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Ein Glas Sweet Sorghum Syrup.

Sweet sorghum ist eine von vielen Varianten des sorghum-Gras, dessen Stengel einen höheren Zuckergehalt haben. Sweet sorghum thrives better under drier and warmer conditions than many other crops and is grown primarily for forage, silage, and syrup production. Although, in most of the United States the term molasses refers to a sweet syrup, made as a byproduct of sugarcane or sugar beet sugar extraction, sweet sorghum syrup is known as "sorghum molasses" in some regions of the U.S.[1][2][3][4]

Sweet sorghum has been widely cultivated in the U.S. since the 1850s for use in sweeteners, primarily in the form of sorghum syrup. In the early 1860s, the American Civil War not only disrupted both interstate and maritime commerce but also diverted commodities from civilian to military purchases; these factors rendered some food and fiber supplies, including sugar cane and the sugar and molasses made from it, unreliable and expensive. In particular, the South was under naval blockade by the Union navy, making importation of Caribbean cane sugar and molasses expensive and scarce via blockade running. Under these conditions, some farms grew sweet sorghum for syrup to substitute for cane sugar and molasses, which helped ensconce sweet sorghum in Southern food culture. By the early 1900s, the U.S. produced 20|e6USgal|m3 of sweet sorghum syrup annually. Making syrup from sorghum (as from sugar cane) is heavily labor-intensive. Following World War II, with the declining availability of farm labor, sorghum syrup production fell drastically. Currently, less than 1|e6USgal|m3 are produced annually in the U.S.

In Central India it was introduced in the early 1970s by Nimbkar Agricultural Research Institute.[5][6] Presently it is grown on large area as a fodder crop.

Most sorghum grown for syrup production is grown in Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Iowa, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, and Tennessee.[7]


Horse-driven, antique sorghum-cane juicer being operated at an organic farm in central North Carolina, for syrup production
Adding freshly squeezed juice to a simmering pan of syrup on an open fire, much as it was done in the 19th century
Madhura sweet sorghum syrup sold in India

Sorghum syrup and hot biscuits are a traditional breakfast in the Southern United States. Sorghum syrup is also used on pancakes, cornmeal mush, grits and other hot cereals. It can be used as a cooking ingredient with a similar sweetening effect as molasses, though blackstrap molasses still has a higher nutritional value than sorghum syrup in most regards.[8] In India sweet sorghum syrup is presently being promoted as a health food.[9][10]

In the U.S. since the 1950s, sorghum has been raised primarily for forage and silage, with sorghum cultivation for cattle feed concentrated in the Great Plains (Texas, Kansas, and Nebraska are the leading producers) where insufficient rainfall and high temperature make corn production unprofitable.

Grain sorghum has also been used by the ethanol industry for quite some time because it yields about the same amount of ethanol per bushel as corn. As new-generation ethanol processes are studied and improved, sorghum's role may continue to expand.[11] Texas A&M University ran trials to ascertain the best varieties for ethanol production from sorghum leaves and stalks in the USA.[12]

In India and other places, sweet sorghum stalks are used for producing biofuel by squeezing the juice and then fermenting into ethanol.[13] The crop is particularly suitable for growing in dryland conditions, as it only extracts one-seventh of the water used by sugarcane.[14]

A study by researchers at the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT) found that growing sweet sorghum instead of grain sorghum could increase farmers' incomes by US$40 per hectare per crop because it can provide food, feed, and fuel. With grain sorghum currently grown on over 11 million ha in Asia and on 23.4 million ha in Africa, a switch to sweet sorghum could have a considerable economic impact.[15]

See also



  1. Rapuano, Rina. "Sorghum Travels From The South To The Mainstream." NPR. NPR, 12. September 2012. Web. 22. Mai 2014. <https://www.npr.org/2012/09/12/160946531/sorghum-travels-from-the-south-to-the-mainstream>.
  2. Bitzer, Morris. Sweet Sorghum for Syrup. Publication. N.p.: U of Kentucky, 2002. Web. 22. Mai 2014. <http://www.uky.edu/Ag/CCD/introsheets/swsorghumintro.pdf>
  3. Curtin, Leo V. MOLASSES - GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS. Publication. Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences and University of Florida, n.d. Web. 22. Mai 2014. <http://rcrec-ona.ifas.ufl.edu/pdf/publications/molasses-general-considerations..pdf>.
  4. Ventilated. "Guidance on Sorghum Production – March 19, 2008." Indiana State Department of Health Division of Consumer Protection Food Protection Program Guidance on Sorghum Production – March 19, 2008 (2008): 1-6. IN.gov. Indiana State Department of Health: Division of Consumer Protection: Food Protection Program, 19. März 2008. Web. 22. Mai 2014. <http://www.in.gov/isdh/files/Guidance_on_Sorghum_final_3-18-2008pdf_entered_6_2012.pdf>
  5. (PDF) Sweet sorghum R&D at the Nimbkar Agricultural Research Institute (NARI). In: ResearchGate.
  6. Do You Know About This Wonder Crop That Can Be Used As Fuel, Paper And Delicious Bread Spread? In: The Better India. 12. Januar 2015;.
  7. Archived copy. Archiviert vom Original am 11. November 2014; abgerufen am 13. August 2014.
  8. Sorghum Syrup. Spiritfoods, archiviert vom Original am 27. August 2012; abgerufen am 6. September 2012.
  9. One Year on, Sikkim Proves Why the Rest of India Must Adopt Organic Practices for a Bright Future. In: The Better India. 20. Januar 2017;.
  10. From Food to Fodder, Here's How This Magic Plant Can Take Care of Our Needs. In: The Better India. 20. Dezember 2018;.
  11. Sweet sorghum – Opportunities for a new renewable fuel and food industry in Australia. RIRDC, abgerufen am 28. August 2013.
  12. Ceres and Texas A&M to Develop and Market High-Biomass Sorghum for Biofuels web.archive.org Fehler bei Vorlage * Parametername unbekannt (Vorlage:Webarchiv): "date"Vorlage:Webarchiv/Wartung/Parameter Fehler bei Vorlage:Webarchiv: Genau einer der Parameter 'wayback', 'webciteID', 'archive-today', 'archive-is' oder 'archiv-url' muss angegeben werden.Vorlage:Webarchiv/Wartung/Linktext_fehltVorlage:Webarchiv/Wartung/URL Fehler bei Vorlage:Webarchiv: enWP-Wert im Parameter 'url'.
  13. Sweet Sorghum : A New "Smart Biofuel Crop". Agriculture Business Week, 30. Juni 2008, archiviert vom Original am 27. Mai 2015;.
  14. Icrisat embarks on biofuels initiative for dryland farmers. In: International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT). 14. März 2007, abgerufen am 30. April 2016.
  15. Sweet sorghum for food, feed and fuel New Agriculturalist, Januar 2008.

[[Category:Cereals]] [[Category:Sugar substitutes]] [[Category:Biofuels]] [[Category:Soul food]] [[Category:Sorghum]] [[Category:Syrup]]