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Ferdinand von Rumänien
Ion I. C. Brătianu
Ion I.C (Ionel) Brătianu şi Albert Apponyi la Conferinţa de Pace de la Paris
Briefmarke 75 ANI DE LA MAREA UNIRE 1993 Timbru Ionel I.C. Bratianu
Politische Veränderungen und Feldzüge im Ungarisch-Rumänischen Krieg.
Kaiser Karl I. von Österreich, König Karl IV. von Ungarn (1917)
Declaration of the Hungarian People's Republic on 16 November 1918 by Prime Minister Mihály Károlyi and János Hock, the President of the Hungarian National Council (MNT) - A köztársaság kikiáltása 1918-ban
Magyar Nemzeti Tanács 1918 november 16-án kikiáltotta a köztársaságot
Károlyi Mihály gróf, teljes nevén: nagykárolyi Károlyi Mihály Ádám György Miklós (Budapest, 1875. március 4. – Vence, Franciaország, 1955. március 19.) politikus 1919
Premier Károlyi addressing the crowds from the Parliament stairs, just after the formation of the new revolutionary government, Budapest , 16 November 1918. Károlyi under the X in the picture.
Soldiers taking the oath of fidelity to the new National Council, late 1918, Hungary.
Béla Kun proclaiming the soviet republic on entrance of the Parliament, Budapest
Sandor Garbai and Bela Kun, leaders of the Hungarian Soviet Republic, 1919
Sandor Garbai and Bela Kun, leaders of the Hungarian Soviet Republic, 1919
Hungarian Communists Béla Kun, president of the Hungarian Soviet republic (in a hat, carrying papers in his left hand), and Commissar for Military Affairs Tibor Számuelly (in leather jacket), May Day 1919.
Béla Kun gives an address in Kassa (now Košice, Slovakia) 10. Juni 1919
Béla Kun, leader of the 1919 Hungarian Revolution
Aurél Stromfeld, dargestellt von einem unbekannten Künstler; 1919
Regierungsmitglieder (1919)
Einmarsch der rumänischen Kavallerie in Budapest, August 1919.