sv Den här användaren talar svenska som modersmål.
en-4 This user speaks English at a near-native level.
de-0 Dieser Benutzer hat kaum oder keine Deutschkenntnisse.
Benutzer nach Sprache

Guten Tag!

I'm Alex Nordstrom, a user from Sweden, born in Stockholm, educated in Perth, Australia, and now working with product management in the software and digital TV industry in Linköping. I've been active on English Wikipedia since December 2003, on Swedish Wikipedia since April 2006 and on Wikimedia Commons since April 2006. I'm a retired administrator on Swedish Wikipedia and Wikimedia Commons and a retired OTRS volunteer.

Some of my earlier edits on this project were made under a different name, since this name was used by another user until accounts were unified across all Wikimedia projects in 2015.

Please leave a message. I've studied enough German to understand it decently, but I've forgotten enough that I probably won't respond using it.