
Monkey 47 - Schwarzwald Dry Gin


Monkey 47, also known as “Schwarzwald Dry Gin”, is a brand of dry gin from the Black Forest in Germany. It is produced at the Black Forest Distillers distillery in Loßburg (Baden-Württemberg). Alexander Stein and Christoph Keller began developing it in 2008. It was in 2010 that the first batch of 2,000 bottles went on sale. In 2013, they produced 150,000 bottles. Monkey 47 tastes of juniper with citrus notes, has soft floral, sweet and slightly peppery notes, as well as subtly dry fruit components.[1][2][3]

Monkey 47 - Schwarzwald Dry Gin

Monkey 47 apparently goes back to the post-war period. Legend has it that the British Wing Commander Montgomery “Monty” Collins of the Royal Air Force moved to Berlin in 1945, where he become devoted to rebuilding the Berlin Zoo. This led to him sponsoring an egret monkey by the name of Max. In 1951, love brought Collins to the Northern Black Forest where, following his failed career as a watchmaker, he opened a country guesthouse named "Zum wilden Affen" (“The Wild Monkey") in honour of Max. Collins was partial to a glass of gin and, together with a local distiller, came up with his own recipe. During renovation work at the guesthouse many years after Collins’ passing, an old wooden box was discovered. It contained a bottle of gin and the label “Max the Monkey – Schwarzwald Dry Gin”, as well as an accompanying letter by Montgomery with a general outline of the ingredients. This provided Alexander Stein and Christoph Keller from Black Forest Distillers with a basis for their recipe.[4][5]

In January 2016, Pernod Ricard took over Black Forest Distillers to expand its range of premium gin products.[6][7]



According to the manufacturer, the recipe consists of exactly 47 different botanical ingredients.

In addition to water from the distiller’s own spring near Alpirsbach with a very low hardness level of 2.5dH, 47 herbal ingredients (“botanicals”) are added. These include juniperspruce shootsblack locust flowersrose hip fruitscubebcassia barkcoriandergrains of paradisemusk seedallspicecardamomclovesnutmegalmondgingerCeylon cinnamonliquoriceAcorus calamuslavender, blossoms of wild honeysuckle, blossoms of Monarda didymaorris rootjasmine (blossom), bitter orangelemon balmangelica archangelica (“angelica”) seeds, lemon zestlemongrasskaffir limelemon verbenapomeloAlthaea officinalissloeelderflowerdog rosehedge rosebramble leavescamomilesagecommon vervainhawthorn berries and lingonberries. 15 of the ingredients are added in larger quantities, while the others simply serve to increase the complexity.[8]

The ingredients are first macerated with the spring water and ethanol in earthenware vessels for 36 hours. The macerate is then distilled through steam extraction (percolation) using a Carter Head still. The alcoholic vapours are channelled through fresh botanicals, thus singling out and highlighting specific flavours within the composition of the distillate’s aroma and intensifying volatile and subtle elements (such as floral notes) as a counterpoint to the more dominant components. Following this, the distillate is stored in earthenware vessels for around three months. The distillate is then diluted with spring water to 47% volume, before being roughly filtered with a sheet filter without undergoing cold treatment.[9]

Being an unblended, batch-distilled gin, Monkey 47 varies slightly in taste from batch to batch.

Monkey 47 is sold in 500 ml and 50 ml pharmacy bottles and also as a sloe gin version.[10]

At the International Wine and Spirit Competition (IWSC) in 2011, Monkey 47 won the “Gold (Best in Class)” award in the “Gin Worldwide” category, and “Gold” for the World Spirits Award. In addition to these awards for flavour, Monkey 47 has also received awards for its form and design. The prizes awarded for product design include the Red Dot Award in communication design,[11] the Deutscher Designer Club (DDC) Award in the graphic fine arts category, the San Francisco World Spirits Competition Award Gold Medal for packaging design, as well as the Public Choice Award, issued by the German Design Council at the German Design Awards.


Official Website of Monkey 47


  1. After the gin flood: How Alexander Stein turned Monkey 47 into a long-running hit. Abgerufen am 2. Mai 2017 (englisch).
  2. Monkey 47 Gin - Beer, Wine and Spirits. Abgerufen am 2. Mai 2017 (englisch).
  3. Wallpaper* Magazine: Spiritual home: architect Philipp Mainzer distills tradition at Monkey 47 gin | Lifestyle | Wallpaper* Magazine. In: Wallpaper*. 28. April 2016 ( [abgerufen am 2. Mai 2017]).
  4. The Monkey Drum: Monkey 47 And How It Came To Be... Abgerufen am 2. Mai 2017 (englisch).
  5. Monkey 47 Schwarzwald Dry Gin | Expert Gin Review. In: Gin Foundry. ( [abgerufen am 2. Mai 2017]).
  6. Pernod Ricard Acquires German Hipster Favorite Monkey 47 Gin. In: 29. Januar 2016 ( [abgerufen am 2. Mai 2017]).
  7. Monkey 47 ‘still an independent distillery’. Abgerufen am 2. Mai 2017 (amerikanisches Englisch).
  8. The Monkey Drum: Monkey 47 And How It Came To Be... Abgerufen am 2. Mai 2017 (englisch).
  9. The Monkey Drum: The Ancient Alchemistic Art Of Distillation! Abgerufen am 2. Mai 2017 (englisch).
  10. The Monkey Drum: A Whole Different Animal? Abgerufen am 2. Mai 2017 (englisch).
  11. Monkey 47 – Schwarzwald Dry Gin - 2011 | work | Red Dot Award: Communication Design. Abgerufen am 2. Mai 2017 (deutsch).

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Kategorie:Gin Kategorie:Markenname Kategorie:Alkoholhaltiges Getränk Kategorie:Spirituosenmarke Kategorie:Spirituosenherstellung Kategorie:Schwarzwald