Die Balangiga Bells (spanisch Campanas de Balangiga; Tagalog Mga Batingaw ng Balangiga; Wáray-Wáray Lingganay han Balangiga) sind drei Kirchenglocken, die von der United States Army aus der Kirche San Lorenzo de Martir[1] in Balangiga, Eastern Samar, Philippinen, als Kriegsbeute nach den Gegenschlägen nach dem Balangiga-Überfall 1901 während des Philippinisch-Amerikanischen Krieges. Eine der Glocken wurde vom 9th Infantry Regiment im Camp Red Cloud, deren Stützpunkt in Südkorea gehalten,[2][3] während zwei andere auf einem ehemaligen Stützpunkt des 11th Infantry Regiment, der Francis E. Warren Air Force Base in Cheyenne, Wyoming, gehalten.[4]
Vertreter der katholischen Kirche auf den Philippinen, der philippinischen Regierung und der Einwohner von Balangiga hatten seit Ende der 1950er Jahre versucht, die Glocken zurückzugewinnen, doch ihre Bemühungen scheiterten jahrzehntelang. Im Jahr 2018 wurden Fortschritte bei den Verhandlungen erzielt, und am 11. Dezember 2018 kehrten die Glocken nach 117 Jahren endlich auf die Philippinen zurück.[5]
BearbeitenDie Balangiga Church wurde 1854 dem römischen MärtyrerLaurentius geweiht, und die Stadt sammelte über mehrere Jahre lang Geld um ihre erste Kirchenglocke zu erwerben.[6][7] Sie wurde um 1853 gegossen und trägt ein Wappen der Franziskaner.[8] Sie hat einen Mündungsdurchmesser von 31.25 in (78,74 cm) und eine Höhe von 30 in (76,2 cm). Die Inschrift: „R. San Francisco Año El 1853“ („R. San Francisco im Jahr 1853“) könnte auf einen Pfarrer dieser Zeit,[9] oder allgemeiner auf den Franziskanischen Orden „Religioso de San Francisco“ hindeuten.[7]
Die zweite Glocke wurde um 1889 gegossen. Sie hat einen Mündungedurchmesser von 27,75 in (70,48 cm) und eine Höhe von 27,5 in (70 cm). Die Stadt erwarb sie 1889 auf Initiative von Fr. Agustin Delgado, dessen Name als Inschrift auf der Glocke steht.[9] Außerdem trägt sie die Inschrift: „Se Refundio Siendo Cura Parroco El M.R.P.F Agustin Delgado Año 1889“ („Es wurde hergestellt, als Agustin Delgado Pfarrer war, im Jahre 1889“). „M.R.P.F“ ist ein Akronym für den Titel Muy Reverendo Padre Fray („Hochwürden Bruder“). Die Glocken wurden als campanas colgantes bezeichnet, („hängende Glocken“). Diese wurden gewöhnlich von einem Glockenstuhl oder eine Balken hänged befestigt und geläutet, indem ein Seil am Klöppel befestigt war.[1]
Die dritte und kleinste Glocke wurde wahrscheinlich 1895 erworben auf Initiative von Fr. Bernardo Aparicio. Sie wird auf eine Höhe von 23 in (58 cm) oder 24 in (61 cm) geschätzt und einen Mündungsdurchmesser von 20 in (51 cm). Sie trägt das Franziskaner-Emblem.[3] Die Inschrift lautet: „Se Refundio Siendo Parroco P. Bernardo Aparicio Año 1895“ („Es wurde hergestellt, als P. Bernardo Aparicio Pfarrer war im Jahre 1895“). Glocken dieses Typs werden als esquila (Kleine Glocke) oder Campana de vuelo („Fluchtglocke“) bezeichnet und wurden als Warnsignal in Gefahr verwendet. Das Spanische Wort refundió deutet darauf hin, dass die Glocken aus wiederverwerteter Bronze gegossen wurde.[1]
1853 Balangiga bell
1889 Balangiga bell
1895 Balangiga bell
Das Balangiga Massaker
BearbeitenAm 28. September 1901 überfielen Soldaten der philippinischen Republikanischen Armee (Ejército Revolucionario Filipino; Panghimagsikang Hukbong Katihan ng Pilipinas) und irreguläre Streitkräfte und/oder die Pulahan aus Balangiga und den umliegenden Städten die Kompanie C des 9. US-Infanterieregiments beim Frühstück und töteten 48 und verwundeten 22 der 78 Männer der Einheit, von denen nur vier unverletzt davonkamen und vier im Einsatz vermisst blieben. Die Angreifer erbeuteten etwa 100 Gewehre und 25.000 Schuss Munition. Schätzungsweise 20 bis 25 von ihnen starben bei den Kämpfen, ebenso viele wurden verletzt.[10]
Als Vergeltung befahl General Jacob Hurd Smith, Samar in eine „heulende Wildnis“ („howling wilderness“) zu verwandeln und jeden philippinischen Mann über zehn Jahren zu erschießen[10], der eine Waffe halten könnte. Dies führte zur größten Opferzahl philippinischer Zivilisten in der gesamten Kriegsdauer.[12] In der Folge wurde auch die Folter der „Wasserkur“ verstärkt eingesetzt. Die amerikanischen Soldaten raubten drei Kirchenglocken aus der Stadtkirche und brachten sie als Kriegstrophäen in die USA zurück. Das 9. Infanterieregiment behauptete, dass die einzige in ihrem Besitz befindliche Glocke dem Regiment von Dorfbewohnern geschenkt worden sei, als die Einheit Balangiga am 9. April 1902 verließ. Die Glocke sei ihnen tatsächlich vom 11. Infanterieregiment geschenkt worden, das alle drei Glocken mitgenommen hatte als sie am 18. Oktober 1901 Balangiga nach Tacloban verließen.[13]
Smith und sein wichtigster Untergebener, Major Littleton Waller vom United States Marine Corps, wurden beide wegen Kriegsverbrechen gegen die Zivilbevölkerung von Samar vor ein Kriegsgericht gestellt. Waller wurde insbesondere vorgeworfen, einen der Eingeborenen drei Tage lang an einen Baum gefesselt und ihm Kugeln in den Körper geschossen zu haben, bevor er ihn am vierten Tag schließlich tötete.[12] Waller wurde von den Anklagen freigesprochen. Smith wurde für schuldig befunden, ermahnt und aus dem Dienst ausgeschieden, die Anklage wurde jedoch kurz darauf fallen gelassen. Später wurde er als Kriegsheld gefeiert.[14]
Verbringung in die Vereinigten Staaten
BearbeitenNach dem Balangiga-Massaker wurde die Stadt am 29. September 1901 von 55 Mann der Kompanie G der 9. Infanterie zurückerobert. Diese Einheit verließ die Stadt noch am selben Tag und wurde durch 132 Mann der Kompanien K und L des 11. Infanterieregiments ersetzt, welches die Stadt bis zur Ablösung am 18. Oktober 1901 besetzte. Als die 11. Infanterie abzog, nahmen sie aus der verbrannten Balangiga-Kirche die Glocken mit und eine Kanone vom Platz vor der Kirche. Die Glocken wurden mitgenommen, weil eine davon von den Filipinos verwendet wurde, um den Angriff auf die Kompanie C, 9. Infanterie, anzukündigen.[15] und weil das Metall in Waffen wie Kanonen und Bajonette hätte umgewandelt werden können. Alle drei Glocken blieben in ihrem Hauptquartier in Tacloban unter der Aufsicht von Quartiermeister Captain Robert Alexander.[1]
Die kleine Signalglocke war die Glocke, die den Angriff der Filipinos auf amerikanische Truppen beim Balangiga-Massaker signalisierte.[8] Das 11th Infantry Regiment gab sie dem 9th Infantry Regiment in ihrem Hauptquartier in Calbayog, einige Monate vor der Abreise der 9. Infanterie in die Heimat.[1] Sie kamen am 27. Juni 1902 in San Francisco an. Die Einheit wurde in ihre alten Madison Barracks in Sackets Harbor, New York, zurückgebracht , wo sie einen Backsteinsockel bauten, um sie auszustellen. 1928 wurde es nach Fort Lewis in Tacoma, Washington, verlegt . Die Glocke wurde später im Museum der 2. Infanteriedivision in Camp Red Cloud , Uijeongbu , Südkorea, aufbewahrt. Es war zuvor im Hauptquartier der Einheit in Camp Hovey ausgestellt worden Fort Lewis in Tacoma, Washington. The bell was later kept at the 2nd Infantry Division Museum in Camp Red Cloud, Uijeongbu, South Korea. It had previously been displayed at the unit's Camp Hovey headquarters.[13]
The 11th Infantry left the Philippines in February 1904 taking the two larger bells with them and redeployed to Fort D.A. Russell in Wyoming on 23 March 1904. On 16 May 1905, the Cheyenne Daily Leader reported that the cannon had been mounted on the parade ground near the flagpole along with other relics from the Philippines "to include the famous bell which gave the signal for the massacre of a whole company. Two large bells three feet tall and a seven-foot cannon were proudly displayed in front of the flagpole on the parade ground of the fort."[15]
A sign was installed over one of the bells:
{{Zitat |Text= |ref=<ref>This bell hung in the church at Balangiga, Samar, PI, and rung the signal for the attack on Company C, 9th U.S. Infantry, Sept 29, 1901. Taken by Company L, 11th Infantry and detachment of Company K, 11th Infantry, the first units to reach the scene after the massacre. Gerald M. Adams: [https://archive.org/details/annalsofwyom59121987wyom The F.E. Warren Air Force Base War Trophies from Balangiga, P.I.] In: ''Annals of Wyoming'' vol. 59, 1 Spring 1987: 29–38.</ref>}}
The sign erroneously credited units of the 11th Infantry with being the first to reach Balangiga after the battle, but it was changed in 1911 giving proper credit to Company G, 9th Infantry for recapturing Balangiga.[15] The 11th Infantry reposted to Texas in 1913, leaving the two large bells behind.
In 1927, Fort D.A. Russell was renamed Fort Francis E. Warren. The Army left Fort Francis E. Warren in 1941, again leaving the bells where they were. On 7 October 1949, the former Army base became Francis E. Warren Air Force Base, and the bells became artefacts in the collection of the National Museum of the United States Air Force.[1] In 1967, Colonel Robert J. Hill, commander of the 90th Missile Wing, had a curved red brick wall constructed in the F. E. Warren AFB trophy park for the bells, with a bronze plaque on the wall between them telling the story of the massacre at Balangiga.
1987, a faint inscription was visible on the back of both bells, reading:
{{Zitat |Text= |ref=<ref>USED BY PHILIPPINOS{{sic}} TO SOUND SIGNAL FOR MASSACRE OF COMPANY "C" NINTH INFANTRY AT BALANGIGA P.l. 28TH SEPTEMBER 1901<small> Gerald M. Adams: [https://archive.org/details/annalsofwyom59121987wyom The F.E. Warren Air Force Base War Trophies from Balangiga, P.I.] In: ''Annals of Wyoming'' vol. 59, 1 Spring 1987: 29–38..</small></ref>}}
1979, it was discovered that a bronze cannon that was also taken from Balangiga had been cast in London in 1557 and bore the monogram of Mary I of England.[16][1] 2001 a glass case housed the bells along with the 400 year-old Falcon cannon.[17][18]
BearbeitenIm November 1957 schrieb Fr. Horacio de la Costa of the Department of History at the Ateneo de Manila University wrote a letter to the Thirteenth Air Force's command historian Chip Wards at Clark Air Force Base stating that the bells belonged to the Franciscans and that they should be returned to the Philippines. This is the earliest record of Filipino interest in the Balangiga bells.[1] The following year, a group of American Franciscans based in Guihulngan, Negros Oriental again wrote Wards stating that the two large bells were Franciscan.[8]
1987 erhielt Tomas Gomez III, then serving as Consul General of the Philippine Consulate in Honolulu, Hawaii received correspondence from John Witeck concerning the bells. Walter Kundis, a friend of Witeck's, had discovered the bells at the Francis E. Warren Air Force Base in Wyoming. Witeck also wrote Hawaii Senator Spark Matsunaga, seeking his assistance in having the bells returned to the Philippines. Senator Matsunaga in turn wrote the Department of the Air Force, but received a negative reply.[19]
{{Zitat |Text= |ref=<ref>By sharing the bells, we share the agonies they represent, and then we can close this chapter of our history. |author = [[Domingo Siazon Jr.]], Philippine Secretary of Foreign Affairs |source = quoted from the ''Los Angeles Times'', 1998. David Lamb: [http://articles.latimes.com/1998/may/08/news/mn-47615 Bells of Balangiga Take Toll on Ties.] In: ''Los Angeles Times'' 8. May 1998.</ref>}}
The administration of Philippine President Fidel Ramos initiated attempts to recover one or more of the bells from Bill Clinton's administration in the mid-1990s.[20][21] The United States government has been adamant that the bells are US government property, that it would take an Act of Congress to return them, and that the Catholic Church has no say in the matter. The Catholic Bishops' Conference of the Philippines hold the position that the bells are inappropriate as trophies of war.[4] In 1998, Ramos proposed casting two new bells, then having each country keep an original and a duplicate. Philippine Ambassador to the United States Raul Rabe visited Cheyenne, Wyoming twice, trying to win support for this proposal. He was not successful.[22]
2002, the Philippine Senate approved Senate Resolution No. 393, authored by Aquilino Pimentel Jr. and urging the Arroyo administration to undertake formal negotiations with the United States for the return of the bells.[2] In 2005, Bishop of Borongan Samar, Bishop Leonardo Medroso, and Balangiga parish priest Saturnino Obzunar wrote an open letter addressed to President George W. Bush, the United States Congress, and the Helsinki Commission requesting them to facilitate the return of the bells.[23] That same year, the Wyoming Veterans’ Commission favored the return of the Filipino-American War relics, but Wyoming Governor Dave Freudenthal stated that he disagreed with the Commission and opposed returning the bells.[24] Am 13. Januar 2005, Congressman Bob Filner introduced H.Res.313 urging the President to authorize the transfer of ownership of one of the bells to the people of the Philippines. The resolution died on 3 January 2007 with the adjournment of Congress. On 26 September 2006, Congressmen Bob Filner, Dana Rohrabacher, and Ed Case co-sponsored House Concurrent Resolution No. 481 urging the President to authorize the return of the church bells,[25] but it died on 3. Januar 2009 with the adjournment of Congress.
2007 Napoleon Abueva, the Philippines' National Artist for sculpture, wrote American Ambassador to the Philippines Kristie Kenney asking for her help in the bells' recovery.[26] Senator Manny Villar filed Senate Resolution No. 177 on October 25, a resolution "expressing the sense of the Senate for the return to the Philippines of the Balangiga Bells which were taken by the US troops from the town of Balangiga, Province of Samar in 1901".[27]
{{Zitat |Text= |ref=<ref>Give us back those Balangiga bells. They are ours. They belong to the Philippines. They are part of our national heritage. ''Isauli naman ninyo. Masakit 'yan sa amin.'' (Please return it. That is painful for us.) |author = [[Rodrigo Duterte]], Philippine President |source = quoted from his State of the Nation Address, 24 July 2017 Esmaquel II | first =Paterno | title =Give us back Balangiga bells, Duterte tells U.S. | publisher = Rappler | date = 24 July 2017 | url = https://www.rappler.com/nation/176576-sona-2017-philippines-duterte-us-balangiga-bells | accessdate = 11 December 2018.</ref>}}
The townspeople of Balangiga asked the United States to return the church bells when they received relief from the U.S. military after Typhoon Haiyan hit the town in 2013.[28] President Duterte demanded the bells' return in his State of the Nation Address on 24. Juli 2017,[29][30] aber did not raise the issue in a bilateral meeting with President Donald Trump in November 2017 during the 31st ASEAN Summit.[31] Im Februar 2018, politicians Randy Hultgren and Jim McGovern objected to the bells being returned to the Philippines due to the current human rights record established by Duterte's Philippine Drug War.[32] The bells were restored and returned by December 2018.[33][34]
Bearbeiten{{Zitat |Text= |ref=<ref>The history of these bells spans the entire relationship between the United States and the Philippines. In the process, they have touched many lives. And their return underscores the enduring friendship between our countries, our shared values, and shared sacrifices. |author = [[Sung Kim]], US Ambassador to the Philippines |source = quoted from his remarks at the Ceremony of the Return of the Balangiga Bells, 11 December 2018. [https://ph.usembassy.gov/remarks-by-ambassador-sung-kim-at-the-ceremony-of-the-return-of-the-balangiga-bells/ Remarks by Ambassador Sung Kim at the Ceremony of the Return of the Balangiga Bells.] Embassy of the United States, Manila. 11. Dezember 2018.</ref>}}
During the 2017 ASEAN Summits, Philippine Secretary of National Defense Delfin Lorenzana met with United States Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis, and Lorenzana raised the issue of the Balangiga bells. Mattis made a personal commitment to secure the bells' return in a meeting with Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte, and he then sought legislation to enable the legal repatriation of the bells.[35] Philippine Ambassador to the United States Babe Romualdez, however, disclosed in an interview with CNN Philippines that President Duterte personally told Mattis to return the bells during the ASEAN Summit meeting in Clark, Pampanga im Oktober 2017.[36]
The US National Defense Authorization Act was changed as a result of the 2017 lobbying efforts of Dr. Henry B. Howard and lobbying firms hired by him to expressly permit the return of the Balangiga bells by giving Secretary of Defense Mattis the authority to decide on the matter. In August 2018, Secretary Mattis informed Congress that the Department of Defense intended to return the bells to the Philippines.[37] That month the US Embassy in the Philippines issued a statement that the Department of Defense had notified Congress that it planned to return the bells to the Philippines at an unspecified date.[38] The U.S. Department of Defense subsequently announced that the two bells at the Francis E. Warren Air Force Base would be turned over by Secretary Mattis to the Ambassador of the Philippines Jose M. Romualdez on 15 November 2018 in Cheyenne, Wyoming. The third bell in South Korea was also ready for repatriation.[39] The two bells in Wyoming were then shipped to Philadelphia for restoration work at the expense of Dr. Howard before being sent to Japan, where they joined the third bell.[40]
Am 10. Dezember 2018, all three church bells were in Kadena Air Base in Japan awaiting repatriation to the Philippines.[41] The next morning, the US Embassy in the Philippines stated that the bells were on board a US Air Force Lockheed C-130 Hercules on the way to Manila.[42]
Ankunft in Manila
BearbeitenThe bells arrived in the Philippines at Villamor Air Base on 11 December 2018;[5] and were returned to the Balangiga Church on 15 December 2018.[43] While in Manila, the bells were put on display at the Philippine Air Force Aerospace Museum until 14. Dezember.[44]
Am 13. Dezember 2018, Borongan Bishop Crispin Varquez released a statement objecting to the proposal embodied in Philippine Senate Resolution No. 965 introduced by Senator Juan Miguel Zubiri on 6 December 2018 which urged the Philippine government to place one of the three bells in the National Museum of the Philippines in Manila, "to be shared with the Filipino people". The representatives of the Catholic Church stated that the bells are historical artifacts, but they are also sacred objects that "call the faithful to prayer and worship" and therefore rightfully belong in a church.[45] Zubiri characterized the statement as "arrogant"; National Museum director Jeremy Barns expressed sadness over the incident, and stated that the National Museum had not been involved in Zubiri's resolution, nor had they been informed about it before the fact.[46]
Rückkehr nach Samar
BearbeitenThe bells were airlifted by a Philippine Air Force C-130 plane to the nearby town of Guiuan, arriving on 14. Dezember.[47] These were then delivered to Balangiga in a two-hour journey via road.[48] The bells were then turned over to the Balangiga town the next day. In a ceremony attended by President Rodrigo Duterte, the transfer certificate was given to Mayor Randy Graza. Duterte then rang one of the bells, and remarked that the credit for the return of the bells "goes to the American people and the Filipino people".[49]
The three church bells were returned to the San Lorenzo de Martir Parish Church in the afternoon of 15. Dezember 2018.[50] On Sunday the next day before dawn, one of the bells was rung for Simbang Gabi for the first time in the church since 1901.[51]
The successful campaign to return the bells came about due to lobbying efforts of Dr. Henry B. Howard to change the 2018 National Defense Appropriations Act and the implementation of such changes by U.S. Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense Dr. Joseph Felter.[52][53] Subsequent to these efforts, support of veterans organizations, including the Veterans of Foreign Wars and the American Legion, although not a legal requirement of the 2018 National Defense Appropriations Act, emerged with both organizations passing resolutions supporting the return of the Balangiga bells after the changes to the 2018 National Defense Appropriations Act and the announcement by Secretary Mattis that the bells would be returned. Rolando Borrinaga and former United States Navy officers Brian Buzzell,[54] Dennis Wright, and Dan McKinnon are described as those who "campaigned to have the bells repatriated" via lobbying of the veterans organizations;[55] these same American ex-servicemen had spearheaded the recovery from West Point in 2016 of another church bell taken in 1901 from the Saints Peter and Paul Church in Bauang, La Union.[56] The Balangiga Research Group's work was important in convincing US veterans to support the effort to return the bells.[57] The group includes Borrinaga, British journalist Bob Couttie, and E. Jean Wall, the daughter of Adolph Gamlin, an American soldier of the 9th Infantry who survived the Filipino attack in 1901.[58]
BearbeitenEugenio Roy Daza, the grandson of Captain Eugenio Daza, a member of Vicente Lukbán's staff who helped organize the surprise attack on the 9th Infantry garrison in 1901, claims that based on the memoirs of his grandfather and on documents he found in US archives, the American soldiers took but a single bell; the bells that had been displayed in Wyoming came not from the Balangiga Church, but from other churches in the Philippines.[59][60]
Bearbeiten- ↑ a b c d e f g h McKinnon Jr., Daniel W.: The Bells of San Lorenzo de Martir. (PDF) Veterans of Foreign Wars Wyoming, 2018, abgerufen am 9. Dezember 2018 (englisch).
- ↑ a b Voluntary Return of One Balangiga Bell by US Seen. Archiviert vom am 17. Mai 2011; abgerufen am 20. März 2008.
- ↑ a b Rolando Borrinaga: Solving the Balangiga bell puzzle. Archiviert vom am 22. Oktober 2009; abgerufen am 19. März 2008.
- ↑ a b Leonardo Y. Medroso: The Bells of Balangiga: An Appeal for Support. Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines, archiviert vom am 3. Juni 2010; abgerufen am 19. März 2008.
- ↑ a b Balangiga Bells back in Philippines after 117 years. ABS-CBN News, 11. Dezember 2018, abgerufen am 11. Dezember 2018 (englisch).
- ↑ About Balangiga. In: Municipality of Balangiga. (englisch).
- ↑ a b Carl Jaime Bordeos: Historian confirms: Franciscans made Balangiga bells. Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines, 12. Dezember 2018, abgerufen am 14. Dezember 2018.
- ↑ a b c Michael Charleston Chua: The Bells of Balangiga: From war trophy to goodwill symbol. ABS-CBN News. news.abs-cbn.com 17. November 2018.
- ↑ a b Rolando Borrinaga: Solving the Balangiga bell puzzle. Philippine Daily Inquirer, 11. August 2001 (englisch).
- ↑ a b Veltisezar Bautista: The Balangiga, Samar, Massacre. Archiviert vom am 26. Februar 2008; abgerufen am 20. März 2008.
- ↑ G. B. Dobson: Fort D. A. Russell Photos. Abgerufen am 16. Dezember 2018.
- ↑ a b Richard E. Welch: American Atrocities in the Philippines: The Indictment and the Response. In: Pacific Historical Review. Mai 1974, 43 (2): 233–253. doi:10.2307/3637551 ISSN 0030-8684 JSTOR 3637551
- ↑ a b Seth Robson: Book casts doubt on bell’s history. In: Stars and Stripes. 7. Juli 2004, abgerufen am 21. März 2008.
- ↑ Philippine Insurrection, 1899-1902: A Working Bibliography. In: Ibiblio.org. Abgerufen am 20. März 2008 (englisch).
- ↑ a b c Gerald M. Adams: The F.E. Warren Air Force Base War Trophies from Balangiga, P.I. In: Annals of Wyoming vol. 59, 1 Spring 1987: 29–38.
- ↑ Warren ICBM and Heritage Museum | title =English Falcon Cannon | url=http://www.warrenmuseum.com/2016/10/09/english-falcon-cannon/ 9. Oktober 2016 | accessdate = 16 December 2018
- ↑ Griver Mead: For Whom the Bells Toll. AsianWeek.com 11. Oktober 2001.
- ↑ Fact Sheets:F.E. Warren History | url=https://web.archive.org/web/20070209015025/https://www.warren.af.mil/library/factsheets/factsheet.asp?id=4696%7C accessdate = 16 December 2018.
- ↑ Buddy Gomez: OPINION: Bells of Balangiga: Antecedents to the retrieval. ABS-CBN News 30. Oktober 2017.
- ↑ The Saga of the Balangiga Bells. Archiviert vom am 21. Januar 2010; abgerufen am 20. März 2008.
- ↑ The Bells of Balangiga Revisited. In: Philnews.com. Abgerufen am 19. März 2008.
- ↑ Referenzfehler: Ungültiges
-Tag; kein Text angegeben für Einzelnachweis mit dem Namen lamb. - ↑ Jaime Pilapil: Balangiga bells to be returned to RP soon. In: Manila Standard Today. 14. November 2005.
- ↑ Joseph Lariosa: US vets group wants to return Balangiga Bells to RP. In: The Filipino Express. 14. April 2005.
- ↑ Sonny Sampayan: Bells of Balangiga Resolution filed in U.S. Congress. In: Samar News.com, 29. September 2006.
- ↑ [ http://www.philstar.com/Article.aspx?articleId=8426 Help return Balangiga bells.] Philstar Global Corp. 26. Juli 2007.
- ↑ Manuel Villar: 14th Congress - Senate Resolution No. 177. 20. März 2008 dead.
- ↑ Nathan Layne: Please can we have our bells back? Philippine town asks U.S. Reuters 21. November 2013.
- ↑ Duterte to US: Return Balangiga bells. Sunstar Philippines, Manila 24. Juli 2017.
- ↑ Balangiga’s lasting relevance of people’s uprising will haunt Duterte. Sunstar Philippines, 1. August 2017.
- ↑ Pia Ranada: Duterte doesn't raise Balangiga bells with Trump. Rappler 14. November 2017.
- ↑ Gaea Katreena Cabico: US solons object return of Balangiga bells to Philippines due to human rights concerns. In: The Philippine Star, 7. Februar 2018.
- ↑ US returns war trophy bells to Philippines. France 24, 11. Dezember 2018.
- ↑ 117 years on, US returns war-trophy bells to Philippines. Al Jazeera 11. Dezember 2018.
- ↑ Sung Kim: Returning the Balangiga bells. In: The Philippine Star 11. Dezember 2018.
- ↑ Xave Gregorio: How Balangiga bells were given back to PH. CNN Philippines. 6. Dezember 2018.
- ↑ Joyce Ann L. Rocamora: US Defense decides to return Balangiga Bells to PH: Embassy. Philippine News Agency, 12. August 2018.
- ↑ Neil Jerome Morales: U.S. to return colonization era church bells to the Philippines. Reuters 12. August 2018.
- ↑ Don Tagala: Balangiga Bells to begin journey home to the Philippines. ABS-CBN News. 12. November 2018.
- ↑ Return of Balangiga Bells Shows Deep RP-US Friendship. - Gordon; Senate of the Philippines 18. November 2018.
- ↑ Aika Rey: Balangiga Bells in Japan before return to the Philippines. Rappler. 10. Dezember 2018.
- ↑ Balangiga Bells headed to Manila for historic homecoming. ABS-CBN News. 11. Dezember 2018.
- ↑ Consuelo Marquez: Town in frenzy over return of Balangiga bells after 117 years. Philippine Daily Inquirer. 9. Dezember 2018.
- ↑ Francis Wakefield: Balangiga bells on display at PAF Aerospace Museum. Manila Bulletin. 2018-12-13.
- ↑ Paterno Esmaquel II: Church hits bid to put one Balangiga bell in National Museum. Rappler 13. Dezember 2018.
- ↑ Ryan Macasero: National Museum saddened over local church's 'hot reaction' to Balangiga Bells proposal. The Philippine Star. 14. Dezember 2018.
- ↑ Paterno Esmaquel II: Balangiga Bells back in Eastern Samar for handover. Rappler 2018-12-14.
- ↑ Frances Mangosing: Balangiga Bells on final journey to homecoming. Inquirer News. 2018-12-14.
- ↑ HOME AT LAST: Duterte rings, kisses Balangiga bell at turnover ceremony. GMA News Online.
- ↑ US returns looted Balangiga church bells to Philippines. BBC. 15. Dezember 2018.
- ↑ Joey A. Gabieta: Balangiga bells peal again for ‘Misa de Gallo’. Inquirer News. 2018-12-17 Philippine Daily Inquirer.
- ↑ Babe Romualdez: Christmas bells for Balangiga. The Philippine Star. 18. November 2018.
- ↑ Azer Parrocha: Henry Howard hailed for role in return of Balangiga Bells. Philippine News Agency. 19. Dezember 2018.
- ↑ Sara Soliven De Guzman: The Bells. The Philippine Star. 10. Dezember 2018
- ↑ Edgar Allan M. Sembrano: Balangiga bells to be returned December. Philippine Daily Inquirer. 29. Oktober 2018
- ↑ Wyatt Olson: West Point returns bell taken from Philippines church 100 years ago. Stars and Stripes. 29. April 2016
- ↑ Edgardo J. Angara: The Balangiga Bells (Part 2). Manila Bulletin. 29. Juli 2017
- ↑ Ronaldo O. Reyes: Historic church bells finally arrive in PH after 117 years. Sun.Star Tacloban. 11. Dezember 2018.
- ↑ Patrick Quintos: Make sure US returns authentic bell, Balangiga hero's grandson tells government. ABS-CBN News. 14. August 2018.
- ↑ Emmanuel Tupas: Guerrilla grandson to gov’t: Ensure Balangiga bells’ return. The Philippine Star. 15. August 2018.
Bearbeiten- Image of the two Balangiga bells at F. E. Warren Air Force Base
- Image of the third Balangiga bell in South Korea
- Bells of Balangiga, a play by Pintig Culture Group - Youtube
[[Category:1901 in the Philippines]] [[Category:2018 in the Philippines]] [[Category:Art and cultural repatriation]] [[Category:Bells (instrument)]] [[Category:History of Eastern Samar]] [[Category:Looting]] [[Category:Visayan history]] [[Category:War trophies]]