Dr. Armin Herbert
Dr. Armin Herbert

I studied biology at the universities of Giessen, Tübingen and Mainz (all Germany). I focussed on marine ecology and marine biology. I participated in relevant courses at the marine research institutions in Helgoland (Germany), Arcachon (France) and Kristineberg (Sweden). To develop my versatility, I put emphasis in the fields of zoology, biochemistry, molecular biology, genetics and microbiology, too. I took lectures and practical exercises in statistics and biometrics..

FFS Walther-Herwig
FFS Walther-Herwig

At the computer centre of the University of Mainz, I attended training courses to work with the mainframe operating system Multics and the statistical software package SPSS.

After graduating with a diploma in biology, I participated in 1984 in a graduate course in marine ecology at the Marine Biological Laboratory in Woods Hole (Massachusetts, USA).

Since 1981, I have worked professionally in the areas of environmental research and environmental protection, particlarly in marine environments.

Research Vessel L'Europe
Research Vessel L'Europe

I conducted the experimental work for my Ph.D thesis in 1985 and 1986 as a guest scientist at the Center for Marine Research of the Rudjer Boskovic Institute in Rovinj (Yugoslavia, now Croatia). Subject was the investigation of genetic changes in marine organisms in the northern Adriatic Sea by molecular methods. During this time I was freelancing for the Academy of Science and Literature in Mainz, too.

In 1987, I continued this work as a research assistant at the Cornelius Vanderbilt Whitney Laboratory for Experimental Marine Biology and Medicine of the University of Florida (Marineland, St. Augustine - Florida, USA).

With Lobster in Laboratory
With Lobster in Laboratory

After my return to Germany in 1988, I worked for two years at the Free University of Berlin, in molecular biology and genetic engineering. Then I had the opportunity to participate for five years at the University of Technology in Berlin in the establishment of the new laboratory of Aquatic Ecotoxicology of the Institute of Ecology and Biology at the Department of Environment and Society. During these years - besides my marine environmental research, including several major international research projects - I taught the subjects of ecology and ecotoxikolgy, toxicology and biochemistry at these universities. I was member of the Editorial Board of the international scientific journal "Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry".

Field Reseach
Field Reseach

However, the focus of my own research activities was marine reserach on board of research ships and vessels in the North Sea, Baltic Sea and the Mediterranean Sea.

Increasingly, large amounts of environmental data as result of partially and fully automated measurement techniques made it necessary to statistically analyze and graphically visualize them in a proper way as a basis for efficient environmental research and environmental protection.

In 1996, I chose to work in this area as a freelancer, since it is of high relevance and importance in environmental sciences, particularly in marine ecotoxicology.

Just recently, I have chosen to work again on a full scale in marine ecotoxicology, since there is a high demand and request for such a dedication.

Today, I run this business with great pleasure and motivation, with much enthusiasm and commitment.

I am member of:

  • Society for Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC)
  • Deutsche Gesellschaft für Meeresforschung (DGM)
  • Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography (ASLO)
  • MarineBio Conservation Society
  • Ocean Futures Society
  • Club for Marine Environmental Protection
  • Alumnus of the Berlin University of Technology