Hallo! Bzgl. Jacob & Josef Kohn: Woher hast Du die Information, dass die Ausstellung 1906 nicht in Madrid, sondern in Mailand war? Laut war sie in Madrid! lG --menphrad✉ 17:23, 24. Jun. 2009 (CEST)
Hello: Entschuldigung Ich schreibe nicht gut Deutsch¡ "Madrid 1906" is a mistake in the web that you mention. See Giovanni Renzi, Il Mobile Moderno. Gebrüder Thonet Vienna, Jacob & Josef Kohn, Milano: Silvana Editoriale, 2008, pp. 186-187 for Milan Universal Exhibition of 1906 with Kohn participation. I have never heard about any universal or international Exhibition in Madrid in 1906. In Spain, J & J Kohn only participated in Barcelona universal exhibition of 1888. So, probably "Madrid" is a mistake that comes from the word "Mailand"... Milano written somewhere. (nicht signierter Beitrag von Bentkohn (Diskussion | Beiträge) 18:10, 24. Jun. 2009)
¡Muchas gracias! Your source seems to be very reliable, so thank you very much for this correction! I will correct the article! Do you have any further information on J & J Kohn or the exhibitions? ¡Hasta luego! --menphrad✉ 18:30, 24. Jun. 2009 (CEST)
Yes, the correct list is, at least, with these additions: 1873 Wien; 1888 Barcelona; 1896 Nizhni Novgorod; 1908 Kunstschau Wien; I would include Kunstschau Wien as in the list I think there are included In and Aus land important exhibitions. And the bibliography related to this new information is available in: Julio Vives Chillida, Jacob & Josef Kohn. Una mirada desde Barcelona. La casa de muebles Kohn en la Exposición Universal de Barcelona de 1888: madera curvada, historicismo y modernismo, Barcelona, Editorial La Plana, 2006, ISBN: 84-934664-8-4 (in spanish); Julio Vives Chillida, Josef Hoffmann y Jacob & Josef Kohn en la Kunstschau Wien de 1908. La pequeña casa de campo: una efímera obra de arte total, 2008 Editorial (print on demand), ISBN 978-1-4092-0239-4 (in spanish); y Genrih GATSURA, Jacob & Josef Kohn Furniture. J & J Kohn on the Furniture market of Imperial Russia 2008, ISBN 5-7071-0372-4 (in russian). Saludos.
Of course, I would like to cooperate with well-founded information and photographs if there is interest. I´m not able to write in deutsch but I can supervise the text and the general idea of the article. My email is available searching "Espaicorbat" in google so there is here transparency. Regards.
Well, I´m trying to do it myself, I hope my contributions will be welcome.
Yes, they are very welcome! I only have to make some minor corrections to grammatic and phrasing! Very well done and thank you very much for all your edits! best regards --menphrad✉ 10:30, 26. Jun. 2009 (CEST)
Thank you. I would like to add images but I dont know how to to it. I can send them to an email with the relevant data if agreed.
- The best way is to upload them to Wikipedia Commons. The most important part of uploading photos to Wikipedia is to keep in mind the copyright!!! Otherwise the photos will be deleted without comments! regards --menphrad✉ 21:51, 26. Jun. 2009 (CEST)
Sorry, I did not want to erase the web reference to Volghofer, only to mark a distance with it in the phrase I have put in the introduction. There is some lack of fairness in the word "Campaing" of Kohn against Thonet patent if it is not followed by an explanation of the context of legal legitimacy, as Kohn registered an improvement of Thonet procedures. Also the idea that all the others were "concurrents of Thonet" has the implicit meaning of legitimate a suposed right related to a situation of market monopoly unreal from an economic point of view and unuseful for the development of the industrial revolution in Österreich-Ungarn. In fact after balanced consideration in the following years will be Thonet the "concurrence" of Kohn due to its special position. It is for me clear that Gebrüder Thonet was "the second" during the whole existence of Kohn, at least bettwen 1876 and 1914.
Hola! Do you have a reference for Amstblatt zur Wiener Zeitung, nr. 288, Freitag den 6. December 1867 and Jacob & Josef Kohn. Memorandum of the firm Jacob & Josef Kohn, Wsetin, (Austria, Moravia) for the centennial exhibition in Philadelphia 1876. Philadelphia Museum of Art. Museum Library.[NK2545 .K64m PDF].? - regards --menphrad✉ 15:11, 28. Jun. 2009 (CEST)
Hello: the Amstblatt zur Wiener Zeitung, nr. 288, Freitag den 6. December 1867 is a reference in itself (I have a copy but not the source)and the pdf of the Philadelphia Universal exhibition is available (freely open) in the same Museum Library website [1] where anyone can downloaded and see the history of the enterprise from the point of view of Kohn. They made the pdf and put it open in its website due to its importance for Kohn history. Regards.Exactly this one:
For more precision I have made a reference to this document in my website asociated to Lulu Editorial which I have put in the list of weblinks. This web serves as a periodical source of information about the firm. MFG.