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Royal School of Church Music
Datei:RSCM official logo.jpg
Gründung 1927
Trägerschaft Privat
Ort Salisbury, England
Direktor Hugh Morris (2018-)
Sarum College im Frühling

Die Royal School of Church Music (RSCM) ist eine christliche Institution für Musikpädagogik. Sie dicated to the promotion of Kirchenmusik, in particular the repertoire and traditions of Anglican church music, largely through publications, training courses and an award scheme. The organisation was founded in England in 1927 by Sir Sydney Nicholson and today it operates internationally, with 8.500 members in over 40 countries worldwide, and is the largest church music organisation in Britain.[1]

Charles III. Elisabeth II. The RSCM was originally named the School of English Church Music and was only open to members of the Anglikanische Gemeinschaft; today it is an interdenominational organisation, although it is still overseen by the Church of England.[2]

Choirs affiliated with the Royal School of Church Music often wear the RSCM-Medallion, which features a picture von Nikolaus von Myra, ihres Schutzpatrons.



Die „School of English Church Music“ (SECM) wurde 1927 von Sydney Nicholson gegründet und 1929 in Buller’s Wood in Chislehurst eröffnet. In 1945, it became the Royal School of Church Music (RSCM), and moved to Canterbury Cathedral. In 1954, it moved to Addington Palace and then in 1996 to Cleveland Lodge, Dorking. Since 2006, it has been based at Sarum College in Salisbury.[3]



The RSCM seeks to engage and encourage church music through awards, exams, publishing, residential courses and professional advice.[4]

Education programmes include the Voice for Life and Church Music Skills schemes, as well as the long-running residential courses.[5]

The RSCM publishes church music and other materials for choirs and organists, and produces a magazine, Church Music Quarterly (CMQ) which alongside Sunday by Sunday provides useful information for church musicians.

The Millennium Youth Choir is the charity's national youth choir which has sung for BBC Radio 3 Choral Evensong and the Proms.[6][7] The RSCM Voices and RSCM Cathedral Singers are other choirs run by the RSCM.


  • The Director is Hugh Morris (since 2018)
  • President of the Royal School of Church Music in America is Joseph Causby
  • President of RSCM Australia is Ross Cobb
  • President of RSCM South Africa is Malcolm Chalmers
  • President of RSCM New Zealand is Paul Ellis
  • The patron was The Queen

Directors of the RSCM


1927–1947 Sydney Nicholson (formerly Organist of Carlisle and Manchester Cathedrals, and Westminster Abbey)

1954–1972 Gerald H. Knight[8] (formerly Assistant Organist of Truro Cathedral)

1972–1989 Lionel Dakers[9] (formerly Organist of Exeter and Ripon Cathedrals)

1989–1998 Harry Bramma[10] (formerly Assistant Organist of Worcester Cathedral and Organist of Southwark Cathedral)

1998–2007 John Harper[11]

2007–2012 Lindsay Gray[12][13]

2012–2018 Andrew Reid[14][15](formerly Master of the Music at Peterborough Cathedral; subsequently Director of Harrison and Harrison)

2018–present Hugh Morris[16] (formerly Organist of Derby Cathedral)

Chairmen of the RSCM Council


1996 - 2005 Sir David Harrison[17]

2010 - 2018 Brian Gill, Lord Gill[18]

2018 - Reverend Dr John Hall, Dean of Westminster[19]

Awards and medals

Head Chorister Medal
St Nicolas Award

The RSCM provides a series of grades and awards to signify varying levels of musical achievement.

There are four basic merit awards – the light blue ribbon, the dark blue ribbon, the red ribbon and the yellow ribbon. These awards share the same medal and are widely used within individual choirs to encourage progression and development, being managed and awarded at a parish/choir level.

Beyond these are three awards achieved by examination:

* The Bronze award * The Silver award * The Gold award

There are no prerequisites for taking the awards exams and full details of the current syllabus can by found on the RSCM website. In broad terms, a Bronze award is equivalent to ABRSM grade 4 in terms of difficulty, though its requirements are broader. Similarly Silver roughly equates to grade 6 and Gold to grade 8.

The former medals are as follows:

For choristers up to the age of 16 For choristers up to the age of 21
  • The Dean's/Provost's award
  • The Bishop's Award
  • The Junior St Nicolas / St Cecilia Awards
  • The Senior St Nicolas / St Cecilia Awards

Honorary awards


Every year the RSCM Council confers Honorary Awards on those who have made outstanding contributions to church music.[20] They are divided in:

  • Fellow of the RSCM (FRSCM):
    Awarded for achievements in church music and/or liturgy of international significance, or for exceptional musical and/or liturgical work within the RSCM.
  • Associate of the RSCM (ARSCM):
    Awarded for achievements in church music and/or liturgy of national significance, or for important musical and/or liturgical work within the RSCM.
  • Honorary Member of the RSCM (HonRSCM):
    Awarded for exceptional or very significant work that has contributed to the cause of church music and/or liturgy at international or national levels, or within the RSCM, but which is not primarily musical or liturgical.
  • Certificate of Special Service (CERTSS):
    Awarded for significant administrative work as a voluntary officer or member of staff within the RSCM; or an award for a significant contribution to church music and/or liturgy at a local level.

Vorlage:Infobox COA wide

See also

Portal: Christianity – Übersicht zu Wikipedia-Inhalten zum Thema Christianity




Further reading

  • John Henderson and Trevor Jarvis, Sydney Nicholson and the College of St Nicolas: The Chislehurst Years, Salisbury: RSCM Press[21]
  • John Henderson and Trevor Jarvis, The Royal School of Church Music: The Addington Years - Hardback, Salisbury: RSCM Press[22]
  • John Henderson and Trevor Jarvis, Sydney Nicholson & his 'Musings of a Musician'[23]

{{Coordinate|NS=2.939721|EW=101.662606|type=landmark|region=GB-}} {{SORTIERUNG:}} [[Kategorie:Hochschule in England]] [[Kategorie:Selangor]] [[Kategorie:Organisation (England)]] [[Kategorie:Bildungseinrichtungsgründung 1927]] Music-related professional associations]] [[Category:Anglican church music]] [[Category:Music education organizations]] [[Category:Music education in the United Kingdom]] [[Category:Music education in the United States]] [[Category:Music education in Canada]] [[Category:Anglican education]] [[Category:Music in Wiltshire]] [[Category:Music publishing companies of the United Kingdom]] [[Category:Publishing companies established in 1927]] [[Category:Sheet music publishing companies]]

  1. Press Pack. The Royal School of Church Music, 2015, abgerufen am 13. September 2017.
  2. About RSCM. In: RSCM. Abgerufen am 13. April 2021 (amerikanisches Englisch).
  3. History of the RSCM. In: Royal School of Church Music.
  4. Our Mission. In: RSCM. Abgerufen am 13. April 2021 (amerikanisches Englisch).
  5. Lionel Dakers: The RSCM: Past, Present... and Future. In: The Musical Times. 128. Jahrgang, Nr. 1732, 1987, ISSN 0027-4666, S. 349–353, doi:10.2307/1193762, JSTOR:1193762 (
  6. RSCM Millennium Youth Choir at Lincoln Cathedral. In: Abgerufen am 13. April 2021.
  7. Prom 68. In: BBC Music Events. Abgerufen am 13. April 2021 (englisch).
  8. [Choral Accompaniment] Psalm 20 (Chant by Gerald Knight). In: Viscount Organs. 1. August 2018, abgerufen am 13. April 2021 (amerikanisches Englisch).
  9. John Harper: Obituary: Lionel Dakers. In: The Guardian. 22. März 2003, abgerufen am 13. April 2021 (englisch).
  10. Harry BRAMMA The Church Music of Dr. Harry Bramma - PRIORY PRCD1060 [JQ]: Classical Music Reviews - August 2012 MusicWeb-International. In: Abgerufen am 13. April 2021.
  11. John Harper | St. James Music Press. In: Abgerufen am 13. April 2021.
  12. Lindsay Gray, Director of RSCM is moving on | Church News Ireland. Abgerufen am 13. April 2021 (amerikanisches Englisch).
  13. Ex Queen's man wins top music post. In: Somerset County Gazette. Abgerufen am 13. April 2021 (englisch).
  14. Andrew Reid – Harrison & Harrison Ltd. Abgerufen am 13. April 2021 (britisches Englisch).
  15. Interview: Andrew Reid, director of the RSCM. In: Abgerufen am 13. April 2021.
  16. Hugh Morris, director, Royal School of Church Music. In: Abgerufen am 13. April 2021.
  17. The late Sir David Harrison. In: RSCM. 3. April 2023, abgerufen am 5. Oktober 2024 (amerikanisches Englisch).
  18. RSCM Celebration Day - Saturday 8th September 2018 - Salisbury Cathedral, 5.30pm. In: RSCM. 17. August 2018, abgerufen am 5. Oktober 2024 (amerikanisches Englisch).
  19. RSCM announces the next Chair of Council. In: RSCM. 27. Juli 2018, abgerufen am 5. Oktober 2024 (amerikanisches Englisch).
  20. RSCM Honorary Awards – 2019
  21. John Henderson: Sydney Nicholson and the College of St Nicolas : the Chislehurst years. J. Henderson Pub, 2011, ISBN 978-0-9528050-4-5 (
  22. John Henderson, Trevor Jarvis: The Royal School of Church Music : the Addington years. Salisbury 2015, ISBN 978-0-85402-251-9 (
  23. Sydney H. Nicholson, John Henderson, Trevor Jarvis: Sydney Nicholson and his Musings of a musician. Royal School of Church Music, Salisbury, England 2013, ISBN 978-0-85402-226-7 (