Vorlage:Year nav topic5 Dieser Artikel behandelt das Wissenschaftsjahr 1530.
Bearbeiten- Otto Brunfels begins publication of his illustrated botanical catalogue Herbarium vivae icones, based on his own observations and giving the plants their German vernacular names.
Geologie ????
Bearbeiten- Georgius Agricola publishes Bermannus, sive de re metallica dialogus, his first work on scientific metallurgy.
Bearbeiten- Approximate date – Jyeṣṭhadeva, a member of the Kerala School of Astronomy and Mathematics in India, writes the Yuktibhāṣā, the world's first known text on the foundations of calculus.
Bearbeiten- September 30 – Girolamo Mercuriale, Italian physician (died 1606)
- Mathew Baker, English shipwright (died 1613)
- 1529 or 1530 – Julius Caesar Aranzi, Italian anatomist (died 1589)
- approx. date – Thomas Penny, English botanist and entomologist (died 1589)
Bearbeiten- Jacopo Berengario da Carpi, Italian anatomist (born 1460)
- ↑ FAQS On the History of Dentistry. (PDF) In: Archives of the American Dental Association. American Dental Association, archiviert vom am 23. Dezember 2013; abgerufen am 23. Dezember 2013 (What was the name of the first book on dentistry?).