
Glacial and en:interglacial cycles as represented by atmospheric CO2, measured from ice core samples going back 650,000 years

Land-based chronology of glaciations

Names Inter/Glacial Period (ka) MIS Epoch
Alpine N. American N. European Great Britain
en:Flandrian interglacial present – 12 1 en:Holocene
1st Würm Wisconsin Weichsel
or Vistula
Devensian glacial period 12 – 110 2-4
& 5a-d
Riss-Würm Sangamon en:Eemian Ipswichian interglacial 110 – 130 5e
2nd Riss Illinoian Saale Wolstonian or Gipping glacial period 130 – 200 6
Mindel-Riss Yarmouth Holstein Hoxnian interglacial(s) 200 – 300/380 7,9,11
3rd – 5th Mindel Kansan Elster Anglian glacial period(s) 300/380 – 455 8,10,12
Günz-Mindel Aftonian Cromerian* interglacial(s) 455 – 620 13-15
7th Günz Nebraskan Menapian Beestonian glacial period 620 – 680 16

Older periods of the Pleistocene

Name Inter/Glacial Period (ka) MIS Epoch
en:Pastonian interglacial interglacial 600 – 800
en:Pre-Pastonian glaciation glacial period 800 – 1300
en:Bramertonian Interglacial interglacial 1300 – 1550

**Table data is based on Gibbard Figure 22.1.[1]

Major glacial periods

500 million year record shows current and previous two major glacial periods
Name Period (Ma) Period Era
  30 - present en:Neogene en:Cenozoic
Karoo 360 - 260 en:Carboniferous and en:Permian en:Paleozoic
en:Andean-Saharan 450 - 420 en:Ordovician and en:Silurian en:Paleozoic
(or Sturtian-Varangian)
800 - 635 en:Cryogenian en:Neoproterozoic
en:Huronian glaciation 2100 - 2400 en:Siderian and en:Rhyacian en:Paleoproterozoic


  1. Gibbard, P. and van Kolfschoten, T. (2004) "The Pleistocene and Holocene Epochs" Chapter 22 In Gradstein, F. M., Ogg, James G., and Smith, A. Gilbert (eds.), A Geologic Time Scale 2004 Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, ISBN 0521781426