Option Explicit Private Const DAYS_INTERVAL = 10 'Tagesintervall Private Const MIN_SIZE_LAST_INTERVAL = 2 'Minimale Größe des letzten Intervalls eines Monats 'to prevent line at 31th before 1st, for instance Private Const DATE_FORMAT = "dd.mm." 'Datumsformat Private Const FONT_SIZE = 10 'Schriftgröße Private Const AXIS_TEXT_OFFSET = -7 'Achsenbeschriftungsversatz Private Const LINE_WEIGHT = 1.5 'Linienstärke Private Const LINE_STYLE = msoLineDash 'Linienstil gestrichelt 'Private Const LINE_STYLE = msoLineSolid 'Linienstil normal Public Sub EntferneLinienImAktivenDiagramm() Call ClearShapesInChart(ActiveChart) End Sub Public Sub ZeichneLinienImAktivenDiagramm() Call ClearShapesInChart(ActiveChart) Call DrawVerticalGridLinesInChart(ActiveChart) End Sub Private Sub DrawLinesInFirstEmbeddedDiagram() Call ClearShapesInChart(ActiveSheet.ChartObjects(1).Chart) Call DrawVerticalGridLinesInChart(ActiveSheet.ChartObjects(1).Chart) End Sub ' DrawVerticalGridLinesInChart() ' ============================== ' 2009-12-28 by Geri Broser ' Draws vertical lines as grid lines in the given chart. ' The lines are drawn in the interval specified with DAYS_INTERVAL and on month's begin. Private Sub DrawVerticalGridLinesInChart(Chart As Chart) On Error GoTo Error Dim series As series Set series = Chart.SeriesCollection(1) Dim xMin As Double, xMax As Double 'Dim yMin As Double, yMax As Double Dim xLeft As Double, xWidth As Double Dim yTop As Double, yBottom As Double ', yHeight As Double xLeft = Chart.PlotArea.InsideLeft xWidth = Chart.PlotArea.InsideWidth yTop = Chart.PlotArea.InsideTop 'yHeight = Chart.PlotArea.InsideHeight yBottom = yTop + Chart.PlotArea.InsideHeight xMin = Chart.Axes(1).MinimumScale xMax = Chart.Axes(1).MaximumScale 'yMin = Chart.Axes(2).MinimumScale 'yMax = Chart.Axes(2).MaximumScale Dim monthEnds(12) As Long monthEnds(0) = 1 monthEnds(1) = 31 monthEnds(2) = IIf(Year(series.XValues(1)) Mod 4 = 0, 29, 28) 'ok for next 90 years monthEnds(3) = 31 monthEnds(4) = 30 monthEnds(5) = 31 monthEnds(6) = 30 monthEnds(7) = 31 monthEnds(8) = 31 monthEnds(9) = 30 monthEnds(10) = 31 monthEnds(11) = 30 monthEnds(12) = 31 Dim monthIdx As Long Dim nextMonthEnd As Long Dim dayCounter As Long monthIdx = 0 nextMonthEnd = monthEnds(monthIdx) dayCounter = 0 Dim seriesIdx As Long Dim xNode As Double, yNode As Double Dim line As shape Dim text As shape Application.ScreenUpdating = False For seriesIdx = 1 To series.Points.Count If seriesIdx = nextMonthEnd Or _ (dayCounter = DAYS_INTERVAL And seriesIdx <= nextMonthEnd - MIN_SIZE_LAST_INTERVAL) Then xNode = xLeft + (series.XValues(seriesIdx) - xMin) * xWidth / (xMax - xMin) 'yNode = yTop + (yMax - series.Values(seriesIdx)) * yHeight / (yMax - yMin) Set line = Chart.Shapes.AddLine(xNode, yTop, xNode, yBottom) Set text = Chart.Shapes.AddTextbox(msoTextOrientationUpward, _ xNode + AXIS_TEXT_OFFSET, yBottom, xNode, yBottom) text.TextFrame.AutoSize = True text.TextFrame.Characters.text = Format(series.XValues(seriesIdx), DATE_FORMAT) text.TextFrame.Characters.Font.Size = FONT_SIZE End If 'line at month's begin If seriesIdx = nextMonthEnd Then line.line.Weight = LINE_WEIGHT monthIdx = monthIdx + 1 nextMonthEnd = nextMonthEnd + monthEnds(monthIdx) dayCounter = 0 End If 'line at days interval If dayCounter = DAYS_INTERVAL And seriesIdx <= nextMonthEnd - MIN_SIZE_LAST_INTERVAL Then line.line.DashStyle = LINE_STYLE dayCounter = 0 End If dayCounter = dayCounter + 1 Next seriesIdx Application.ScreenUpdating = True Exit Sub Error: MsgBox "Error " & Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description, vbExclamation, "DrawLinesInChart" End Sub Private Sub ClearShapesInChart(Chart As Chart) Dim shape As shape For Each shape In Chart.Shapes shape.Delete Next shape End Sub