Georgios Dragas (griechisch Γεώργιος Δράγας)
Bearbeiten- Against those who are unwilling to confess that the Holy Virgin is Theotokos - Logos kata tōn mē boulomenōn homologein Theotokon tēn hagian Parthenon - Contre ceux qui ne veulent pas confesser que la sainte Vierge est Mère de Dieu.
Aksum, Thyateira: a festschrift for Archbishop Methodios of Thyateira and Great Britain - Axōmē-Thuateira.
- An overview of Orthodox canon law
- Athanasius contra Apollinarem : (the questions of authorship and christology)
- Christian philosophy in the patristic and Byzantine tradition - Themata Christianikēs kai Vyzantinēs philosophias
- Ecclesiasticus two
- Greek orthodox patrology an introduction to the study of the Church Fathers - Hellēnikē patrologia. Ἐπίτομος ὀρθόδοξος πατερικὴ δογματική - ’Epítomos o̓rthódoxos paterikī̀ dogmatikī́
- Legacy of achievement = Παρακαταθήκη Έργου Metropolitan Methodios of Boston, festal volume on the 25th anniversary of his consecration to the Episcopate
- Lord's prayer according to saint Makarios of Corinth - Κυριακή προσευχή κατά τον άγιο Μακάριο Κορίνθου - Kyriakī́ proseuchī́ katá ton ágio Makário Korínthou
- On the priesthood and the holy eucharist according to St. Symeon of Thessalonica, Patriarch Kallinikos of Constantinople and St. Mark Eugenikos of Ephesus
- Orthodox Theological Library
- Orthodox theology and the sciences : glorifying God in His marvelous works
- Outline of orthodox patristic dogmatics
- Parakatathēkē ergou
- Patristic hermeneutics : 4th-14th century
- Saint Athanasius of Alexandria original research and new perspectives
- St Athanasius on the Holy Spirit and the Trinity
- St. Cyril of Alexandria's teaching on the priesthood
BearbeitenCommons: Shi Annan/Georgios Dragas – Sammlung von Bildern, Videos und Audiodateien
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