin-left:5px; margin-right:5px;">' ;
#print get_common_header ( "geohack.php" ) ;
print '
<div style="float:right">
<a href="">
<img style="vertical-align:top" height="40px" border="0" alt="Powered by WMF Labs" src="//" />
<span style="left:5px;top:2px;position:relative;border:2px solid red;display:inline;float:left;padding:2px;font-size:150%;background-color:white"><a target="_blank" href="">Donate to Wikimedia!</a></span>
<center style="width:100%; border-bottom:1px solid #AAAAAA;margin-bottom:3px;padding:2px;background-color:#AAFFAA">
This is based on the <i>mapsources</i> extension by <a href="">en:User:Egil</a>, extended by <a href="">Magnus Manske</a> and <a href="">User:Kolossos</a>.
For the source of this script, see
<a href="./skyhack-source.php">skyhack-source.php</a>.
' ;
print '
<div id="globalWrapper">
<div style="float:left">
<img src="" />
<div id="content" style="margin-top:0px;margin-left:145px">
<div id="bodyContent">
<h1>Map sources/SkyHack</h1>
' ;
print $page ;
print '
' ;
* Parse geo parameters
class geo_param {
var $latdeg;
var $londeg;
var $latdeg_min;
var $londeg_min;
var $latdeg_max;
var $londeg_max;
var $pieces;
var $error;
var $coor;
var $title;
* Constructor:
* Read coordinates, and if there is a range, read the range
function geo_param( $param )
$this->pieces = explode(" ", str_replace ( ' O' , ' E' , str_replace( '_', ' ', $param )));
$this->get_coor( );
$this->latdeg_min = $this->latdeg_max = $this->latdeg;
$this->londeg_min = $this->londeg_max = $this->londeg;
if ( isset( $this->pieces[0] ) && $this->pieces[0] == "to") {
if ($this->latdeg < $this->latdeg_max) {
$this->latdeg_min = $this->latdeg;
} else {
$this->latdeg_max = $this->latdeg;
if ($this->londeg < $this->londeg_max) {
$this->londeg_min = $this->londeg;
} else {
$this->londeg_max = $this->londeg;
$this->latdeg = ($this->latdeg_max+$this->latdeg_min) / 2;
$this->londeg = ($this->londeg_max+$this->londeg_min) / 2;
$this->coor = array();
* Private:
* Get a set of coordinates from parameters
function get_coor( ) {
if ($i = strpos($this->pieces[0],';')) {
/* two values seperated by a semicolon */
$this->coor = array(
$this->latdeg = substr($this->pieces[0],0,$i),
$this->londeg = substr($this->pieces[0],$i+1));
$latNS = 'N';
$lonEW = 'E';
$latmin = $lonmin = $latsec = $lonsec = 0;
} elseif ($this->is_coor($this->pieces[1],$this->pieces[3])) {
$this->coor = array(
$this->latdeg = array_shift($this->pieces),
$latNS = array_shift($this->pieces),
$this->londeg = array_shift($this->pieces),
$lonEW = array_shift($this->pieces));
$latmin = $lonmin = $latsec = $lonsec = 0;
} elseif ($this->is_coor($this->pieces[2],$this->pieces[5])) {
$this->coor = array(
$this->latdeg = array_shift($this->pieces),
$latmin = array_shift($this->pieces),
$latNS = array_shift($this->pieces),
$this->londeg = array_shift($this->pieces),
$lonmin = array_shift($this->pieces),
$lonEW = array_shift($this->pieces));
$latsec = $lonsec = 0;
} elseif ($this->is_coor($this->pieces[3],$this->pieces[7])) {
$this->coor = array(
$this->latdeg = array_shift($this->pieces),
$latmin = array_shift($this->pieces),
$latsec = array_shift($this->pieces),
$latNS = array_shift($this->pieces),
$this->londeg = array_shift($this->pieces),
$lonmin = array_shift($this->pieces),
$lonsec = array_shift($this->pieces),
$lonEW = array_shift($this->pieces));
} else {
# support decimal, signed lat, lon
$this->error = "Unrecognized format";
print $this->error ;
if ($this->latdeg > 90 or $this->latdeg < -90
# FIXME: Other planetary bodies allow for latitudes greater than 180
or $this->londeg > 360 or $this->londeg < -360
or $latmin > 60 or $latmin < 0
or $lonmin > 60 or $lonmin < 0
or $latsec > 60 or $latsec < 0
or $lonsec > 60 or $lonsec < 0) {
$this->error = "Out of range";
$latfactor = 1.0 ;
$lonfactor = 1.0 ;
if (strtoupper($latNS) == "S") {
$latfactor = -1.0 ;
#$this->latdeg = -$this->latdeg;
if (strtoupper($lonEW) == "W") {
$lonfactor = -1.0 ;
#$this->londeg = -$this->londeg;
# Make decimal degree, if not already
$latmin += $latsec/60.0;
$lonmin += $lonsec/60.0;
if ($this->latdeg < 0) {
$this->latdeg -= $latmin/60.0;
} else {
$this->latdeg += $latmin/60.0;
if ($this->londeg < 0) {
$this->londeg -= $lonmin/60.0;
} else {
$this->londeg += $lonmin/60.0;
$this->latdeg *= $latfactor ;
$this->londeg *= $lonfactor ;
* Given decimal degrees, convert to
* minutes, seconds and direction
function make_minsec( $deg )
if ( $deg >= 0) {
$NS = "N";
$EW = "E";
} else {
$NS = "S";
$EW = "W";
# Round to a suitable number of digits
# FIXME: should reflect precision
$deg = round($deg, 6);
$min = 60.0 * (abs($deg) - intval(abs($deg)));
$min = round($min, 4);
$sec = 60.0 * ($min - intval($min));
$sec = round($sec, 2);
return array(
'deg' => $deg,
'min' => $min,
'sec' => $sec,
'NS' => $NS,
'EW' => $EW);
* Given decimal degrees latitude and longitude, convert to
* string
function make_position( $lat, $lon )
$latdms = geo_param::make_minsec( $lat );
$londms = geo_param::make_minsec( $lon );
$outlat = intval(abs($latdms['deg'])) . "° ";
$outlon = intval(abs($londms['deg'])) . "° ";
if ($latdms['min'] != 0 or $londms['min'] != 0
or $latdms['sec'] != 0 or $londms['sec'] != 0) {
$outlat .= intval($latdms['min']) . "′ ";
$outlon .= intval($londms['min']) . "′ ";
if ($latdms['sec'] != 0 or $londms['sec'] != 0) {
$outlat .= $latdms['sec']. "″ ";
$outlon .= $londms['sec']. "″ ";
return $outlat . $latdms['NS'] . " " . $outlon . $londms['EW'];
* Get the additional attributes in an associative array
function get_attr()
$a = array();
while (($s = array_shift($this->pieces))) {
if (($i = strpos($s,":")) >= 1) {
$attr = substr($s,0,$i);
$val = substr($s,$i+1);
if (($j = strpos($val,"("))
&& ($k = strpos($val,")"))
&& ($k > $j)) {
$a["arg:".$attr] = substr($val,$j+1,$k-($j+1));
$val = substr($val,0,$j);
$a[$attr] = $val;
} elseif (intval($s) > 0) {
if ( isset($a['$scale']) and $a['$scale'] != "")
$a['scale'] = intval($s);
return $a;
function is_coor( $ns,$ew )
$ns = strtoupper($ns);
$ew = strtoupper($ew);
return (($ns=="N" or $ns=="S") and
($ew=="E" or $ew=="W"));
function frac( $f)
return abs($f) - abs(intval($f));
* Get composite position in RFC2045 format
function get_position( )
return $this->latdeg.";".$this->londeg;
* Get error message that applies, or "" of all is well
function get_error()
if ($this->error != "") {
return "Error:".$this->error;
return "";
* Produce markup suitable for use in page
* Use original content as much as possible
function get_markup()
$n = count($this->coor);
if ($n == 0) {
# Range is special case
return $this->make_position( $this->latdeg_min,
$this->londeg_min )
. " to "
. $this->make_position( $this->latdeg_max,
$this->londeg_max );
} elseif ($n == 2) {
return $this->coor[0].';'.
} elseif ($n == 4) {
return $this->coor[0].'° '.
$this->coor[1].' '.
$this->coor[2].'° '.
} elseif ($n == 6) {
return $this->coor[0].'°'.
$this->coor[1].'′ '.
$this->coor[2].' '.
$this->coor[4].'′ '.
} elseif ($n == 8) {
return $this->coor[0].'°'.
$this->coor[2].'″ '.
$this->coor[3].' '.
$this->coor[6].'″ '.
} else {
return $this->get_error();