JBrungs (WMF)
Beigetreten 29. März 2021
Letzter Kommentar: vor 1 Jahr von JBrungs (WMF) in Abschnitt Banner
Bearbeiten„Wenn Sie nur 2 € oder welchen Betrag auch immer Sie an diesem Dienstag spenden könnten, dann kann Wikipedia jahrelang weiter wachsen.“ There's a verb missing: Wenn Sie nur 2 € – oder welchen Betrag auch immer Sie an diesem Dienstag spenden könnten – spenden, dann kann Wikipedia jahrelang weiter wachsen. It's horrible grammar, even in the way I fixed it. Please return it to a native speaker for a better version. --—DerHexer (Disk., Bew.) 12:53, 21. Jun. 2022 (CEST)
- Thank you @DerHexer I have passed this on to the team. --JBrungs (WMF) (Diskussion) 12:56, 21. Jun. 2022 (CEST)
- Thank you for the announcement. Now the announcement on the German singpost (i.e. Kurier) is grammatically perfect, alas it is in the wrong form of address. It is way too formal by using "Sie" as adressing Wikipedians. "Du" is mandatory on de.wp. Starting with "Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren" can only be used for a formal business letter. An article in a news outlet does not start with an address such as Hello or Dear Sir. Best regards, --Gereon K. (Diskussion) 11:38, 18. Dez. 2023 (CET)
- I changed the language to a more informal tone. I hope this works better for the community. Thanks for pointing this out. Best, --JBrungs (WMF) (Diskussion) 11:43, 18. Dez. 2023 (CET)
- Thank you for the announcement. Now the announcement on the German singpost (i.e. Kurier) is grammatically perfect, alas it is in the wrong form of address. It is way too formal by using "Sie" as adressing Wikipedians. "Du" is mandatory on de.wp. Starting with "Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren" can only be used for a formal business letter. An article in a news outlet does not start with an address such as Hello or Dear Sir. Best regards, --Gereon K. (Diskussion) 11:38, 18. Dez. 2023 (CET)