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Oxana59 mag Katzen, Wölfe und Eichhörnchen

Interessantes zu Schamanismus bei den frühen Turkstämmen

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Turksprachen, paläosibirische Sprachen, indigene Sprachen Nordamerikas, Wörterbücherverzeichnis


Ich beteilige mich mit an Artikeln zu Turksprachen, paläosibirische Sprachen, den sibirischen tschuktscho-kamtschadalischen Sprachen und die "Spurensuche" nach sprachlichen Verwandtschaften dieser Sprachen mit den  eskimo-aleutischen Sprachen und den Algonkin-Sprachen. Angefangen habe ich mit diesem Hobby in den Neunziger Jahren in der Usenet Gruppe sci.lang. Dann ist mir was dazwischen gekommen, dass ich erst Ende 2015 wieder weitermachen konnte.

Für andere Mitschreiber suche ich Quellen zu Wörterbüchern dieser Sprachen, die ich dann hier in einer Liste zusammentrage.

Liste mit URL's zu diversen Wörterbüchern/Dictionaries, meist in Englisch


UIT, The arctic university of Norway, Sami languages, Dictionaries [1] Etymologische Datenbank für die saamischen Sprachen, Institute for the languages of Finland, Álgu Datenbank [2]

FREELANG Dictionary [3] Uyghurdictionary English-Uyghur-English [4] PONS Online-Wörterbuch Deutsch-Türkisch-Deutsch [5]

An Analysis of Alternation as a Means of Word Derivation in Turkish [6]

Akkadian and Prototurkic by H.M. Hubey, Texas Tech University [7]

Languages and Prehistory of Central Siberia by Edward J. Vajda, E-Book, eingeschränkte Leseprobe [8]

Tuvan language and culture portal, including a Tuvan-English dictionary, kyrillische Schrift, Tuvan is classified as a Northeastern or Siberian Turkic language and is closely related to the Khakas and Altai languages. [9]

TATAR THE LANGUAGE OF THE LARGEST MINORITY IN RUSSIA, Online Tatar dictionaries, russisch-tatarisch [10]

Yakut Language/Sakha, Sakha-English Dictionary/Сахалыы-Англиялыы Тылдьыта by Christopher A. Straughn, University of Chicago, PDF [11]

Historical Aspects of Yakut (Saxa) Phonology, Gregory D. S. Anderson, University of Chicago [12]

Turkic etymology Database, English or Russian Version [13]

TURKIC DICTIONARIES, Etymological Dictionary of Turkic Languages, in russisch und deutsch [14]

An Etymological Dictionary of Pre-Thirteenth Century Turkish, UPLOADED BY Vildan Koçoğlu Gündoğdu, PDF [15]

Urban legends: Turkish kayık ‘boat’ and “Eskimo” qayaq ‘kayak’ [16]

Complete set of Chukotka Fieldnotes by Ekaterina Rubtsova,Yupik Eskimo Texts from the 1940s (Naukanski Yupik,Siberian Yupik (kyrillische Schrift) [17][18][19]

Alaska Native Language Archive - University of Alaska Fairbanks [20]

English-Tlingit-English Dictionary [21]

Iñupiat - English Dictionary [22]

The Aleut Language - The Elements of Aleut Grammar (Library and Museum Juneau, Based on the Russian Text "Opyt Grammatiki Aleutsko-Lis'evskágo Yazika" by Ivan Veniaminov [23]

Wordlists of the Athapaskan, Yu'pik and Alutiiq Languages by Laurence Alekseyevich Zagoskin, 1847 a.D. (kyrillische Schrift) [24]

The Abenaki Language (Algonquin language) by COWASUCK BAND of the PENNACOOK-ABENAKI PEOPLE [25]

Omàmiwininìmowin Algonquin Language, Omàmiwinini Pimàdjwowin Algonquin Way Cultural Centre [26]

Algonquian Linguistic Atlas [27]

A Modern Mohegan Dictionary, Prepared for the Council of Elders, 2006 [28]


Updated Croatoan Algonquian Word List by Scott Dawson [30]

Linklist of Native American Indian Languages, diverse nordamerikanische Sprachfamilien [31]

University of Manitoba, Department of Linguistics - Publications [32]

  1. Sami languages, Dictionaries - http://dicts.uit.no/index.eng.html
  2. Etymologische Datenbank für die saamischen Sprachen - http://kaino.kotus.fi/algu/index.php?t=etusivu&kkieli=de
  3. Free offline bilingual dictionary program to download - http://www.freelang.net/dictionary/index.php
  4. Uyghurdictionary English-Uyghur-English - http://www.uyghurdictionary.org
  5. PONS Online-Wörterbuch - http://de.pons.com
  6. An Analysis of Alternation as a Means of Word Derivation in Turkish - http://www.academia.edu/11368633/An_Analysis_of_Alternation_as_a_Means_of_Word_Derivation_in_Turkish_by_Focusing_on_Divānu_Lugāti_t-Türk
  7. Akkadian and Prototurkic PDF - http://aton.ttu.edu/pdf/akkad-turk-short-A.pdf
  8. Languages and Prehistory of Central Siberia - https://books.google.de/books?id=Y7s8t81p8m4C&lpg=PA19&ots=wPO9craqC4&dq=siberian%20turk%20languages%20dictionaries&hl=de&pg=PA38#v=onepage&q=siberian%20turk%20languages%20dictionaries&f=false
  9. Tuvan-English dictionary - http://tuvan.swarthmore.edu
  10. Online Tatar dictionaries - http://suzlek.tazbash.ru/en
  11. Sakha-English Dictionary/Сахалыы-Англиялыы Тылдьыта - http://home.uchicago.edu/straughn/sakhadic.pdf
  12. Historical Aspects of Yakut (Saxa) Phonology - http://www.livingtongues.org/docs/yakut_historical_phonology.pdf
  13. Turkic etymology Database - http://starling.rinet.ru/cgi-bin/response.cgi?root=config&morpho=0&basename=%5Cdata%5Calt%5Cturcet&first=141
  14. TURKIC DICTIONARIES - http://altaica.ru/e_v-turks.php
  15. An Etymological Dictionary of Pre-Thirteenth Century Turkish - http://www.academia.edu/11753242/An_Etymological_Dictionary_of_Pre-Thirteenth_Century_Turkish_EDPT_Söz_Dizini_The_Word_Index_of_the_An_Etymological_Dictionary_of_Pre-Thirteenth_Cetury_Turkish_EDPT_
  16. Urban legends: Turkish kayık ‘boat’ and “Eskimo” qayaq ‘kayak’ - http://www.ejournals.eu/pliki/art/180/
  17. Complete set of Chukotka Fieldnotes, Folder One - http://www.uaf.edu/anla/item.xml?id=SY930R1940a
  18. Folder Two - http://www.uaf.edu/anla/item.xml?id=SY930R1940b
  19. Folder Three - http://www.uaf.edu/anla/item.xml?id=SY930R1940c
  20. Alaska Native Language Archive - http://www.uaf.edu/anla/collections/dictionaries/
  21. English-Tlingit-English Dictionary Nouns PDF - http://www.uafanlc.arsc.edu/data/Online/TL972Dv1976/TLDictionary-Nouns.PDF
  22. Iñupiat - English Dictionary PDF - http://library.alaska.gov/hist/hist_docs/docs/anlm/200078.pdf<
  23. The Aleut Language - The Elements of Aleut Grammar - http://library.alaska.gov/hist/hist_docs/docs/anlm/02057447.pdf
  24. Wordlists of the Athapaskan, Yu'pik and Alutiiq Languages PDF - http://www.asna.ca/alaska/research/zagoskin.pdf
  25. The Abenaki Language - http://www.cowasuck.org/language/language.htm
  26. Omàmiwininìmowin Algonquin Language - http://www.thealgonquinway.ca/English/dictionary-e.php
  27. Algonquian Linguistic Atlas - http://www.atlas-ling.ca
  28. A Modern Mohegan Dictionary - http://rmc.library.cornell.edu/collections/MoheganDictionary.pdf
  29. INDIGENOUS LANGUAGES OF U.S. & CANADA - http://www.martindalecenter.com/Language_1_Indigenous.html
  30. Updated Croatoan Algonquian Word List - http://www.coastalcarolinaindians.com/updated-algonquian-word-list-by-scott-dawson/
  31. Linklist of Native American Indian Languages - http://www.taino-tribe.org/langlinks.htm
  32. University of Manitoba, Department of Linguistics - Publications - https://umanitoba.ca/faculties/arts/departments/linguistics/media/pentland.html#books