Benutzer:Poupou l'quourouce/Elizabeth Marshall (cook)

Elizabeth Marshall (geboren 1738 in Swarland oder Felton, Northumberland) war eine Köchin, Leiterin einer Kochschule und Autorin des Kochbuches The Young Ladies' Guide in the Art of Cookery.

Elizabeth Marshall wurde 1738 in Swarland oder Felton in Northumberland geboren. Am 15. Februar 1738 wurde sie in der St. Michael & All Angels Church in Felton getauft. Zwischen 1770 und 1790 betrieb sie in der Mosley Street in Newcastle upon Tyne eine Patisserie und Kochschule. In derselben Straße befand sich auf die Druckerei, in der ihr Kochbuch gedruckt wurde.

The Art of Cookery


The Young Ladies' Guide in the Art of Cookery mit dem Untertitel a Collection of useful Receipts, Published for the Convenience of the Ladies committed to her Care erschien XXXX. Das Werk wurde in der Druckerei von Thomas Saint gedruckt und war mit Holzschnitten von Thomas Bewick illustriert.



The Art of Cookery is notable for its inclusion of recipes requiring expensive imported ingredients such as truffles, morels, pineapples and lemons, which Marshall used in large quantities: her recipe for The Power of Lemons, a concentrated lemon essence, begins with the words Take 100 Lemons. This recipe, which implies knowledge of the properties of lemons in preventing scurvy, does not appear in any of the other cookery books from the 18th century.

Her book is exceptional in using truffles, which were not standard fare for the late 18th century. Only Patrick Lamb in 1710 and Alexis Soyer in 1846 included truffles in their recipes. Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin wrote in 1815 that truffles were found only on the tables of the very wealthy or that of the mistress of a wealthy man.

The book throws light on 18th century cooking practices. For example, Marshall advocated removing salt from butter by washing it in Rose water, making it more palatable for the cheesecakes, puddings and sweet pastries she taught her pupils to prepare. She also used the technique of using a feather to clear the seeds from jellies. This method is still used today for Bar-le-duc jelly.



To the YOUNG LADIES who have done me the Honour of attending my School.


It is at your urgent and frequently repeated request that the following Receipts have at length come abroad. – You were sensible of the necessity of having an assistance of this sort to your memory; and the difficulty as well as expense of procuring the Receipts in manuscript, suggested the present form as the most proper and convenient for answering your intentions. – I hope this will be considered as a sufficient apology for the design. For its execution I have less to say. – The subject does not admit of elegance of expression, though I acknowledge the language might have been more correct. It was my wish to have rendered it so, but the various other duties in which I am engaged, would not allow me leisure sufficient for the purpose. – Such as the work is, I hope it will be received with candour, and consulted with advantage.

I am,


With much Respect

Your most obliged Servant,




Chapter headings


The book comprises chapters on cakes, puddings, pies, pickles, preserves, creams and custards, fish and seafood (including salmon, lobster and oysters), meat (including veal, beef tenderloin and venison), soups, sauces, poultry (including chicken, goose, turkey and partridge), and wines and essences. It also contains an index.

Releves/Bills of fare


Menu suggestions are included, with diagrams showing how the dishes should be arranged on the table.

W. Carew Hazlitt's Old Cookery Books.[1]

WorldCat [2]

Oxford Companion to Food Vorlage:ISBN [3]

Waitrose Online: Old Flames - British cooks and cookery writers of great repute [4]


  1. Cookery Books, part 4., abgerufen am 20. Oktober 2012.
  2. The young ladies' guide in the art of cookery, being a collection of useful receipts. (Book, 1777). [], OCLC 520410122 ( [abgerufen am 20. Oktober 2012]).
  3. Lynne Olver: history notes-restaurants, chefs & foodservice. In: The Food Timeline. Abgerufen am 20. Oktober 2012.
  4. Archived copy. Archiviert vom Original am 8. März 2010; abgerufen am 21. Juni 2010.
