Lee James Taylor White '[1] (* 26. Juli 1965 in Manchester, England) ist ein gabunischer Politiker und Zoologe. Er ist seit 2019 Minister für Wasser, Wälder, Meer und Umwelt Gabuns und verantwortlich für den Klimaplan und den Landnutzungsplan. Er hat in Bereichen gearbeitet, die mit dem Klimawandel, der Erhaltung und Bewirtschaftung natürlicher Ressourcen, Schutzgebieten und dem Ökotourismus zusammenhängen.

Er ist Mitglied von Gruppen des IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature), spezialisiert auf Elefanten und Primaten



Lee James Taylor White stammt ursprünglich aus Manchester (Großbritannien) und ist in Uganda aufgewachsen. 1982 meldete er sich freiwillig beim British Trust for Conservation Volunteers und gründete anschließend eine lokale Selbsthilfegruppe für den WWF (World Wide Fund) in Altrincham.

1983 erhielt er sein naturwissenwissenschaftliches Abitur, es folgte ein Master-Abschluss in Zoologie an der Universität London. 1992 promovierte er in Zoologie an der University of Edinburgh. [2]. Er ist verheiratet und Vater von drei Kindern.

Professionelle Karriere


1984 trat er als Projektmanager dem Tiwai-Primatenprojekt in Sierra Leone bei und 1987 der Nigerian Conservation Foundation in Nigeria. Er kam 1989 nach Gabun, um in Zoologie über die Auswirkungen des Holzeinschlags auf Flora und Fauna zu promovieren (University of Edinburgh, 1992).

Anschließend schloss er sich der amerikanischen NGO Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) an, um ein Forschungs- und Naturschutzprogramm in Gabun und in der Waldzone Zentralafrikas zu erstellen. Unter seiner Führung und innerhalb von zehn Jahren hat sich in Gabun mit 200 Mitarbeitern und jährlichen Zuweisungen von rund 5 Millionen US-Dollar (4 Millionen Euro) das größte WCS-Programm der Welt entwickelt.

Zur gleichen Zeit, ab 2002, dem Jahr der Schaffung von 13 Nationalparks in Gabun durch den verstorbenen Präsidenten EL HADJ Omar Bongo Ondimba,trug Prof. Lee White sein Fachwissen in Fragen des Klimawandels, der Nationalparks und des Ökotourismus dem Präsidenten der Republik zu.

2008 verließ er den WCS, erwarb die gabunische Staatsangehörigkeit und trat dem gabunischen Umweltministerium [3] als Chefwissenschaftler in der gabunischen Delegation für Verhandlungen mit dem Rahmenübereinkommen der Vereinten Nationen über Klimaänderungen (UNFCCC) [Archiv] bei, bevor er ernannt wurde. 2009 Exekutivsekretär der Nationalen Agentur für Nationalparks (ANPN), dem Verwaltungsorgan von 13 Nationalparks, das mehr als 10% des Staatsgebiets abdeckt.

10 Jahre lang stellte er die Entwicklung dieser Agentur sicher, die vom Status einer aufstrebenden Behörde mit weniger als 100 Mitarbeitern zu einer professionellen Agentur für die Verwaltung von Nationalparks mit mehr als 800 Mitarbeitern, einschließlich einer paramilitärischen Truppe, überging, in Hinblick auf die Gewährleistung einer verantwortungsvollen Verwaltung der natürlichen Ressourcen und die Beendigung aller Formen der illegalen Ausbeutung dieser Ressourcen. Mit Prof. Lee White sammelte und sicherte der ANPN zwischen 2010 und 2019 im Auftrag Gabuns Mittel in Höhe von fast 96 Milliarden FCFA von verschiedenen Partnern4 [4] ,[5]..

Erfolge und Auszeichnungen


Als Honorarprofessor an der University of Stirling in Schottland erhielt er folgende Auszeichnungen: Chevalier de l'Ordre National du Mérite Gabonais im Jahr 2003, die Anerkennungsmedaille der gabunischen Streitkräfte im Jahr 2011 und Commander of the Order of the British Empire (CBE) im selben Jahr für Dienstleistungen zur Erhaltung in Zentralafrika.



Als Wissenschaftler ist er Autor von 94 Artikeln und acht Büchern über die Ökologie und Erhaltung tropischer Waldökosysteme in Afrika.

Peer reviewte Zeitschriften


1. The Okomu Forest Project. White, L. J. T. Primate Conservation 8 (1988): 28-29.

2. Group composition and diet of forest elephants, Loxodonta africana cyclotis, Matschie 1900, in the Lopé Reserve, Gabon. White, L. J. T., Tutin, C. E. G. & Fernandez, M. [African Journal of Ecology] 31 (1993): 181-199.

3. Sacoglottis gabonensis fruiting and the seasonal movements of elephants in the Lopé Reserve, Gabon. White, L. J. T. Journal of Tropical Ecology (1994) 10 : 121-125.

4. Patterns of fruit-fall phenology in the Lopé Reserve, Gabon. White, L. J. T.Journal of Tropical Ecology (1994) 10: 289-308.

5. The effects of commercial mechanised logging on forest structure and composition on a transect in the Lopé Reserve, Gabon. White, L. J. T.Journal of Tropical Ecology (1994) 10: 309-318.

6. Biomass of rain forest mammals in the Lopé Reserve, Gabon. White, L. J. T.Journal of Animal Ecology (1994) 63: 499-512.

7. List of Plant Species Identified in the Northern Part of the Lopé Reserve, Gabon. C.E.G. Tutin, L.J.T. White, E.A. Williamson, M. Fernandez & G. McPherson. Tropics (1994) 3: 249-276.

8. Nest building by lowland gorillas in the Lopé Reserve, Gabon: Environmental influences and implications for censusing (1995). Tutin, C. E. G., Parnell, R. J. P., White, L. J. T. & Fernandez, M. International Journal of Primatology, 16: 53-76.

9. Factors affecting the duration of elephant dung piles in rain forest in the Lopé Reserve, Gabon. (1995) White, L. J. T. African Journal of Ecology, 33 : 142-150

10. Herbaceous vegetation in different forest types in the Lopé Reserve, Gabon: implications for keystone food availability. (1995) White, L. J. T., Rogers, M. E. R., Tutin, C. E. G., Williamson, E. A. & Fernandez, M. [African Journal of Ecology], 33: 124-141.

11. Lightning strike burns large forest tree in the Lopé Reserve, Gabon. (1996) Tutin, C. E. G., White, L. J. T. & Mackanga-Missandzou, A. Global Ecology and Biogeography Letters 5: 36-41.

12. Ten days in the life of a mandrill super-group in the Lopé Reserve, Gabon. (1996) Rogers, ME, Abernethy, KA, Fontaine, B, Wickings, JE, White, LJT & Tutin, CEG. American Journal of Primatology 40:297-313.

13. Le site de Lopé 2 : un indicateur de transition écosystémique ca 10.000 BP dans le moyenne vallée de l'Ogooué (Gabon). (1996) Oslisly, R., Peyrot, B., Abdessadok, S. & White, LJT C. R. Acad, Sc. Paris, t. 323 Sér. II. 933-939.

14. The primate community of the Lopé Reserve, Gabon: diets, responses to fruit scarcity and effects on biomass. (1997) Tutin, CEG., Ham, R., White. LJT. & Harrison, MJS. American Journal of Primatology 42: 1-24

15. Why don't chimpanzees in Gabon crack nuts? (1997) McGrew, W.C., Ham, R.M., White, L.J.T., Tutin, C.E.G. & Fernandez, M. International Journal of Primatology 18: 353-374

16. Use by rain forest mammals of natural forest fragments in an equatorial African savanna. (1997) Tutin, C. E. G., White, L. J. T. & Mackanga-Missandzou, A. Conservation Biology 11:1190-1203

17. Réponse au commentaire de Dominique Schwartz sur la note : Le site de Lopé 2: un indicateur de transition écosystémique ca 10.000 BP dans le moyenne vallée de l'Ogooué (Gabon). (1996) Oslisly, R., Peyrot, B., Abdessadok, S. & White, LJT C. R. Acad, Sc. Paris, t. 325 Sér. II, 393-395.

18. A survey of elephants (Loxodonta africana) in the Kahuzi-Biega National Park, lowland sector and adjacent forest in eastern Zaire. (1997) Hall, J., Inogwabini, B.-I., Williamson, E. A., Omari, I., Sikubwabo, C. & White, L. J. T. African Journal of Ecology, 35: 213-223.

19. A survey of Grauer’s gorillas (Gorilla gorilla graueri) and chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes schweinfurthi) in the Kahuzi-Biega National Park lowland sector and adjacent forest in eastern Congo. (1998) Hall, J., & White, L. J. T., Inogwabini, B.-I., Omari, I., Simons Morland, H., Williamson, E. A., Saltonstall, K., Walsh, P., Sikubwabo, C., Bonny, D., Kiswele, K. P., Vedder, A. & Freeman, K. International Journal of Primatology19: 207-235.

20. A new combination in Gabonese Synsepalum (Sapotaceae). McPherson, G. & L.J.T. White. Novon 9 : 534-535. 1999

21. What will it take to monitor forest elephant populations? Walsh, P.D. & White, L. J. T. Conservation Biology. 13 : 1194-1202. 1999.

22. Dacryodes buettneri. (1999) L.J.T. White, G. McPherson & K.A. Abernethy. Flowering Plants of Africa 56.

23. Wasmannia auropunctata (Roger) (Hymenoptera: Formicidae), a destructive tramp-ant, in wildlife refuges in Gabon. (1999). J. K. Wetterer, P. D. Walsh & L. J. T. White. African Entomology 7(2): 292-294.

24. A statistical framework for monitoring forest elephants. (2000). P. D. Walsh, M. Thibault, Y. Mihindou, D. Idiata, C. Mbina & L.J.T. White,. Natural Resource Modeling 13: 89-134.

25. Chloropast DNA variation in a rainforest tree (Aucoumea klaineana, Burseraceae) in Gabon. Muloko-Ntoutoume, N., Petit, R., White, L. & Abernethy, K. (2000). Molecular Ecology 9: 359-363.

26. Les premiers résultats de la recherche archaéologique dans le Sanctuaire de Banyang Mbo (sud-ouest Cameroun). (2000) Oslisly. R., Mbida, C., White, L L’Anthropologie 104 : 341-354.

27. Monkeys recently added to the Nigerian faunal list. (2000) Grubb, P., Oates, J. F., White, L. J. T. & Tooze, Z. The Nigerian Field 65: 149-158

28. New data on the history of the plateau forest of Okomu, southern Nigeria: an insight into how human disturbance has shaped the African rain forest. (2001). L.J.T. White & J. F. Oates. Global Ecology and Biodiversity Letters.

29. Estimates of forest elephant abundance: projecting the relationship between precision and effort. (2001) P. D. Walsh, L.J.T. White, C. Mbina, D. Idiata, Y. Mihindou, F. Maisels & M. Thibault. Journal of Applied Ecology 38 : 217-228

30. Wild Mandrillus sphinx are infected by two types of lentivirus. (2002). Souquière, S., Bibollet-Ruche, F., Robertson, D.L., Makuwa, M., Apetrei, C., Onanga, R., Kornfeld, C., Plantier, J.-C., Gao, F., Abernethy, K., White, L.J.T., Karesh, W., Telfer, P., Wickings, E.J., Mauclère, P., Marx, P., Barré-Sinoussi, F., Hahn, B., Müller-Trutwin, M.C., & Simon, F. Journal of Virology75: 7086-7096

31. High levels of SIVmnd-1 replication in chronically infected Mandrillus sphinx. (2004) Pandrea, I., Onanga, R., Kornfeld, C., Rouquet, P., Bourry, O., Clifford, S., Telfer, P. T., Abernethy, K., White, L. J. T., Ngari, P., Muller-Trutwin, M., Roques, P., Marx, P. A., Simon, F. & C, A. Virology, 317: 119-127

32. Les paléoenvironnements de la fin du Pleistocène et de l’Holocène dans la réserve de la Lopé (Gabon) : approche par les indicateurs géomorphologiques, sédimentologiques, phytologiques, géochimiques et anthropogènes des milieux enregistreurs de la depression de la Lopé. (2003). Peyrot B., Oslisly R., Abdessadok S., Fontugne M., Hatte C. & White L. L’Anthropologie 107: 291-307.

33. Variation in the diet of Cercopithecus monkeys: differences within forests, among forests and across species. (2003). Chapman, C. A., Chapman L. J., Gautier-Hion, A., Lambert, J. E., Rode, K., Tutin, C. E. G. & White, L. J. T. Journal of Tropical Ecology

34. Hordes of mandrills (Mandrillus sphinx): extreme group size and seasonal male presence. (2003). Abernethy, K. A., White, L. J. T. & Wickings, E. J. Journal of Zoology

35. Catastrophic ape decline in western equatorial Africa. (2003). Peter D. Walsh, Kate A. Abernethy, . . . . Lee J. T. White & David S. Wilkie. Nature 1038

36. Mitochondrial DNA phylogeography of western lowland gorillas (Gorilla gorilla gorilla). (2004). S. Clifford, N. Anthony, M. Bawe-Johnson, K. A. Abernethy, C. E. G. Tutin, L.J.T. White, M. Bermejo, M. L. Goldsmith, K. McFarland, K. J. Jeffery, M. W. Bruford & E. J. Wickings. Molecular Ecology 13: 1551-1565

37. Leopard food habits in the Lopé National Park, Gabon, Central Africa. 2005. P. Henschel, K. A. Abernethy & L. J. T. White. Journal of African Ecology 42, 1-8.

38. Evaluating the steady state assumption: simulations of gorilla nest decay. (2005) Walsh, P. D. & White, L. J. T. Ecological Applications.

39. Hordes of mandrills (Mandrillus sphinx): Extreme group size and seasonal male presence. 2006. K. Abernethy, L. White et E. Wickings. Journal of Zoology.

40. Distribution, Abundance and Biomass estimates for primates within Kahuzi-Biega lowlands and adjacent forest in eastern DRC. 2006. Hall, J. S., White, L. J. T., Williamson, E. A., Bila-Isia, I. & Ilambu, O. African Primates.

41. Gallery forests versus bosquets: conservation of natural fragments at Lope´ National Park in central Gabon. 2007. Tharcisse Ukizintambara, Lee White, Kate Abernethy and Christophe Thébaud. [African Journal of Ecology], 45, 476–482.

42. Pleistocene footprints of gorilla evolutionary history: refugia and rivers shape genetic diversity in central Africa. (2007). Nicola M. Anthony, Mireille Johnson-Bawe, Kathryn Jeffery , Stephen L. Clifford, Kate A. Abernethy, Caroline E. Tutin, Sally A. Lahm, Lee J.T. White, John F. Utley, E. Jean Wickings and Michael W. Bruford. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 104(51):20432-20436

43.Complex phylogeographic history of central African forest elephants and its implications for taxonomy. (2007) Mireille B Johnson', Stephen L Clifford', Benoît Goossens', Silvester Nyakaana', Bryan Curran', Lee JT White', E Jean Wickings and Michael W Bruford. BMC Evolutionary Biology, 7:244. The electronic version of this article is the complete one and can be found online at: http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2148/7/244.

44. Increasing Carbon Storage in Intact African Tropical Forests (2009). Simon L. Lewis, Gabriela Lopez-Gonzalez, Bonaventure Sonké, Kofi Affum-Baffoe, Timothy R. Baker, Lucas O. Ojo, Oliver L. Phillips, Jan Reitsma, Lee White, Jim Comiskey, Corneile Ewango, Ted R. Feldpausch, Alan C. Hamilton, Manuel Gloor, Terese Hart, Annette Hladik, Marie-Noel D. Kamdem, Jon Lloyd, Jon Lovett, Jean-Remy Makana, Yadvinder Malhi, Frank M. Mbago, Henry J. Ndangalasi, Julie Peacock, Kelvin S.-H. Peh, Douglas Sheil, Terry Sunderland, Michael D. Swaine, James Taplin, David Taylor, Sean C. Thomas, Raymond Votere, Hannsjörg Wöll. Nature 457: 1003-1007

45. Home-range use by a large horde of wild Mandrillus sphinx. (2010) White E.C., Dikangadissi J-T., Dimoto E., Karesh W.B., Kock M.D., Ona Abiaga N., Starkey R., Ukizintambara T., White, L.J.T,. & Abernethy, K.A. International Journal of Primatology 31 (4): 627-645.

46. Coad, L.M., Tanga, J.J., Maisels, F., Abernethy, K.A., Bout, N., Fay, M., Henschel, P., Lenglet, G., Mihindou, Y., Puit, M., Starkey, M., White, L.J.T., Pauwels, O.S.G., 2010. New Range Limits of the Sun-tailed Monkey, Cercopithecus solatus, in Central Gabon. Primate Conservation 25, 33–41.

47. Height-diameter allometry of tropical forest trees (2010). T. R. Feldpausch, L. Banin, O. L. Phillips, T. R. Baker, S. L. Lewis,C. A. Quesada, K. A_um-Ba_oe, E. Arets, N. Berry, M. Bird, E. S. Brondizio, P. de Camargo, J. Chave, G. Djagbletey, T. Domingues, M. Drescher, P. M. Fearnside, M. B. Franc¸ N. M. Fyllas, G. L´ opez-Gonzalez, A. Hladik, N. Higuchi, M. Hunter, Y. Iida, K. Abu Silam, A. Rahman bin Kassim, M. Keller, J. Kemp, D. King, J. C. Lovett, B. S. Marimon, B. H. Marimon-Junior, A. Marshall, D. J. Metcalfe, E. T. A. Mitchard, E. F. Moran, B. W. Nelson, R. Nilus, E. M. Nogueira, E. Lenza de Oliveira, M. Palace, S. Patino, K. S.-H. Peh, M. T. Raventos, J. M. Reitsma, G. Saiz, B. Sonké, H. E. Taedoumg, S. Tan, H. Woll, L. White, and J. Lloyd Biogeosciences Discuss 7: 1–67.

48. Evaluating the potential of commercial forest inventory data to report on forest carbon stock and forest carbon stock changes for REDD+ under the UNFCCC (In press – 2011) Danae Maniatis, Yadvinder Malhi, Laurent Saint-André, Danilo Mollicone, Nicolas Barbier, Sassan Saatchi, Matieu Henry, Laurent Teillier, Mathieu Schwartzenberg & Lee White. International Journal of Forestry Research

49. Mapping tropical forest biomass with radar and spaceborne LiDAR in Lopé National Park, Gabon: overcoming problems of high biomass and persistent cloud (2011). E. T. A. Mitchard, S. S. Saatchi, L. J. T. White, K. A. Abernethy, K. J. Jeffery, S. L. Lewis, M. Collins, M. A. Lefsky, M. E. Leal, I. H. Woodhouse, and P. Meir Biogeosciences, 8, 1–13.

50. Benchmark Map of Forest Carbon Stocks in Tropical Regions Across Three Continents. (2011). Sassan S. Saatchi, Nancy L. Harris, Sandra Brown, Michael Lefsky, Edward Mitchard, William Salas, Brian Zutta, Wolfgang Buermann, Simon Lewis, Stephen Hagen, Silvia Petrova, Lee White, Miles Silman, and Alexandra Morel. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA doi:10.1073/pnas.1019576108

51. Structural and floristic typology of the forests in the forest-savanna mosaic of the Lopé National Park, Gabon Florence Palla, Nicolas Picard, Kate A. Abernethy, Tharcisse Ukizintambara, Elizabeth C. White, Bernard Riéra, Jean-Paul Rudant & Lee White Plant Ecology and Evolution 144 (2011): 1–12, 2011 doi:10.5091/plecevo.2011.478

52. Banin, L., Feldpausch, T.R., Phillips, O.L., Baker, T.R., Lloyd, J., Affum-Baffoe, K., Arets, E.J.M.M., Berry, N.J., Bradford, M., Brienen, R.J.W., Davies, S., Drescher, M., Higuchi, N., Hilbert, D.W., Hladik, A., Iida, Y., Salim, K.A., Kassim, a R., King, D. a, Lopez-Gonzalez, G., Metcalfe, D., Nilus, R., Peh, K.S.-H., Reitsma, J.M., Sonké, B., Taedoumg, H., Tan, S., White, L.J.T., Wöll, H., Lewis, S.L., (2012). What controls tropical forest architecture ? Testing environmental, structural and floristic drivers. Global Ecology and Biogeography n/a–n/a. doi:10.1111/j.1466-8238.2012.00778.x

53. Tree height integrated into pantropical forest biomass estimates (2012). T. R. Feldpausch . . . ., L. White, et al. Biogeosciences, 9, 3381–3403.

54. A growth model for azobé, Lophira alata, in Gabon. 2012. N. L. Engone Obiang, A. Ngomanda, L. J. T. White, K. J. Jeffery, É. Chézeaux, N. Picard. BOIS ET FORÊTS DES TROPIQUES. N° 314 (4) 65-72

55. Disentangling the effect of size and competition: a growth model for Aucoumea klaineana. 2013. Nestor Engone Obiang, Alfred Ngomanda, Lee J. T. White, Kathryn J. Jeffery, Eric Chézeaux, Nicolas Picard. Annals of Forest Science, 59(1):41-51.

56. Oslisly R, White L, Bentaleb I, Favier C, Fontugne M, Gillet J-F, Sebag D. (2013) Climatic and cultural changes in the west Congo Basin forests over the past 5000 years. Phil Trans R Soc B 368 : 20120304. http://dx.doi.org/10.1098/rstb.2012.0304

57. Aboveground biomass and structure of 260 African tropical forests. (2013). Simon L. Lewis, Bonaventure Sonke, Terry Sunderland, . . . . . . Lee J.T. White, et al. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B.

58. Here Today, Here Tomorrow: Beached Timber In Gabon, A Persistent Threat To Nesting Sea Turtles. (2013). Stephen K. Pikesley, Angela Formia, Floriane Cardiec, Brendan J. Godley . . . . . Lee White & Matthew J. Witt. Biological Conservation.

59. The 2.1 Ga Old Francevillian Biota: Biogenicity, Taphonomy and Biodiversity (2014) A. El Albani, S. Bengtson, . . . . . . L. White, M. Whitehouse & A. Meunier. PLOS ONE 9(6): e99438.

60. Jeffery, K.J., Korte, L., Palla, F., White, L.J.T., Abernethy, K.A., 2014. Fire Management in a Changing Landscape : a case study from Lopé National Park. PARKS 20, 35–48.

61. Manage parks professionally (2014). Lee White. Nature 515, 29–30.

62. Going the extra mile: Ground-based monitoring of olive ridley turtles reveals Gabon hosts the largest rookery in the Atlantic. (2015) K. Metcalfe, P. D. Agamboué . . . . . L. White & M. J. Witt. Biological Conservation 190, 14–22.

63. Peri-urban conservation in the Mondah forest of Libreville (Gabon): Red List endemic plant species assessments and avoiding protected area downsizing. (2015). G. Walters, E. Ngagnia Ndjabounda, D. Ikabanga, J.P. Biteau, O. Hymas , L.J.T.White, A-M. Ndong Obiang, P. Bede, K. J. Jeffery, O. Lachenaud and T. Stevart. Oryx (in press)

64. Floristics and biogeography of vegetation in seasonally dry tropical regions (2015) K. Dexter, B. Smart, C. Baldauf, T. R. Baker, M. P. Balinga, . . . R. K. Umetsu, R. G. Villaroel, V. Vos, L. J. T. White, R. T. Pennington. International Forestry Review 08/2015; 17(S2):10-23

65. African savanna-forest boundary dynamics: a 20-year study (2016). Aida Cuni-Sanchez, Lee J.T. White, Kath J. Jeffrey, Kim Calders; Andrew Burt, Mathias Disney, Martin Gilpin, Simon L. Lewis. PLOS. In press

66. Reducing Carbon Emissions from Forest Conversion for Oil Palm Agriculture in Gabon (2016). Mark E. H. Burton, John R. Poulsen, Michelle E. Lee, Vincent P. Medjibe, Christopher G. Stewart, Arun Venkataraman, & Lee J. T. White. Conservation Letters. In press

67. Abiotic Controls on Macroscale Variations of Humid Tropical Forest Height (2016). Yan Yang, Sassan Saatchi *, Liang Xu, Yifan Yu, Michael Lefsky, Lee White, Yuri Knyazikhin, Ranga Myneni. Remote Sensing. In press

68. Performance of non-parametric algorithms for spatial mapping of tropical forest structure (2016) Liang Xu, Sassan S. Saatchi, Yan Yang, Yifan Yu, Lee White. Carbon Balance and Management

69. Deadwood stocks increase with selective logging and large tree frequency in Gabon. (2016) Ben S. Carlson, Sally E. Koerner, Vincent P. Medjibe, L. J. T. White, John R. Poulsen. Global Change Biology in press

70. ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES IN CENTRAL AFRICA (2016). Katharine Abernethy, Fiona Maisels & Lee J.T. White. Annual Review of Environment and Resources 41 : 1-33. http://arjournals.annualreviews.org/eprint/ThBqVdjzNh7Hz8Emx3ud/full/10.1146/annurev-environ-110615-085415

71. International trade in endangered species: The challenges and successes of the 17th Conference of Parties to CITES (2016). A. F. Koumba Pambo, T. Carroll, L. Lelanchon, E. Ehi-Ebewele, A. Sonko, L. White. [African Journal of Ecology]. In press.

72. Diversity and carbon storage across the tropical forest biome. (2016). Sullivan, M. J. P., J. Talbot, J., Lewis, S., Phillips, O., White, L., et al. Sci. Rep. 6, 39102; doi: 10.1038/srep39102

73. Forest structure determines the abundance and distribution of large lianas in Gabon (in press) J. R. Poulsen, S. E. Koerner, Z. Miao, V. P. Medjibe, L. Ngok Banak and L. J. T. White. Global Ecology and Biogeography (2016)

74. Fourier analysis to detect phenological cycles using long-term tropical field data and simulations. Bush, E. R., Abernethy, K. A., Jeffery, K., Tutin, C., White, L., Dimoto, E., Dikangadissi, J.-T., Jump, A. S. and Bunnefeld, N. (2017), Methods Ecol Evol, 8: 530–540. doi:10.1111/2041-210X.12704

75. Poaching empties critical Central African wilderness of forest elephants. 2017. John R. Poulsen, Sally E. Koerner. . . . and Lee J. T. White. Current Biology 27, R1–R3

76. Sea turtle by-catch in the industrial trawling fishery of Gabon. (2017) P. CASALE, G. ABITSI, . . . . . . L. WHITE, M. WITT & A. FORMIA. Biodiversity and Conservation. In Press.

77. Comparison of Small- and Large-Footprint Lidar Characterization of Tropical Forest Aboveground Structure and Biomass: A Case Study from Central Gabon. C. A. Silva . . . . . L. White . . . et al. 2018 (in press). IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing

78. Atmospheric and soil water droughts from El Niño events depress tropical forest woody growth. (2018, in press). Sami W. Rifa. Lee J. T. White & Yadvinder Malhi. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B.

79. Annual cycles are the most common reproductive strategy in African tropical tree communities. (2018). Adamescu, G. S. . . . White, L. et al BIOTROPICA 50(3) 418-430.

80. Towards effective monitoring of tropical phenology: maximizing returns and minimizing uncertainty in long-term studies. (2018). Bush, E. R., White, L. & Abernethy, K. A. BIOTROPICA 50(3): 455-464

81. Contribution and stability of forest-derived soil organic carbon during woody encroachment in a tropical savanna. A case study in Gabon. (2018) T. Chiti, A. Rey . . . . L. J. T. White & R. Valentini. Biology and Fertility of Soils 2018. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00374-018-1313-6

82. Forest elephant movement and habitat use in a tropical forest-grassland mosaic in Gabon. E. C. Mills, J. R. Poulsen . . . . & L.J.T. White. PLoS ONE 13(7):e0199387

83. Comparison of Small- and Large-Footprint Lidar Characterization of Tropical Forest Aboveground Structure and Biomass: A Case Study From Central Gabon. (2018). Labrière, N. Tao, S, Chave, J . . . . White, L. & Saatchi, S. (Volume: 11 , Issue: 10). Pp. 3617-3627.

84. The persistence of carbon in the African forest understory. W. Hubau, T. de Mi . . . . L. White, L. Zemagho, S. Lewis & H. Beeckman Nature Plants. 2018. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41477-018-0316-5.

85. A novel approach to estimate the distribution, density and at-sea risks of a centrally-placed mobile marine vertebrate. 2018. Pikesley, S. K.. . . . . White, L. J. T. & Witt, M. Biological Conservation 221: 246-256.

86. Estimates and determinants of stocks of deep soil carbon in Gabon, Central Africa. (2019). A. Wade, D. Richter, V. Medjibe, . . . L. White & J. Poulsen. Geoderma.

87. Landscape-level validation of allometric relationships for carbon stock estimation reveals bias driven by soil type. (2019 in press). C. Beirne, Z. Miao, C. L. Nuñez, V. P. Medjibe, S. Saatchi, L. J. T. White and J. R. Poulsen. Ecological Applications.

88. Exploring the relation between remotely sensed vertical canopy structure and tree species diversity in Gabon. Environmental Research Letters (2019). Marselis, S., Tang, H., Armston, J., Abernethy, K., Alonso, A., Barbier, N., Bissiengou, P., Jeffery, K., Kenfack, D., Labrière, N., Lee, Seung K., Lewis, S., Memiaghe, H., Poulsen, J., White, L., & Dubayah, R. Environ. Res. Lett. 14 094013

89. Plant species of the Lopé Reserve, Gabon, with emphasis on the northern half. (In press) L.J.T. White, G. McPherson, C.E.G. Tutin, E.A. Williamson, K.A. Abernethy, J.M. Reitsma, J. J. Wieringa, A. Blom, M.J.S. Harrison. Annales of the Missouri Botanical Garden, Special Publication.

1. Guide de la végétation de la Reserve de la Lopé, Gabon (1996). White, L. J. T. & Abernethy, K. Ecofac Gabon, Libreville. 232 pp.

2. A guide to the vegetation of the Lopé Reserve, Gabon. 2nd edition. (1997) White, L. J. T. & Abernethy, K. Wildlife Conservation Society, New York. 232 pp.

3. Conservation research in the African rain forest: a technical handbook. White, L. J. T. & Edwards, A. (Eds.) Wildlife Conservation Society. 454 pp. 2000 – Publié en Français en 2001: Conservation en forêt pluviale Africaine: méthodes de recherche. White, L. J. T. & Edwards, A. (Eds.) Wildlife Conservation Society. 462 pp. 2001

4. African Rain Forest Ecology and Conservation B Weber, LJT White, A Vedder & Naughton-Trevis, L. (eds.), Yale University Press, 2001.

5. Gabon’s National Parks : Stretegy for the new millennium. White, L. J. T., Wilks, C., Fay, J. M. & Christy, P. 2002.

6. Vision for Gabon : Tourism, Parcs and Sustainable Development / Vision pour le Gabon : Le Tourisme, les parcs et le développement durable. White, L. J. T., Gwynne, J. A., Chesnel, E. & Mferri Bongo Ondimba, P. 2007



Les Parcs Nationaux du Gabon – Series Editors: Adiahéno, R. H., Oslisly, R., Vande weghe, J.-P. & White, L.

1. Akanda et Pongara : Plages et mangroves. Vande weghe, J.-P. 2005

2. Ivindo et Mwagna : Eaux noires, forêts vierges et baïs Vande weghe, J.-P. 2006*

3. Loango, Mayumba et le Bas Ogooué Vande weghe, J.-P. 2007*

4. Plateau Batéke. Vande weghe, J.-P. 2008*

5. Monts de Cristal. Vande weghe, J.-P. 2009

6. Lopé, Waka et Birougou. Vande weghe, J.-P. 2011

7. Moukalaba Doudou. Vande weghe, J.-P. 2012

8. Minkébé. Vande weghe, J.-P. 2013, in press

*  publiziert in Englisch in 2010, Herausgeber L. White


  1. Gabun : dix choses à savoir sur Lee White, ministre des Forêts, de la Mer et de l’Environnement – Jeune Afrique abgerufen am 18.Mai 2021
  2. Paris Match Un Britannique à la tête du ministère gabonais des Forêts, une première en Afrique abgerufen am 18.Mai 2021
  4. En juin 2019, il fait son entrée au gouvernement gabonais au poste de ministre des Eaux, des Forêts, de la Mer, de l'Environnement, chargé du Plan Climat, des Objectifs du Développement Durable et du Plan d’Affectation des Terres. abgerufen am 17.5.2021
  5. Un Britannique à la tête du ministère gabonais des Forêts, une première en Afrique abgerufen am 20.5.2021
