Norbert Schwarzer (Dr. rer. nat. habil.) ist deutscher Physiker und Buchautor. Er wurde am 07.01.1966 in Eilenburg, Sachsen geboren, ist seit 2004 verheiratet und hat 4 Kinder. Er ist Gründer und theoretischer Kopf des 2005 in Sachsen gegründeten und seit 2007 auf Rügen ansässigen Sächsischen Instituts für Oberflächenmechanik (SIO).
Als promovierter und habilitierter theoretischer Physiker hat er eine Vielzahl von Arbeiten veröffentlicht, hauptsächlich auf dem Gebiet der Grundlagenforschung und Anwendung kontaktmechanischer Ansätze für Laminate, Verbundwerkstoffe und Schichtmaterialien. Aufgrund der Notwendigkeit einer besseren Stabilitätsvorhersage und sozioökonomischer Modelle begann er, Konzepte aus der theoretischen Physik in eher bodenständigen Bereichen wie Materialwissenschaften, Schultransport, Medizin, Wirtschaft, Entscheidungsfindung und Absatzmarktanalyse anzuwenden. Einige dieser Arbeiten haben schließlich zu Ideen für die Verbesserung der ursprünglichen theoretischen Konzepte geführt und sich inzwischen zu einer "Theorie von allem" ausgeweitet, die auf David Hilbert und Albert Einstein basiert. Dabei ist sein Ansatz eine Erweiterung der kalssischen Einstein-Hilbert-Action.
BearbeitenGeboren am 07.01.1966 in der ostdeutschen Kleinstadt Eilenburg wuchs Schwarzer in der DDR auf und besuchte 1972-1980 die Polytechnische Oberschule Eilenburg (POS). 1984 schloss er die Erweiterte Oberschule Eilenburg (EOS) mit dem Abitur mit Schwerpunkt Chemie und Physik ab.
Er diente von November 1984 bis Mai 1986 in der Nationalen Volksarmee (NVA) in Kronskamp.
Im Oktober 1986 begann er sein Physikstudium an der Technischen Universität in Chemnitz, welches er 1990 erfolgreich mit dem Diplom beendet.
Im Juli 1998 promovierte er zum Doktor der Naturwissenschaften, doctor rerum naturalium, an seiner Alma Mater in Chemnitz zum Thema „Kugeleindruckversuch in geschichtete Materialien“ unter Supervisor Prof. Frank Richter. Im Februar 2004 habilitierte er an der gleichen Universität zum Doktor mit Lehrbefähigung, doctor rerum naturalium habilitatus, zum Thema „Modelling of the mechanics of thin films using analytical linear elastic approaches” (Reviewers: Prof. G. M. Pharr, Prof. B. Michel, Prof. M. V. Swain).
Bis zu seiner Selbständigkeit als freier Physiker mit der Gründung des Sächsischen Instituts für Oberflächenmechanik im Juli 2005 arbeitete er als Mitarbeiter und Lehrbeauftragter am Lehrstuhl der Physik fester Körper der Technischen Universität Chemnitz.
Bearbeiten1989 research project in the „Keramische Werke Hermsdorf“, topic of the report: „About the disruptive discharge in Ta-Capacitor” in German (inventor of a new type of capacitor resulting in a Secret Patent No. DD 338 541.7 of the „Keramischen Werke Hermsdorf“, Title: „Sinteranode für Elektrolytkondensatoren“ = last Secret Patent of the GDR)
1989-1990: University research project about medical diagnostics with near infrared (TU Chemnitz), (inventor of a new method of analysing light scattering data, Patent No. P 4115280.8)
09/1990 – 06/1991: research investigating determination of the mechanical properties of thin films using bending techniques
07/1991 – 08/1995: post-graduate study on contact problems with inhomogeneous materials especially layered ones. The study offered wide experience in the theory of elasticity, nanoindentation, technical mechanics, thin film analytics and deposition.
11-12/1994, 9/1995, 3/1996: Visiting Researcher at Technical University of Salford, Salford, GB, Comparison of FE- and analytical calculations of mechanical contact problems
09/1995 – 10/1998: Research fellow at Institute of Physik, Technische Universität Chemnitz, (Prof. G. Hecht) Organisation of a new research group in the area of experimental solid state physics,
· mechanical contact between layered materials
· comparison of analytical modelling with nanoindentation experiments
· studies concerning the mechanical stability of laminates
10/1998-1/1999: Visiting Researcher
CSIRO, Sydney, Australia
analytical modelling of mechanical contact problems for inhomogeneous bodies and parameter identification of nanoindentation experiments
07/1999-07/2005: assistant professor at Institute of Physics, Technische Universität Chemnitz
Organisation of a new research group in the area of experimental solid state physics,
· mechanical contact between layered materials
· comparison of analytical modelling with nanoindentation experiments
· studies concerning the mechanical stability of laminates
· geodynamic studies in cooperation with the Ohio State University and the University of Hawaii
· comparison of ab initio MD-simulations with continuum mechanical approaches
· Co-Inventor of a new method for nanoindentaion measurements ("Probentisch für die Messung lateraler Kräfte und Verschiebungen" Patent No. P102 49 767.2.)
02-09/2002, 02-04/2003, 02-04/2004: Visiting Researcher
University of Perpignan, Perpignan, France
the elasto-hydrodynamic-contact
10/2002, 08-09/2003, 05/2004: Visiting Researcher
University of Tennessee and Oak Ridge Laboratories, Knoxville und Oak Ridge, TN, USA, “the concept of the effectively shaped indenter” (s. ref. with Pharr, Hermann, Kohl, Richter, Chudoba,…)
07-09/2004: Project Leading Researcher
RRD Windsurfing Test Centre Mauritius, Le Morne, Mauritus
analytical modelling concerning the mechanical stability of windsurfing boards, s. refs [42, 48, 49]
Since July 2005: Head of the “Saxonian Institute of Surface Mechanics” (www.siomec.de)
01/2005 – 12/2007: Leading Theoretician in SAB (Saxony) research project GEMO based on [18 – 24…] resulting in new product for material optimization and a variety of papers
10/2011 – 09/2014: Research Excellence Grant for EUROMAT project MeProVisc (http://projects.npl.co.uk/meprovisc/) resulting in refs [78 - 92] and [240 – 244]
01/2014 – 12/2016: Leading Theoretician in EU research project iStress (http://uniroma3-web.sharepoint.com/ricerca/stm/istress/SitePages/Home.aspx) based on [75] resulting in new product for material optimization and a variety of papers
2015: Head of development project for automated surface optimization with BOSCH
11/2015 – 05/2016: Material Optimization Project for fun-sport equipment with Naishsails inc. on Maui, Hawaii, USA
11/2017 – 03/2017: “Safe my beach” Geology project about coastal erosion and climate change on Fuerteventura, Canaries, Spain (s. ref. [125]), partially in cooperation with M. Schweiger (Naishsails inc.) and J. Stone (Maui)
Since 2018: Leading Theoretician for SW-development of in Excellence Cluster Project of DFG VO 1487/31-1 with TU Munich, s. ref. [93]
Preise und Stipendien
BearbeitenSpecial award of the „Keramischen Werke Hermsdorf“ for the invention of a new type of capacitor („Sinteranode für Elektrolytkondensatoren“)
Research Scholarship of the Technical University Chemnitz 1991 - 1994
Bunshah Award 2000, San Diego, USA, April 2000
Heinemann Award, Technical University Chemnitz, Dez. 2000
Economic Award of the city Chemnitz phase 1, February 2001
Economic Award of the city Chemnitz phase 2, June 2001
Scientific Award of the state Saxony „Sachsen-Asse“, November 2002
Saxonian economic award „FutureSax“ phase 1, February 2003
Saxonian economic award „FutureSax“ phase 1, January 2005
Saxonian economic award „FutureSax“ phase 2, April 2005
Research Excellence Grant Scholarship REG of the EURAMAT 2011-2014
Bearbeiten[1] N. Schwarzer: "Theoretische Klärung der Möglichkeiten für die Ermittlung von mechanischen Schichtparametern", TU-Chemnitz, FB Physik, Diplomarbeit, 1991
[2] N. Schwarzer, F. Richter, G. Hecht: "Determination of mechanical properties of thin films: a theoretical feasibility study", Surface and Coatings Technology, 60 (1993) 396-400
[3] N. Schwarzer, J. Schimmel, F. Richter: "The Elastic Indentation of Coating-Substrate Systems with Large Difference in the Young Moduli", phys. Stat. Sol. (A) 145 (1994), 379-383
[4] J. Schimmel, N. Schwarzer: "Bestimmung mechanischer Schichteigenschaften", Teilbericht (Kap. B) zum Abschlußbericht BMFT 13N5889, TU-Chemnitz, FB Physik, 1994
[5] N. Schwarzer, J. Schimmel, F. Richter: "The contact problem of elastic indentation of coating/substrate systems", proceedings of the joint TATF'94 and the HVITF'94, DGM Informationsgesellschaft-Verlag, edited by G. Hecht, F. Richter, J. Hahn, 391-394, 1994
[6] N. Schwarzer, J. Schimmel, S. Schmidbauer, J. Hahn: "The peeling test with initialized crack formation", proceedings of the joint TATF'94 and the HVITF'94, DGM Informationsgesellschaft-Verlag, edited by G. Hecht, F. Richter, J. Hahn, 486-489, 1994
[7] N. Schwarzer, J. Schimmel, F. Richter: "Adhesion and Elastic Indentation of Coating/Substrate Systems", proceedings of the European Conference on Adhesion EURADH'94, September, 12-15, 1994 in Mulhouse, France, editor: Societe Francaises du Vide SFV
[8] N. Schwarzer, H. Djabella, F. Richter, R. D. Arnell: "Comparison between analytical and FEM calculations for the contact problem of spherical indenters on layered materials", Thin Solid Films, 270 (1995) 279-282.
[9] N. Schwarzer, M. Whittling, M. Swain, F. Richter: "The analytical solution of the contact problem of spherical indenters on layered materials: application for the investigation of TiN films on silicon", Thin Solid Films, 270 (1995) 371-375.
[10] N. Schwarzer, F. Richter: "Adhesion and elastic contact stresses of coating/substrate systems under normal and tangential loads", invited Keynotepaper auf der PSE 1994 in Garmisch-Partenkirchen präsentiert, published in Surface and Coatings Technology 74-75 (1995) 97-103.
[11] A. Faulkner, K.C. Tang, N. Schwarzer, R.D. Arnell, F. Richter: "Comparison between an Elastic-Perfectly Plastic FE Model and a Purely Elastic Analytical Model for a Spherical Indenter on a Layered Substrate", Thin Solid Films 300 (1997) 177
[12] A.K.Jamting, M.V.Swain, J.M.Bell, N. Schwarzer: "Investigation of the Elastic Modulus of Thin Films Using Simple Biaxial Bending Techniques", Proceedings of the "International Conference on Metallurgical Coatings and Thin Films", 21.-25. 04. 1997, San Diego, Kalifornien, USA, 304 - 309
[13] N. Schwarzer: "Figures to the Problem: Centrally Loaded Coated Plate Fixed at the Edge", published in the internet at:
http://www.tu-chemnitz.de/~nschwarz/holzhau.html, 1997
[14] N. Schwarzer, F. Richter: "A Simple Biaxial Bending Technique for Coated Materials - Theory and Application", proceedings to the workshop "Mechanical Behaviour of PVD Coated Materials", 13.-17.10.1997 in Holzhau, Germany, edited by H. Oettel, S. Hogmark, J. v. Stebut, published in "Freiburger Forschungshefte", B 287, 1998, pp. 93 - 100
[15] N. Schwarzer: “Kugeleindruck in geschichtete Materialien”, Dissertation, TU Chemnitz, 1998, published in the internet at:
[16] N. Schwarzer, F. Richter, B. Michel: ”Penny shaped interface crack under uniform pressure and shear loading”, in ”Modeling and Simulation Based Engineering”, Vol. II, Ed. S. N. Atluri, P. E. O'Donoghue, Atlanta, USA (1998), Tech Science Press
[17] N. Schwarzer, F. Richter, G. Hecht: ”Elastic Field in a Coated Half Space under Hertzian pressure distribution”, J. of Surface & Coatings Technology 114 (1999) 292-304
[18] N. Schwarzer, Th. Chudoba, D. Billep, F. Richter: ”Investigation of coating substrate compounds using inclined spherical indentation”, J. of Surface & Coatings Technology 116 – 119 (1999) 244-252
[19] T. Chudoba, N. Schwarzer, F. Richter: "Determination of Elastic Properties of Thin Films by Indentation Measurements with a Spherical Indenter", J. of Surface & Coatings Technology 127 (2000) 9-17
[20] T. Chudoba, N. Schwarzer, F. Richter: ”New Possibilities of Mechanical Surface Characterization with Spherical Indenters by Comparison of Experimental and Theoretical Results”, San Diego Conference ICMCTF 1999, Metallurgical Coatings and Thin Films Vol. II, Elsevier, pp. 284-289 and Thin Solid Films 355-356 (1999), 284-289
[21] N. Schwarzer: ”Arbitrary load distribution on a layered half space”, ASME Journal of Tribology, Vol. 122, No. 4, October 2000, 672 - 681
[22] N. Schwarzer: "Coating Design due to Analytical Modelling of Mechanical Contact Problems on Multilayer Systems", proceedings of the ICMCTF 2000, San Diego, USA, April 2000, 397 - 402, in addition: Surface and Coatings Technology 133 –134 (2000) 397 - 402
[23] T. Chudoba, N. Schwarzer, F. Richter, U. Beck: "Determination of mechanical film properties of a bilayer system due to elastic indentation measurements with a spherical indenter", proceedings of the ICMCTF 2000, San Diego, USA, April 2000, 366 – 372, in addition: Thin Solid Films 377 – 378 (2000) 366 - 372
[24] N. Schwarzer, D. Heuer, Th. Chudoba: ”Application of modern approaches in mechanics to adhesion problems in dentistry”, proceedings of the EURADH 2000, Lyon, France, September 2000, Edition SFV, 19 rue du Renard, 75004 Paris, 377-382
[25] N. Schwarzer, F. Richter: ”Adhesion Modelling in Layered Materials Using Analytical Solutions of Crack Problems”, proceedings of the EURADH 2000, Lyon, France, September 2000, Edition SFV, 19 rue du Renard, 75004 Paris, 586-591
[26] F. Richter, T. Chudoba, N. Schwarzer, G. Hecht: “Neue Möglichkeiten zur Charakterisierung dünner Schichten mit Indentermethoden - Novel Possibilities for Thin Film Characterisation Using Indentation Methods”, Materialwissenschaften und Werkstofftechnik 32 (2001) 621-627
[27] O. Wändstrand, N. Schwarzer, T. Chudoba, Å. Kassman-Rudiphi: ”Load-carrying capacitity of Ni-plated media in spherical indentation: experimental and theoretical results”, Surface Engineering Vol. 18 (2002) No. 2, 98 - 104
[28] N. Schwarzer, I. Hermann, T. Chudoba, F. Richter: ”Contact Modelling in the Vicinity of an Edge”, Surface and Coatings Technology 146-147 (2001) 371-377
[29] T. Chudoba, N. Schwarzer, F. Richter: ”Steps towards a mechanical modeling of layered systems”, Surface and Coatings Technology 154 (2002) 140 - 151
[30] N. Schwarzer: "Experimental and analytical modelling of mechanical contact problems of Coating Systems", proceedings of the Philips-NIMR Technology roadmap workshop, Nijenrode University, 6-7 June 2002, published in “Towards a Detailed NIR-Roadmap on Wear Resistant/Low Friction Coatings” from A.J.W.A. Vermeulen, Philips Centre for Industrial Technology, CTB598-02-3099 2002-07-30, Juli 2002
[31] N. Schwarzer: „About the theory of thin coated plates”, published in the internet at: http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bsz:ch1-200200050
[32] V. Linss, I. Hermann, N. Schwarzer, U. Kreissig, F. Richter: „Mechanical properties of thin films in the ternary triangle B-C-N“, Surf. Coat. Technol. 163-164 (2003) 220-226 (ISSN 0257-8972)
[33] N. Schwarzer: „Modelling of the mechanics of thin films using analytical linear elastic approaches“, Habilitationsschrift der TU-Chemnitz 2004, FB Physik Fester Körper, http://archiv.tu-chemnitz.de/pub/2004/0077
[34] V. Linss, N. Schwarzer, T. Chudoba, M. Karniychuk, F. Richter: “Mechanical Properties of a Graded BCN Sputtered Coating with VaryingYoung's Modulus: Deposition, Theoretical Modelling and Nanoindentation”, Surf. Coat. Technol., 195 (2005) pp 287 - 297, doi:10.1016/j.surfcoat.2004.06.010
[35] T. Chudoba, N. Schwarzer, V. Linss, F. Richter: „Determination of Mechanical Properties of Graded Coatings using Nanoindentation”, proceedings of the ICMCTF 2004 in San Diego, California, USA, also in Thin Solid Films (2004): 469-470C pp. 239-247
[36] N. Schwarzer: “Elastic Surface Deformation due to Indenters with Arbitrary symmetry of revolution”, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys., 37 (2004) 2761-2772
[37] N. Schwarzer, G. M. Pharr: „On the evaluation of stresses during nanoindentation with sharp indenters”, proceedings of the ICMCTF 2004 in San Diego, California, USA, also in Thin Solid Films, Vol. 469-470C (2004) pp. 194-200
[38] N. Schwarzer, T. Chudoba, G. M. Pharr: „On the evaluation of stresses for coated materials during nanoindentation with sharp indenters”, Surf. Coat. Technol, Vol 200/14-15 (2006) pp 4220-4226, doi:10.1016/j.surfcoat.2005.01.011
[39] R. Puschmann, N. Schwarzer, F. Richter, S. Frühauf, S. E. Schulz: “An applicable concept for the indentation of thin porous films”, proceedings of the NanoMech 5, 7-9 September 2004 in Hückelhoven, Germany, also in Z. Metallkd. 96 (2005) 11, 1-6
[40] N. Schwarzer, F. Richter: „On the determination of film stress from substrate bending: Stoney´s formula and its limits“, online archive of the Technical University of Chemnitz: http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:swb:ch1-200600111
[41] N. Schwarzer: „Determining intrinsic stresses in layered materials via nanoindentation – the question of in principle feasibility“, online archive of the Technical University of Chemnitz: http://archiv.tu-chemnitz.de/pub/2006/0018 (the publication contains also a prototype of the software FilmDoctor for the modelling of contact loads for layered materials for half spaces consisting of up to 11layers)
[42] N. Schwarzer, P. Heuer-Schwarzer: „Qualitative failure analysis on laminate structures of windsurfing boards using analytical linear elastic modelling”, online archive of the Technical University of Chemnitz: http://archiv.tu-chemnitz.de/pub/2006/0010
[43] N. Schwarzer, T. Chudoba, F. Richter: „Investigation of ultra thin coatings using Nanoindentation”, Surface and Coatings Technology, (2006), Vol 200/18-19 pp 5566-5580, online at doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.surfcoat.2005.07.075
[44] N. Schwarzer: "Analysing Nanoindenation Unloading Curves using Pharr’s Concept of the Effective Indenter Shape", proceedings of the ICMCTF 2005 in San Diego, California, USA, also in Thin Solid Films 494 (2006) 168 – 172
[45] N. Schwarzer: "The extended Hertzian theory and its uses in analysing indentation experiments", Phil. Mag. 86(33-35) 21 Nov - 11 Dec 2006 5153 – 5767, Special Issue: “Instrumented Indentation Testing in Materials Research and Development”
[46] N. Schwarzer: "Intrinsic stresses – Their influence on the yield strength and their measurement via nanoindentation", online archives of the Saxonian Institute of Surface Mechanics www.siomec.de/pub/2007/001
[47] N. Schwarzer, P. Heuer: "Didactically optimized training tools for mechanical thin film design", online archives of the Saxonian Institute of Surface Mechanics www.siomec.de/pub/2007/002
[48] N. Schwarzer, P. Heuer: "Failure analysis on laminate structures of windsurfing boards using thin film modelling techniques", Poster, online archives of the Saxonian Institute of Surface Mechanics www.siomec.de/pub/2007/003
[49] N. Schwarzer, P. Heuer: "Failure analysis on laminate structures of windsurfing boards using thin film modelling techniques", online archives of the Saxonian Institute of Surface Mechanics www.siomec.de/pub/2007/004
[50] N. Schwarzer, P. Heuer: "Qualitative failure analysis on laminate structures of windsurfing boards using analytical linear elastic modelling", online archives of the Saxonian Institute of Surface Mechanics www.siomec.de/pub/2007/005
[51] D. Heuer, T. Chudoba, N. Schwarzer, P. Heuer-Schwarzer: "Nanoindentation in teeth: the influence of experimental conditions on local mechanical properties", Poster, online archives of the Saxonian Institute of Surface Mechanics www.siomec.de/pub/2007/006
[52] N. Schwarzer, "Modelling of Contact Problems of Rough Surfaces", online archives of the Saxonian Institute of Surface Mechanics www.siomec.de/pub/2007/007
[53] D. Heuer, T. Chudoba, N. Schwarzer: "Contact Mechanics in Dentistry: A systematic investigation of modern composite materials used for fillings", online archives of the Saxonian Institute of Surface Mechanics www.siomec.de/pub/2007/008
[54] N. Schwarzer: "An Extension of the Oliver and Pharr Method to Ultra-Thin Structures, Coatings, Functionally Graded Coatings and Multilayer Systems", online archives of the Saxonian Institute of Surface Mechanics www.siomec.de/pub/2007/010
[55] N. Schwarzer: "Modelling of Mechanical Loads on Thin Film Solar Cell Structures", online archives of the Saxonian Institute of Surface Mechanics www.siomec.de/pub/2007/011
[56] N. Schwarzer: "Modelling of Mechanical Loads on Multi-Layer Varnishes", online archives of the Saxonian Institute of Surface Mechanics www.siomec.de/pub/2007/012
[57] N. Schwarzer: “Analysing system for the investigation of ultra-thin coatings – determination of their Young’s modulus, hardness and yields strength using the method of the ‘Effective Indenter’”, online-documents of the Saxonian Institute of Surface Mechanics, www.siomec.de/doc/2007/001
[58] N. Schwarzer: “How to measure intrinsic stresses via nanoindentation – an example”, online-documents of the Saxonian Institute of Surface Mechanics, www.siomec.de/doc/2007/002
[59] N. Schwarzer: “About the understanding of loading and unloading curves in nanoindentation”, online-documents of the Saxonian Institute of Surface Mechanics, www.siomec.de/doc/2007/003
[60] N. Schwarzer: "Effect of lateral displacement on the surface stress distribution for cone and sphere contact" , Phil. Mag. 86(33-35) 21 Nov - 11 Dec 2006 5231 – 5237, Special Issue: Instrumented Indentation Testing in Materials Research and Development”
[61] James G. Kohl, Irwin L. Singer, Norbert Schwarzer, and Victor Y. Yu, “Effect of Bond Coat Modulus on the Durability of Silicone Duplex Coatings”, Progress in Organic Coatings, 56 (2006) 220-226
[62] N. Schwarzer, Modelling of Contact Problems of Rough Surfaces, online archive of the Technical University of Chemnitz: http://archiv.tu-chemnitz.de/pub/2006/0016
[63] N. Schwarzer, The extended Hertzian Appraoch for lateral loading, online archive of the Technical University of Chemnitz: http://archiv.tu-chemnitz.de/pub/2006/0015
[64] N. Schwarzer, L. Geidel, Automated Analysing of Thin Film Nanoindentation Data Using the Concept of the Effectively Shaped Indenter, proceedings of the ICMCTF 1 – 5 May 2006 in San Diego, California, USA, also in Surface and Coatings Technology, Volume 201, Issue 7, December 2006, 4377-4383, doi:10.1016/j.surfcoat.2006.08.043.
[65] F. Richter, M. Herrmann, F. Molnar, T. Chudoba, N. Schwarzer, M. Keunecke, K. Bewilogua, X.W. Xiang, H.-G. Boyen, P. Ziemann: On the evaluation of stresses in coated materials during nanoindentation with sharp indenters Substrate influence in Young's modulus determination of thin films by indentation methods: Cubic boron nitride as an example Surf. Coat. Technol. 201 (2006) 3577-3587
[66] M. Herrmann, N. Schwarzer, F. Richter, Determination of Young´s modulus and yield stress of porous low-k materials by nanoindentation, proceedings of the ICMCTF 1 – 5 May 2006 in San Diego, California, USA and in Surface & Coatings Technology 201 (2006) 4305–4310
[65] N. Schwarzer, M. Fuchs, Comprehensive analysis of thin film nanoindentation data via internetportal—A principal feasibility study, Thin Solid Films (2006), Vol. 515, Issue 3 , November 2006, 1080-1086, doi: 10.1016/j.tsf.2006.07.165. (proceedings of the ICMCTF 1 – 5 May 2006 in San Diego, California, USA)
[66] N. Schwarzer, P. Heuer-Schwarzer: „Failure analysis on laminate structures of windsurfing boards using thin film modelling techniques”, Poster, online archive of the Technical University of Chemnitz: http://archiv.tu-chemnitz.de/pub/2006/0012
[67] D. Heuer, T. Chudoba, N. Schwarzer, P. Heuer-Schwarzer: "Nanoindentation in teeth: the influence of experimental conditions on local mechanical properties", Poster, online archive of the Technical University of Chemnitz: http://archiv.tu-chemnitz.de/pub/2006/0013
[68] N. Schwarzer, „Short note on the potential use of a rotating indenter with respect to the next generation of nanoindenters”, Int. J. Surface Science and Engineering, Vol.1 2007 2/3, pp. 239-258
[69] N. Schwarzer: An Extension of the Oliver and Pharr Method to Ultra-Thin Structures, Coatings, Functionally Graded Coatings and Multilayer Systems, online archives of the Saxonian Institute of Surface Mechanics www.siomec.de/pub/2007/010
[70] M. Herrmann, F. Richter, N. Schwarzer, About the problem of properly designed FE-Models for mechanical contact problems on layered materials, proceedings of the ICMCTF 23 – 27 April 2007 in San Diego, California, USA
[71] Riaz Akhtar, Michael J Sherratt, Nick Bierwisch, Brian Derby, Paul M Mummery, Rachel, E.B Watson, and Norbert Schwarzer, Nanoindentation of Histological Specimens using an Extension of the Oliver and Pharr Method, Volume 1097, Pages GG01-09 of the Materials Research Society Proceedings 2008
[72] R. Akhtar, N. Schwarzer, M.J. Sherratt, R.E.B. Watson, H. K. Graham, A. W. Trafford, P.M. Mummery and B. Derby, Nanoindentation of Histological Specimens: Mapping the Elastic Properties of Soft Tissues JMR Special Focus Issue on “Indentation Methods in Advanced Materials Research”, J. Mater. Res., Vol. 24, No. 3, March 2009, 638 - 646
[73] N. Schwarzer, Some Basic Equations for the Next Generation of Surface Testers Solving the Problem of Pile-up, Sink-in and Making Area-Function-Calibration obsolete, JMR Special Focus Issue on “Indentation Methods in Advanced Materials Research”, J. Mater. Res., Vol. 24, No. 3, March 2009, 1032 - 1036
[74] N. Schwarzer, Basic Equations for the Next Generation of Surface Testers for the Case of an Elastic Indenter and a Layered Samples, online archive of the Saxionian Institute of Surface Mechanics, www.siomec.de/pub/2008/001
[75] M. Sebastiani, E. Bemporad, F. Carassiti and N. Schwarzer, Residual stress measurement at the micrometer scale: Focused ion beam (FIB) milling and nanoindentation testing, Philosophical Magazine, 2010, 1–16, iFirst, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/14786431003800883
[76] A. Gies, N. Schwarzer, J. Becker, H. Rudigier, Untersuchung der mechanischen Eigenschaften von DLC-Schichtsystemen mittels Nanoindentation und deren Modellierung, Tagungsband der ThGOT 2010, ISBN 978-3-00-025424-6, 104 - 109
[77] N. Schwarzer, Multiaxial mechanical surface tests of the next generation and better modeling and analysis of the same, Tagungsband der ThGOT 2010, ISBN 978-3-00-025424-6, 77 - 90
[78] N. Schwarzer, Q.-H. Duong, N. Bierwisch, G. Favaro, M. Fuchs, P. Kempe, B. Widrig, J. Ramm, Optimization of the Scratch Test for Specific Coating Designs, Surface and Coatings Technology, volume 206, issue 6, year 2011, pp. 1327 - 1335
[79] A. C. Fischer-Cripps, St. J. Bull, N. Schwarzer: “Critical review of Claims for Ultra-Hardness in Nanocomposite Coatings”, Philosophical Magazine, Volume 92, Issue 13, 2012, pp. 1601-1630
[80] N. Schwarzer: “Short note on the effect of pressure induced increase of Young's modulus”, Philosophical Magazine, accepted January 2012, vol. 92, issue 13, pp. 1631-1648
[81] J.G. Kohl, N.X. Randall, N. Schwarzer, T.T. Ngo, J.M. Shockley, and R.P. Nair, "An Investigation of Scratch Testing of Silicone Elastomer Coatings with a Thickness Gradient", Journal of Applied Polymer Science, Vol. 124, 2978–2986 (2012), pp. 2978-2986
[82] N. Schwarzer: Analyse und Simulation der mechanischen Eigenschaften beschichteter Polymere unter Berücksichtigung der meist zeitabhängigen Materialparameter, 19. NDVaK, 19. u. 20.10. 2011 Dresden, Germany, ISBN 978-3-9812550-3-4, pp. 96 - 101
[83] N. Schwarzer, "Is Ultra-hardness possible - a theoretical feasibility study", www.siomec.de/ultra-hard-coatings
[84] N. Schwarzer, “Determination of storage and loss modulus from quasi-static nanoindentation experiments”, Philosophical Magazine, submitted September 2012
[85] N. Schwarzer, Completely Analytical Tools for the Next Generation of Surface and Coating Optimization, Coatings 2014, 4, 263-291; doi:10.3390/coatings4020263
[86] James G. Kohl, Nick Bierwisch, Truc T. Ngo, Gregory Favaro, Eric Renget, Norbert Schwarzer: „Determining the viscoelastic behavior of polyester fiberglass composite by continuous micro-indentation and friction properties“, Wear 350-351 (2016) 63–67
[87] M. Zawischa, S. Makowski, N. Schwarzer, V. Weihnacht: “Scratch resistance of superhard carbon coatings – A new approach to failure and adhesion evaluation”, Surface and Coatings Technology, Volume 308, 25 December 2016, Pages 341-348, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.surfcoat.2016.07.109
[88] James G. Kohl, Norbert Schwarzer, Truc T. Ngo, Gregory Favaro, Eric Rengnet and Nick Bierwisch: “Determining the viscoelastic properties obtained by depth sensing microindentation of epoxy and polyester thermosets using a new phenomenological method”, Mater. Res. Express 2 (2015) 015301
[89] N. Schwarzer, “About Holistic Optimization – Examples From In- and Outside the World of Coatings”, 2015, Proceedings of the 58th Annual Technical SVC Conference
[90] N. Schwarzer, “Unorthodox Usage of Higgs Field Mechanism in Every Day Problems”, online archive of SIO, www.siomec.de/higgs
[91] N. Schwarzer, “From Hertz via Higgs to a Paradox Failure Mechanism”, The 2015 Fall issue of the SVC Bulletin, http://delivery.qmags.com/d/?pub=SVC&upid=19575&S=ML&fl=others%2fSVC%2fSVC_Fall_2015.pdf, 46-
[92] N. Schwarzer, “Scale invariant mechanical surface optimization applying analytical time dependent contact mechanics for layered structures”, Chapter 22 in “Applied Nanoindentation in Advanced Materials”, Atul Tiwari (Editor), Sridhar Natarajan (Co-Editor), ISBN: 978-1-119-08449-5, 2017, www.wiley.com/WileyCDA/WileyTitle/productCd-1119084490.html
[93] Simon Vogt, Thomas Greß, Franz Ferdinand Neumayer, Norbert Schwarzer, Adrian Harris, Wolfram Volk, „Method for highly spatially resolved determination of residual stress by using nanoindentation“,Production Engineering (2019) 13:133–138, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11740-018-0857-5
[94] T. Bodan, „7 Days – How to explain the world to my dying child“, in German: “7 Tage - Wie erkläre ich meinem sterbenden Kind die Welt”, www.amazon.com, ASIN: 1520917562
[95] T. Bodan, “The Eighth Day - Holocaust and the World’s Biggest Mysteries: The other Final Solution - with mathematical elaborations (English Edition)”, www.amazon.com, ASIN: B019M9ZHIE
[96] T. Bodan, “The Eighth Day”, www.amazon.com, ASIN: B015R1JPZ2
[97] Adam van Casteren, Peter W. Lucas, David S. Strait, Shaji Michael, Nick Bierwisch, Norbert Schwarzer, Khaled J. Al-Fadhalah, Abdulwahab S. Almusallam, Lidia A. Thai, Sreeja Saji, Ali Shekeban and Michael V. Swain: "Metallic proxies remain unsuitable for assessing the mechanics of microwear formation: reply to comment on van Casteren et al. (2018)", Royal Society Open Science (2019), https://doi.org/10.1098/rsos.190572
[98] Adam van Casteren, Peter W. Lucas, David S. Strait, Shaji Michael, Nick Bierwisch, Norbert Schwarzer, Khaled J. Al-Fadhalah, Abdulwahab S. Almusallam, Lidia A. Thai, Sreeja Saji, Ali Shekeban and Michael V. Swain: “Evidence that metallic proxies are unsuitable for assessing the mechanics of microwear formation and a new theory of the meaning of microwear”, Royal Society Open Science (2018), https://doi.org/10.1098/rsos.171699
[99] N. Schwarzer, T. Bodan, “Sherlock, Watson, Einstein – Part 1: The Mystery of Entanglement and the Spooky Action at a Distance”, as E-book on www.amazon.com ASIN: B079Z92GGM
[100] N. Schwarzer, T. Bodan, “Sherlock, Watson, Stalin Part 2: The Hell of Gender, Merkel, Communism and the Dictatorship of Parasites”, as E-book on www.amazon.com ASIN: B07BJ9PZWM
[101] T. Bodan: „EU vs. Britain – The other Monkey Trial“, www.amazon.com, ASIN: 1521304793
[102] T. Bodan: „Grexit, Eurokrise und Flüchtlinge - Vom dummverkauften Souverän zum mitbestimmenden Bürger - Oder: Warum unsere Politiker versagen müssen ja sogar versagen wollen“, www.amazon.com, ASIN: B0117KWE8W
[103] N. Schwarzer, “How Einstein gives Dirac, Klein-Gordon and Schrödinger”, www.amazon.com/dp/B071K2Y4V2
[104] N. Schwarzer, “The Theory of Everything - Quantum and Relativity is everywhere – A Fermat Universe”, Pan Stanford Publishing, (2019), ISBN-10: 9814774472
[105] N. Schwarzer, “Our Universe, Nothing but an Intelligent Zero? - The Dark Lord‘s Zero-Sum- & God’s Non-Zero-Sum-Game”, www.amazon.com/dp/B072J9H1BY
[106] N. Schwarzer, “Quantized GTR - Understanding the “Friedmanns”? “, www.amazon.com/dp/B01BQUTKG2
[107] N. Schwarzer, “Quantum Gravity Monster”, www.amazon.com/dp/B072N67RSN
[108] N. Schwarzer, “Entanglement: Einstein-Rosen-Bridges = Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen-Joints?“, www.amazon.com/dp/B071WSKGT9
[109] N. Schwarzer, “Particles - Spin, Quark Confinement, the Three Generation-Problem and Matter Anti-Matter Asymmetry“, www.amazon.com/dp/B06ZZ4LB5J
[110] N. Schwarzer, “Time, Mass and Higgs - How the Three Things Emerge From the Sublevel in a Theory of Everything”, www.amazon.com/dp/B06Y41F8NS
[111] N. Schwarzer, “Understanding Time”, www.amazon.com/dp/B01FNZUVT6
[112] N. Schwarzer, “Understanding the Electron? - Part I”, E-book, on www.amazon.com , ASIN B01CCRU6Q6, www.amazon.com/dp/B01CCRU6Q6
[113] N. Schwarzer, “General Quantization of Smooth Spaces - From ħ to Plancktensor & Planckfunction”, on www.amazon.com/dp/B01N9UGFX2
[114] N. Schwarzer, “Understanding the Electron II”, www.amazon.com/dp/B01N7QUTUL
[115] N. Schwarzer, „The Photon“, www.amazon.com/dp/B06XGC4NDM
[116] N. Schwarzer: „General Quantum Relativity“, www.amazon.com/dp/B01FG5RC0E
[117] N. Schwarzer, „Recipe to Quantize the General Theory of Relativity“, www.amazon.com/dp/B01FNZUVT6
[118] N. Schwarzer, “The Einstein Oscillator in 1D”, www.amazon.com/dp/B01N5UG8RJ
[119] N. Schwarzer, „Quantized Schwarzschild“, www.amazon.com/dp/B01N7YT6OF
[120] N. Schwarzer, “The Cosmic Atom & Quantum Friedmann Equations: The Quantum States of Friedmann–Lemaître–Robertson–Walker (FLRW) Universes and the 4 Friedmann equations”, www.amazon.com/dp/B07354DZFK
[121] N. Schwarzer: „Quantum Tribology – Part I: Theory“, www.amazon.com/dp/B01CI4BI2E
[122] T. Bodan, N. Schwarzer: „Quantum Economy“, www.amazon.com/dp/B01N80I0NG
[123] N. Schwarzer, „Quantized Relativized Theology – Where is God?“, www.amazon.com/dp/B01M0XPXTT
[124] N. Schwarzer, “Humanized Artificial Intelligence - Spiritual Computers - Make Them Believe and They’ll Start to Think”, www.amazon.com/dp/B072MNRLJP
[125] M. Burmeister, N. Schwarzer: ““Erosive and Sedimentation Processes of Lagoons at the Example of Laguna de Sotavento/Spain Canaries”, (2019),
[126] N. Schwarzer, “Einstein Already had it, But He Did not See it - Part 0: The Discarded Term from the Einstein-Hilbert-Action”, www.amazon.com/dp/B074FZBXDN
[127] N. Schwarzer, “Einstein had it, but he did not see it – Part I: How the Quantum Theory Resides in the Einstein-Hilbert-Action”, www.amzon.com/dp/B074JDX36V
[128] N. Schwarzer, “Einstein had it, but he did not see it – Part II: String Cosmology”, www.amzon.com/dp/B074KCNZ4T
[129] N. Schwarzer, “Einstein had it, but he did not see it – Part III: The Impossible Black-Hole Singularity”, www.amzon.com/dp/B074LV1RPD
[130] N. Schwarzer, “Einstein had it, but he did not see it – Part IV: Sixty e-Foldings”, www.amzon.com/dp/B0751H2BF8
[131] N. Schwarzer, “Einstein had it, but he did not see it – Part V: Amendment to the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle”, www.amzon.com/dp/B074MB3J3S
[132] N. Schwarzer, “Einstein had it, but he did not see it – Part VI: The Photon and the Flat Space”, www.amzon.com/dp/B074Y88N4K
[133] N. Schwarzer, “Einstein had it, but he did not see it – Part VII: Konrad Zuse’s Computing Universe”, www.amzon.com/dp/B0752Z99DL
[134] N. Schwarzer, “Einstein had it, but he did not see it – Part VIII: Derivation of the Speed of Light and other Funny Limits”, www.amzon.com/dp/B0753WS3LK
[135] N. Schwarzer, “Einstein had it, but he did not see it – Part IX: Fermat’s Last Theorem inside the Einstein-Hilbert-action?”, www.amzon.com/dp/B0753Q1NFV
[136] N. Schwarzer, “Einstein had it, but he did not see it – Part XI: Behind the Event Horizon”, www.amazon.com/dp/B075KQZ27L
[137] N. Schwarzer, “Einstein had it, but he did not see it – Part XIII: Why Equality is Always Hostile to Life”, www.amazon.com, ASIN: B07B6QZLMH
[138] N. Schwarzer, “Einstein had it, but he did not see it – Part XIV: braneworks or A Brany Universe”, www.amzon.com/dp/B077BVSFVY
[139] N. Schwarzer, “Einstein had it, but he did not see it – Part XV: The Genetic String-Code of the Universe”, www.amzon.com/dp/B0776YYFN1
[140] N. Schwarzer, “Einstein had it, but he did not see it – Part XVI: An Inner Kerr Solution”, www.amzon.com/dp/B077DD56GS
[141] N. Schwarzer, “Einstein had it, but he did not see it – Part XVII: A Funny Form of Vacuum”, www.amzon.com/dp/B077LVZBQC
[142] N. Schwarzer, “Einstein had it, but he did not see it – Part XVIII: A Few Matter Solutions”, www.amzon.com/dp/B077S51Q91
[143] N. Schwarzer, “Einstein had it, but he did not see it – Part XIX: The Cosmologic Neutralizer”, www.amzon.com/dp/B077VY4JQV
[144] N. Schwarzer, “Einstein had it, but he did not see it – Part XX: Higher Order Covariant Variation of the Einstein-Hilbert-Action”, www.amzon.com/dp/B0788VWKD4
[145] N. Schwarzer, “Einstein had it, but he did not see it – Part XXI: A Very Simple Theory of Everything”, www.amzon.com/dp/B078QTVKJS
[146] N. Schwarzer, “Einstein had it, but he did not see it – Part XXII: Finis Fabulae de Foraminibus Atris - Recipe to Evaluate Black Hole Matter”, www.amzon.com/dp/B078RVJTCW
[147] N. Schwarzer, “Einstein had it, but he did not see it – Part XXIII: A bit Cosmology”, www.amzon.com/dp/B078VRLJSS
[148] N. Schwarzer, “Einstein had it, but he did not see it – Part XXIV: A Variety of Solutions and the Dirac-Schwarzschild-Particle”, www.amazon.com/dp/B0796GZX8R
[149] N. Schwarzer, “Einstein had it, but he did not see it – Part XXV: The Vacuum Friedmann Cosmos and the Origin of a Quantal World”, www.amazon.com/dp/B078VRLJSS
[150] N. Schwarzer, “Einstein had it, but he did not see it – Part XXVI: The Nature of SPIN 1/2”, www.amazon.com/dp/B0798R3P8D
[151] N. Schwarzer, “Einstein had it, but he did not see it – Part XXVII: The Quantum Transformer Always Already was inside the General Theory of Relativity”, www.amazon.com/dp/B079LV64C3
[152] N. Schwarzer, “Einstein had it, but he did not see it – Part XXVIII: ¿ Anti Gravity ?”, www.amazon.com/dp/B079M1VG62
[153] N. Schwarzer: „KampfMutterRäumDienst und die perfekte Ummanzer Weihnacht“, www.amazon.com/dp/B00HF68KD6
[154] N. Schwarzer: „Eine Leiche vor der Haustür“, www.amazon.com/dp/B00E6K88DQ
[155] N. Schwarzer: „Ein Alien im Wohnzimmer“, www.amazon.com/dp/B00E3F0FZS
[156] T. Bodan, “No Such Unit: Gutmenschen gebären Nazis & dumme Politiker erschaffen ihre FÜHRER”, www.amazon.com/dp/B015HBIITG
[157] T. Bodan: „Kernwaffenfähig - Ultrabeschleunigte Uran Anreicherung und der Kampf um die Diffusionsgleichung“, www.amazon.com/dp/B015IVHE18
[158] T. Bodan: „Weapons Grade - Ultra accelerated Uranium enrichment and the war about the diffusion equation“, www.amazon.com/dp/B00RBQK36C
[159] T. Bodan: ‘Gemeine Feldmaus, Genosse Major!‘ oder Mein Kampf vor Seelingrad und das wahre Ende der DDR", www.amazon.com/dp/B00R034ZXS
[160] N. Schwarzer, “Einstein had it, but he did not see it – Part XXIX: Space Strain Invariants and the Evaluation of Mass”, www.amazon.com/dp/B079QS8G1Z
[161] N. Schwarzer, “Einstein had it, but he did not see it – Part XXX: ¿ Neutrino Oscillations Directly Evaluated from the Einstein-Field-Equations ?”, www.amazon.com/dp/B079RMH7LF
[162] N. Schwarzer, “Einstein had it, but he did not see it – Part XXXI: A Cosmologic Pairwise Entanglement of Dimensions and the Holographic Principle”, as E-book on www.amazon.com ASIN: B07B5GBQ4N
[163] N. Schwarzer, “Einstein had it, but he did not see it – Part XXXII: Enough to Play With - More Quantum Friedmann Solutions”, www.amazon.com, ASIN: B07BVH69RH
[164] N. Schwarzer, „Einstein had it… Part XXXIII: Elementary Particle Universes (without spin and shear components)”, www.amazon.com, ASIN: B07CGFHBC2
[165] N. Schwarzer, “Einstein had it, but he did not see it – Part XXXIV: Is this the Electron?”, www.amazon.com, ASIN: B07CS6F4S9
[166] N. Schwarzer, „Einstein had it… Part XXXV: The 2-Body Problem and the GTR-Origin of Mass”, www.amazon.com, ASIN: B07CWP3V1S
[167] N. Schwarzer, „Einstein had it… Part XXXVI: The Classical and Principle Misinterpretation of the Einstein-Field-Equations AND How it Might be Done Correctly”, www.amazon.com, ASIN: B07D68G9M9
[168] N. Schwarzer, “Einstein had it, but he did not see it – Part XXXVII: Most Simple Singularity-Free “Black Holes””, www.amazon.com, ASIN: B07D6TFYNT
[169] N. Schwarzer, “Einstein had it, but he did not see it – Part XXXVIII: The Einstein Hydrogen Atom”, www.amazon.com, ASIN: B07D7VDM31
[170] N. Schwarzer, “Einstein had it, but he did not see it – Part XXXIX: EQ or The Einstein Quantum Computer”, www.amazon.com, ASIN: B07D9MBRS3
[171] N. Schwarzer, “The Einstein Quantum Computer - Mathematical Principle and Transition to the Classical Discrete and Quantum Computer Design”, www.amazon.com, ASIN: B07D9J5VLV
[172] N. Schwarzer, “Einstein had it, but he did not see it – Part XL: The Einstein Hydrogen Atom with „Spin“”, www.amazon.com, ASIN: B07DG1N3JD
[173] N. Schwarzer, “Einstein had it, but he did not see it – Part XLI: Generalized Rotating “Black Holes””, www.amazon.com, ASIN: B07DCCDQ2X
[174] N. Schwarzer, “Einstein had it, but he did not see it – Part XLII: Simplest Way to Quantize the General Theory of Relativity”, www.amazon.com, ASIN: B07DCXLC2J
[175] N. Schwarzer, “Einstein had it, but he did not see it – Part XLIII: A Selection of Einstein-Dirac-Particles”, www.amazon.com, ASIN: B07DPVRZ8B
[176] N. Schwarzer, “Einstein had it, but he did not see it – Part XLIV: Fundamental Normalizable Solutions and Their Limits Towards Classical Metrics”, www.amazon.com, ASIN: B07DTJZ8YY
[177] N. Schwarzer, “Einstein had it, but he did not see it – Part XLV: Inner and Outer Solutions to Schwarzschild and Flat Space”, www.amazon.com, ASIN: B07DVPLS55
[178] N. Schwarzer, “Einstein had it, but he did not see it – Part XLVI: 3 and More Inner Solutions & Three Generations of Particles?”, www.amazon.com, ASIN: B07DZZQ92M
[179] N. Schwarzer, “Einstein had it, but he did not see it – Part XLVII: Towards A Pauli Exclusion Principle Derived From the Einstein-Field-Equations”, www.amazon.com, ASIN: B07F141N26
[180] N. Schwarzer, „Einstein had it… Part XLVIII: Agapornis – Particles One Cannot Separate”, www.amazon.com, ASIN: B07F6G6BXW
[181] N. Schwarzer, “Einstein had it, but he did not see it – Part XLIX: Shear as Origin of the Higgs Field”, www.amazon.com, ASIN: B07F6G4M5N
[182] N. Schwarzer, “Einstein had it, but he did not see it – Part L: Big Bang Inflation Black Hole Pregnant with Universe”, www.amazon.com, ASIN: B07FJMQV7Z
[183] N. Schwarzer, “Einstein had it, but he did not see it – Part LI: Why Space-Time might be Discrete”, www.amazon.com, ASIN: B07G89L71J
[184] N. Schwarzer, “Einstein had it, but he did not see it – Part LII: Why we might live inside a Black Hole”, www.amazon.com, ASIN: B07GBHLY8Z
[185] N. Schwarzer, “Einstein had it, but he did not see it – Part LIII: They Are Everywhere! Why there are so Many Sigmoid-Dependencies in this World”, www.amazon.com, ASIN: B07G8F9X6T
[186] N. Schwarzer, “Einstein had it, but he did not see it – Part LIV: Mathematical Philosophy & Quantum Gravity Ethic”, www.amazon.com, ASIN: B07GR994HT
[187] N. Schwarzer, “Einstein had it, but he did not see it – Part LV: The Fundamental Connection of Quantum Theory and General Theory of Relativity”, www.amazon.com, ASIN: B07H7P5STL
[188] N. Schwarzer, “Einstein had it, but he did not see it – Part LVI: What is Mass? What is Energy?”, www.amazon.com, ASIN: B07HLD9N1B
[189] N. Schwarzer, “Einstein Already had it, But He Did not See it - Part LVII: The Schwarzschild-Hydrogen Atom”, www.amazon.com, ASIN: B07HMDS3YZ
[190] N. Schwarzer, “Einstein Already had it, But He Did not See it - Part LVIII: The Most Simple Nature of this Funny Phenomenon Called “Spin””, www.amazon.com, ASIN: B07HP5D6XD
[191] N. Schwarzer, “Einstein Already had it, But He Did not See it - Part LIX: A Brief Story about the Matter Anti-Matter Asymmetry”, www.amazon.com, ASIN: B07HRH8Q8X
[192] N. Schwarzer, “Einstein had it, but he did not see it – Part LX: The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Creation of a Universe”, www.amazon.com, ASIN: B07HRLLMFS
[193] N. Schwarzer, “Einstein had it, but he did not see it – Part LXI: Don’t Panic in a Universe with Only One Dimension”, www.amazon.com, ASIN: B07HZ1ZV8R
[194] N. Schwarzer, “Einstein had it, but he did not see it – Part LXII: The Quantization of Schwarzschild and FLRW-Metrics”, www.amazon.com, ASIN: B07J4C64T2
[195] N. Schwarzer, “Einstein Already had it, But He Did not See it - Part LXIII: Einstein-Field-Equations = Dirac² (+) Klein-Gordon”, www.amazon.com, ASIN: B07JVFV4HP
[196] N. Schwarzer, “Einstein Already had it, But He Did not See it - Part LXIV: Origin of the 6 Infinity Stones”, www.amazon.com, ASIN: B07JGB7WKG
[197] N. Schwarzer, “Einstein Already had it, But He Did not See it - Part LXV: Swing When You’re Singing”, www.amazon.com, ASIN: B07JFMMVKQ
[198] N. Schwarzer, “Einstein Already had it, But He Did not See it - Part LXVI: The Other Time”, www.amazon.com, ASIN: B07JZF34RG
[199] N. Schwarzer, “Einstein Already had it, But He Did not See it - Part LXVII: Simplest Metric Quantum Operators”, www.amazon.com, ASIN: B07K1FMHBW
[200] N. Schwarzer, “Einstein had it, but he did not see it – Part LXVIII: Most fundamental Tools for Optimum Decision-Making based on Quantum Gravity”, www.amazon.com, ASIN: B07KDFDZVZ
[201] N. Schwarzer, “Einstein had it, but he did not see it – Part LXIX: The Hippocratic Oath in Mathematical Form and why – so often – it will be of no Use”, www.amazon.com, ASIN: B07KDSMNSK
[202] N. Schwarzer, “Einstein had it, but he did not see it – Part LXX: Extended Variation of the Einstein-Hilbert-Action results in Quantum Theory”, www.amazon.com, ASIN: B07LCS6PVM
[203] N. Schwarzer, “Einstein had it, but he did not see it – Part LXXI: The 3-Generation Problem, Spin, Neutrinos, Electron, Muon, Tauon and the Photon from Fundamental Geometric Principles”, www.amazon.com, ASIN: B07M9FDCK1
[204] N. Schwarzer, “Einstein had it, but he did not see it – Part LXXII: Connection between Schwarzschild Radius and Dirac Rest Mass”, www.amazon.com, ASIN: B07ML1S8F2
[205] N. Schwarzer, „Philosophical Engineering Part 1: The Honest Non-Parasitic Philosopher and the Universal “GOOD” Derived from a Theory of Everything“, www.amazon.com, ASIN: B07KNWRDYW
[206] N. Schwarzer, “Einstein had it, but he did not see it – Part LXXIII: Wave-Particle Duality as a Direct Outcome of the General Theory of Relativity”, www.amazon.com, ASIN: B07MW7HZ81
[207] N. Schwarzer, “Einstein had it, but he did not see it – Part LXXIV: Worldformulae-Approaches of Various Orders”, www.amazon.com, ASIN: B07MYN331H
[208] N. Schwarzer, “Einstein had it, but he did not see it – Part LXXV: The Metric Creation of Matter”, www.amazon.com, ASIN: B07ND3LWZJ
[209] N. Schwarzer, “Einstein had it, but he did not see it – Part LXXVI: Quantum Universes – We don’t need no… an Inflation”, www.amazon.com, ASIN: B07NLH3JJV
[210] N. Schwarzer, “Einstein had it, but he did not see it – Part LXXVII: Matter is Nothing and so Nothing Matters”, www.amazon.com, ASIN: B07NQKKC31
[211] N. Schwarzer, “Einstein had it, but he did not see it – Part LXXVIII: About a Possible Quantum Gravity Alternative to Schwarzschild and Co.”, www.amazon.com, ASIN: B07NXRL2BH
[212] N. Schwarzer, “Einstein had it, but he did not see it – Part LXXIX: Dark Matter Options”, www.amazon.com, ASIN: B07PDMH2JB
[213] N. Schwarzer, “Einstein had it, but he did not see it – Part LXXX: Short Note on the Killing of Dirac”, www.amazon.com, ASIN: B07NKZVF61
[214] N. Schwarzer, “Einstein had it, but he did not see it – Part LXXXII: Half Spin Hydrogen”, www.amazon.com, ASIN: B07Q3NFB39
[215] N. Schwarzer, “Einstein had it, but he did not see it – Part LXXXIII: Quantum Relativity – The Two Sides of the Same Medal”, www.amazon.com, ASIN: B07TJQ9BGD
[216] N. Schwarzer, “Science Riddles – Riddle No. 1: The Peculiar Quantum Schwarzschild Amplitude – A Coincidence?”, www.amazon.com, ASIN: B07QH7X5LK
[217] N. Schwarzer, “Science Riddles – Riddle No. 2: Quarks – Real or Just THE Greatest Deception the Universe did to Mankind?”, www.amazon.com, ASIN: B07QKFG2JJ
[218] N. Schwarzer, “Science Riddles – Riddle No. 3: Was (IS) there a Big Bang Bomb?”, www.amazon.com, ASIN: B07QKMTBWM
[219] N. Schwarzer, “Science Riddles – Riddle No. 4: What is the Fundamental Substance of a Physical Potential?”, www.amazon.com, ASIN: B07R4BNPL7
[120] N. Schwarzer, “Science Riddles – Riddle No. 5: What makes the quantum equations so linear?”, www.amazon.com, ASIN: B07R6HG4SV
[221] N. Schwarzer, “Science Riddles – Riddle No. 6: What is Time?”, www.amazon.com, ASIN: B07R5JMSPG
[222] N. Schwarzer, “Science Riddles – Riddle No. 7: Is the Theory of Everything THE most potent Patent Killing Machine?”, www.amazon.com, ASIN: B07RG6ZSK1
[223] N. Schwarzer, “Science Riddles – Riddle No. 8: Could the Schwarzschild Metric Contain its own Quantum Solution?”, www.amazon.com, ASIN: B07S2DCTBG
[224] N. Schwarzer, “Science Riddles – Riddle No. 9: …?”, to be published on www.amazon.com
[225] N. Schwarzer, “Science Riddles – Riddle No. 10: What, where and why is the Higgs Field?”, www.amazon.com, ASIN: B07SPCQ2V2
[226] N. Schwarzer, “Science Riddles – Riddle No. 11: What is Mass?”, www.amazon.com, ASIN: B07SSF1DFP
[227] N. Schwarzer, “Science Riddles – Riddle No. 12: Is There a Cosmological Spin?”, www.amazon.com, ASIN: B07T3WS7XK
[228] N. Schwarzer, “Science Riddles – Riddle No. 13: How to Solve the Flatness Problem?”, www.amazon.com, ASIN: B07T9WXZVH
[229] N. Schwarzer, “Science Riddles – Riddle No. 14: And what if Time…? A Paradigm Shift”, www.amazon.com, ASIN: B07VTMP2M8
[230] N. Schwarzer, “Science Riddles – Riddle No. 15: Is there an Absolute Scale?”, www.amazon.com, ASIN: B07V9F2124
[231] N. Schwarzer, “Is there an ultimate, truly fundamental and universal Computer Machine?”, www.amazon.com, ASIN: B07V52RB2F
[232] N. Schwarzer, “Science Riddles – Riddle No. 16: How to Understand the Dirac Equation?”, www.amazon.com, ASIN: B07VFW2Z3F
[233] N. Schwarzer, “Science Riddles – Riddle No. 17: How Einstein becomes first order and goes Dirac - Can we factorize the Einstein-Field-Equations?”, www.amazon.com, ASIN: B07VV9FG7K
[234] N. Schwarzer, “Science Riddles – Riddle No. 18: And what if Space…? A Paradigm Shift”, www.amazon.com, ASIN: B07W58DSQZ
[235] N. Schwarzer, "Is Ultra-hardness possible - a theoretical feasibility study", an extended version of the paper in www.siomec.de/ultra-hard-coatings, Surface and Coatings Technology, submitted October 2012
[236] N. Schwarzer, About the identification of GENERIC tribological parameters and the effective Indenter concept applied to a comprehensive 3D incremental wear and fretting model for layered surfaces, Wear, submitted August 2012
[237] J. G. Kohl, N. Schwarzer, T. T. Ngo, G. Favaro, N. Bierwisch, Relating viscoelastic properties obtained by depth sensing microindentation to scratch behavior of epoxy and polyester thermosets, Wear, submitted August 2012
[238] Florian Seibert, Max Döbeli, Doris M. Fopp-Spori, Kerstin Glaentz, Helmut Rudigier, Norbert Schwarzer, Beno Widrig, Jürgen Ramm, Comparison of arc evaporated Mo-based coatings versus Cr1N1 and ta-C coatings by reciprocating wear test, Wear (February 2013), 298-299, Complete, pg. 14-22
[239] N. Schwarzer, “Endlessly Touchable – the Next Generation of Surface and Coating Optimization- About the identification of GENERIC tribological parameters, sophisticated completely analytical contact modeling and the effective indenter concept applied to a comprehensive 3D incremental wear and fretting model for layered surfaces” , SIO Online Archive of Publications, 2013, www.siomec.de/pubs/2013/001
[240] N. Schwarzer: “Endlessly Touchable - Structural Solutions for the Next Generation of Tribo-Protective Coatings”, Micromaterials and Nanomaterials, July 2013
[241] Liskiewicz TW, Beake BD, Schwarzer N, Davies MI, Short note on improved integration of mechanical testing in predictive wear models, Surface & Coatings Technology, 2013, Vol. 237, 212-218.
[242] N. Schwarzer: “About Stress Field, Time and Temperature Dependent Contact Mechanics for Thin Film Structures – Especially the Role of Intrinsic Stresses”, Proceedings of TechCon 2014, accepted August 2014 N. Schwarzer, "About Stress Field, Time and Temperature Dependent Contact Mechanics for Thin Film Structures – Especially the Role of Intrinsic Stresses", Proceedings of TechCon 2015, D. M. Mattox invited talk for SVC 2015, accepted August 2015
[243] N. Schwarzer, "SCALE INVARIANT MECHANICAL SURFACE OPTIMIZATION APPLYING ANALYTICAL TIME DEPENDENT CONTACT MECHANICS FOR LAYERED STRUCTURES", Proceedings of SMT-28, Tampere 2014, 287, Tampere University of Technology Tampere, Finland, June 16-18, 2014, http://www.gbv.de/dms/tib-ub-hannover/78861911x.pdf
[244] N. Schwarzer: "From interatomic interaction potentials via Einstein field equation techniques to time dependent contact mechanics", Materials Research Express, 1, 1, IOP Publishing, 19-Mar-14, http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/2053-1591/1/1/015042
[245] N. Schwarzer, “Einstein had it, but he did not see it – Part LXXXI: More Dirac Killing”, www.amazon.com, ASIN: B07WW1G6N7
[246] N. Schwarzer, “Einstein had it, but he did not see it – Part LXXXIV: A Worldformula(?)”, www.amazon.com, ASIN: B07WW1G6N7
[247] N. Schwarzer, “Science Riddles – Riddle No. 19: Is there a Worldformula?”, www.amazon.com, ASIN: B07WRVHDWF
[248] N. Schwarzer, „From Quantum Gravity to a Quantum Relative Material Science - A Very First Principle Material Science Concept“, www.amazon.com, ASIN: B07X8H9Y7Z
[249] N. Schwarzer, „Quantum Gravity Thermodynamics - And it May Get Hotter“, www.amazon.com, ASIN: B07XC2JW7F
[250] N. Schwarzer, „Epistle to Elementary Particle Physicists - A Chance You Might not Want to Miss“, www.amazon.com, ASIN: B07XDMLDQQ
[251] N. Schwarzer, „2nd Epistle to Elementary Particle Physicists - Brief Study about Gravity Field Solutions for Confined Particles“, published on www.amazon.com, ASIN: B07XN8GLXD
[252] N. Schwarzer, „3rd Epistle to Elementary Particle Physicists - Beyond the Standard Model – Metric Solutions for Neutrino, Electron, Quark“, published on www.amazon.com, ASIN: B07XJJ535T
[253] N. Schwarzer, “Einstein had it, but he did not see it – Part LXXXV: In Conclusion”, www.amazon.com, ASIN: B07WW1G6N7
[254] N. Schwarzer, “Science Riddles – Riddle No. 20: Evolution – Where is its Fundamental Origin?”, www.amazon.com, ASIN: B07Y79BTT9
[255] N. Schwarzer, “Science Riddles – Riddle No. 21: Is there a Worldformula?”, www.amazon.com, ASIN: B07YKL37DL
[256] N. Schwarzer, „Quantum Gravity Thermodynamics II - Derivation of the Second Law of Thermodynamics and the Metric Driving Force of Evolution “, www.amazon.com, ASIN: B07XWPXF3G