Dierk Lange
Professor em. für Geschichte Afrikas an der Universität Bayreuth; e-mail: Dierk.Lange@uni-bayreuth.de
Webseite: http://dierklange.com/
Hauptautor folgender Beiträge (die angegebenen Daten lassen in den meisten Fällen spätere Verbesserungen unberücksichtigt): Azna (2006), Banza (2006), Bayajidda (2006), Borgu (2011), Bori (Hausa) (2006), Bornu (2006), Djado (2011), Duguwa (2006, 2011), Emirat Daura (2006), Emirat Katsina (2006), Gao-Reich (2006), Gao-Saney (2006, 2011), Garamanten (2006), Gazargamo (2011), Ghana-Reich (2011), Girgam (2006), Gobir (2006), Hausastaaten (2006), Hume al-Sayfi (2006), Ibn Furtu (2006), Ile-Ife (2006, 2011), Judentum in Afrika (2008), Kanem-Bornu (2006), Kano (2006), Kano-Chronik (2006), Kebbi (2009), Keret (Legende) (2012), Koumbi Saleh (2011), Kukiya (2006), Magajiya (2006), Magira (Königinmutter) (2006), Malireich (2006), Moremi (2012), Mune (Heiligtum) (2006), Obatala (2011), Oyo (2006), Reich Kanem (2006, 2011), Sao (Kultur) (2007), Sefuwa (2006, 2011), Shango (2011), Songhaireich (2006, 2011), Sonni (2006), Surame (2011), Takedda (2006), Transsaharahandel (2006), Tunjur (2012), al-Ya'qubi (2006), Zaghe (2006), Zilum (2006). Beiträge zu zahlreichen weiteren Artikeln.
Kürzlich erschienene Veröffentlichungen:
- 2012 "The Bayajidda legend and Hausa history", in: E. Bruder und T. Parfitt (Hrsg.), Studies in Black Judaism, Cambridge 2012, 138-174.
- 2011 "Origin of the Yoruba and the 'Lost Tribes of Israel'", Anthropos, 106 (2011), 579-595.
- ---The Founding of Kanem by Assyrian Refugees ca. 600 BCE: Documentary, Linguistic, and Archaeological Evidence, Boston, Working Papers in African Studies, n° 265, 44 p.
- --- "Abwanderung der assyrischen tamkāru nach Nubien, Darfur und ins Tschadseegebiet", in: B. Nowak et al. (Hrsg.), Europejczycy Afrykanie Inni, Warszawa, 2011, 199-226.
- 2010 “An introduction to the history of Kanem-Bornu: the prologue of the Dīwān”, Borno Museum Society Newsletter, 76/84 (2010), 79-103.
- --- "Afrika südlich der Sahara: Von den Sakralstaaten zu den Großreichen", in: J. Fried and E.-D. Hehl (Hg.), Weltdeutungen und Weltreligionen 600-1500, Bd. III, WBG-Weltgeschichte, Darmstadt 2010, 103-116.
- 2009 "An Assyrian successor state in West Africa: The ancestral kings of Kebbi as ancient Near Eastern rulers", Anthropos, 104,2 (2009), 359-382.
- ---"Biblical patriarchs from a pre-canonical source mentioned in the Dīwān of Kanem-Bornu", Zeitschrift für Alttestamentliche Wissenschaft 121, 4 (2009), 588-597.
- ---"The early magistrates and kings of Kanem as Assyrian state builders ", Anthropos, 104, 1 (2009), 3-24.
- 2008 "Immigration of the Chadic-speaking Sao towards 600 BCE", Borno Museum Society Newsletter, 72-75 (2008), 84-106.
- ---"Islamic feedback or ancient Near Eastern Survivals?" Paideuma 54 (2008), 353-264.
- 2007 "The Emergence of social complexity in the southern Chad Basin towards 500 BC: Archaeological and other evidence", Borno Museum Society Newsletter, 68-71.
- 2006 "The Mune as the Ark of the Covenant between Duguwa and Sefuwa [in ancient Kanem", Borno Museum Society Newsletter 66-67 (2006), 15-25.
- 2004 Ancient Kingdoms of West Africa: Africa-Centred and Canaanite-Israelite Perspectives - A Collection of Published and Unpublished Studies in English and French, Dettelbach 2004.
- ---"Preservation of the Canaanite Creation Culture in Ife", in: P. Probst und G. Spittler (eds.), Between Resistance and Expansion: Dimensions of Local Vitality in Africa, (Beiträge zur Afrikaforschung n° 18); Münster 2004, 127-157.