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Dr. Manouchehr Moshtagh Khorasani

is the author of "Arms and Armor from Iran: The Bronze Age to the End of the Qajar Period" that features a detailed analysis of Iranian arms and armor from the pre-historical times to the end of the Qajar rule in Iran. This book is based on over 800 primary and secondary sources and features a detailed analysis of over 520 artifacts from ten Iranian museums for the first time. Some selected items from private collections are also featured in this book. Dr. Moshtagh Khorasani has written a number of print articles related to arms and armor from Iran in English, German, and Spanish for American, British, Canadian, German, Indian, and Spanish magazines. He is praparing his second book "Lexicon of Arms and Armor from Iran: A Study of Symbols and Terminology" that will feature the inventory of arms and armor of another Iranian museum "The Cultural Institution of the Museums of Bonyad."

Dr. Moshtagh Khorasani is a specialist in the arms and armor of the Middle East with a special emphasis on Iranian arms and armor. He has done extensive research on the primary and secondary sources of Iranian arms and armor, the military history of Iran, images and decoration on arms and armor, different methods of casting bronze and iron weapons, and the forging of steel weapons. He has analyzed the inventories of eleven Iranian arms and armor museums .

Dr. Manouchehr Moshtagh Khorasani wrote his doctorate thesis on the analysis of conflicts and controversies under Professor Dr. Andreas H. Jucker (and Professor Dr. Joybrato Mukherjee, Professor Dr. Gerd Fritz, and Professor Dr. Thomas Gloning) at Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen, Germany) while doing research and writing books in the field of historical arms and armor from Iran.

Dr. Moshtagh Khorasani majored in English linguistics and Business Administration and minored in Spanish from the University of Giessen (Germany), the University of Wisconsin (USA), and Universidad de Salamanca (Spain). He has been conducting seminars in executive coaching, leadership, and intercultural trainings in the banking industry. He has taught across Europe in English, German, and Spanish.

Dr. Moshtagh Khorasani is an instructor in iaidjutsu and kenjutsu. He is also a holder of a black belt second dan in full-contact karate, a black belt second dan in Nam Wa Pai, an instructor level in Kungfu Toa (shalband zabz), and has an extensive experience in international martial arts competitions.