Den här användaren talar svenska som modersmål.
en-3 Diese Person spricht Englisch auf hohem Niveau.
da-3 Denne bruger kan bidrage på flydende dansk.
de-2 Diese Person hat fortgeschrittene Deutschkenntnisse.
no-2 Denne brukeren har god kjennskap til norsk.
fr-1 Diese Person spricht Französisch auf grundlegendem Niveau.
Benutzer nach Sprache


I am a swedish user who writes articles on Swedish Wikipedia (since 2012: mostly about science and math - and some biographies about scientists or articles about museums, universities and such). I often read the German articles on the subject in question to get hints of what and how to write, and, of course, "steal" links to useful references (why do the work twice?). Although I read German and "studied" it for five years in school (grades 7-11; but that was closer to the middle than the end of the last century), I am reluctant to write in it (I don't know the the gender of more than a handful nouns - and I'm not very good on getting out of the incomprehensible ackusativ/dativ mess either - I read and understand it quite well though). I sometimes ask questions or point out obscurities/errors on the discussion-pages (in English!), and sometimes I make minor corrections to the articles (like fixing dead links). I've studied mathematics, chemistry, geosciences and biology at university level and worked as biologist (ecology, preferrably in the field where I can get wet and cold) and computer programmer. And yes, of course, I drink beer.