Die Perth Wildcats sind ein Profi-Basketballverein aus Perth (Westaustralien). Der Verein spielt in der National Basketball League (NBL) in Australien. Zur Zeit trägt der Verein seine Heimspiele in der Perth-Arena (aus Sponsoring-Gründen zur Zeit RAC-Arena) aus. Die Wildcats haben sich im Laufe der Jahre zum erfolgreichsten Team der Liga entwickelt und 10x die NBL-Meisterschaft und 1x den NBL-Cup gewonnen.



1982 kam es in Perth zur Gründung der Basketballmannschaft Westate Wildcats. Schon 2 Jahre später (1984) wurden die Westate Wildcats zu ihrem heutigen Namen, den Perth Wildcats, umbenannt.

Die Mannschaft spielte damals im Perry Lakes Basketball Stadium (800 Plätze).

Geschichte der Franchise


Neuausrichtung 2009 (Positionierung, Strategie, Philosophie und Markenbildung)


Ausgangslage vor dem erfolgreichen Kurswechsel 2009


Die Wildcats waren das einzige professionelle Basketballteam der Stadt. Aufgrund der geringen Kapazität der Halle waren die Zuschauereinnahmen nicht hoch genug. Der Verein stand 2009 sogar kurz vor dem finanziellen Ruin. Die robuste Kultur der Wildcats beruht seit langem auf einer Geschichte des Siegens.

Philosophie / Idee


Sie lautet: Je mehr sich die Wildcats in der westaustralischen Gemeinde engagieren, desto mehr Fans gewinnen sie hinzu.

Ergebnisse der Philosophie


Das Ergebnis ist die erfolgreichste Franchise in der Geschichte der NBL und eine der wettbewerbsfähigsten Profisportmannschaften der Welt, mit den besten Zuschauerzahlen in der Perth Arena, die in der NBL ihresgleichen suchen.

Markenbildung und Positionierung


Die öffentliche Unterstützung für die Wildcats wird als bemerkenswert bezeichnet, insbesondere die Art und Weise, wie die Fans die Marke "Red Army" aufgebaut haben.

Maßnahmen der Neuausrichtung 2009


Familienfreundlichkeit und die Kinder im Mittelpunkt:


Nachdem sie 2009 kurz vor dem Bankrott standen, haben die Eigentümer Jack Bendat und Geschäftsführer Nick Marvin die Franchise umgestaltet und den Schwerpunkt auf Familienfreundlichkeit und die Einbindung von Kindern in Westaustralien gelegt. Statt 20 Schulbesuchen pro Jahr absolvierten die Wildcats zunächst 100. Diese Zahl stieg 2010 auf 200 Schulbesuche und im Jahr darauf auf 220.

Soziales Engagement


Ab 2019 waren die Spieler zu 350 Stunden gesellschaftlichem Engagement verpflichtet, 200 Stunden mehr als im Tarifvertrag vorgesehen.

Freundlichkeit den Fans gegenüber


Jack Bendat und Nick Marvinund wiesen die Spieler an, stets Blickkontakt mit den Fans aufzunehmen und sie zu grüßen.

"Zero tolerance policy regarding swearing"


Der Eigentümer Jack Bendat und der Geschäftsführer Nick Marvin führten eine Null-Toleranz-Politik in Bezug auf Fluchen ein.



Seit dem Umzug in die Perth Arena im Jahr 2012 erfreuen sich die Wildcats stets großer Zuschauerzahlen, was ihnen den wohl größten Heimvorteil in der NBL beschert. Im Januar 2017 durchbrachen die Wildcats als erste NBL-Franchise die 10.000-Zuschauer-Marke. Dank ihrer großen Fangemeinde haben die Wildcats in der Perth Arena zahlreiche Rekorde in Sachen ausverkaufte Stadien aufgestellt. Am 16. Januar 2015 sahen 13.559 Zuschauer zu, wie die Adelaide 36ers die Wildcats mit 106:102 besiegten; dieser Rekord wurde am 14. Januar 2017 noch einmal übertroffen, als 13.611 Zuschauer sahen, wie die Wildcats erneut gegen die 36ers verloren, diesmal mit 95:84. Bei Spiel 3 der Grand-Final-Serie 2017 am 5. März 2017 waren 13.611 Zuschauer anwesend, was einen neuen Zuschauerrekord für die Wildcats bedeutete. Beim Spiel der Wildcats gegen Melbourne United am 12. Januar 2018 waren 13.611 Zuschauer anwesend, womit die Marke von 13.000 Zuschauern in der Perth Arena in der Saison 2017/18 zum siebten Mal überschritten wurde. Die Wildcats verzeichneten in der regulären Saison 2017-18 mit 183.689 Zuschauern bei ihren Heimspielen die höchste Zuschauerzahl, die je ein Team in einer NBL-Saison erreicht hat. Das Spiel Wildcats gegen Tasmania JackJumpers am 19. Dezember 2021 stellte mit 13.615 Zuschauern einen neuen offiziellen Zuschauerrekord auf.

Bisherige Spielstätten


Die Macher und andere Funktionäre


Nick Marvin verließ den Verein 2017,

während Jack Bendat den Verein 2021 verkaufte.

Aktuelle Spieler (Rooster)

Nr. Ref. Name Nat. Pos. Geburtsdatum Ht. Wt. NBL-Spiele Bisherige Vereine Anmerkungen
0 Tai Webster G 1.93 m 89 kg 42
5 Oliver Hayes-Brown C 2.08 m 114 kg 19
8 Mitch Norton G 1.84 m 90 kg 303
9 Kyle Zunic G 1.88 m 90 kg 39
10 Corey Webster G 1.88 m 89 kg 257
11 [1] Bryce Cotton USA Guard 11.08.1992 1.82 m 75 kg 202
12 Todd Blanchfield F 1.98 m 98 kg 375
17 Michael Harris G 1.93 m 85 kg 24
20 Jack Andrew C 2.08 m 110 kg 1
22 Majok Majok C 2.10 m 112 kg 191
23 Luke Travers G 2.00 m 94 kg 106
24 Jesse Wagstaff F 2.03 m 103 kg 405 Spielführer
25 Corey Shervill F 2.01 m 100 kg
45 [2] Brandy Manek Forward 04.11.1998 2,06 m 104 kg 32
TaShawn Thomas 2,03 m 109 kg 29


Ehemalige bzw. bekannte Spieler

Jermaine Beal Sunday Dech Scott Fisher Kevin Lisch Shawn Redhage Clint Steindl
Angus Brandt Mike Ellis Chris Goulding Luc Longley Brad Robbins Anthony Stewart
Mark Bradtke Scott Fenton Ricky Grace Majok Majok Paul Rogers Wani Swaka Lo Buluk
C. J. Bruton Greg Hire Damian Martin Tony Ronaldson Luke Travers
Cal Bruton Nathan Jawai Jameel McKay Liam Rush Drake U'u
Martin Cattalini
Dan Clausen
Lanard Copeland
Bryce Cotton
James Crawford Tom Jervis John Mooney
Andrew Vlahov
Nick Kay Mitch Norton Jesse Wagstaff
Jarrod Kenny Kendal Pinder Lucas Walker
Matt Knight Miles Plumlee Eric Watterson
Vic Law Casey Prather Terrico White


Name Von Bis
Mike Ellis 1982 1992
Andrew Vlahov 1993 2001/2002
Ricky Grace 2002/2003 2004/2005
Tony Ronaldson 2005/2006
Paul Rogers 2006/2007 2008/2009
Shawn Redhage 2009/2010
Shawn Redhage

Brad Robbins

2010/2011 2011/2012
Shawn Redhage

Damian Martin

Damian Martin 2013/2014 2019/2020
Jesse Wagstaff 2020/2021

Galerie der Basketballspieler der Perth Wildcats


Club MVP

Saison Club MVP Saison Club MVP
1983 Mike Ellis 2004–05 Rosell Ellis
1984 Mike Ellis 2005–06 Shawn Redhage
1985 Dan Clausen 2006–07 Shawn Redhage
1986 Mike Ellis 2007–08 Shawn Redhage
1987 James Crawford 2008–09 Shawn Redhage
1988 James Crawford 2009–10 Shawn Redhage
1989 Kendal Pinder 2010–11 Shawn Redhage

Kevin Lisch

1990 James Crawford 2011–12 Kevin Lisch
1991 Ricky Grace 2012–13 Kevin Lisch
1992 James Crawford 2013–14 James Ennis
1993 Scott Fisher 2014–15 Jermaine Beal
1994 Scott Fisher 2015–16 Casey Prather
1995 Andrew Vlahov 2016–17 Casey Prather
1996 Andrew Vlahov 2017–18 Bryce Cotton
1997 Ricky Grace 2018–19 Bryce Cotton
1998 Ricky Grace 2019–20 Bryce Cotton
1998–99 Ricky Grace 2020–21 John Mooney
1999–2000 Paul Rogers 2021–22 Bryce Cotton
2000–01 Ricky Grace 2022–23
2001–02 Ricky Grace 2023–24
2002–03 Rob Feaster

Nicht mehr vergebene Trikots

Nr. Spieler Position Zeitraum
6 Mike Ellis G 1982–1992
7 James Crawford F/C 1987–1999
14 Scott Fenton G 1988–1989
15 Ricky Grace G 1990–2005
21 Andrew Vlahov F 1991–2002
30 Scott Fisher F 1993–2002
42 Shawn Redhage F 2005–2017

Henry Daigle

Gordon Ellis

Lynn Massey

Jay Brehmer

Cal Bruton

Alan Black

Murray Arnold

Adrian Hurley

Mike Ellis

Scott Fischer

Connor Henry

Rob Beveridge

Trevor Gleeson

Scott Morrison

John Rillie

Die Wildcats haben sich im Laufe der Jahre zum erfolgreichsten Team der Liga entwickelt und in den Jahren 1990, 1991, 1995, 2000, 2010, 2014, 2016, 2017, 2019 und 2020 die NBL-Meisterschaft gewonnen. Außerdem wurde im Jahr 2021 der NBL-Cup gewonnen.

Wenn die Wildcats den NBL-Titel gewonnen haben, fand die Siegesfeier und -zeremonie des Teams in der Stadt Perth am Forrest Place statt.

Erfolge in Zahlen

NBL Meisterschaften: 10 (1990, 1991, 1995, 2000, 2010, 2014, 2016, 2017, 2019, 2020)
Sieger der "Regular Season": 6 (1991, 1993, 1995, 2010, 2014, 2019)
NBL Play-Off Teilnahmen: 36 (1987–2021, 2023)
Anzahl der NBL Finals: 16 (1987, 1990, 1991, 1993, 1995, 2000, 2003, 2010, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2016, 2017, 2019, 2020, 2021)
NBL Cup Gewinner: 1 (2021)
Bester/Wertvollster Spieler der NBL: Paul Rogers (2000), Kevin Lisch (2012), Bryce Cotton (2018, 2020, 2021)
Bester/Wertvollster Spieler der Finals der NBL: Ricky Grace (1990, 1993), Pete Hansen (1991), Andrew Vlahov (1995), Marcus Timmons (2000), Kevin Lisch (2010), Jermaine Beal (2014), Damian Martin (2016), Bryce Cotton (2017, 2020), Terrico White (2019)
Spieler im First Team der All-NBL: James Crawford (1987), Ricky Grace (1991, 2001, 2002, 2003), Andrew Vlahov (1992, 1995), Paul Rogers (2000, 2002), Shawn Redhage (2008, 2010), Damian Martin (2011), Kevin Lisch (2012, 2013), Matthew Knight (2013), James Ennis (2014), Casey Prather (2017), Bryce Cotton (2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023), Nick Kay (2019, 2020), John Mooney (2021), Vic Law (2022)
Spieler im Second Team der All-NBL: Paul Rogers (2001, 2007), Rob Feaster (2003), Shawn Redhage (2006, 2007, 2009), Damian Martin (2013, 2014), Jermaine Beal (2014), Matthew Knight (2015, 2016), J. P. Tokoto (2018)
Spieler im Third Team der All-NBL: Rashad Tucker (2004), Rosell Ellis (2005), Paul Rogers (2008), Shawn Redhage (2011, 2013), Damian Martin (2012), Jesse Wagstaff (2012)
Bester Trainer des Jahres der NBL: Murray Arnold (1991), Trevor Gleeson (2021)
Bester Neuling der NBL: Andrew Vlahov (1991), Jesse Wagstaff (2010), Tom Jervis (2014)
Bester Verteidiger der NBL: Damian Martin (2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2018)
Bester verbesserter Spieler der NBL: James Harvey (2001), Matt Burston (2003), Peter Crawford (2005)
Bester Sechster Mann der NBL: Stephen Black (2003), Jesse Wagstaff (2012)

Eigentümer des Vereins


Inhaber des Vereins ist zur Zeit die Sports Entertainment Group.

Club Song


Stand Together von Adam Thompson (1999)


Stand together, West Australia

We’re the Wildcats, we’re the Wildcats

We’re coming for you

Sing together, West Australia

We’re the Wildcats, we’re the Wildcats

And we never lose

Here we come

Are you ready? (Are you ready?)

To sing our song

Are you ready? (Are you ready?)

When we score

Are you ready? (Are you ready?)

The Wildcats roar

Are you ready? (Are you ready?)

We’ll never stop until we are the champions

Stand together, West Australia

We’re the Wildcats, we’re the Wildcats

We’re coming for you

Sing together, West Australia

We’re the Wildcats, we’re the Wildcats

And we never lose

We’re strong and proud

Are you ready? (Are you ready?)

So yell it loud

Are you ready? (Are you ready?)

The time has come

Are you ready? (Are you ready?)

To be number one

Are you ready? (Are you ready?)

We’ll never stop until we are the Champions

Stand together, West Australia

We’re the Wildcats, we’re the Wildcats

We’re coming for you

Sing together, West Australia

We’re the Wildcats, we’re the Wildcats

And we never lose

Until we are the champions

Until we are the champions

You Tube


Hier geht es zum Club Song


Hier geht es zum offiziellen Webauftritt des Vereins.





You Tube

Australia Basket.com

Wildcats Gameday Info

Perth Arena



Zwischen 2012 und 2019 war das Team gezwungen, den Großteil des Dezembers auf ausgedehnte Auswärtsfahrten zu gehen, da Perth Anfang Januar den Hopman Cup in der Perth Arena ausrichtete.

The Wildcats in Perth[edit]


Franchise history[edit]


1982–1986: Early struggles[edit]


Westate Wildcats logo (1982–1983) In 1979, the National Basketball League (NBL) in Australia was formed. It took another three years of lobbying by the Perth basketball community before a team in Western Australia became a reality. Formed in 1982 as the Westate Wildcats, the Wildcats became the first, and so far only, Western Australian team to compete in the NBL. The team's inaugural coach was Henry Daigle and the majority of the inaugural squad was made up of players from the East Perth Eagles, Stirling Senators and Perth Redbacks, led by captain Mike Ellis. They played out of Perry Lakes Basketball Stadium and finished the 1982 season in tenth place with a 10–16 win–loss record. Gordon Ellis took over as coach in 1983, as the team finished 13th with a 6–16 record.

In 1984, the team was renamed the Perth Wildcats, but success did not ensue under coach Lynn Massey as the team finished on the bottom of the ladder (16th) with only three wins. A fourth coach in Jay Brehmer came into the team for the 1985 season. Brehmer and imports Dan Clausen and Roland Brooks looked to lead the Wildcats to a finals berth for the first time, but they narrowly missed out on the post-season with a 13–13 record and an eighth-place finish. The Wildcats suffered a major setback in 1986 with the loss of Brooks, after he suffered a season-ending injury just 10 games into the season. Without their star import, the Wildcats struggled to be competitive as they finished the season in 12th place with an 8–18 record.

In 1986, Perth businessman Bob Williams bought the Wildcats and began to reshape the team's destiny.

1987: First finals and grand final[edit]


Many changes occurred in 1987. Most significantly, the team moved from the small confines of Perry Lakes Stadium to what was known in those days as the Perth Superdrome (now HBF Stadium). The Superdrome was capable of housing 5,000 people, compared to the 800-seat Perry Lakes Stadium. Also in 1987, still captained by Mike Ellis, the Perth Wildcats introduced players to the roster that would become household names such as Kendal Pinder, James Crawford, Cal Bruton (player/coach), Alan Black, Eric Watterson and Trevor Torrance.

The new talent paid off immediately for the Wildcats as the team made the finals for the first time. In the first two stages of the finals, the Wildcats defeated the Canberra Cannons and minor premier Adelaide 36ers to suddenly find themselves in the Grand Final series against the Brisbane Bullets. The Wildcats were repeatedly referred to as the 'Cinderella' story as they entered the season having finished in third-last position in 1986, only to go on to make the Grand Final after finishing the 1987 regular season in fourth position with a 19–7 record. The 'run, stun and have some fun' style of play that had been implemented that season had worked wonders until the Grand Final series. The series was a promoter's dream: East Coast versus West; solid fundamentals versus "run and gun"; future Hall of Fame members on both sides on the floor; and two coaches who couldn't stand each other (Brian Kerle versus Cal Bruton). The Bullets defeated the Wildcats by just one point in front of a sell-out Perth crowd in Game 1 of the three-match series, before claiming the Championship in Brisbane in Game 2 a few days later.

1990–2000: First Championship era[edit]


1990: First Championship[edit]


After 1988 and 1989 both resulted in losses to the North Melbourne Giants in the Semi-finals, the most exciting chapter in Wildcats history came in 1990 as prominent West Australian businessman Kerry Stokes became co-owner of the franchise and decided to raise the team's profile to incredible heights by moving the home court to the iconic 8,000-seat Perth Entertainment Centre.

After retiring as a player following the 1989 season, Cal Bruton became the Wildcats' general manager in 1990. Eager for the team to win its first NBL Championship, Bruton embarked on an active recruiting campaign during the off-season; a recruiting campaign that saw the introduction of a player that is regularly referred to as the Wildcats' greatest: Ricky 'Amazing' Grace. Grace teamed-up with Mike Ellis to create a dominating backcourt. The 1990 season began with turmoil as coach Alan Black was controversially fired after only two games, and was replaced by Cal Bruton. Despite the shaky start to the season, the Wildcats recovered to finish in fifth place with a 17–9 record. Entering the finals as underdogs, the Wildcats swept the Melbourne Tigers in the Elimination Finals and got their revenge over the North Melbourne Giants with a 2–1 victory in the Semi-finals to again face the Brisbane Bullets in their second Grand Final appearance.

Tens of thousands of people across Western Australia tuned into the live coverage to watch the Wildcats triumph 112–106 in Game 1 of the Grand Final series in front of a sold-out Perth Entertainment Centre. Brisbane tied the series at 1–1 after winning Game 2 in convincing fashion at home, 106–90. In the deciding game also in Brisbane a few days later, the Wildcats blew the game wide open in the third quarter and were up by 20 points before the final term. They cruised to a 109–86 victory to claim their first NBL Championship. For his superb series, Grace was recognised as grand final MVP. Over the three games, Grace averaged 24.7 points per game.

1991: Back-to-back championships[edit]


In controversial circumstances, Cal Bruton was not retained as coach despite leading the Wildcats to a championship in 1990. He was replaced by Murray Arnold, a former assistant coach with the Chicago Bulls. Arnold's style of game was focused on defence which was a significant change from the high scoring and entertaining style previously implemented under Bruton. In pursuit of back-to-back championships, the Wildcats strengthened their roster considerably in the off-season with the addition of future WA basketball legend Andrew Vlahov and Peter Hansen, an American who arrived via Venezuela, Spain and the Perry Lakes Hawks.

Arnold's Wildcats were a highly successful team, as they finished the regular season as minor premiers with a 22–4 record. After another successful regular season, the Wildcats entered the finals brimming with confidence. The Wildcats easily accounted for long-term rivals the Adelaide 36ers in the Semi-finals to then find themselves against the highly-rated Eastside Spectres in the Grand Final. The Wildcats had a unique opportunity to win back-to-back titles, a feat only achieved by two other teams to that point in the history of the NBL. Everything looked on track when the Wildcats were able to defeat the Spectres in Game 1 in Melbourne by 26 points (109–83). Perth had hit fever pitch and another sold-out crowd awaited the Wildcats for Game 2 back at home. However, with their backs against the wall, the Spectres performed with a never-say-die attitude and upset the favourites at home by five points (86–81). Game 2 was played on a Friday night and Game 3 was scheduled for Sunday, leaving the Wildcats little time to formulate a new strategy. However, in front of an electric Perth crowd, the Wildcats were victorious in the deciding third game by 10 points (90–80) and became the third team in history to win back-to-back NBL Championships. Hansen was named MVP of the Grand Final series after averaging 17.3 points per game over the three games.

Just as Mike Ellis had hoped, he and the likes of Pinder, Crawford, Grace and Vlahov found themselves in the midst of a Perth Wildcats dynasty.

1993: Fourth Grand Final in seven years[edit]


After a down year in 1992 produced a quarter-final loss, three major personnel changes occurred heading into the 1993 season. Club legend and captain Mike Ellis retired after 12 seasons, Dr Adrian Hurley was appointed as the new head coach replacing Murray Arnold, and finally the Wildcats enticed two-time league MVP Scott Fisher to the team.

With new captain Andrew Vlahov at the helm, the Wildcats continued their on-court success to finish as minor premiers and make it through to another Grand Final series, this time against a Melbourne Tigers team led by Andrew Gaze, Lanard Copeland and Mark Bradtke. The impending series is often described as the best Grand Final series in the history of the NBL. After splitting the first two games of the series, the championship came down to the final few seconds of Game 3 when Vlahov missed a three-point shot to tie the game with only seconds remaining. Despite being on the losing team, Ricky Grace was named the MVP of the series after averaging 22.3 points per game over the three games.

1995: Third Championship[edit]


The 1995 Championship-winning Wildcats Following a disappointing 1994 season, the Wildcats looked to recruit a pure sharp shooter to stretch opposing defenses and free up more room in the low post for the likes of Scott Fisher, James Crawford and Andrew Vlahov to operate in. Anthony Stewart was signed from the Hobart Tassie Devils to fill this role. Joining Stewart in the backcourt was Ricky Grace and Aaron Trahair, while Martin Cattalini rounded out the eight-man rotation used by coach Adrian Hurley.

The Wildcats were highly successful in 1995, as coach Hurley guided the team to what was referred to as the 'Triple Crown'—winning the pre-season competition, finishing minor premiers and then winning the NBL Championship. After defeating the Melbourne Tigers in the quarter-finals and the Adelaide 36ers in the Semi-finals, the Wildcats won through to their fifth Grand Final in nine years. In a rollercoaster Grand Final series against the North Melbourne Giants, both teams won away contests to be level coming into the deciding Game 3. The Wildcats went on to overpower the Giants in Game 3 and recorded a comfortable 108–88 victory in claiming their third NBL title. Captain Andrew Vlahov was named MVP of the Grand Final series after averaging 24 points per game over the three games.

The Wildcats' championship win booked themselves a trip to London to play in the McDonald's Championship, an international tournament featuring the best clubs in the world. The Wildcats lost to the Houston Rockets 116–72 in their first game of the tournament, but managed to defeat Real Madrid 93–86 in their second game.

1999–2000: Fourth Championship[edit]


Following four straight injury-plagued seasons that all resulted in early finals exists, the Wildcats geared up for a big season in 1999–2000 behind coach Alan Black and stalwarts Andrew Vlahov, Ricky Grace, Scott Fisher and Anthony Stewart, as well as the up-and-coming James Harvey and two-year centre Paul Rogers. In a boost for the Wildcats mid-season, the team signed import Marcus Timmons for their run to the finals.

Prior to the season, Perth Wildcats owner Kerry Stokes decided to pass on the reins of the franchise to basketball great Luc Longley, fresh off being a three-time NBA championship winner with the Chicago Bulls, and Andrew Vlahov. The new ownership duo proved to be an instant success with the Wildcats securing an unprecedented fourth championship, defeating the Victoria Titans in front of a capacity crowd of 8,000 at the Perth Entertainment Centre. The Wildcats swept the Grand Final series 2–0, winning Game 1 in Melbourne 84–78 before returning home to clinch the series with an 83–76 Game 2 win. After scoring a game-high 27 points in Game 2, Marcus Timmons was named MVP of the series. To top off the season, Paul Rogers became the first Wildcat to be honoured as the regular-season MVP.

2000–2009: Championship drought[edit]


The 2000s saw the Wildcats go on a championship drought. Following the closure of the Perth Entertainment Centre, the Wildcats moved back in to their old home, the Superdrome (now HBF Stadium), for the 2002–03 season. The 8,000-seat Perth Entertainment Centre was a popular venue for the Wildcats thanks to its central CBD location. The Superdrome, or Challenge Stadium as it became known, was a suburban-based arena and could only hold 5,000 people.

The 2002–03 season saw the Wildcats play in their seventh Grand Final series behind Ricky Grace and coach Alan Black. In the championship series, the Wildcats were outclassed by the Sydney Kings, as they lost Game 1 in Sydney 98–94 before returning home and losing 117–101 in Game 2. In addition to Grace, Alan Black's son, Stephen Black, was also an important member of the Wildcats' 2003 grand final team, as was Tony Ronaldson, Rob Feaster, Matthew Burston, Brett Wheeler and James Harvey.

In the days following their grand final loss to the Kings, the Wildcats decided not to renew Black's contract and parted ways with him for a second time. Club legend Mike Ellis was appointed head coach for the 2003–04 season, but in his lone season as coach of the Wildcats, Ellis guided the team to their first losing season since 1986, as they finished in seventh spot with a 15–18 record and earned a quarter-final defeat. Ellis was replaced for the 2004–05 season by another former player, Scott Fisher. In addition, co-owner Luc Longley relinquished his majority share of the Wildcats in April 2004, leaving Andrew Vlahov as the sole owner of the franchise. The 2004–05 season saw the end of an era as captain Ricky Grace retired as a four-time NBL champion and a 15-year member of the Wildcats.

With Grace retired, the 2005–06 season saw the introduction of future club legend Shawn Redhage while West Australian businessman Jack Bendat became the chairman and majority shareholder of the franchise. Although no longer the majority shareholder, Andrew Vlahov remained in control of the team as managing director. Bendat assumed full control in 2007.

The Wildcats celebrated their 25th anniversary in 2006–07 and recorded 23 wins. The Wildcats fell short in the finals in both 2007 and 2008, with Connor Henry replacing Scott Fisher for the 2008–09 season. Another early finals exist led to Henry's tenure lasting only one season.

2009–2021: Second Championship era[edit]


2009–10: Fifth Championship[edit]


Following the 2008–09 season, the Wildcats came within weeks of folding unless they raised a million dollars in sponsorship. The NBL itself was also in strife; with the competition falling on tough times, there was a real possibility at the time that there would be no league in 2009–10. Collaborating with other clubs, the Wildcats helped reform the league. Of all the teams in the NBL, the Wildcats underwent the greatest transformation. Under the guidance of managing director Nick Marvin, the club slashed $1.5 million worth of staff and hired a new coach, Rob Beveridge. The Wildcats also partnered with the WA Government to promote its 'Alcohol: Think again' initiative. Meanwhile, the NBL made significant changes to the competition. One of Basketball Australia's moves for the 2009–10 season was to return the NBL game to a 40-minute format from the 48-minutes it adopted in 1984, ostensibly to accommodate the international game. This was done to bring Australia back in step with the rest of the world (outside the NBA) and to be more attractive to television as a package because a 40-minute game slots well into a two-hour timeslot.

Beveridge was instrumental in compiling a new-look team where Shawn Redhage, Stephen Weigh and Brad Robbins were surrounded by proven NBL players Damian Martin, Drew Williamson, Luke Schenscher and Martin Cattalini, and rising stars Kevin Lisch and Jesse Wagstaff. Paul Rogers relinquished the captaincy heading into the 2009–10 season, handing over the reins to Redhage. Import Galen Young was acquired mid season to replace Rogers, who succumbed to a career-ending injury. After claiming the minor premiership and beating the Gold Coast Blaze in the Semi-finals, the Wildcats came up against the Wollongong Hawks in their first Grand Final series since 2003. After Games 1 and 2 proved to be comfortable victories for each home team, the Wildcats found themselves down by as many as 11 points in the second quarter of Game 3, before Lisch exploded offensively to finish with 29 points in lifting the team to a record fifth NBL Championship with a 96–72 win. Lisch was subsequently named MVP of the series.

2011–2013: Back-to-back Grand Final defeats[edit]


Following what was a season crippled by serious injuries to Jesse Wagstaff, Matthew Knight and Shawn Redhage in 2010–11, the Wildcats looked to get back on top in 2011–12 with the addition of 7'2" centre Luke Nevill. In a pleasing move, Redhage returned to action in 2011–12 after it was initially feared he'd possibly never play again following his injury in 2010–11. Perth had its heart and soul torn out in January 2011 when, for the first time in his career, co-captain Shawn Redhage was injured. The six-time club MVP lunged for a contested ball in a way that punched the head of his femur through his pelvis, breaking the bone and dislocating the joint.

The 2011–12 season saw the Wildcats jostle over top spot for the majority of the season with the New Zealand Breakers. The two teams went on to meet in the Grand Final, where the Breakers defeated the Wildcats in three games. Game 2 of the series saw Redhage force a third and deciding game with a final-second block on Breakers star C. J. Bruton. In his third season in Perth, Lisch took home the Andrew Gaze Trophy as the league's MVP, making him just the second Wildcat to achieve the honour.

In late 2012, the state-of-the-art Perth Arena was finally completed, with the 13 and half thousand seat stadium becoming the brand new home of the Wildcats starting with the 2012–13 season. However, injuries and retirements threatened to destabilise the season. With an injury to Matthew Knight early in the season, Michael Dunigan was brought in as a short-term replacement. Dunigan quickly became a fan-favourite with an array of blocks and crowd-pleasing dunks. Co-captain Brad Robbins abruptly retired just eight games into the season, sighting he had lost motivation and passion for the game, while Cameron Tovey announced in March that the 2012–13 season would be his last in the NBL. Despite the turmoil, the Wildcats finished second in 2012–13 and made their way through to yet another Grand Final series, where they had a re-match against the New Zealand Breakers. However, the Wildcats were dealt a major blow when Damian Martin was ruled out of the grand final series with an Achilles injury. Brad Robbins was subsequently rushed back into the team to take Martin's place, but without their floor general and defensive specialist, the Wildcats were dealt a 2–0 sweep from a Breakers side that won their third consecutive championship in 2013.

2013–14: Sixth Championship[edit]


After falling at the final hurdle two years in a row, the Wildcats went about developing a new look squad and style that would seriously challenge for a sixth NBL title in 2013–14. The 2013 off-season saw the departure of Rob Beveridge (coach), Kevin Lisch (shooting guard) and Cameron Tovey (small forward). As a result, the Wildcats appointed Trevor Gleeson as head coach, and signed two new imports in small forward James Ennis and shooting guard Jermaine Beal. The trio joined the team with the core group of players—new captain Damian Martin, Shawn Redhage, Jesse Wagstaff, Matthew Knight and Greg Hire—still intact. Further additions to Gleeson's new squad included centre Tom Jervis and guards Drake U'u and Erik Burdon.

James Ennis was a prized recruit for the Wildcats and his agreement with the team was well documented, with the Miami Heat holding his draft rights and being able to recall him at any time. He opened the season with a 25-point effort against the Adelaide 36ers—the most points scored by a Wildcat on NBL debut at the time. Ennis helped the new-look Wildcats dominate the NBL with an 8–0 start to the season, a start which ultimately culminated in a 21–7 overall record and a minor premiership. His high-flying dunks and athleticism enthralled the entire league, as he proved to be a top MVP candidate alongside Melbourne Tigers guard Chris Goulding and the eventual winner, Rotnei Clarke of the Wollongong Hawks. The Wildcats' 2014 championship celebration The Wildcats cruised to their 11th Grand Final appearance with a 2–0 Semi-final series win over the Wollongong Hawks. After knocking out the Hawks in straight sets, the Wildcats faced historical rivals the Adelaide 36ers in the 2014 Grand Final. After winning Game 1 in Perth on the back of a 30-point effort from Ennis, the 36ers forced a deciding third game with an 89–84 win in Game 2. In Game 3 less than 48 hours later, the Wildcats crushed the 36ers with a 93–59 win, as their 2–1 series victory saw them claim their sixth NBL Championship. Beal was subsequently named the series MVP after Ennis struggled to make an impact in Games 2 and 3. Beal averaged 17.6 points per game during the Grand Final series, hitting 11 three-pointers at an efficient 48%.

2015–16: Seventh Championship[edit]


After an injury-riddled season in 2014–15 saw the Wildcats earn a Semi-final defeat, coach Trevor Gleeson was confident heading into the 2015–16 season that he had assembled the right blend of players, after conceding his side struggled with chemistry issues in 2014–15. A banged-up Perth was swept out of the playoffs in 2015 following a fourth-place finish which marked an underwhelming follow-up to its title-winning campaign in 2014. Gleeson made a conscious effort during the 2015 off-season to make sure that first and foremost, the chemistry is right. Following a large player turnover, the Wildcats were confident high-profile recruits Casey Prather and Nate Jawai – as well as back-up guard Jarrod Kenny – would be strong fits among the group dynamic.

The Wildcats were relatively injury-free in 2015–16 and finished the regular season in second place with an 18–10 record. By qualifying for the finals in 2016, the Wildcats set a record with their 30th straight season of playing finals basketball. With Jawai's presence inside, Prather's athleticism, tough defence and ability to finish at the rim and Kenny being able support captain Damian Martin admirably, they provided improvement in crucial areas. Alongside the core of Martin, Redhage, Wagstaff, Knight, Hire, Beal and Jervis, the Wildcats were successful in reaching the Grand Final, where they defeated the New Zealand Breakers in three games led by captain and Grand Final MVP Damian Martin.

2016–17: Back-to-back championships[edit]


Main article: 2016–17 Perth Wildcats season

The 2016 off-season saw a lot of change in personnel, with three key players from the 2015–16 championship team moving on—Nate Jawai, Tom Jervis and Jermaine Beal. To replace them, coach Trevor Gleeson brought in Angus Brandt, Jameel McKay and Jaron Johnson, and headed into the 2016–17 season attempting to secure the team's first back-to-back championships since 1991. Bryce Cotton was instrumental in leading the Wildcats to their eighth championship in 2017. The Wildcats started the season with a 4–1 record but then slumped to last place on the ladder in December with a 7–9 record. Injuries to Damian Martin, Jarrod Kenny and Matthew Knight were a contributing factor, as was the recruiting. Import Jaron Johnson was released for a second in December after he was first axed just three games into the season in order to bring in three-point specialist Andre Ingram. But when Ingram returned home less than a week after arriving, citing mental issues, Johnson was reinstated but then let go again as the Wildcats turned their attention to a new point guard. The Wildcats were under siege when they slumped to the bottom of the ladder at Christmas, but a win on New Year's Eve against the Illawarra Hawks and the signing of Bryce Cotton in January turned the season around. They won eight of their remaining twelve regular season games, including two must-win encounters in the final week to squeeze into the finals. From there, the Wildcats rolled through the Finals undefeated. The finals streak extended to a record 31st straight season and the 3–0 Grand Final sweep of the Illawarra Hawks saw them claim their eighth NBL Championship. The Wildcats went back-to-back for the first time since 1990/1991, while Gleeson became the first coach to guide the Wildcats to back-to-back championships. In addition, series MVP Byrce Cotton placed his name in the NBL record books with a Grand Final performance that was arguably the greatest in the league's history. Cotton's Game 3 performance was unprecedented—he scored 45 points, the most ever scored in an NBL Grand Final game, breaking a 29-year-old record. His 27.7 points per game over the Grand Final series marked the most from any player in 20 years. Club legend Shawn Redhage retired as a four-time championship player. In addition to his six club MVP awards, Redhage departed the NBL as one of the Wildcats' all-time great players. He finished his illustrious NBL career with 393 games to his name—380 with the Perth Wildcats (second on the team's all-time games-played list)—while finishing with 5,819 points and 2,153 rebounds.



The Wildcats reacquired the services of Grand Final MVP Bryce Cotton for the 2017–18 season, but lost two-time Club MVP Casey Prather to Melbourne United. The team's initial replacement for Prather was Devondrick Walker, but after Walker sustained a foot injury in August, the Wildcats replaced him with J. P. Tokoto. Other changes to the roster included Derek Cooke Jr. coming in to replace the outgoing Jameel McKay, and Lucas Walker stepping up from a training player role to a full-time squad member in place of the retired Shawn Redhage. The rest of the local contingent remained the same, including Matt Knight, who announced that the 2017–18 season would be his last. However, following three early-season head knocks, Knight brought forth his retirement in early November to join Redhage in retirement.

The Wildcats started the season with a 10–3 record, before dropping to 13–9 in mid-January. They finished the regular season in third place with a 16–12 record. On the eve of their finals campaign, Cotton was named league MVP, becoming just the third Wildcat to win the award after Paul Rogers (2000) and Kevin Lisch (2012). In addition, Cotton earned All-NBL First Team honours, Tokoto earned All-NBL Second Team honours, and Martin was named the NBL's Best Defensive Player—earning the honour for a record-breaking sixth time. In Game 1 of their semi-finals series against the second-seeded Adelaide 36ers, the Wildcats were defeated 109–74, thus recording their second biggest finals loss in club history. The only time the Wildcats have lost by a larger margin in their 32-year finals streak was in 1989 when they lost to North Melbourne by 55 points. The Wildcats went on to lose 89–88 to the 36ers in Game 2 to bow out of the finals.

2018–19: Ninth Championship[edit]


Mural in the City of Perth, commemorating the Wildcats' 33rd consecutive finals appearance The 2018 off-season saw the Wildcats secure Bryce Cotton to a three-year deal, while acquiring the services of Nick Kay and Mitch Norton from the Illawarra Hawks. While losing championship trio Lucas Walker, Jarrod Kenny and Dexter Kernich-Drew to the Cairns Taipans, former two-time championship Wildcat Tom Jervis returned to Perth after spending the previous two seasons with the Brisbane Bullets. They also signed import Terrico White and elevated four-year development player Rhys Vague to the full-time roster. The team travelled to the United States for two pre-season games against NBA teams Utah Jazz and Denver Nuggets. where they were handed a 130–72 loss to the Jazz in their first match. This loss was cited by coach Trevor Gleeson as the catalyst to the season's success. The Wildcats started the season with a 10–1 record despite Martin, Brandt, White and Cotton being out for various periods of time with injuries. By mid-January however, the Wildcats had fallen to 12–9 after losing eight out of 10 games, leading to increasing external pressure urging them to make changes to their roster and bring in a third import. The organisation and coaches instead backed the playing group to return to form and enjoy success in the latter part of the season. In response, the team bounced back with three straight wins over Melbourne, Adelaide and Sydney, seeing them move to 15–9 and atop the ladder by late January. They won the next three as well, and despite a regular-season finale loss to Melbourne and being without Norton since 25 January with a calf injury, the Wildcats finished as minor premiers with an 18–10 record. They went on to defeat the Bullets 2–0 in the semi-finals to advance through to their 14th NBL Grand Final series, where behind Grand Final MVP Terrico White, the Wildcats defeated Melbourne United 3–1 to claim their ninth NBL championship, hoisting the trophy on the back of 11 wins from their final 13 games. Having only secured the title interstate once before—in 1990—the Wildcats' win in Melbourne was only the fourth grand final road win for any NBL team since 2009.

2019–20: Tenth Championship[edit]


The first move of the 2019 off-season was the re-signing of four-time championship-winning coach Trevor Gleeson, who was retained by the Wildcats on a three-year deal. Next saw the re-signing of five-time championship-winning duo Damian Martin and Jesse Wagstaff, which was followed by the retention of six others from the championship-winning roster, including the return of import Terrico White. Wagstaff took on the role of vice captain for the 2019–20 season following the retirement of Greg Hire, who was replaced on the roster by Wani Swaka Lo Buluk, who was elevated to the full-time squad after spending the 2018–19 season as a development player. To replace the outgoing Angus Brandt and Tom Jervis, the Wildcats signed two new centres in import Dario Hunt and West Australian Majok Majok. The team also had a change in both assistant coaching positions with Paul Woolpert and Jacob Chance replacing the outgoing Matthew Nielsen and Adam Forde.

During pre-season, the Wildcats lost Swaka Lo Buluk to an ankle injury that saw him miss the first 17 games of the season. He was temporarily replaced in the squad by development player Nic Pozoglou. Early in the season, assistant coach Paul Woolpert, who had previously served under Gleeson during the 2014–15 season, was forced to return to the United States due to personal issues, which led to former NBA player and long-time coach Scott Roth stepping in to fill the void of lead assistant.

The team started the season with a 5–1 record, before slipping to 8–5 by the end of round 10 following back-to-back losses. Their losses over their first 13 games included a 23-point margin against the Cairns Taipans and a 19-point margin against the Sydney Kings. This culminated in a 99–88 loss to the Adelaide 36ers at home in round 10, with the game being over when the visitors led by 27 points during the third quarter. This loss followed a dramatic drop off in the final quarter against Cairns in round nine when Perth gave up a 12-point lead to lose by seven points. The team responded with four straight wins and closed out December with a 13–6 record. However, they lost Martin for the entire month of January after he suffered a left heel injury in the final game of 2019. After losing back-to-back games to start January 2020, Gleeson and the Wildcats decided to release Dario Hunt and replace him with seven-year NBA veteran Miles Plumlee. With seven games remaining in the season, Plumlee had to play all seven games to qualify for the finals. Due to the demanding schedule, the Wildcats had played 12 of their first 21 games away from Perth. Plumlee's debut game also came on the road, before the team closed out the season with five of their final six games being at home. Following the addition of Plumlee, the Wildcats won six of seven games to secure a 34th consecutive finals appearance with a second-place finish and a 19–9 record.

In the semi-finals, the Wildcats defeated the Cairns Taipans 2–1 to advance through to their 15th NBL Grand Final. In the grand final series, the Wildcats took Game 1 in Sydney before the Kings levelled the series with a win in Perth. The Wildcats went on to take a 2–1 series lead with a win in Game 3 in Sydney. Due to the coronavirus outbreak, it was decided that Games 2–5 would take place behind closed doors. Following Game 3 however, the Kings refused to take part in the final two games of the series, withdrawing citing health and safety concerns. As a result of a series cancellation and with Perth up 2–1, the NBL declared the Wildcats the champions for the 2019–20 season, thus claiming their 10th NBL championship. After averaging 30.0 points, 6.0 rebounds and 4.7 assists over the three games, Cotton was named Grand Final MVP for the second time in four years, becoming the first player in Wildcats history to be named league MVP, Grand Final MVP and win a championship all in the same season.

2020–21: 16th Grand Final[edit]


Heading into an uncertain off-season due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the NBL decided to reduce a roster spot and an import position for all teams while also introducing pay cuts on player contracts for the 2020–21 season.

While the Wildcats retained the services of Bryce Cotton on a three-year deal, they lost six-time champion and seven-year captain Damian Martin to retirement. With the loss of Nick Kay and Terrico White, the Wildcats acquired NBL veteran Todd Blanchfield and rookie import John Mooney. They also picked up Jarred Bairstow with Rhys Vague departing, and signed Kevin White to fill the empty guard position left by Martin. A preseason injury to centre Majok Majok also saw the club bring back former champion Wildcat Tom Jervis. A major off-season development was the pending Australian citizenship of Cotton and the potential of not having him classed as an import player; the Wildcats reportedly had Miles Plumlee locked in to return, but this did not eventuate due to the citizenship not being approved. Additionally, Jesse Wagstaff was named Martin's replacement as captain.

Preseason games commenced in December 2020, with the regular season scheduled for a January 2021 start. Following a trip to Brisbane to play preseason games against the Bullets, the Wildcats were forced into 14-day quarantine upon returning to Perth due to Brisbane's COVID cluster that led to state border closures. They were subsequently forced to sit out Round 1 of the regular season, with their season opener on 24 January in Round 2 seeing them defeat the South East Melbourne Phoenix at home 88–86. COVID forced home games three and four to be postponed, which was followed by the Wildcats relocating out of Western Australia until the completion of the NBL Cup. They went on to win the inaugural NBL Cup with a 7–1 record over the eight Cup games, having been away from Perth for six weeks. On 8 April, the Wildcats extended their winning streak to nine games with a 73–69 victory over the Sydney Kings. It marked the first nine-game win streak in a season for the Wildcats since January 2001. To finish the regular season, the Wildcats signed former Brisbane Bullets centre Will Magnay, but lost Cotton for the rest of the campaign with a leg injury. They finished second with a 25–11 record and qualified for their 35th consecutive finals series. In game one of the semi-final series against the Illawarra Hawks, the Wildcats lost 74–72 despite a game-high 24 points from Blanchfield. They won game two 79–71 and then game three also by a 79–71 margin to advance to their 16th NBL Grand Final. In game one of the grand final series against Melbourne United, the Wildcats lost 73–70 despite a game-high 27 points from Blanchfield. They went on to lose game two 83–74 and game three 81–76 to fall 3–0 in the series, with Melbourne winning the championship. The series saw the Wildcats hampered by injuries to Luke Travers, Clint Steindl and Mitch Norton.

2021–present: New ownership[edit]


2021–22: Finals streak ended[edit]


The 2021 off-season saw Sports Entertainment Group take over from Jack Bendat as owner of the Wildcats, while five-time championship-winning coach Trevor Gleeson departed for the NBA. Canadian Scott Morrison took over from Gleeson as head coach. The 2021–22 roster saw the return of Bryce Cotton and Majok Majok from injury, while Jesse Wagstaff, Mitch Norton, Todd Blanchfield, Kevin White and Luke Travers also continued on. New additions included imports Vic Law and Michael Frazier II, alongside Jack Purchase and Matt Hodgson. John Mooney departed for Japan, while Jarred Bairstow, Will Magnay and Clint Steindl all joined new NBL franchise the Tasmania JackJumpers.

The pre-season saw major knee injuries to both Blanchfield and Norton. Despite further injuries to Frazier and Hodgson, the Wildcats won their season opener 85–73 over the Adelaide 36ers. Law's 37 points set the highest score ever by a player in their Perth Wildcats debut, surpassing James Crawford's previous record of 33 points in 1987. The Wildcats went 4–1 over their first five games, which were all at home, before leaving Western Australia permanently and playing exclusively on the road for over two months due to the state's border restrictions. They moved to 7–2 by late January before dropping to 8–6 by late February. They won their next five games to conclude their away matches for the regular season as they entered a nine-game home stretch. After going 3–6 over their final nine games, which included Law missing the final two due to a season-ending ankle injury, the Wildcats' 35-year finals streak came to end as they finished fifth with a 16–12 record.

2022–23 season: Return to finals[edit]


Wildcats' open-air game against the Adelaide 36ers at RAC Arena on 14 January 2023 Following the departure of Scott Morrison after one season due to family reasons, the Wildcats hired former NBL player John Rillie as head coach. New import big man duo TaShawn Thomas and Brady Manek were accompanied by former New Zealand Breakers guard Corey Webster, while 2022 NBA draft pick Luke Travers returned to the Wildcats for another season. Bryce Cotton, Majok Majok, Jesse Wagstaff, Mitch Norton and Todd Blanchfield all returned, while Kyle Zunic and Corey Shervill were elevated from development players to the main roster. The front office also experienced turnover of long-time staff while game day changes caused a stir amongst fans early in the season.

After starting the season with three straight wins, the Wildcats lost their next five. It marked the first time since 2005 that the Wildcats recorded five consecutive losses. Over the next eight games, the Wildcats went 6–2. Following a New Year's Eve win, the Wildcats released Shervill in order to sign Corey Webster's brother, Tai Webster. Tai's addition led to the reduced minutes of Blanchfield and Norton. On 14 January 2023, the Wildcats played the Adelaide 36ers in the first ever open-air game at RAC Arena, with Perth winning 112–97. Going into the regular-season finale on 5 February, the Wildcats required an 11-point victory to clinch a finals spot. They subsequently defeated the Sydney Kings 96–84 to earn sixth place with a 15–13 record.

In the Play-In Qualifier against the South East Melbourne Phoenix, the Wildcats won 106–99 behind Cotton's game-high 26 points and a 41-point fourth quarter. In the Play-In Game three days later, the Wildcats bowed out of the finals with a 91–78 loss to the Cairns Taipans.

Season by season[edit]

NBL champions(1982–present) Season champions(1982–present) Runners-up(1982–present) Finals berth(1982–present)
Played Wins Losses
Regular season record 1169 699 470 6 Season champions
Finals record 154 85 69 10 NBL Championships
Saison Liga Regular season Post-season Name des Vereins
Finish Played Wins Losses
1982 NBL 10th 26 10 16 Did Not Qualify Westate Wildcats
1983 NBL 7th 22 6 16 Did Not Qualify Westate Wildcats
1984 NBL 8th 23 3 20 Did Not Qualify Perth Wildcats
1985 NBL 8th 26 13 13 Did Not Qualify Perth Wildcats
1986 NBL 12th 26 8 18 Did Not Qualify Perth Wildcats
1987 NBL 4th 26 19 7 Won Elimination Final (Canberra) 101–96

Won Semifinals (Adelaide) 2–1 Lost NBL Finals (Brisbane) 0–2

Perth Wildcats
1988 NBL 6th 24 13 11 Won Elimination Final (Brisbane) 113–98

Lost Semifinals (North Melbourne) 1–2

Perth Wildcats
1989 NBL 3rd 24 16 8 Won Elimination Finals (Adelaide) 2–1

Lost Semifinals (North Melbourne) 1–2

Perth Wildcats
1990 NBL 5th 26 17 9 Won Elimination Finals (Melbourne) 2–0

Won Semifinals (North Melbourne) 2–1 Won NBL Finals (Brisbane) 2–1

Perth Wildcats
1991 NBL 1st 26 22 4 Won Semifinals (Adelaide) 2–0

Won NBL Finals (Eastside) 2–1

Perth Wildcats
1992 NBL 6th 24 12 12 Lost Quarterfinals (Melbourne) 1–2 Perth Wildcats
1993 NBL 1st 26 21 5 Won Quarterfinals (North Melbourne) 2–1

Won Semifinals (Brisbane) 2–1 Lost NBL Finals (Melbourne) 1–2

Perth Wildcats
1994 NBL 6th 26 16 10 Lost Quarterfinals (S.E. Melbourne) 0–2 Perth Wildcats
1995 NBL 1st 26 19 7 Won Quarterfinals (Melbourne) 2–1

Won Semifinals (Adelaide) 2–0 Won NBL Finals (North Melbourne) 2–1

Perth Wildcats
1996 NBL 3rd 26 16 10 Lost Quarterfinals (Adelaide) 1–2 Perth Wildcats
1997 NBL 4th 30 17 13 Won Elimination Finals (Brisbane) 2–0

Lost Semifinals (S.E. Melbourne) 0–2

Perth Wildcats
1998 NBL 3rd 30 17 13 Won Elimination Finals (Wollongong) 2–0

Lost Semifinals (Adelaide) 0–2

Perth Wildcats
1998–99 NBL 6th 26 13 13 Lost Qualifying Finals (Adelaide) 0–2 Perth Wildcats
1999–2000 NBL 3rd 28 22 6 Won Elimination Finals (West Sydney) 2–1

Won Semifinals (Townsville) 2–1 Won NBL Finals (Victoria) 2–0

Perth Wildcats
2000–01 NBL 3rd 28 21 7 Lost Qualifying Finals (Wollongong) 1–2 Perth Wildcats
2001–02 NBL 2nd 30 17 13 Lost Qualifying Finals (West Sydney) 0–2 Perth Wildcats
2002–03 NBL 2nd 30 22 8 Won Qualifying Finals (Adelaide) 2–1

Won Semifinals (Wollongong) 2–0 Lost NBL Finals (Sydney) 0–2

Perth Wildcats
2003–04 NBL 7th 33 15 18 Lost Elimination Final (Cairns) 96–103 Perth Wildcats
2004–05 NBL 7th 32 17 15 Lost Elimination Final (Melbourne) 88–108 Perth Wildcats
2005–06 NBL 7th 32 16 16 Won Elimination Final (Brisbane) 96–91

Won Quarterfinal (Wollongong) 121–101 Lost Semifinals (Melbourne) 0–2

Perth Wildcats
2006–07 NBL 3rd 33 23 10 Lost Quarterfinal (Cairns) 78–82 Perth Wildcats
2007–08 NBL 4th 30 18 12 Won Quarterfinal (Townsville) 96–78

Lost Semifinals (Sydney) 1–2

Perth Wildcats
2008–09 NBL 4th 30 17 13 Lost Elimination Final (Townsville) 96–103 Perth Wildcats
2009–10 NBL 1st 28 17 11 Won Semifinals (Gold Coast) 2–0

Won NBL Finals (Wollongong) 2–1

Perth Wildcats
2010–11 NBL 4th 28 16 12 Lost Semifinals (New Zealand) 1–2 Perth Wildcats
2011–12 NBL 2nd 28 19 9 Won Semifinals (Gold Coast) 2–1

Lost NBL Finals (New Zealand) 1–2

Perth Wildcats
2012–13 NBL 2nd 28 22 6 Won Semifinals (Wollongong) 2–0

Lost NBL Finals (New Zealand) 0–2

Perth Wildcats
2013–14 NBL 1st 28 21 7 Won Semifinals (Wollongong) 2–0

Won NBL Finals (Adelaide) 2–1

Perth Wildcats
2014–15 NBL 4th 28 16 12 Lost Semifinals (Cairns) 0–2 Perth Wildcats
2015–16 NBL 2nd 28 18 10 Won Semifinals (Illawarra) 2–1

Won NBL Finals (New Zealand) 2–1

Perth Wildcats
2016–17 NBL 3rd 28 15 13 Won Semifinals (Cairns) 2–0

Won NBL Finals (Illawarra) 3–0

Perth Wildcats
2017–18 NBL 3rd 28 16 12 Lost Semifinals (Adelaide) 0–2 Perth Wildcats
2018–19 NBL 1st 28 18 10 Won Semifinals (Brisbane) 2–0

Won NBL Finals (Melbourne) 3–1

Perth Wildcats
2019–20 NBL 2nd 28 19 9 Won Semifinals (Cairns) 2–1

Won NBL Finals (Sydney) 2–1

Perth Wildcats
2020–21 NBL 2nd 36 25 11 Won Semifinals (Illawarra) 2–1

Lost NBL Finals (Melbourne) 0–3

Perth Wildcats
2021–22 NBL 5th 28 16 12 Did Not Qualify Perth Wildcats
2022–23 NBL 6th 28 15 13 Won Play-In Qualifier (S.E. Melbourne) 106–99

Lost Play-In Game (Cairns) 78–91

Perth Wildcats

As of the end of the 2022–23 season

*Note: In 1983 and 1984, the NBL was split into Eastern and Western divisions during the regular season.

Source: Perth Wildcats Year by Year



The 2016/17 championship trophy After three years of finals action that included a losing grand final series in 1987, the team won back-to-back titles in 1990 and 1991 behind the likes of Ricky Grace, James Crawford and Mike Ellis, and coaches Cal Bruton and Murray Arnold. It took four more years for the team's third NBL title in 1995, with coach Adrian Hurley and captain Andrew Vlahov leading the way. Five more years elapsed before the next championship came in the 1999/2000 season. Behind coach Alan Black and centre Paul Rogers, and veterans Vlahov, Grace and Scott Fisher still around, the Wildcats won their fourth title.

A large championship drought occurred between 2000/01 and 2008/09, but the Wildcats still made the finals each season. Then in 2009/10, the Wildcats became the undisputed greatest NBL franchise with a fifth championship. Coach Rob Beveridge and import Kevin Lisch were instrumental to the team's success that season, as was Shawn Redhage and Damian Martin.

Their sixth championship came in 2013/14 thanks to coach Trevor Gleeson and imports Jermaine Beal and James Ennis. Their seventh championship came the next season in 2015/16, as coach Gleeson became the first Wildcats coach to win multiple championships. With their eighth title coming in 2016/17, the Wildcats won back-to-back championships for the first time since 1990/1991, while Gleeson became the first coach to guide the Wildcats to consecutive championships. In 2017, four-time championship-winning trio Damian Martin, Shawn Redhage and Jesse Wagstaff equaled Ricky Grace's franchise record of winning four championships. In 2019, Martin and Wagstaff became the only players in NBL history to win five championships at the one club. Martin and Wagstaff picked up their sixth championship rings in 2020, joining C. J. Bruton and David Stiff as the NBL's only six-time champions and the only players to be able to do that at one club. Additionally, Gleeson attained his fifth NBL championship, making him the second-most successful coach in league history behind six-time winner Brian Goorjian.

Finals appearance record (1987–2021)[edit]


The Perth Wildcats' run of 35 straight NBL finals appearances between 1987 and 2021 is unmatched in major Australian professional sports. The most consecutive finals reached in VFL/AFL football is 13 by the Hawthorn Football Club between 1982 and 1994, while the NRL's St. George Illawarra Dragons made 23 consecutive finals appearances between 1951 and 1973.

In the major North American sports, the Edmonton Eskimos of the Canadian Football League qualified for the playoffs for 34 consecutive years between 1972 and 2005. In American sport, the Boston Bruins of the National Hockey League made 29 consecutive playoff appearances between 1967/68 and 1995/96, while the Philadelphia 76ers (as the Syracuse Nationals) and San Antonio Spurs both made the NBA playoffs 22 straight seasons.

Israeli professional basketball club Maccabi Tel Aviv holds the world record of 40 straight post-season appearances, with their 41st appearance coming in 2021/22.

Arena history[edit]

  • Perry Lakes Basketball Stadium (1982–1986)
  • Perth Superdrome / Challenge Stadium (1987–1989, 2002–2012)
  • Perth Entertainment Centre (1990–2002)
  • Burswood Dome (1994; 2004)
  • RAC Arena (2012–present)


See also: Perth Wildcats Complete Player List

Current roster[edit]


Note: Flags indicate national team eligibility at FIBA-sanctioned events. Players may hold other non-FIBA nationality not displayed.

Perth Wildcats roster

Notable players[edit]


Retired numbers[edit]


The Wildcats' championship banners and retired numbers hanging at RAC Arena in January 2023

Perth Wildcats retired numbers
No. Player Position Tenure
6 Mike Ellis G 1982–1992
7 James Crawford F/C 1987–1999
14 1 Scott Fenton G 1988–1989
15 Ricky Grace G 1990–2005
21 Andrew Vlahov F 1991–2002
30 Scott Fisher F 1993–2002
42 Shawn Redhage F 2005–2017


  • 1 Scott Fenton's No. 14 singlet was retired following his death in a car crash on 21 August 1989

30th Anniversary All-Star Team[edit]


On 4 February 2013, the Wildcats announced their 30th Anniversary All-Star Team.

  • Coach: Adrian Hurley
  • General Manager: Cal Bruton
Pos. Starter Bench
C James Crawford Paul Rogers
PF Scott Fisher Kendal Pinder
SF Andrew Vlahov (c) Shawn Redhage
SG Kevin Lisch James Harvey
PG Ricky Grace Mike Ellis (c)

40th Anniversary Team[edit]


In February 2022, the Wildcats announced their 40th Anniversary Team.

  • Coach: Trevor Gleeson
Pos. Starter Bench
C James Crawford Paul Rogers
PF Andrew Vlahov Nick Kay
SF Shawn Redhage Scott Fisher
SG Bryce Cotton Kevin Lisch
PG Ricky Grace Damian Martin (c)

Source: Perth Wildcats Achievements

  1. Bryce Cotton. Abgerufen am 26. Februar 2023 (englisch).
  2. Brady Manek. Abgerufen am 26. Februar 2023 (englisch).