Vorlage:User date

id Pengguna ini memiliki pengetahuan sempurna bahasa Indonesia.
jv Panganggé puniki panutur ibu basa Jawi.
su-1 Kontributor ieu bisa nulis dina basa Sunda hambalan.
en-2 This user is able to contribute with an intermediate level of English.

Hi, my name is Prasetyo, currently I live in Jakarta Selatan, Indonesia. Active in id and Jv since 2007. My previous user name was Pras68, and for the purpose of Single User Login (SUL) it had been changed to recent username Pras.

My primary concern are: Geografi, Politics, Military, and Defense. Other interesting subjects: Indonesia and Javanese Literature, Biology, and Environment. Regards.Pras(talk).