Letzter Kommentar: vor 7 Jahren1 Kommentar1 Person ist an der Diskussion beteiligt
Ich habe gesehen, dass du dich kürzlich hier angemeldet hast, und möchte dir ein paar Tipps geben, damit du dich in der Wikipedia möglichst schnell zurechtfindest:
Diskussionsbeiträge sollten immer mit Klick auf diese Schaltfläche unterschrieben werden – Beiträge zu Artikeln hingegen nicht.
Sei mutig, aber vergiss bitte nicht, dass andere Benutzer auch Menschen sind. Daher wahre bitte immer einen freundlichen Umgangston, auch wenn du dich mal über andere ärgerst.
Bitte gib bei Artikelbearbeitungen möglichst immer eine Quelle an (am besten als Einzelnachweis).
Begründe deine Bearbeitung kurz in der Zusammenfassungszeile. Damit vermeidest du, dass andere Benutzer deine Änderung rückgängig machen, weil sie diese nicht nachvollziehen können.
Nicht alle Themen und Texte sind für eine Enzyklopädie wie die Wikipedia geeignet. Enttäuschungen beim Schreiben von Artikeln kannst du vermeiden, wenn du dir zuvor Wikipedia:Was Wikipedia nicht ist und Wikipedia:Relevanzkriterien anschaust.
Schön, dass du zu uns gestoßen bist – und: Lass dich nicht stressen.
Letzter Kommentar: vor 7 Jahren2 Kommentare2 Personen sind an der Diskussion beteiligt
Hi Debora, falls ich/wir letztes Wochenende doch deinen Interesse geweckt ahben , bei udn auch als freiwillige Autorin mitzumachen, kann ich dir nur anraten dafür einen zweiten Account anzulegen. Und diesen hier nur für die offizielle Arbeit im Zugsamenhang mit WMCH zu nutzen. Das macht/machte auch Lantus und Muriell so. Das man den (WMCH) Accaunt nur benutzt wenn man im Auftrag von WMCH was mitteilen oder beantwortet. Für die freiwillige Mitarbeit in den Projekten aber eine anderen Account benutzt.--Bobo11 (Diskussion) 22:54, 16. Jan. 2018 (CET)Beantworten
Letzter Kommentar: vor 6 Jahren3 Kommentare3 Personen sind an der Diskussion beteiligt
Hallo, ich habe hier gelesen, dass auch das Schweizerische Bundesarchiv entweder eine*n WiR hat oder hatte. Weißt Du davon oder bist Du gar die genannte Person? Wir haben in Berlin im nächsten Monat eine Veranstaltung mit einer Wikimedian in Residence und ich überlege, einen entsprechenden Artikel auf Deutsch zu verfassen. Allerdings ist mir unklar, wie das korrekte Lemma als Übersetzung dieses Begriffs(?) wäre. Daher habe ich erst mal nur geschaut, was er überhaupt beinhaltet. Kannst Du weiterhelfen oder mitteilen, wer das kann? Grüße von Iva12:41, 6. Feb. 2019 (CET)Beantworten
Hallo, ich bin so frei. Wikipedian in Residence in Bern war Benutzer:Micha (Micha L. Rieser). – Das letzte GLAM-Wochenende haben wir uns in Berlin in der AG3 zwar intensiv über WiR unterhalten, den Begriff aber nie übersetzt. Unklar ist, ob es in Zukunft Wikimedian oder Wikipedian in Residence heissen soll, Wikipedia hat als unser Leuchtturm Akzeptanz, Wikimedian könnte weiteren Erklärungsbedarf erfordern. Auch auf unserer Tagung Offene Archive 2.4 haben wir nur vom Wikipedian in Residence gesprochen.
Absolute Zustimmung zu Iva den entsprechenden Artikel anzulegen. Hier ist die grosse, leider unvollständige Liste:
Hallo Iva. Die Unterscheidung ist einfach. Ein "Wikipedian in Residence" erstellt aus den Inhalten einer Institution Artikel für die Wikipedia. Ein "Wikimedian in Residence" bereitet die Inhalte auch für andere Projekte wie Commons und Wikidata auf. Eine Übersetzung des Begriffes gibt es nicht. Da es eine weltweite Zusammenarbeitsform ist und in mehreren dutzend Ländern stattfindet, ist es schön, weltweit einen einheitlichen Begriff zu haben. Fast alle anderen Wikimedian-in-Residence-Projekte kannst Du auf folgender Seite sehen (bitte herunterscrollen): outreach:Wikipedian in Residence. --Gereon K. (Diskussion) 13:11, 9. Feb. 2019 (CET)Beantworten
Sweden report: FindingGLAMs Challenge; Art by Edvard Munch from the Thiel Gallery; More European archives on Wikidata; OpenGLAM now! – watch the presentations; Wikipedia in Libraries
Indonesia report: Proposing collaboration with museums in Bali; First Wikisource training in the region
Netherlands report: Students write articles about Media artists, Public Domain Day 2020, Wiki Goes Caribbean, WikiFridays at Ihlia - Wikimedia Nederland in January & February 2020
Norway report: Wikipedia editing workshop with the Norwegian Network for Museums
Indonesia report: Volunteers' meet-up; Wiki Cinta Budaya 2020 structured data edit-a-thon
Ireland report: Video tutorials; Celtic Knot Conference 2020
Kosovo report: WoALUG and NGO Germin call Albanian Diaspora to contribute to Wikipedia
Netherlands report: Nationaal Museum van Wereldculturen contributes to Wikimedia Commons again; Student research on GLAM-Wiki at Erasmus University Rotterdam
Serbia report: March Highlights - Everything is postponed
Sweden report: FindingGLAMs; Wikipedia in libraries; Art from the Thiel Gallery Collections; Kulturhistoria som gymnasiearbete
Brazil report: GLAMce at Museu Paulista: making things machine-readable
Czech Republic report: WikiGap 2020 in Czech Republic; International event; support for Wikimedia community; edit-a-thon run with the US embassy and the Swedish Embassy
France report: Association des Archivistes Francais; Palladia, a museum collection portal based on Wikimedia resources
Netherlands report: Analysis of Dutch GLAM-Wiki projects in relation to the Dutch Digital Heritage Reference Architecture, Content donation from Utrecht Archives, Detecting Wikipedia articles strongly based on single library collections and Collection highlights of the KB
Sweden report: Free music on Wikipedia; NHB webinars; Wikipedia in libraries – Projekt HBTQI
Estonia report: Virtual exhibition about Polish-Estonian relations. Rephotography and cultural heritage
Germany report: KulTour in Swabia and 8000 documents new online
India report: Utilising Occasion for Content donation: A story
Netherlands report: WMIN & WMNL collaboration & Japanese propaganda films
Serbia report: Enriching Wiki projects in different ways
Sweden report: Free music and new recordings of songs in the public domain; Autumn in the libraries; Yes, you can hack the heritage this year – online!
Uganda report: Participating in the African Librarians Week (24-30 May 2020)
France report: AAF training course; Workshops in Strasbourg; European Heritage Days: Rennes; Wiki Loves Monuments
Germany report: Ahoy! Wikipedians set sail to document the reality of modern seafaring
Indonesia report: New GLAM partnerships on data donation; Commons structured data edit-a-thon
Norway report: Students taking on GLAM Wiki women in red
Sweden report: Musikverket: more folk music and photos; Hack for Heritage 2020; Wiki Loves Monuments; Wikipedia in the libraries; Digital Book Fair on Wikipedia
Sweden report: Librarians learn about Wikidata; More Swedish literature on Wikidata; Online Edit-a-thon Dalarna; Applications to the Swedish Innovation Agency; Kulturhistoria som gymnasiearbete; Librarians and Projekt HBTQI; GLAM Statistical Tool
USA report: American Archive of Public Broadcasting; Smithsonian Women in Finance Edit-a-thon; Black Lunch Table; San Diego/October 2020; WikiWednesday Salon
Canada report: Branding Toolkit released by the Canadian Museums Association for GLAMs
Finland report: Hundreds of thousands of new photos released
Germany report: The Karl-Preusker-Medal 2020 goes to Wikimedia Deutschland e. V.
Netherlands report: Documentation of workflows for the ingestion of bibliographic data into Wikidata; Wikipedia & Africa: Why contributing to Wikipedia matters
Canada report: Branding Toolkit released by the Canadian Museums Association for GLAMs
Finland report: Hundreds of thousands of new photos released
Germany report: The Karl-Preusker-Medal 2020 goes to Wikimedia Deutschland e. V.
Netherlands report: Documentation of workflows for the ingestion of bibliographic data into Wikidata; Wikipedia & Africa: Why contributing to Wikipedia matters
France report: Journée Wikimédia Culture et numérique 2021; French open content report
Germany report: Northern Exposure for cultural heritage data
India report: Proofread competition on Bengali Wikisource in collaboration with British Library
Indonesia report: Wikisource Competition 2021; Museum Daerah Deli Serdang is now on Commons
Italy report: A Wikipedian in residence at the Civic Museum of Modena: report
Netherlands report: WikiVrijdagen with Atria and IHLIA, Wikimedians in Residence will increase the visibility of media art on Wikipedia, Wikimedia training: shared heritage, Papiamentu and Papiamento: Wikipedia is up and ready to go!
Sweden report: Working with UN Human Rights; Aftermath to the fiddler competition; Music manuscripts from the 18th century; Digital visions; Should museums work with Wikipedia?; Wikidata project with museums has results
France report: Wikimedian in residence; Some projects for this autumn
India report: Second proofread competition starts on Bengali Wikisource in collaboration with the British Library
Italy report: Summer school in July and two new WiR in August
Netherlands report: 50 cool new things you can now do with KB’s collection highlights, and New old photographs of Algeria, Mali and Morocco by Angeline van Achterberg
Sweden report: The Constitution of Pylyp Orlyk; More museum data on Wikidata; LGBT edit-a-thon; Local business history in Nyköping; Stockholm City Museum ♥ Wikipedia; Writing about fashion at Nordiska museet
UK report: British Library and Khalili Collections
USA report: Wikiconference North America + Workshops
Content Partnerships Hub report: Needs assessment interviews; Cultural heritage on Wikidata – thousands of monuments in Norway; Structured Data uploads continue
Ukraine report: Aricle contest for librarians «Local cultural heritage and prominent people»
USA report: Smithsonian demos new Wiki API Connector tool and other meetups
Content Partnerships Hub report: We continue building for the hub; SDC for fun and profit: detecting bad coordinates; Needs assessment – video recorded interviews; Improving ISA
WMF GLAM report: Wikisource birthday celebration, Community Tech Wishlist, and upcoming conversation about courses for GLAM professionals
India report: Wikimedian-in-Residence program initiated at the Research Institute of World's Ancient Traditions, Cultures and Heritage in Arunachal Pradesh
Italy report: The growth of sharing on Wikimedia projects
Netherlands report: Letters from Sierra Leone: the Sjoerd Hofstra photo collection in a new light
New Zealand report: Forming Wikimedia Aotearoa and the Aotearoa New Zealand Theses Project
Serbia report: News in Wikipedian in residence projects
Sweden report: Training at the National Archives of Sweden; Training at the Stockholm City Museum; Training at the Swedish National Museum of Science and Technology; Improved images from Swedish Performing Arts Agency
Kosovo report: Cooperation with the National Gallery of Kosova and Summer of Wikivoyage 2022
Malaysia report: WikiGap Malaysia 2022 @ Kuala Lumpur Library
New Zealand report: Pacific Arts Aotearoa Wikiproject, Auckland Museum's Exploratory Study and Report back on #1Lib1Ref
Poland report: Wikipedian in residence in the National Museum in Cracow; Training at the Wawel Royal Castle National Art Collection; How can we make GLAM’s digital resources more reusable in education?; The International Museum Day 2022 Wikidata Competition
Sweden report: Rembrandt and others – drawings from the Nationalmuseum in Stockholm; Stockholm Museum of Women’s History; The map book of Heinrich Thome; Sörmland Museum; Wikidata competition – International Museum Day 2022
Italy report: Opening and closing projects in June
Kosovo report: Edit-a-thon with Kino Lumbardhi; DokuTech; CEE Spring 2022 in Albania and Kosovo
New Zealand report: West Coast Wikipedian at Large and Auckland Museum updates
Poland report: Wikipedian in residence in the National Museum in Cracow; The next online meeting within the cycle of monthly editing GLAM meetings; Steps to communicate GLAM partnerships better and involve the Wikimedian community
Sweden report: 100 000 memories from the Nordic Museum; Report from the Swedish National Archives
USA report: Fifty Women Sculptors; Juneteenth Edit-a-thon; Juneteenth Photobooths 2022; Wiknic June 2022; New York Botanical Garden June 2022; LGBT Pride Month
Poland report: The summary of GLAM editing contest and the end of residency at the National Museum in Cracow; Cooperation with Wawel Royal Castle; Hack(art)hon for Zachęta
Serbia report: Contemporary Art Edit-a-thon and Wikipedian in residence at the Historical Archive of Negotin
Sweden report: 100 000 Bildminnen; Uniforms, images from New Sweden, colonial officers, the map book of Fryderyk Getkant, and more!; Swedish general election 2022
Australia report: Behind the scenes with Australia's Wiki Loves Earth 2022 winner
Austria report: A Börthday present for Wikidata - the DACH Culture Contest
Brazil report: Reopening of Museu Paulista and other news
France report: Meeting with Prime minister cultural adviser; Residence at the Brittany Museum
India report: Digitisation of O Bharat, a bilingual biweekly published in Goa from 1912 to 1949
Indonesia report: GLAM Socialization; Wikistories for GLAM Competition
Italy report: September month of results and planning
Netherlands report: Wiki Loves Monuments Suriname first edition: 554 photos
New Zealand report: New Zealand Thesis Project and Te Papa Forget-me-nots
Poland report: The results of GLAM editing contest; GLAM Coordinators Meeting
Serbia report: External projects, great results and high level of independence
Sweden report: Bookfair back on site; Cultural history in High Schools; More identifiers from National Historical Museums of Sweden on Wikidata; Swedish general election 2022
USA report: Advocacy and Invention; New Smithsonian WiR; Called to Create; DC Statehood and Home Rule; Annual meeting; Wikipedian in Residence Opportunity at the Pérez Art Museum Miami
Poland report: Wiki Loves Monuments 2022 selection process in progress; GLAM online meeting on evaluation of ten editions Wiki Loves Monuments in Poland
Serbia report: GLAMorous October; Faculty of Dramatic Arts in Belgrade; CEE Meeting
New Zealand report: Integrating with the BHL, loading natural science specimens and data
Poland report: How Wiki helps to explore and enjoy art & culture; Wiki workshop for the National Museum in Krakow; GLAM online meeting on ideas for 2023; Wiki Loves Monuments 2022
Serbia report: Wikipedian in residence at Faculty of Dramatic Arts in Belgrade and National Museum of Zrenjanin
Sweden report: Wikipedian in Residence at Musikverket; Women and architecture; Gymnasiearbete; New uploads from the Swedish National Archives; WLM winners; Images of Äpplet
New Zealand report: The Great Macron War, Critter of the Week, and West Couast Wikisource
Nigeria report: WikiLovesLibraries Nigeria:An initiative beyond 1Lib1Ref for Librarians in Nigeria
Poland report: The first European GLAM Coordinators online meet-up; New articles on the collection of Wawel Royal Castle; Results of Wiki Loves Monuments 2022
Portugal report: Wikibase in social sciences and Public Domain Day celebrations
Spain report: Wikidata Birthday and ongoing projects
Sweden report: Musikverket; Media literacy graphics; Reports for project and to project partners
Brazil report: GLAM-Wiki initiatives in Brazil spark academic investigation
Croatia report: Activities during first two months of 2023
Indonesia report: Launching of Wikisource Loves Manuscripts; Bincang GLAM continues
Italy report: New project and collaboration in February
Kosovo report: I Edit Wikipedia Online Campaign 2023
New Zealand report: Wikidata and the Biodiversity Heritage Library, Wellington WikiCon 2023 and Auckland Museum local suburb project funding
Poland report: The European GLAM Coordinators online meet-up; GLAM-Wiki workshop at the Wawel Royal Castle State Art Collection; Wikimedians-in-residence online meet up
Sweden report: 100 000 Bildminnen; Report from The Association of Swedish Museums; Wikipedia for all of Sweden; ArkDes edit-a-thons
UK report: In Memoriam Jo Pugh / Cultural Diversity
Indonesia report: GLAM Mini Grants; Structured Data Marathon VIII; Wikisource Online Workshop
Italy report: Bridges between Wikimedia and culture
New Zealand report: BHL Whitepaper and outreach for Citizen Science Month and WeDigBio, Auckland Museum suburbs project update, New Zealand Women in Architecture Wikidata Project
Poland report: Another meeting of EU GLAM Coordinators; Guided tours for Wikipedians in museums in Krakow; Presentation on Art in Wikipedia; Online training on the basics of copyright law; Polish monuments among the top winners of WLM
Sweden report: ISOF workshop; More articles from students; SAAB veterans shared their knowledge during metadata edit-a-thon; ArkDes edit-a-thons
UK report: Democratising knowledge and cultural diversity
USA report: Into the Wikiverse; Earth Day 2023 Bushwick
UK report: Promoting cultural diversity on Wikipedia
USA report: A Spotlight on Black Women Birders; DC Nobel Solution Sessions; Women of Color in the Renwick Gallery; Anthropology and Community Connections; SAGE edit-a-thon; WikiWednesday Salon; Into the Wikiverse: AANHPIs in Science Fiction and Pop Culture; Queering Wikipedia 2023
Special story: Help Wikimedia Map Your Efforts to Improve Copyright!
GLAM Wiki conference report: GLAM Wiki Conference 2023: Announcing the venue & scholarship application process open
Kosovo report: CEE Spring Campaign 2023, Albania and Kosovo
Netherlands report: A new book, new Wikipedia articles, videos and further images on Africa
New Zealand report: Report on the Society for the Preservation of Natural History Collections Conference 2023 and Auckland suburb updates
Philippines report: GLAM outreach activity at University of Nueva Caceres: Digitization, workshops and proofread-a-thons as future collaboration
Poland report: GLAM-Wiki workshops for the Czartoryski Library; Work on the GLAM-Wiki Project Page Continues; End of Internship within the "Praktykuj w Kulturze" Program
WMF GLAM report: Wikisource Loves Manuscripts, ICOM outreach, Flickr Foundation partnership, OpenRefine adoption, new sources in The Wikipedia Library, Image Description Month events, and the GLAM Wiki Conference
South Africa report: Edit-a-thon for Librarians at the annual Library and Information Association of South Africa 2023 Conference
Sweden report: Wikipedia for all of Sweden; Museums and Wikidata – why and how?; Photo memories from Stockholm and Rome; Negotiating Knowledge on Wikipedia
Portugal report: Catalan culture and showcasing Wikimedia on both side of the Atlantic
Serbia report: Wikipedians in Residence, GLAM Wiki Conference
Sweden report: National Historical Museums of Sweden contributions; Photo memories from all over the world engage the community; Museum of medieval photo safari
Poland report: Intense end to a year of GLAM-Wiki activities in Poland
Sweden report: Photo memories project concludes; Sörmlands museum passes 1000 uploads to Wikimedia Commons; Wikimedian in Residence supports an upload of music content; Subject terms from Queerlit; Wikidata for authority control: 3 years of work
USA report: WikiConference North America 2023; TSU and USF; Philadelphia WikiSalon; Wikimedia DC Annual Membership Meeting; Wikipedia Editing 101 for All; NYC Hacking Night; Upstate NY workshop; Wikiquote She Said Project
New Zealand report: WikiProject Te Papa Research Expeditions, wrapping up the Auckland / Tāmaki Makaurau local histories project, and the Aotearoa Wikipedian at Large
Poland report: WikiMatejko editing action; The eighth European GLAM Wiki coordinators meet up
WMF GLAM report: Learn to upload to Commons with OpenRefine and get up to date on the International Museum Day, GLAM CSI, WiLMa Network, and WikiWorkshop
Albania report: International Roma Day Editathon in Albania and Kosovo, 2024
Australia report: New images from Central Australia on Wikimedia Commons, Library Science WikiProject students edit Wikipedia & 1Lib1Ref in Australia and New Zealand
Albania report: Summer of Wikivoyage Edit-a-thon in Kruja; Traditional Albanian food photography competition
Brazil report: Open licensing guide from Midiateca Capixaba; Activities in Rio de Janeiro; First batch from LabDOC; New batch from NeuroMat; Hercule Florence photowalk
Czech Republic report: International discussion on the role of media and new GLAM partnership on the horizon
India report: Digitization concludes for Behar Herald and a digitization workshop held for libraries in Maharashtra
Australia report: Partner Project between Wikimedia Australia, the Australian and New Zealand Society of Indexers (ANZSI) and the School of Information and Communication Studies at Charles Sturt University (CSU SICS)
Germany report: The flight over the "Rosinenbomber" - drone deployment for Free Knowledge; Kicking off a German-language community of practice for building cultural heritage linked open data with the wikimedia projects
India report: GLAM partner ventures into 'Digitisation Plus' programs with Wikimedians
Kosovo report: Prompting what's most important - our community in Albania and Kosovo
New Zealand report: WikiProject International Botanical Congress 2024, a presentation to the Natural History Museum, London & Kew Gardens staff and a Research expeditions edit-a-thon
Czech Republic report: Cooperation between National Library and Wikimedia CR was presented at Wikimania 2024
India report: Wikimedians-in-residence assigned to add lexicographical data of 5 endangered languages of West Bengal
Netherlands report: 10 reasons why the National Library of the Netherlands moved its Wikimedia-related publications from SlideShare to Zenodo, and keeps them on Wikimedia Commons
New Zealand report: Looking for Aotearoa's next roving Wikipedian, a Wikidata Te Papa research expeditions publication & the Wikidata WikiProject IBC follow-up workshop
Australia report: Artbank's edit-a-thon for gender equity in Australian visual arts
Belgium report: Project 'Belgian distilleries as Linked Open Data' completed
Brazil report: Photowalks for Wiki Loves Monuments 2024 at five corners of Brazil
France report: 4th edition of the Label Culture Libre
India report: Digitization at the Museum of Santal Culture, Federation Hall Society Library and Cultural Heritage and Literature in Meghalaya
New Zealand report: Report on the Wikidata WikiProject International Botanical 2024, Conference report for SPNHC-TDWG 2024 and the upcoming New Zealand species edit-a-thon
Germany report: Exploring Wikidata & Building Community for Cultural Heritage Professionals
Indonesia report: Celebrating Public Domain Day 2025 in Indonesia
Italy report: New Wikimedia Italia Grant for GLAMs
Netherlands report: 3 Million Dutch Cultural Heritage Images in Commons & 400,000 RCE images now in higher resolution & Usage of DBNL in Dutch Wikipedia articles