Von Hintenburg
Beigetreten 10. August 2009
Letzter Kommentar: vor 9 Monaten von Radarshadow
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Dear 'Von Hintenburg'
Thank you for publishing this article.
I visited the Wirtschaftsarchiv Baden-Württemberg on May7th and 8th.
For me the (photo)book "Ein Soldatenleben Zwischen zwei Weltkriegen" was very interesting. It contains hundreds (thousands?) of pictures, and quite a few concerned radar-matters (my field of interest).
Unfortunately th book was a copy.
Do you know where the original resides?
'radarshadow' (nicht signierter Beitrag von Radarshadow (Diskussion | Beiträge) 12:11, 16. Mai 2024 (CEST))