

Kemal Seyhan


Kemal Seyhan (born 1960 in Kayseri, Turkey[1]) is a contemporary artist.

Seyhan is most commonly known for his abstract oil paintings which he creates by drawing vertical and horizontal lines using a spatula and coating multiple layers on top of each other.[2] Over time Seyhan started implementing other materials in to his art, such as graphite and wood cut on paper. He is currently represented by the Istanbul and London based Pi Artwork Gallery.[3]

Seyhan was born 1960 in Kayseri. Along with his parents and 3 siblings he later moved to Istanbul where he spent his teenage years and graduated high school before attending Boğaziçi University to do coursework in sociology. At the age of 21 he moved to Vienna where he studied philosophy and art history at Vienna University. He then pivoted to study fine arts at the University of Applied Arts and later graduated from the Department of Painting and Graphics in Vienna. In 1996 Seyhan became an Austrian citizen. After living in Vienna for over 20 years, the artist moved back to Istanbul. Seyhan has been living and working both in Istanbul and Vienna since 2004.



Proportional Line Kemal Seyhan Last Decade. Authors: Alistair Hicks, Edelbert Köb. Edited by Necmi Sönmez. Publisher: Skira,

ISBN: 978-8857238319



Personal Exhibitions


2019       "proportional line and structures, Ark Kültür, Istanbul

2018       "untitled", Pi Artworks Gallery, Istanbul, Turkey

2017       "Syntax", Osthaus Museum Hagen, Hagen, Germany

2016       "Beklerken/Vivid dark of a space", ArtOn, Istanbul, Turkey

2015       "Ondas negras", GPLSpaceVI, Vienna, Austria

2014       "Ornaments from revers", Mekan68, Vienna, Austria

2013       "41 meter" Zorlu Center, Istanbul, Turkey

2012       "Blue and Black" ArtOn, Istanbul, Turkey

2010       "Time to Time" artSümer, Istanbul, Turkey

2010       Cora Hölzl Gallery, Düsseldorf, Germany

2009       Artist in Residence, Museum Insel Hombroich, Germany

2009       "new works" artSümer, Istanbul, Turkey

2008       ArtSümer, Istanbul, Turkey

2005       Milli Reasurans Gallery, Istanbul, Turkey

2002       Böhmler Gallery, Munich, Germany

2001       Weichinger Gallery, Munich, Germany

2000       Gabriel Gallery, Vienna, Austria

1999       Kirdök Gallery, Vienna, Austria

Group Exhibitions/Art Fairs


2019       Draw Artfair, Saatchi Gallery, London, GB

2019       ArtBasel Hongkong, 2019, Hongkong, Asia

2018       Artissima 2018, Torino, Italy

2018       Art Dubai 2018, Dubai, UAE

2018       13th Contemporary Istanbul 2018, Istanbul, Turkey

2018       ArtBasel Hongkong, 2018, Hongkong, Asia   

2017       12th Contemporary Istanbul 2017, Istanbul, Turkey

2017       "30 Jahre Cora Hölzl Düsseldorf",

            driendl*architects, Vienna, Austria

2016       "Vier Künstler", Mekan86, Vienna, Austria

2016       11th Contemporary Istanbul 2016, Istanbul, Turkey

2016       "Freundschaftsspiel Istanbul:Freiburg,

          Museum for Modern Art Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany

2016       Versus Art Project, Istanbul, Turkey

2015       10th Contemporary Istanbul 2015, Istanbul, Turkey

2014       9th Contemporary Istanbul 2014, Istanbul, Turkey

2014       "where do we come from? where are we going"

            ArtOn, Istanbul, Turkey

2013       8th Contemporary Istanbul 2013, Istanbul, Turkey

2013       Slick Art Fair, Brussels, Belgium

2013       Opera Gallery Dubai DIFC, Dubai, UAE

2012       7th Contemporary Istanbul 2012, Istanbul, Turkey

2012       Viennafair 2012, Vienna, Austria

2011       "Sieben Grenzgänge" House Wittgenstein, Vienna, Austria

2011       "Crystal City" Mars, İstanbul, Turkey

2010       "Artists Pick Artists" artSümer, Istanbul, Turkey

2010       Osthaus Museum, Huma Kabakci Collection, Germany

2010       Mönchehaus Modern Art Museum, Goslar, Germany

2010       Pecs Modern Art Museum, Pecs, Hungary

2009       "second encounter" artSümer, Istanbul, Turkey

2007       BM Suma Gallery, Istanbul, Turkey

2005       Gabriel Gallery, Vienna, Austria

2004       "21st Century" 20-er Haus, Vienna, Austria

2002       "T-art" AAI Gallery, Vienna

2000       "Museum auf Abruf" Gallery, Vienna, Austria (Catalogue)

1996       "The Other", UPSD, Habitat, Istanbul, Turkey (Catalogue)


Kemal Seyhan's website

Kemal Seyhan's profil at Pi Artwork Gallery

Article of Kemal Seyhan for his exhibition at the Osthaus Museum Hagen




  1. Kemal Seyhan Curriculum vitae. Abgerufen am 10. Februar 2022 (amerikanisches Englisch).
  2. Kemal Seyhan Artwork. Abgerufen am 10. Februar 2022 (amerikanisches Englisch).
  3. Kemal Seyhan - Overview. Abgerufen am 10. Februar 2022 (englisch).
  4. Kemal Seyhan Curriculum vitae. Abgerufen am 10. Februar 2022 (amerikanisches Englisch).