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| beginn = 0000 | jugendverein1 = FrankreichFrankreich Olympique Sète Joliot-Curie | bis_jgd_jahr1 = 1980 | jugendverein2 = FrankreichFrankreich USAM Nîmes | bis_jgd_jahr2 = 1982 | karrierebeginn = 1982 | verein1 = FrankreichFrankreich USAM Nîmes | bis_jahr1 = 1994 | nationalmannschaft = Frankreich Frankreich | debuet = 1983 | gegen = Norwegen Norwegen | länderspiele (tore) = 216 (501) | tr_verein1 = FrankreichFrankreich Handball Cercle Nîmes (Frauen) | tr_von_jahr1 = 1995 | tr_bis_jahr1 = 2004 | tr_verein2 = FrankreichFrankreich USAM Nîmes | tr_von_jahr2 = 2006 | tr_bis_jahr2 = 2009 | tr_verein3 = Tunesien Tunesien | tr_von_jahr3 = 2009 | tr_bis_jahr3 = 2013 | tr_verein4 = Frankreich Frankreich (Frauen) | tr_von_jahr4 = 2013 | tr_bis_jahr4 = 1/2016 | tr_verein5 = FrankreichFrankreich Grand Besançon Doubs Handball | tr_von_jahr5 = 2017 | tr_bis_jahr5 = 2018 | tr_verein6 = Katar Al-Duhail SC | tr_von_jahr6 = 1/2019 | tr_bis_jahr6 = 5/2019 | tr_verein7 = Algerien Algerien | tr_von_jahr7 = 5/2019 | tr_bis_jahr7 = 10/2021 | tr_verein8 = | tr_von_jahr8 = | tr_bis_jahr8 = | update = 7. August 2022 }} Tunisian handball coach Hafedh Zouabi | birth_date = 1961|2|7 birth_place = Kairouan, Tunisia | nationality = Tunisian | currentclub = Club Africain (Manager) | manageryears1 = 2000–2002 | managerclubs1 = AS Hammamet | manageryears2 = 2001–2012 | managerclubs2 = Jordan | manageryears3 = 2003-2005 | managerclubs3 = Al Ahli SC (Qatar) | manageryears4 = 2005–2009 | managerclubs4 = Club Africain | manageryears5 = 2009–2010 | managerclubs5 = AS Hammamet | manageryears6 = 2009–2011 | managerclubs6 = Tunisia (youth) | manageryears7 = 2012-2015 | managerclubs7 = Al Ahli SC (Qatar) | manageryears8 = 2015–2016 | managerclubs8 = Club Africain | manageryears9 = 2016–2017 | managerclubs9 = Tunisia | manageryears10 = 2017– | managerclubs10 = Club Africain-->

Hafedh Zouabi (geb. 7. Februar 1961) ist ein Tunisian handball coach of the Tunisian national team.

Er joined from a young age the JS Kairouan with which he played in 1977 the final of the Tunisia Cup for cadets, before joining the senior team in 1980 and establishing himself in his first year as a goalscorer since he reached the final of the championship, notably scoring eleven goals in the semi-final.

It was not long before he was called up to the national team "B" then "A" in 1981. He won the university handball championship with the team from the National Sports Institute in passing and contested in 1982 the final of the cup of Tunisia.

In 1983–1984, he was recruited Club Africain with which he won several titles.

Armed with his physical education teacher and handball coaching diplomas, he devoted himself in 1990 to the coaching career and led numerous teams in Tunisia and abroad, including notably the Jordanian and Tunisian teams. He was responsible for preparing for the world tournament in Gdańsk (Poland) counting towards the qualifications for the 2016 Summer Olympics.[1]

Zouabi, Hafedh}}

== Weblinks == {{Commonscat}} * {{Olympedia|31692}} == Einzelnachweise == <references /> {{SORTIERUNG:Portes, Alain}} [[Kategorie:Handballnationaltrainer (Tunesien)]] [[Kategorie:Handballtrainer (Katar)]] [[Kategorie:Handballnationalspieler (Frankreich)]] [[Kategorie:Teilnehmer der Mittelmeerspiele 1987]] [[Kategorie:Teilnehmer der Olympischen Sommerspiele 1992]] [[Kategorie:Olympiateilnehmer (Frankreich)]] [[Kategorie:Französischer Meister (Handball)]] [[Kategorie:Handball-Außenspieler]] [[Kategorie:Tunesier]] [[Kategorie:Geboren 1961]] [[Kategorie:Mann]] {{Personendaten |NAME=Portes, Alain |ALTERNATIVNAMEN= |KURZBESCHREIBUNG=tunesischer Handballspieler und -trainer |GEBURTSDATUM= 1961 |GEBURTSORT= |STERBEDATUM= |STERBEORT= }} 1961 births]] [[Category:Living people]] [[Category:Tunisian handball coaches]] [[Category:People from Kairouan]]

  1. 2016 Summer Olympics roster