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Rosalie Matondo (born April 18, 1963, in N'Djamena, Chad) is a Congolese agronomist and minister of the Forest Economy since May 7, 2016. She was previously coordinator of the "National Program of Afforestation and Reforestation" (PRONAR) within the same Ministry (2011-2016), as well as adviser to the Head of State (2013-2016).[1][2]



Rosalie Matondo was born 18 April 1963 in N'Djamena (then known as Fort-Lamy) in Chad. She then studied at the Lycée de la Révolution where she obtained a bachelor's degree (series D) in 1983. She then enrolled at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, where she studied at the Department of Genetics of the Higher Institute of Science agronomy at Plovdiv. She obtained, in 1989, the higher diploma in agronomist engineering. Then, in 1993, she obtained the diploma of agronomic sciences in plant biotechnology from the Institute of Genetic Engineering at the same academy.[1][2][3]

In 1994, she returned to Congo to join a vitro culture laboratory, hitherto led by French and English researchers, who had to leave Brazzaville because of the civil war. In particular, she cultivated tropical plants. In 1995, she joined the French Center for Agricultural Research for Development (CIRAD) as a researcher in forestry. She also joined the National School of Forest Administration (ENSAF - former Institute of Rural Development), where she worked as a teacher-researcher. In 2007, she was placed at the head of the national reforestation service.[3][4]

== Einzelnachweise == <references /> {{Normdaten|TYP=p|GND= |VIAF=|GNDName=|GNDfehlt=ja|GNDCheck=2024-02-27}} {{SORTIERUNG:Matondo, Rosalie}} [[Kategorie: [[Kategorie:Geboren 1963]] [[Kategorie:Gestorben ]] [[Kategorie:Frau]] {{Personendaten |NAME= Matondo, Rosalie |ALTERNATIVNAMEN= |KURZBESCHREIBUNG= |GEBURTSDATUM= 1963 |GEBURTSORT= |STERBEDATUM= |STERBEORT= }} 1963 births]] [[Category:Living people]] [[Category:Agricultural engineers]] [[Category:Environment ministers]] [[Category:Government ministers of the Republic of the Congo]] [[Category:Women government ministers of the Republic of the Congo]] [[Category:21st-century Republic of the Congo women politicians]] [[Category:21st-century Republic of the Congo politicians]]

  1. a b MEFDD: MINISTÈRE DE L’ÉCONOMIE FORESTIERE ET DU DEVELOPPEMENT DURABLE (MEFDD): Mot de bienvenu du Ministre. In: www.mefdd.cg. Abgerufen am 24. November 2017 (französisch).
  2. a b Livre : vulgarisation de l'ouvrage "Denis Sassou N'Guesso : Le destin d’un homme, la gloire d’un pays" | adiac-congo.com : toute l'actualité du Bassin du Congo. In: www.adiac-congo.com. Abgerufen am 24. November 2017 (französisch).
  3. a b Gouvernement : Portrait du nouveau ministre de l’Economie forestière, du developpement durable et de l'environnement, Rosalie Matondo | adiac-congo.com : toute l'actualité du Bassin du Congo. In: www.adiac-congo.com. Abgerufen am 24. November 2017 (französisch).
  4. Fonds bleu pour la protection du bassin du Congo : Rosalie Matondo aux manettes – JeuneAfrique.com In: JeuneAfrique.com, 30. März 2017. Abgerufen am 24. November 2017 (fr-FR).