
 <!-- zwecks besserer Darstellung; fürs CSS unsichtbar --> */
/* Skinbastler-Stylesheet */
/* Wird auf großteils bis ganz dem Firefox entwickelt, da die Skin auf anderen Browsern noch nicht funktioniert.
** Irgendwelche Schweinereien, die nur auf dem FF laufen, können nachher ausgebügelt werden.
** Vorerst geht es ums funktionieren. */

/* Module */
/** Intrawiki */
@import url("http://de.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Benutzer:V.R.S./intrawiki.css&action=raw&ctype=text/css");

/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
body {
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#body-wrapper {
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** Leiste oben

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** Suchkästchen

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** action-bar und dropdown
** Verschachtelung: 	div#action-bar > ul.action-h > li > a					(einfacher Eintrag)
**			div#action-bar > ul.action-h > li.dropdown > ul.action-v > li > a	(im Dropdown)
** action-h: horizontal, action-v: vertikal

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	/* Linkformatierung */
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/** Interwiki ganz rechts */
#action-bar > ul > li#p-lang {
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/** Dropdowns */
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/** Dynamisches */
#action-bar ul > li:hover {
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/** HACK these positions are wrong, the position depends on the parent, not the child! */

#action-bar ul ul.action-h {
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#action-bar ul ul.action-v {
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** Navileiste

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#navigation-bar a:hover {
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#navigation-bar a:visited {
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#navigation-bar a:active {
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** Inhalt

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#content {
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** footer

#footer {
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#f-list {
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#footer li {
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#f-copyrightico {
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#disclaimer {
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#jump-to-nav {
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** Skinbastler: Inhaltformatierung
/* Text- und Linkfarben */
a {
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	background:		none;

a:link {
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a:visited {
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a:active {
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a:hover {
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a.stub {
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a.new, #p-personal a.new {
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a.new:visited, #p-personal a.new:visited {
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/* Vorformatierte Texte und Quelltext */
pre {
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/** Listen */

ul {
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dt {
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/* Überschriften und Bearbeiten-Links */

#content h1 {
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h1 .editsection { 
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h2 .editsection {
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h4 .editsection { 
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h5 .editsection { 
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h6 {
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h6 .editsection {
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.editsection {
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** Bilder

img {
	border:			none;
	vertical-align:		middle;

div.floatright, table.floatright {
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div.floatright p {
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div.floatleft, table.floatleft {
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div.floatleft p {
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/** thumbnails */

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html .thumbimage {
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html .thumbcaption {
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/** weitere */

.hiddenStructure {
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img.tex {
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span.texhtml {
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/* Have a checkered background on images on the description pages and in galleries to make transparency visible */
#file img, .gallerybox .thumb img {
	background:		url(Checker-16x16.png) repeat;

/* Suchtreffer */
.searchmatch {
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	font-weight:		bold;

/* Vorschauwarnung */
	border:			1px solid #FF0000;
	padding:		0em 1em;

/* Editfeld */
textarea {
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	padding:		0.1em;

** Inhaltsverzeichnis
.toc, .mw-warning {
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.toc #toctitle,
.toc .toctitle {
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.toc ul ul {
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.toc .toctoggle {
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#toc ul li a, #toc ul li  a:link {
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#toc ul li a:hover {
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#toc ul li a:visited {
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#toc ul li a:active {
	color:			#BB0000;
** Versionsgeschichte

.autocomment {
	color:			gray;
#history-user {
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#pagehistory li.selected {
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.templatesUsed {
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** diffs

table.diff {
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table.diff td { 
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td.diff-addedline { 
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td.diff-addedline span.diffchange {
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td.diff-deletedline {
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td.diff-deletedline span.diffchange {
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** Einstellungen

#preftoc li {
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#preftoc li:hover {
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#preftoc li.selected {
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#preftoc li.selected:hover {
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#preftoc li a, #preftoc li a:link {
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	text-decoration:	none;
	background:		none;
#preftoc li a:visited {
	color:			#600013;
#preftoc li a:active {
	color:			#BB0000;
.successbox {
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	padding:		1em;
	margin:			0.5em;

** show appropriate symbols after external links
** keep the whitespace in front of the ^=, hides rule from konqueror
** this is css3, the validator doesn't like it when validating as css2
** Übernommen aus http://de.wikipedia.org/skins-1.5/monobook/main.css

#bodyContent a.external,
#bodyContent a[href ^="gopher://"] {
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#bodyContent a[href ^="https://"],
.link-https {
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#bodyContent a[href ^="mailto:"],
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#bodyContent a[href ^="ftp://"],
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#bodyContent a[href ^="irc://"],
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#bodyContent a.external[href $=".ogg"], #bodyContent a.external[href $=".OGG"],
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#bodyContent a.external[href $=".wma"], #bodyContent a.external[href $=".WMA"],
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#bodyContent a.external[href $=".ogm"], #bodyContent a.external[href $=".OGM"],
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#bodyContent a.external[href $=".pdf"], #bodyContent a.external[href $=".PDF"],
#bodyContent a.external[href *=".pdf#"], #bodyContent a.external[href *=".PDF#"],
#bodyContent a.external[href *=".pdf?"], #bodyContent a.external[href *=".PDF?"],
.link-document {
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	padding-right:		12px;

** Skinbastler: Diverses

/* Ausnahmen für verschiedene Namensräume */
/** Kein grauer Hintergrund für Artikel */
body.ns-0 {
	background-color:	#FFFFFF;
.ns-0 #content {
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.ns-0 #content, .ns-4 #content, .ns-12 #content {
	font-family:		serif; /* Serifenschriftart für Artikel, Wikipedianamensraum und Hilfeseiten */
/** Weiß für action-bar in Artikeln */
body.ns-0 #action-bar {
	background-color:	#FFFFFF;
/** Rahmen um Bilder */
body.ns-0 div.thumb, body.ns-0 div.tleft, body.ns-0 div.tright {
	border-color:		#FFFFFF;

/* Designextras für Portale usw. aus main.css */
.toccolours {
	border:			1px solid #aaa;
	background-color:	#f9f9f9;
	padding:		5px;
	font-size:		95%;

/* this can be used in the content area to switch off
special external link styling */
#bodyContent .plainlinks a {
	background:		none !important;
	padding:		0 !important;
/* Extraregel, damit das auch bei Intrawiki funktioniert */
#bodyContent .plainlinks a:after{
	content:		"";

/* Kackbalken */
.usermessage {
	padding:		0.5em;
	margin:			0.5em;
	background-color:	#FFFFFF;
	border:			dashed 1px #0000FF;
/* Vorlagen */
#artikelstadium {
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#coordinates, #issnlink {
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#coordinates a[href ^="http://"] {
	padding-right:		18px !important;
#filetoc {
	display:		inline;

#filetoc li {
	display:		inline;
	margin:			0 0.5em;

** the following two declarations are only necessary
** for the Skinbastler JS- & HTML-solution, not the PHP

#ca-nstab-portal {
	display:		none !important;
.ns--2 #ca-nstab-media,
.ns--1 #ca-nstab-special,
.ns-0 #ca-nstab-main,
.ns-1 #ca-nstab-main,
.ns-2 #ca-nstab-user,
.ns-3 #ca-nstab-user,
.ns-4 #ca-nstab-project,
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.ns-7 #ca-nstab-image,
.ns-8 #ca-nstab-mediawiki,
.ns-9 #ca-nstab-mediawiki,
.ns-10 #ca-nstab-template,
.ns-11 #ca-nstab-template,
.ns-12 #ca-nstab-help,
.ns-13 #ca-nstab-help,
.ns-14 #ca-nstab-category,
.ns-15 #ca-nstab-category,
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	display:		inline !important;

/* Besseres Scrollen auf Benutzer.js und Benutzer.css, sollte eigentlich nicht nötig sein */
body[class *="_js"] pre, body[class *="_css"] pre {
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