Die Vorlage Citation ist eine Zitierhilfe für Bücher, Periodika, Beträge in Sammelwerken, Patente oder Webseiten. Sie stellt fest, welche Parameter verwendet werden und legt so den Zitierungstyp fest.
Wenn sie mit den korrekten Parametern versehen ist, erzeugt diese Vorlage dieselben Ausgaben wie die der Cite-Vorlagen, wie etwa {{Cite book}} und {{Cite web}}. Das Default-Verhalten der Vorlage weicht in einigen Punkten von dem der Cite-Vorlagen ab, bspw. erzeugt Vorlage:Citation per Detault Anker, für eine Autor-Jahr-Zitierweise (sog. Harvard-Zitierungen), während die Cite-Vorlagen Cite book und Cite journal das nicht tun (allerdings kann der entsprechende Parameter händisch entsprechend gesetzt werden). To do: Im Gegensatz zur gleichnamigen Vorlage in der englischen Wikipedia entspricht die Formatierung einer mit Vorlage:Citation erzeugten Zitierung der Empfehlung in Wikipedia:Zitierregeln.
Die Vorlage sollte stets nach gegebenenfalls vorhandener Interpunktion eingefügt werden, also nicht vor Punkt oder Komma.
Alle Parameternamen sind Lowercase.
Simple citation
BearbeitenThis template gives the most commonly used attributes. You can copy the horizontal form or vertical form below and then add in extra attributes from the full list. Spacing and ordering is irrelevant.
{{Citation |last= |first= |year= |title= |publisher= |publication-place= |page= |url= |accessdate= }}
{{Citation | last = | first = | year = | title = | publisher = | publication-place = | page = | url = | accessdate = }} |
- last: Familienname oder Nachname eines Autors. Bitte nicht author verwenden.
- first: Vorname(n) eines Autors
- year: Jahr des Verfassens oder der Publizierung eines Werks. Notwendige Angabe, falls Vorlage:Harvnb verwendet wird, außer falls sowohl Monat als auch ahr durch para|date gesetzt werden.
- title: Titel des Werks, notwendige Angabe
- publisher: Der Name des Verlags. ??? Omit terms such as Publishers, Co., Inc., Ltd., etc., but retain the words Books or Press. Not normally included where the publication is a periodical which has its own Wikipedia article (e.g. Newsweek, Billboard).
- publication-place (or place or location): The city of publication. If more than one town/city is listed on the title page, give the first one or the location of the publisher's head office. Omit when the publication is a periodical whose name specifies the location (e.g. The New York Times, The Times of India)
- page: Angabe einerzitierten Seite, setzt automatisch ein "S." vor die Seitennummer. Nicht verwenden, wenn pages verwendet wird.
- url: A url of an online location where the item can be found. If the url includes double quotes, these must be encoded as "%22".
- accessdate: Datum[n 1], an dem auf die URL zugegriffen wurde
Bearbeiten{{Citation | last = Turner | first = Orsamus | title = History of the pioneer settlement of Phelps and Gorham's purchase, and Morris' reserve | publisher = William Alling | place = Rochester, New York | year = 1851 | id = {{OL|7120924W}} }} |
Vorlage:Citation |
Full citation parameters
BearbeitenThese can be used for all types of publication except patents. All are optional and indentation is used simply to group related items — these may be mutually exclusive where indicated. Some hyphenated names can also be placed without hyphens.
{{Citation | author = | last = | first = | author2 = | last2 = | first2 = | author-link = | author2-link = | author-separator = | author-name-separator = | author-mask = | display-authors = | editor = | editor-last = | editor-first = | editor2 = | editor2-last = | editor2-first = | editor-link = | editor2-link = | others = | publication-date = | date = | year = | origyear = | title = | chapter = | chapter-url = | chapter-format = | contribution = | contribution-url = | type = | journal = | periodical = | newspaper = | magazine = | work = | edition = | series = | volume = | issue = | publisher = | publication-place = | place = | language = | page = | pages = | nopp = | at = | id = | isbn = | issn = | oclc = | pmid = | pmc = | bibcode = | doi = | doi_inactivedate = | zbl = | url = | accessdate = | format = | archiveurl = | archivedate = | quote = | layurl = | laysource = | laydate = | separator = , | postscript = | ref = }} |
BearbeitenVorlage:Citation/Style-Dokumentation Vorlage:Citation/Style-Dokumentation Vorlage:Citation/Style-Dokumentation Vorlage:Citation/Style-Dokumentation
Edition, series, volume
BearbeitenVorlage:Citation/Style-Dokumentation Vorlage:Citation/Style-Dokumentation Vorlage:Citation/Style-Dokumentation
In-source locations
Chapter URL
BearbeitenVorlage:Citation/Style-Dokumentation Vorlage:Citation/Style-Dokumentation
Display options
Subscription or registration required
BearbeitenDrei Autoren, ein Jahrgang und eine Auflage. Ein Ampersand (&) wird vor dem Namen des letzten Autors erzwungen. | {{Citation | last1 = Lincoln | first1 = A. | last2 = Washington | first2 = G. | last3 = Adams | first3 = J. | lastauthoramp = yes | title = All the Presidents' Names | publisher = The Pentagon | place = Home Base, New York | volume = XII | edition = 2nd | year = 2007 }} |
Skriptfehler: Ein solches Modul „citation/CS1“ ist nicht vorhanden. |
BearbeitenWebseite | {{Citation | url = http://nrhp.focus.nps.gov/ | title = NPS Focus | work = National Register of Historic Places | publisher = [[National Park Service]] | accessdate = 2010-11-30 | ref = none }} |
Vorlage:Citation |
Archivierte Webseite | {{Citation | url = http://liftoff.msfc.nasa.gov/academy/space/atmosphere.html | title = Earth's Atmosphere | accessdate = 2007-10-25 | publisher = [[National Aeronautics and Space Administration]] | year = 1995 | author = NASA | archiveurl = http://web.archive.org/web/20071013232332/http:// liftoff.msfc.nasa.gov/academy/space/atmosphere.html | archivedate = 2007-10-13 }} |
Vorlage:Citation |
Journale, Zeitungen, Magazine oder andere Periodika
BearbeitenArtikel in einem Journal | {{Citation | last = Hill | first = Marvin S. | title = Joseph Smith and the 1826 Trial: New Evidence and New Difficulties | journal = BYU Studies | volume = 12 | issue = 2 | year = 1976 | pages = 1–8 | url = https://byustudies.byu.edu/shop/PDFSRC/12.2Hill.pdf }} |
Vorlage:Citation |
Journal-Artikel mit mehreren Autoren und Identifiern | {{Citation | last1 = Mandelkern | first1 = M, | last2 = Elias | first2 = J, | last3 = Eden | first3 = D, | last4 = Crothers | first4 = D | display-authors = 2 | title = The dimensions of DNA in solution | journal = J Mol Biol | volume = 152 | issue = 1 | pages = 153–61 | year = 1981 | pmid = 7338906 | doi = 10.1016/0022-2836(81)90099-1 }} |
Vorlage:Citation |
Zeitungsartikel | {{Citation | last = Smith | first = Joseph III | author-link = Joseph Smith III | title = Last Testimony of Sister Emma | newspaper = The Saints' Herald | publication-place = Plano, IL | volume = 26 | issue = 19 | date = 1879-10-01 | page = 289 | url = http://www.sidneyrigdon.com/dbroadhu/IL/sain1872.htm#100179 }} |
Vorlage:Citation |
Conference paper | {{Citation | last = Sullivan | first = D.B. | contribution = Time and frequency measurement at NIST: The first 100 years | year = 2001 | title = 2001 IEEE Int'l Frequency Control Symp. | publisher = National Institute of Standards and Technology | contribution-url = http://tf.nist.gov/timefreq/general/pdf/1485.pdf | chapter-format = PDF }} |
Vorlage:Citation |
Teile von Büchern, einschließlich einzelner Artikel in Enzyklopädien
BearbeitenManuskript, das in einer herausgegebenen Sammlung veröffentlicht wurde | {{Citation | last = Bidamon | first = Emma Smith | author-link = Emma Hale Smith | chapter = Letter to Emma S. Pilgrim | date = 1876-03-27 | editor-last = Vogel | editor-first = Dan | title = Early Mormon Documents | volume = 1 | publisher = Signature Books | publication-date = 1996 | isbn = 1-56085-072-8 }} |
Vorlage:Citation |
Werk mit einem Herausgeber, aber ohne Angabe eines Autors | {{Citation | editor-last = Vogel | editor-first = Dan | title = Early Mormon Documents | volume = 1 | publisher = Signature Books | publication-date = 1996 | isbn = 1-56085-072-8 }} |
Vorlage:Citation |
namentlich gekennzeichneter Artikel in einer Enzyclopädie | {{Citation | last = Kramer | first = Martin | author-link = Martin Kramer | contribution = Bernard Lewis | editor-last = Boyd | editor-first = Kelley | title = Encyclopedia of Historians and Historical Writing | volume = 1 | pages = 719–720 | publisher = Fitzroy Dearborn | place = London | publication-date = 1999 | contribution-url = http://www.geocities.com/martinkramerorg/BernardLewis.htm }} |
Vorlage:Citation |
Artikel Enzyclopädie article ohne Autorenkennzeichnung | {{Citation | contribution = Bernard Lewis | editor-last = Boyd | editor-first = Kelley | title = Encyclopedia of Historians and Historical Writing | volume = 1 | pages = 719–720 | publisher = Fitzroy Dearborn | place = London | year = 1999 | contribution-url = http://www.geocities.com/martinkramerorg/BernardLewis.htm }} |
Vorlage:Citation |
Republications, or edited quotations in a periodical article
BearbeitenManuscript edited and published in a journal | {{Citation | last = Knight | first = Joseph, Sr. | year = 1833 | editor-last = Jessee | editor-first = Dean | title = Joseph Knight's Recollection of Early Mormon History | journal = BYU Studies | volume = 17 | issue = 1 | publication-date = 1976 | page = 35 | url = https://byustudies.byu.edu/shop/PDFSRC/17.1Jessee.pdf }} |
Vorlage:Citation |
Manuscript written at one date and place, then published in a periodical at a different date and place with commentary by the editor. | {{Citation | last = Klingensmith | first = Philip | type = Affidavit | date = September 5, 1872 | place = Lincoln County, Nevada | title = Mountain Meadows Massacre | editor-last = Toohy | editor-first = Dennis J. | journal = Corinne Daily Reporter | publication-date = September 24, 1872 | publication-place = Corinne, Utah | volume = 5 | issue = 252 | page = 1 | url = http://udn.lib.utah.edu/u?/corinne,5359 }} |
Vorlage:Citation |
Press release
BearbeitenPress release with quotation | {{Citation | url = http://www.apple.com/pr/library/2010/04/05ipad.html | title = Apple Sells Over 300,000 iPads First Day | publisher = Apple Inc | accessdate = April 10, 2010 | quote = in the US as of midnight Saturday, April 3 | ref = none}} |
Vorlage:Citation |
Citing patents
BearbeitenParameters (all are optional)
Bearbeiten{{Citation | inventor-last = | inventor-first = | inventorlink = | inventor2-last = | inventor2-first = | inventorlink2 = | publication-date = | issue-date = | title = | country-code = | description = | patent-number = | ref = }} |
BearbeitenUnited States patent with multiple inventors | {{Citation | inventor1-last = Degermark | inventor1-first = Mikael | inventor2-last = Brodnik | inventor2-first = Andrej | inventor3-last = Carlsson | inventor3-first = Svante | inventor4-last = Pink | inventor4-first = Stephen | title = Fast routing lookup system using complete prefix tree, bit vector, and pointers in a routing table for determining where to route IP datagrams | issue-date = 2001 | patent-number = 6266706 | country-code = US}} |
Vorlage:Citation |
Anchored citations
BearbeitenThis template can generate a citation that can be combined with shortened footnotes or parenthetical referencing. It does this by creating an HTML anchor containing an ID. The special parameter Vorlage:Para generates an ID suitable for Harvard referencing templates such as {{Harvnb}} as specified in the next section; this is the default for the {{Citation}} template. To disable anchor generation, specify Vorlage:Para (in contrast, other Cite templates such as {{Cite book}} and {{Cite news}} do not create an anchor by default). You can also specify the ID directly, using the Vorlage:Para parameter. For example, suppose an article's References section contains the markup:
{{Citation |author=Sigmund Freud |title=Civilization and Its Discontents |year=1930 |ref=CivDis}}
which generates the citation:
Then, the markup "([[#CivDis|Freud 1930]])
" generates a parenthetical reference "(Freud 1930)" containing a wikilink to the citation (try clicking on the wikilink).
Anchors for Harvard referencing templates
BearbeitenIDs compatible with Harvard referencing templates such as {{Harv}} are computed from the last names of the authors and the year of the cited source. For example, the markup "{{harv|Wright|Evans|1851|p=ix}}
" generates the Harvard reference "Vorlage:Harv", which wikilinks to the citation whose markup and appearance are shown below:
{{Citation |last1=Wright |first1=Thomas |last2=Evans |first2=R. H. |title=Historical and Descriptive Account of the Caricatures of James Gillray |location=London |publisher=Henry G. Bohn |year=1851 |oclc=59510372}}
- Vorlage:Citation
In this example the {{Citation}} template defines, and the {{Harv}} template uses, the HTML ID "CITEREFWrightEvans1851
", composed by concatenating the string "CITEREF
" with the last names of the authors and the year. The {{Harvid}} template can be used to generate such IDs, for example, {{harvid|Wright|Evans|1851}}
generates "Vorlage:Harvid
Related methods which leave only a number in the text are to use the {{Harvnb}} template enclosed in the <ref></ref> html code, or to use the {{Sfn}} template alone. The example above would be <ref>{{harvnb|Wright|Evans|1851|p=ix}}</ref>
or {{sfn|Wright|Evans|1851|p=ix}}
both of which generate a footnote, such as
- 17. Vorlage:Harvnb
The names of only the first four authors are used; other author names are not concatenated to the ID. If no author names are given, editor names are used instead. For patents, inventor names are used instead of authors or editors. If these names are not given, this template does not generate an anchor.
Last names are used, as specified by the parameters Vorlage:Para (or Vorlage:Para), Vorlage:Para, Vorlage:Para, and Vorlage:Para, and similarly for Vorlage:Para etc. and for Vorlage:Para etc. If a full name is given but no last name is specified, this template falls back on the full name, but this usage is not recommended. For example, in "{{Citation | author = Sigmund Freud | title = The Ego and the Id | year = 1923}}
" no last name is given, so this citation cannot be combined with the Harvard reference "{{harv|Freud|1923}}
". To make these {{Citation}} and {{Harv}} invocations compatible, either replace "Vorlage:Para" with "Vorlage:Para Vorlage:Para", or add "Vorlage:Para" to the {{Citation}} invocation, or add the same ref parameter (say, "Vorlage:Para") to both the {{Citation}} and the {{Harv}} invocations.
Similarly, the year is used, as specified by Vorlage:Para. If no year is given, this template attempts to derive the year from Vorlage:Para (or, if no date is given, from Vorlage:Para) by applying the MediaWiki#time function. This heuristic works with many common date formats (American, International and ISO 8601 standard format YYYY-MM-DD as listed in WP:MOS), but may not work as expected with other formats, so when in doubt it may be safer to use Vorlage:Para. Note that if only a year, say 2005, is known you must use Vorlage:Para rather than Vorlage:Para.
IDs must be unique
BearbeitenNames, years, and hand-specified IDs must be chosen so that the IDs are unique within a page; otherwise the HTML will not conform to the W3C standards, and any references to the citations will not work reliably. For example, suppose a page contains the following two citations with {{Harv}}-compatible IDs:
If these citations were altered to say "2008" rather than "2008a" and "2008b", the resulting page would not work, because the two different citations would both attempt to use the ID "CITEREFMontesHalterman2008
". To avoid this problem, distinguish the citations by appending suffixes to the years, e.g., "Vorlage:Para" and "Vorlage:Para", as was done above. Any Harvard references to these citations should use years with the same suffixes.
It is good practice to verify that a page does not contain duplicate IDs by using the W3C Markup Validation Service; see External links.
BearbeitenSee Wikipedia:Citing sources#Citation templates and tools for a list of tools that can help create a reference in the "citation" format.
Template Data
BearbeitenInfo: This template data section needs to be edited. It includes deprecated parameters and does not include parameters that were added in the Lua updates. It also includes a mix of patent and non-patent parameters.
Referenzfehler: <ref>
-Tags existieren für die Gruppe n, jedoch wurde kein dazugehöriges <references group="n" />
-Tag gefunden.