Benutzer Diskussion:Stefan Kühn/Check Wikipedia/Archiv/2009/Mai

Letzter Kommentar: vor 15 Jahren von Stefan Kühn in Abschnitt Two requests

Request: duplicate image captions

A nice thing to have would be checking for duplicate image captions, e.g. [[File:Example.png|Muh|Mäh]]. I am actually not sure how often that happens, so maybe you want to check that first, but I know that at least en:WP:Twinkle has been producing such broken captions since forever when it tries adding information templates to the caption.
Of course, it should then also check then for other incorrect image syntax: both "border" and "thumb" given, both "left" and "right" given, conflicting sizes, and other things. :)
Thanks for the great tool & Beste Grüße, Amalthea2 01:11, 1. Mai 2009 (CEST)

The first with Muh and Mäh is very difficult. I will try this. Also I will try the others. -- sk 22:35, 2. Mai 2009 (CEST)
Great, thanks for having a look. :) Amalthea2 01:14, 3. Mai 2009 (CEST)

Code 069: ISBN syntaxfout

Hi Stephan, your script complains about Maybe it's a good idea to tell your script to handle a plain ISBN-10 or ISBN-13 without any number as correct. Rudolphous 08:06, 1. Mai 2009 (CEST)

 Ok. I have exclude the article. -- sk 22:36, 2. Mai 2009 (CEST)

Code 44 false positive

Dear Stefan,

===This is a headline with reference <ref>A reference with '''bold''' text</ref>===

It should not trigger error 044.

Gabor. -- 19:02, 1. Mai 2009 (CEST)

 Ok. I have change error 44. Thanks for this info. -- sk 22:33, 2. Mai 2009 (CEST)

Error 061 - Referenz mit Satzzeichen

In der vollständigen Fehlerliste ist der Artikel Straßenbahn Berlin nicht aufgeführt, obwohl es dort an einigen Stellen Referenzen mit anschließenden Punkt gibt.--Video2005 00:24, 3. Mai 2009 (CEST)

Das kann schon sein. Das Skript erfasst nur die Artikel, die es findet. Artikel die durch das Raster fallen werden nicht im laufenden Betrieb entdeckt, sondern nur bei dem Vollscan mit dem neuen Dump, der cirka alle 30 Tage kommt. -- sk 19:50, 3. Mai 2009 (CEST)
Danke für den Hinweis. Der Fehler war im Artikel schon seit dem Jahreswechsel enthalten. Ich vermute mal zur Zeit ist die Basisgrundlage der Dump vom 11.03.2009 und demnach wurde wahrscheinlich der Fehler 61 erst später im Script eingefügt. Der letzte Versuch der Dumperzeugung scheint wohl nicht geklappt zu haben, also müssen wir wohl einfach noch ein wenig warten...-- Gruß Video2005 21:41, 3. Mai 2009 (CEST)

Hi Stefan, der Link ist immer noch kaputt. :-( Glücklicherweise findet sich unter der Tabelle ein weiterer zur Ausgabeseite der Fehler. Viele Grüße -- Marbot 19:16, 3. Mai 2009 (CEST)

Oups, bei soviel Input kann das leicht passieren, dass man was übersicht. Danke für den erneuten Hinweis. Habs angepasst. Jetzt müssen die Leute nur noch die jeweilige Übersetzung anpassen. -- sk 20:20, 3. Mai 2009 (CEST)
Ist doch halb so wild. Beim neuesten Update (siehe unten) war es alledings noch nicht schick. Viele Grüße -- Marbot 22:21, 3. Mai 2009 (CEST)


Hi Stefan, ich habe gerade festgestellt, peinlich für mich, daß Dein Skript lediglich die Seiten überprüft, die zuletzt geändert wurden. Wäre es für pdcwiki möglich, angesichts der relativ geringen Gesamtzahl der Artikel einmalig einen kompletten Scan durchzuführen. Dann weiß ich ungefähr, was noch auf uns zukommt. Wäre schöne wenn es ginge. Viele Grüße vom -- Marbot 19:19, 3. Mai 2009 (CEST)

Weil pdcwiki wirklich in 2 Minuten durchgelaufen ist, hab ich nochmal fix einen Lauf über den alten Dump gemacht. Das extra in das Skript mit einzubauen wäre zu aufwändig und sehr fehleranfällig. Deshalb lasse ich das mal lieber. Auf jeden Fall sind jetzt wieder ein paar mehr in der Liste. -- sk 21:00, 3. Mai 2009 (CEST)
Das kann man echt nicht verlangen. Dennoch, auch dieser aktuelle Scan hat ja genug zu Tage gefördert. :-) Herzlichen Dank für Deine Hilfe und viele Grüße -- Marbot 22:23, 3. Mai 2009 (CEST)

Error 016 huwiki 2

Check Wikipedia page says error was found 57 times. List of all articles with error 016 lists 90 articles. On Apr. 24 hu:Rock with You was listed on Check Wikipedia page, now is only on List of all articles with error 016. What has changed? How these characters get in the article? Where they come from? Bean49 01:13, 7. Mai 2009 (CEST)

It seems that it has changed back. How this error can be avoided? Bean49 13:15, 7. Mai 2009 (CEST)
Hello Bean49, the error come from the languages, where you write from right to left (for example: Hebrew or Arabic). It can come with copy and past or at other ways in the article. In the article hu:Rock with You I see one of this Unicode Controle Characters after "borító = ". You can see it for example in the editor Notepad++. It is a big problem in templates. For example if you want use the values in templates with geocoordinates or others. I see the first time this problem in a geocoordinate, which make big problems. In my other project Templatetiger I have sometime also problem with this characters. See also this in archive. -- sk 22:15, 7. Mai 2009 (CEST)

Check 16

Would it be possible to run the check on Template and Mediawiki namespaces? It's more likely that these get pasted into articles if they are present there. -- User:Docu

It is possible, but it will find too much false positive errors. -- sk 21:00, 4. Mai 2009 (CEST)
That wouldn't be a problem. I don't mind removing them all. It makes it less likely to find them in articles. -- User:Docu
I think that this would be a pretty bad idea... you might not mind removing them all once, but if they are there each time...
Plenty of templates have categories which would be picked up incorrectly, for example. I'm also working on a bot to do a lot of the tasks, and having templates and MediaWiki pages could cause a whole slew of false positives there. How many times have templates or MediaWiki pages been causing a problem? All that I know of was en:Template:Prod2. -Drilnoth (Talk) 23:08, 8. Mai 2009 (CEST)
Don't worry. It could be in a report with a new number, so it wont result in changes for check #16.
I checked a series of templates and found a unicode control in the microformat markup of en:Template:Coord/link. This could have resulted in problems when people pasted the coordinates elsewhere. It's possible that the problems commonsdelinker bot had in wp.en came from an interface message. -- User:Docu
Okay; it would make sense if it was in a separate check. -Drilnoth (Talk) 04:53, 9. Mai 2009 (CEST)


There is a new stable release of AWB. You might want to add the following to the news section:

[[:en:Wikipedia:AutoWikiBrowser|AWB]] in its new [[:en:Wikipedia:AutoWikiBrowser/History| release]] includes several features for this project: #57 is fixed automatically; some of #7 are corrected; a special mode assists in fixing brackets (#10, #43, #46, #47) and in some cases, fixes them directly.

-- User:Docu

 Ok. -- sk 08:09, 10. Mai 2009 (CEST)
Thank you. -- en:User:Docu 10:22, 10. Mai 2009 (CEST)

en.wp May 8 update

Is yesterdays update still running or did it fail? Are you preparing for the new database dump? -- en:User:Docu

Dutch version is also not updated yesterday or today. It looks the script is on 'holiday'. - Robotje 13:57, 9. Mai 2009 (CEST)
I just found an explanation here: de:Benutzer:Stefan_Kühn/Check_Wikipedia#News. -- en:User:Docu
I seems on the latest version of has problems with some articles. For example Hexachloorfosfazeen (nlwiki). It can't finish scanning this article. When nlwiki_error_list.txt contains also only this article it is not able to complete the scan. Rudolphous 18:58, 9. Mai 2009 (CEST)
The problem is that too much new dumps available. Normally every 30 days we get a new dump. Now we get every 4 days a new dump. If you know that only enwiki need more then 12 hours, than you know that all 32 languages need more then 4 days. So my scan are not fast enough. I will fix this tonight or in the next days. Maybe I will only use a new dump every 14 days or so. -- sk 19:04, 9. Mai 2009 (CEST)
I was just coming to ask. :) Well, more dumps is a good thing for the most part. Hope that you can fix this soon. As it is, we can work on the list we have. -Drilnoth (Talk) 19:36, 9. Mai 2009 (CEST)
I have restart the cronjob, but without new dumps. I will test a new way for the dumps in the next days. -- sk 08:10, 10. Mai 2009 (CEST)
Okay; sounds good. Thanks! -Drilnoth (Talk) 16:55, 10. Mai 2009 (CEST)

Error 080 - character missing

Hi Stefan, very good new error 080 (External link with line break). One minor fix : the description of each error seems to be missing its last character (often a single right square bracket where the should be two right square brackets). Bye -- Laddo 19:08, 10. Mai 2009 (CEST)

Can you give me an example for this minor problem? I don't know what exact you mean. -- sk 22:28, 11. Mai 2009 (CEST)
OK your script is fine, I just figured that the last bracket is actually interpreted as matching the starting bracket of the external link :
fr:MDMA [ ... {{lien ba|bar}}[[catégorie:hallucinogène]
fr:Histoire du Tibet [ ... revient à [[khanbalik]
fr:Jim Krueger [ site officiel}{{portail|comics|littérature|cinéma}}[[catégorie:romancier]
BTW we increased the priority of this syntax error in French Wikipedia, as it is most often caused by a forgotten or incorrect right bracket and sigificantly affects the resulting text. -- Laddo 02:57, 12. Mai 2009 (CEST)

Check 3 at en.wp

Please see en:Wikipedia_talk:WikiProject_Check_Wikipedia#Reference. -- en:User:Docu

 Ok. -- sk 10:43, 10. Mai 2009 (CEST)
Just a note: I'm not sure if your script picks up both capitalized ({{Reference}}) and uncapitalized ({{reference}}) versions of each tag; if it doesn't that would probably be a good idea. -Drilnoth (Talk) 16:55, 10. Mai 2009 (CEST)

Thanks, most or gone now. There is today: en:A4e (using {{Ref-list}}) and en:Lara Croft. -- en:User:Docu 06:20, 12. Mai 2009 (CEST)

Wish list: find Redirects back to the same page

  • Detect: Page A has links to Page B which is a redirect to Page A.
  • Detect: Page A has links to Page B which is a redirect to Page C which is a redirect to Page A.
  • Detect: Templates that have links to redirects. -- 07:29, 14. Mai 2009 (CEST)
My script can not detect this three errors. The script check only one article. It don't know nothing about other articles. So I can not detect this. -- sk 09:04, 14. Mai 2009 (CEST)

Unexplained report on 051

Hi Stefan, this redirect : Brook+ is reported as "Interwiki before last headline", I cannot figure why. See its report. Thanks -- Laddo 03:33, 12. Mai 2009 (CEST)

At the moment my script has problem with "+" in the title for article. I will fix this in the next time. My script will check not "Brook+". It will check the article Brook. You will find the error in this article. -- sk 12:09, 12. Mai 2009 (CEST)
I should have guessed. Thanks -- Laddo 13:34, 14. Mai 2009 (CEST)

Hi- I was wondering if another common error could be detected, where a pipe is used in an external link as though it were a wikilink; this can cause display issues. Basically, any external link containing a pipe is probably an error. Thanks! -Drilnoth (Talk) 17:10, 10. Mai 2009 (CEST)

Good idea. I will try to detect something link [http:/|Wikipedia] -- sk 22:23, 11. Mai 2009 (CEST)
Exactly, thanks! -Drilnoth (Talk) 05:10, 12. Mai 2009 (CEST)
I have test this and found a link with pipe in pdc:Gordonville,_Pennsilfaani, see:
If I create a new error then we have many false positives. -- sk 22:24, 15. Mai 2009 (CEST)

New name for French Check Wikipedia

Hi Stefan, the French project has been renamed to:

Please adjust the script. Thanks for your input.. ;) -- Laddo 13:51, 14. Mai 2009 (CEST)

 Ok -- sk 21:44, 15. Mai 2009 (CEST)

Problem with French Translation

Hi Stefan, the French Check Wikipedia report (May 15) was produced in English and with default error activations. Possibly the new name of the translation page that the script uses is not correct. Can you please check this out ? It should be Projet:Correction syntaxique/Traduction. Thanks -- Laddo 13:46, 15. Mai 2009 (CEST)

I know! Because today I read about this change and have no time to fix my script. I will try to fix this tonight. -- sk 14:04, 15. Mai 2009 (CEST)
 Ok. -- sk 21:42, 15. Mai 2009 (CEST)
Thanks -- Laddo 18:19, 16. Mai 2009 (CEST)

Check 36 at en.wp (Redirect not correct)

This seems to list mainly false positives, e.g. . Completely broken redirects probably appear already in the short pages listing. -- en:User:Docu

The ones listed may work, but they aren't correctly formed (they're lowercase or need a space, for example). -Drilnoth (Talk) 12:54, 16. Mai 2009 (CEST)
Are there any on en:Wikipedia:WikiProject Check Wikipedia/036 that don't work? -- en:User:Docu
There is a tabulator between redirect and the link. I think there should only be a space. -- sk 21:00, 16. Mai 2009 (CEST)
This doesn't seem to break it though. The page table has a field "page_is_redirect". If its value is 1, it's a valid redirect. All these could be excluded from the results. -- User:Docu
Then is the tabulator or line break a valid part between redirect and the link. I will insert this in my script. Thanks for this info. -- sk 09:18, 18. Mai 2009 (CEST)

Feature request: detect excessive boldface text

Hi. Could you add a detection for pages with excessive boldface text? Normally on Wikipedia, only first words on first paragraphs are allowed for boldface. I'm thinking of 3 pair of ''' as the limit. What do you think? Thanks. Borgx 02:28, 19. Mai 2009 (CEST)

Hi Borgx, this is one of my first idea. But there where so much other errors. I will insert this, but I think we should start with 10 pair of of ''' as the limit. :-) -- sk 10:44, 19. Mai 2009 (CEST)
Can you make the limit as variable so that it can be fine-tuned. Thanks. Borgx 02:07, 20. Mai 2009 (CEST)

Error 019 / huwiki

Hallo Stefan! In dem Artikel hu:Shannon-entrópiafüggvény wurde der Fehler 019 signalisiert, aber was das Programm gefunden hat, ist kein Titel, sondern ein Formel. Sollte man den Artikel verändern oder kann das Programm eine Ausnahme machen? Grüße --Hkoala 13:01, 19. Mai 2009 (CEST)

Nein es sollte im Artikel in das <math>...</math> Tag gesetzt werden. Dann gibt es damit keine weiteren Problem. Grüße -- sk 15:52, 19. Mai 2009 (CEST)

Another request

It may be useful that the script could find articles with exactly the same references on it. For example, if in any article we find twice or more times <ref>example</ref>, we shuold name the reference and use <ref name="foo">, and the following times <ref name="foo" />. It can be interesting that the script could find the articles where that take place. If you don't understand, what I want is to do this. Thanks. Muro de Aguas 17:17, 20. Mai 2009 (CEST)

 Ok, I have insert a new error (81) for this problem. -- sk 22:12, 21. Mai 2009 (CEST)

Check #3 at Chinese wiki (zh)

The check #3 at the Chinese wiki is reporting some of the pages with the {{Hide ref}} template. For example, the page zh:土卫一. Is it possible to exclude these pages? --Vina 09:31, 22. Mai 2009 (CEST)

 Ok, I have insert this template. Thanks for this info.-- sk 22:25, 22. Mai 2009 (CEST)

new error (check)

I saw in some article code like this:

; '''name''' : definition

It schould be:

; name : definition

It's very similar to error 44, but with other wikicode element. Malarz pl 21:50, 6. Mai 2009 (CEST)

What do you think about this proposition? Malarz pl 21:19, 22. Mai 2009 (CEST)
Can you give me an example in an article. I have never seen this in enwiki or dewiki. -- sk 22:23, 22. Mai 2009 (CEST)
Is on my To-do-list. -- sk 15:25, 23. Mai 2009 (CEST)

Sections where errors are detected

Hi Stefan, some contributors to the French project indicated that they would find it easier to correct errors if they knew the title of the section where it was detected. I guess they are looking for a third column in your tabular reports that would provide such info. Is it possible ? For example for « missing braket » detections, numbers 10, 46, 43 and 47. Thanks -- Laddo 01:32, 8. Mai 2009 (CEST)

Difficult, but I will try this. I write it on my To-do-list. -- sk 15:26, 23. Mai 2009 (CEST)

Warum findet das Skript jetzt auch fehlende Bildbeschreibungen innerhalb von Vorlagen?

-- chemiewikibm cwbm 22:19, 13. Mai 2009 (CEST)

Kannst du mir mal ein konkretes Beispiel geben. Es ist sonst sehr mühsam das nachvollziehen. --sk 09:02, 14. Mai 2009 (CEST)
1,4-Dioxin, Arachnophilia, Szczebra. Hast du eigentlich irgeneine Kontrolle über dein Skript? -- chemiewikibm cwbm 18:30, 14. Mai 2009 (CEST)
Das Skript habe ich vor gut 1-2 Monaten bei der Erkennung von Bildern im Artikel massiv verbessert. Ein Effekt war danach, dass eben auch solche Bilder in den Vorlagen gefunden werden. Was ja auch nicht schlecht ist. Kontrolle? Naja das Skript läuft nachts voll automatisch und ich bin immer wieder erstaunt, was da so alles gefunden wird. Bevor ich mich aber auf die Suche nach irgendwelchen Bugs mache, frag ich lieber nochmal nach, welche Artikel das genau betrifft. Am Besten beim nächsten Mal gleich die Fehlernummer und 1-2 Beispielartikel mit nennen, dann kann ich präziser antworten. -- sk 21:55, 15. Mai 2009 (CEST)

Du bist ein Scherzkeks. Ich frage warum dass so ist? Hättest ja gleich sagen können, dass das Absicht ist, weil du an dem Skript etwas geändert hast. -- chemiewikibm cwbm 20:44, 20. Mai 2009 (CEST)

Hmm, ich weiß jetzt nicht wo der Scherz ist, aber ich hab das Skript halt so flexibel gemacht, das es auch innerhalb von Vorlagen danach sucht, aber nur denn das in eckigen Klammern steht, weil ja bei einigen Vorlagen die Bildunterschrift in der Vorlage generiert wird. Alles klar? -- sk 15:34, 23. Mai 2009 (CEST)

Feature request

Could you add a detection for page titles that contains charactars outside Basic Multilingual Plane of Unicode? Such titles may be problematic when processing database dumps. --fryed-peach 03:22, 18. Mai 2009 (CEST)

Thank you for this request. Did you mean a check like error 16 only for title? Can you give me an example of article and which characters do you mean. -- sk 09:27, 18. Mai 2009 (CEST)
Some characters such as "𩺊" (U+29E8A), which was once redirected to ja:アラ, is prohibited for use in page titles in Japanese Wikipedia because it is outside BMP (from U+0000 to U+FFFF). --fryed-peach 04:51, 19. Mai 2009 (CEST)
I have no idea how to make this, but I will try it. I write this on my To-do-list. -- sk 15:31, 23. Mai 2009 (CEST)

Exclude false positives

Hi Stefan, on nlwiki we have a few pages that are not wrong. These pages are included in each scanrun output. Is it possible to make a special page for each wiki (like that translationpages) that is read by your script to exclude a certain number of pages? Rudolphous 20:19, 18. Mai 2009 (CEST)

I think it is better to update my script or to update the article. I will not create a list with false positives for every language. Please give my the name of the articles and the error and I will check this in my script. If my script has a problem with this article, then maybe also other parser had a problem with this articles. -- sk 15:55, 19. Mai 2009 (CEST)

Oke, I dump here some examples:

ID Code Article Reason
1 034 nl:Kalenderkringloop Article dynamically calculates the current day
2 011 nl:Provinciaal_Elektriciteitsbedrijf_van_Noord-Holland User sees no reason to change the HTML entity to a character.
3 054 nl:G.711 Maybe you can fix this in your script
4 054 nl:Flip-flop Maybe you can fix this in your script
5 054 nl:Axioma's van de kansrekening Problem with math tag. Maybe you can fix this in your script
6 054 nl:Logaritme Can't find the problem.
7 058 nl:SSR-W Head is correct
8 058 nl:WK voetbal 1962 (kwalificatie) Head is correct
9 058 nl:WK voetbal 1994 (kwalificatie) Head is correct
10 058 nl:YPR-765 Head is correct
Hello Rudolphous! 1.) no this is not god syntax in an article. I think it is better to use one date and to write this without template-things. 2.) I think this was repair by an user. 3+4+5) interessting problem. I will try to fix this. I write this at my To-do-list. -- sk 21:31, 23. Mai 2009 (CEST)
Added 6-10. If 3,4,5,6 are fixed than all 054's are done. I didn't write the wikicode for 1, but since the page works and "today" is the most interesting date to explain how the calander works, I let the article how it is. Rudolphous

For detection 080 (External link with line break), you should skip line breaks within templates used inside the link description. fr:Critique de l'islam gets detected due to a break within our template equivalent to Vorlage:Literatur, where line breaks are useful. -- Laddo 18:40, 23. Mai 2009 (CEST)

Hello Laddo, the problem is that the description of this link is a template. My script search in this link for a blank like [ descripton]. If my script found this blank then it know, there is a description. But in fr:Critique de l'islam there was no blank before the template. So my script think this part is also the link. If you insert a blank before the template in this link then my script not detect this. -- sk 22:11, 23. Mai 2009 (CEST)

Hi Stefan, new detection 081 (Link to other wikiproject) should distinguish links to w:, that seem just an improper way to link to the English Wikipedia. See this correction. Thanks -- Laddo 18:58, 23. Mai 2009 (CEST)

See Links to other wikiprojects. Did you mean that I should exclude "w:"? -- sk 22:16, 23. Mai 2009 (CEST)
No, I guess it is a distinct error: linking from wikipedia to wikipedia should not use the interwiki syntax. In wikipedia of any language, links like [[w:article]] or [[wikipedia:article]] should be written [[:en:article]]. More generally, [[w:XX:article]], should be written as [[:XX:article]] in order to link to language XX. -- Laddo 23:36, 23. Mai 2009 (CEST)

Error reports with line number

Is it possible to also report a line number for an error text? It would be very helpful. --fryed-peach 17:53, 10. Mai 2009 (CEST)

This is not possible for every error. My script work without linenumbers and sometime I delete for the process the line breaks. So it is very difficult to find the correct line number. In which error you need this? -- sk 22:25, 11. Mai 2009 (CEST)
Especially for error 60 "Template parameter with problem". It only reports template names and some texts like a parameter name, but it's hard to find the true problem when that page uses the template many times. --fryed-peach 15:50, 12. Mai 2009 (CEST)
I write this on my To-do-list. -- sk 15:31, 23. Mai 2009 (CEST)
I'm not sure if this would help that much for number 60. At least in en.wp, the error is generally quite visible around the section shown in the report (easy) or it's one or several field before (more complex). For the later, the line number probably wouldn't help, as it would be wrong. -- en:User:Docu 05:43, 24. Mai 2009 (CEST)

Error #003 (en Wikipedia)

Would it be possible to not mark reflists/references tags in tables as being problematic? I don't think they really are. Cheers, Jarry1250 21:16, 15. Mai 2009 (CEST)

See above: #Check_3_at_en.wp - a few redirects don't seem to be recognized. -- en:User:Docu
 Ok, I think I have all templates for references. If you find a new one then tell me this. Please with an example of article. -- sk 15:37, 23. Mai 2009 (CEST)
Thanks. In the meantime, people started replacing the redirects with the target template. This fixed it as well. -- en:User:Docu 05:39, 24. Mai 2009 (CEST)

check 69 on en.wp

My bot is working on the lists from the above checks, trying to convert "ISBN-13:"/"ISBN-10:" to "ISBN ", if it's followed by 10/13 digits (and hyphens). The list of today on en:Wikipedia:WikiProject Check Wikipedia#ISBN wrong syntax (AutoEd) includes several that didn't get converted, this includes:

Just in case you want to include one or the other in your script. -- User:Docu

Thanks for this input. I think you can delete this template ISBN-13 in enwiki. Why they use this? - I will try to fix the other errors. -- sk 07:02, 21. Mai 2009 (CEST)
There are two templates: ISBN-10 and ISBN-13. I think the answer is here: en:User_talk:D6#Editing_ISBN_numbers. BTW does the script check for "ISBN:" instead of "ISBN"? -- User:Docu
I write this at my To-do-list. -- sk 21:55, 23. Mai 2009 (CEST)
Thanks. This list now consists mainly of false positives. -- en:User:Docu 05:36, 24. Mai 2009 (CEST)

check 058 at en.wp

The other day, I worked on the above list. At en:Wikipedia:WikiProject_Check_Wikipedia#Headline_ALL_CAPS, there are now several acronyms, e.g. ISSN/OCLC/LCCN, NSWRL/ARL/NRL. Would you skip these and also en:Data Definition Language and en:Database Console Commands (Transact-SQL)? -- en:User:Docu

I will detect the "/" or "&" inside the headline. I hope this help. -- sk 22:01, 23. Mai 2009 (CEST)
Good idea. It would. This list already included a series of false positives. Since the scan of the full dump, it just gets longer. -- en:User:Docu
Another one to exclude could be if the section header includes the page name (e.g. on today's list there is en:RECSAM, en:ERDAS IMAGINE, en:FILECOMP). -- en:User:Docu 08:39, 24. Mai 2009 (CEST)

Übersetzungsseite auf dem Toolserver

Die Seite bekommt eine komische Struktur. Nach unten hin wird die Schrift kleiner und eingerückt. Außerdem werden die tags entfernt. Ein einfaches Copy&Paste ist daher nicht mehr möglich. Oder liegt das daran, das mein Browser dort etwas interpretiert, was eigentlich normaler Text sein soll? Ich kann mir aber vorstellen, das auch anderen das Problem haben werden. Vielleicht gibt es eine andere Möglichkeit. Hat jemand eine Idee? Der Umherirrende 20:28, 14. Mai 2009 (CEST)

Du meinst diese Datei? Wenn ja, die wird bei mir überall als einfacher Text dargestellt. -- sk 10:27, 15. Mai 2009 (CEST)
Da, die Datei meinte ich. Bei mir (IE7) werden die HTML-Tags erkannt und umgesetzt. Somit habe ich fetten Text, Einrückungen und verkleinerte Schrift und die Tags fehlen. Das macht das C&P unmöglich. Aber wenn es bei dir als normaler Text dargestellt wird, muss ich mir mal etwas überlegen. Danke trotzdem, auch wenn du nichts machen kannst. Der Umherirrende 14:36, 17. Mai 2009 (CEST)
Habs noch nie mit IE porbiert, aber jetzt sehe ich es auch. Bisher hatte sich noch niemand beschwert. Scheinen alle Firefox zu nutzen. Werde nix am Skript ändern, das es mit FF funktioniert. -- sk 09:16, 18. Mai 2009 (CEST)
Ich nutze jetzt "Quelltext betrachten", damit wird es problemlos dargestellt. Ich glaube der FireFox stellt nicht-HTML-Seiten (Also Seiten ohne die Endung .html oder .htm) einfach nicht in HTML dar, was ja auch vernünftig ist. Der Umherirrende 16:53, 24. Mai 2009 (CEST)

I don't understand this error. On nlwiki/checkwikipedia there are 40 occurences of this error. Can somebody explain this error and show how it can be fixed? Rudolphous 19:18, 25. Mai 2009 (CEST)

In the most articles is no end of the link. So my script found
[ Wikipedia
And more text abc...
After "Wikipedia" is no end "]" and so the script think there is no end of the description for this link. But if the script found a line break then it know there is a broken external link. -- sk 21:21, 25. Mai 2009 (CEST)
Oke got it, will try to fix them. Rudolphous 19:30, 26. Mai 2009 (CEST)

Check #3 at Hungarian Wikipedia

Can you and checking for {{forrás}}? We use this template instead of <references />. Thanks! – dani> from huwiki 06:14, 26. Mai 2009 (CEST)

It's better to use pywikipedia ( to replace all occurance of <references /> with {{forrás}}. Borgx 10:39, 26. Mai 2009 (CEST)
 Ok. -- sk 22:24, 26. Mai 2009 (CEST)

check 83: error in default description

You haven't closed <nowiki> tag: [1]. Malarz pl 13:55, 26. Mai 2009 (CEST)

Thanks. I will fix this. -- sk 14:16, 26. Mai 2009 (CEST)
 Ok. -- sk 22:24, 26. Mai 2009 (CEST)

Check 7 at en.wp

The result from this list got a bit long. Would it be possible to split this scan into two or three different lists?

  • 1. articles with no heading at level "=="
  • 2. articles with only standard appendices at level "==" (e.g. "References?", "External [Ll]inks?", "Works", "See [Aa]lso", "Further [Rr]eading", "Notes", "Footnotes")
  • 3. all others.

If this is too complex, at least a separate list for the first one would be helpful. -- en:User:Docu

I can split the error nr. 007, but I can't support 2., because we have in all other languages other names for this. But I think the 1. is very easy and this would help you. -- sk 22:33, 23. Mai 2009 (CEST)
This would help. (1.) is more or less fixed automatically (also by AWB). (2.) is fixed automatically, but needs to be supervised. BTW when you change the reports, could you use #7 for (1.) and add the remaining ones with a new number. This way the full list gets updated faster (an estimated one third is already fixed). -- User:Docu

BTW, for this check, would you skip articles that us en:Template:CSRT-Yes. It includes a level "==" header and is sometimes followed by a level "===" header. -- en:User:Docu 05:40, 26. Mai 2009 (CEST)

This template is very bad. Please delete this. It is never a good thing to outsource a chapter including the headlines in a template. I have never seen this in on of the other wikipedias. -- sk 08:57, 27. Mai 2009 (CEST)
I agree with you, but it's somewhat bit outside the scope of my current clean-up. -- en:User:Docu

Feature request/ruwiki

Hi. Please add template {{Shortcut|ВП:ССО}} to the output for ruwiki. Thanks, LimeHat 17:43, 28. Mai 2009 (CEST).

Add it in ru:Википедия:Страницы с ошибками в викитексте/Перевод by yourself. (Section start text). It is no problem. -- sk 09:18, 29. Mai 2009 (CEST)

"/" is okay

I think that on, slashes are permitted in article names without the need for a DEFAULTSORT. -Drilnoth (Talk) 03:56, 31. Mai 2009 (CEST)

 Ok. -- sk 17:52, 1. Jun. 2009 (CEST)
Thanks! -Drilnoth (Talk) 23:16, 1. Jun. 2009 (CEST)

check #3 at Chinese wiki (zh) again

We have another set of templates in Chinese that redirects to {{Reflist}} {{ReflistH}} {{ReflistF}} , called

{{註腳}} {{註腳h}} {{註腳f}}

Could you exclude pages with these templates as well? Thank you. --Vina 09:00, 31. Mai 2009 (CEST)

 Ok. -- sk 17:46, 1. Jun. 2009 (CEST)

Check 37

[2] includes a few redirects from en:Category:Redirects from Chinese words/names, en:Category:Redirects from Korean words/names. Possibly redirects should be excluded all together. --- User:Docu

Is on my To-do-list. -- sk 15:22, 23. Mai 2009 (CEST)
Can be archived. -- sk 22:08, 9. Jun. 2009 (CEST)


In en.wp, there is a standard sequence to be used for some of the sections. It is outlined at en:Wikipedia:Layout#Standard_appendices ("Location:"). Would it be possible to list articles where this sequence isn't followed? -- en:User:Docu

I think this is very difficult to detect. And in every languages they haye other standards. I think this is a problem which can only solve a bot for enwiki and not my script. -- sk 09:13, 18. Mai 2009 (CEST)
Can be archived. -- sk 22:08, 9. Jun. 2009 (CEST)

Split WikiProject page

Hi, I am Ricky Lau from Chinese Wikipedia. I am glad that there is now Check Wikipedia Project so that problems in articles can be found easily. Thanks for great work first ;). I would like to ask if it is possible to split this output file into few pieces (e.g. one piece per a group of problem in same priority), then output to different page and include in wikiproject page? Just like that:

  • High priority jobs are output to a file;
  • Medium priority jobs are output to another file;
  • Lowest priority jobs are output to the file different from above;
  • In main WikiProject page, use template to include these lists.

As I found the output file is over 300kb currently, and it seems impossible to just copy everything from output file to that page directly according to instruction you wrote, therefore I am thinking if we can update the page part by part. Thanks.
Ricky Lau(UTC) @ 2009-5-16 (Sa) 22:30 (UTC+8)

I have done what I thought, it was done more easily than updating single page…Ricky Lau(UTC) @ 2009-5-16 (Sa) 23:37 (UTC+8)

By the way, in output file there is an error link that link to (At "What can you do" section)
Ricky Lau(UTC) @ 2009-5-16 (Sa) 23:08 (UTC+8)

Hello Ricky, thanks for updating the Chiniese Wikipedia. In enwiki we had the same problem with the big file. They solve it for a week or so with three templates. A template for every priority. So they can update each template from the big output file. - Thanks for the information about this error-link. I think I have fix this, but I will check this again. -- sk 09:24, 18. Mai 2009 (CEST)
Can be archived. -- sk 22:08, 9. Jun. 2009 (CEST)

Two requests

Here are two errors that I think it would be useful for your script to detect, if they are possible:

  • DEFAULTSORTs which have a sortkey identical to the page's name (these can be removed).
  • Pages where every category has an identical sortkey but no DEFAULTSORT (the individual sortkeys can be removed and a DEFAULTSORT should be added).

Thanks! -Drilnoth (Talk) 15:53, 20. Mai 2009 (CEST)

I think the first is not so important, but I write this at my To-do-list. -- sk
Can be archived. -- sk 22:08, 9. Jun. 2009 (CEST)