Das ist eine Liste von Konflikten in Europa in chronologischer Reihenfolge, inklusive Kriege zwischen den europäischen Nationen, Bürgerkriege innerhalb der europäischen Nationen, Kriege zwischen einer europäischen Nation und eine nicht-europäische Nation und globale Konflikte, die in Europa stattfanden.

Vorlage:Liste vervollständigen

1.–10. Jahrhundert n Chr.

Schlacht an der Milvischen Brücke, 312
Seeschlacht bei Kallipolis, 324

11. Jahrhundert

Battle of Hastings (1066)
Battle of Gvozd Mountain, 1097

12. Jahrhundert

Monument of Didgori Battle, Georgien

13. Jahrhundert

Schlacht bei Las Navas de Tolosa, 1212

14. Jahrhundert

Seeschlacht von Sluis, 1340
Schlacht von Nájera, 1367

15. Jahrhundert

Schlacht von Formigny, 1450

16. Jahrhundert

Schlacht bei Marignano, 1515
Belagerung von Szigetvár, 1566
Bartholomäusnacht, 1572
Schlacht bei Sissek, 1593

17. Jahrhundert

Belagerung von Breda (1624–1625), 1624

18th century

Battle of Denain, 1712
Battle of Fontenoy, 1745
Great Siege of Gibraltar, 1779–83

19th century

Battle of Marengo, 1800
Napoléon at the Battle of Austerlitz (1805), by François Pascal Simon, Baron Gérard
Battle of Akhalzic (1828), by January Suchodolski
Napoleon III at the Battle of Solferino (1859), by Jean-Louis-Ernest Meissonier
The Sea Battle of Lissa by Carl Frederik Sørensen, 1868

20th century

Explosion of the Hawthorn Ridge mine, 1 July 1916, marked the beginning of the Battle of the Somme.
Republican International Brigadiers at the Battle of Belchite, 1937
German Stuka dive bombers in the Eastern Front (World War II) 1941–45
A Soviet IS-2 tank in Leipzig during the 1953 East Germany Uprising
Icelandic patrol ship ICGV Odinn and British frigate HMS Scylla clash during the Third Cod War
A "Sniper at work" sign in Crossmaglen, a symbol of the IRA sniper campaign in South Armagh during the last stages of the Northern Ireland Troubles
UN troops on their way up "Sniper Alley" in Sarajevo during the Bosnian War
A Russian helicopter downed by Chechen militants, during the First Chechen War
The Russian Army's Vostok Battalion in South Ossetia

21st century





See also


Vorlage:Europe topic Vorlage:World War I Vorlage:World War II Vorlage:Cold War Vorlage:Post-Cold War European conflicts [[Category:Lists of wars by region|Europe]] [[Category:History of Europe|Conflicts]] [[Category:Europe-related lists|Conflicts]] [[Category:Military history of Europe|Conflicts]]