Au-12m ist ein zweisitziges Prallluftschiff der russischen Firma Augur Luftfahrtsysteme. Es wird auch von der Tochterfima RosAeroSystems vertrieben.
Zwei dieser Schiff sollen zur Verkehrsüberwachung in Moskau dienen.
Das Heckleitwerk hat ein X-Anordnung. Es besteht aus einem mit Gewebe und Folie bespannten Rahmen. Die Ruder werden mit einer Fly-by-wire-Steuerung bedient. Im Gegensatz zu den meisten anderen Prallluftschiffen wird nur ein Ballonett verwendet, das bis zu 25 Prozent des Hüllenvolumens einnehmen kann. An der linkes Seite befindet sich ein Überdruckventil an der Hülle, das sowohl autmatisch arbeitet, als auch manuell bedient werden kann.
Die Bugverstärkung besteht aus einer achtstrahligen Verstärkung und verfügt über einen Festmachpunkt für den Ankermast
BearbeitenQuellen zu den Einsätzen sind teilweise widersprüchlich:
- 19.07.2003 Bilder von der Teilnahme des AU-12 an der MAKS 2003-Luftfahrtschau
- 15.07.2004 Bilder von Testflüge des AU-12
- 20. September 2004 Pressemeldung zum Jungfernflug Au-12m
- August 2005 Teilnahme des Au-12m an der MAKS 2005-Luftfahrtschau
Technik Au-12m
Bearbeiten- Volumen: 1250 m³
- Leergewicht: 780 kg
- Länge: 34 m
- größter Durchmesser 8,47 m
- maximale Flughöhe: 1500 m
- Höchstgeschwindigkeit: 100 km/h
- Reisegeschwindigkeit: 50 - 90 km/h
- Antrieb: ein [[Rotax]-912 ULS-Motor 4-Takt-4-Zylinder mit 73,5 kW und 1352 cm³ Hubraum, der über Treibriemen zwei schwenkbare ummantelte vierflügelige Luftschrauben antreibt
- max. Flugdauer: 6 h
- Reichweite: 350 km
- Besatzung: 1 Pilot
- Nutzlast: 1 Passagier + 65-130 kg
- Fahrwerk: ein selbstausrichtendes Teleskoprad unter der Gondel
Siehe auch
Bearbeiten- Vorlage:Luftschifftypen
- Au-11 einsitziges Modell von Augur
- Geschichte der russischen Luftfahrt
Bearbeiten- "AeroLift" Tethered Aeronautical Attraction
4 June 2002 Tests of the AeroLift Aerostatic Attraction Are Successfully Completed Tests of the AeroLift aerostatic attraction are successfully completed. The commission of MAK (Interstate Aviation Committee) has confirmed the completion of the full test program. The AeroLift aerostatic attraction will become a visiting card of the Russian aerostatics in Italy.
On the eve of the 2002, the RosAeroSystems Company had finished the construction of the AeroLift aerostatic attraction. The order was made by the Italian part in the beginning of the 2001. The AeroLift is intended to give all visitors a chance to enjoy a bird's-eye view of the picturesque beauty of legendary Pompeii. Preoperational tests are going at full drive and upon receiving certification the aerostat will be delivered to the customer. Over a hundred years ago, a French inventor Henri Jiffar gave life to commercial ballooning. He built an aerostatic attraction, which took spectators up to 500 meters high and then took them down. The project proved to be profitable and subsequently was spread all over the world. In the beginning of the 1990-s, a French company Aerofil applied Jiffar's idea offering spectators a bird's-eye view of French landscapes from a basket of a tethered aerostat. Commercial success of the project exceeded all expectations. Per Lindstrand's well-known company took the initiative and created a whole worldwide net of similar attractions in the USA, Brazil, Sweden, and other countries. Designed by the RosAeroSystems' specialists the attraction AeroLift uses - instead of a net as is usual for its foreign counterparts - catenary belts and grips traditional for Russian aerostatics. Thus, the Russian aerostat is much cheaper than its western analogues - about 30-40% - keeping the same level of reliability and safety. Due to reduced prime cost, the attraction became more available to the public. In aerostats of this class, the RosAeroSystems implemented inventive concepts, which allowed increasing safety of people. They include - together with the special alarm device - systems of pressure control and mobile gas refilling. The spherical aerostat and passenger basket are held by the metal tether. The envelope of 3000 cubic meters in volume filled by non-explosive helium is made of high-strength material by methods of RF-welding. As a result, the continuous service life of the aerostat increased to 4-6 years. The Russian aerostatic attraction, depending on the project variations, has modifications for 15 and for 30 passengers. The AeroLift built for the Italian part will be able to take 18 passengers to the 150-meter altitude. Over the next three months, the AeroLift attraction will be certified in accordance with the international regulations of aircraft operation FAR-31. It is expected that in spring of 2002 the Russian aerostat will sweep the beautiful sky of Italy, becoming one of the showplaces and amusements of Pompeii. RosAeroSystems has an impeccable reputation and its team of high-class specialists proved its professionalism and the right for the leading positions it its field. Armed with Russian traditions in aeronautics and scientific achievements RosAeroSystems is doing its best to support progressive tendencies, which mark the beginning of the 21st century.
- Au-27"Linx" Au-17"Bars" Low Volume Aerostats
15.04.2003 Aerostat Au-27 carries out flight test photo album
- Tethered Aerostats PUMA and JAGUAR
- DAG-2M Paratroopers Training Balloon
22.05.2003 The DAG-2M tethered aerostat paratroopers training balloons carries out flight test
- Custom Made Gas Balloons