As an enthusiastic Wikipedia editor, I'm committed to enhancing and refining articles across various topics, especially influential people in politics and media. I bring a meticulous approach to ensuring the accuracy and reliability of information. My focus is on quality edits, thorough source validation, and fostering a constructive discussion culture. Ongoing projects span science, culture, and history. Special thanks to all contributors shaping Wikipedia into a reliable knowledge hub. I see Wikipedia as a collective endeavour for knowledge sharing and continuous improvement.

I have fable for logic and structured decision-making and transparent processes of reasoning and argumentation.

Ich bin nicht Mitarbeiter auf den Qualitätssicherungsseiten. Mach auch nicht mit, und hilf, die Qualität der Wikipedia-Artikel zu verbessern!
26 Aktuelles Vandalismusaufkommen: Zurücksetzungen in den letzten 60 Minuten (Daten)

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